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Quicktor ago READ THIS SHIT FOLKS "...Johann Heinrich Heinz, a son of Charlotte Louisa Trump, who became the father of Henry J. Heinz, the founder of the Heinz company." ...hmmm....what's that funny joke from 'Pulp Fiction'? Keepin' it in the family... Curious...even the CIA posted this the day before the election...Bezos/Spielberg/Blah Blah Blah

Oh you know...Skull and Cross Bones...married to the witch who inherited the Heinz fortune after her old man got knocked off...remember? Genuine South African Occultist Witch...but Trump went with the Kosher Konnection... One of my favorites witches quotes... "Ladies you have to be strong and independent. And remember: don't get mad, get everything."

Crypto Jewess Ivanka marries Jared "Don't Call Me Jerry" Kushner and before you know it...Oy to the mother fuckin' Vey...Zionist Scum

"It's a big Klub....and YOU AIN'T KOSHER!!!"

with the Great Spirit WE RIDE!!!

p.s. everyone needs to watch the 1990 film "The Witches" and seriously reconsider the premises of reality...I'll leave it there...