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auralsects ago

if youre really swayed that easily, you never had any business being a mod, faggot.

bragging to hojuruku that he runs the legion Donkey alts

nice kike wordsmithing. I "run" the "legion" of alts to mean I AM a poster who specifically kept his alts recognizable.

ES commented, quoting PuppetShow. Puppet replied, razzing ES for kissing kev's ass. Then aural replied to puppet's reply to ES, saying in the first person "when have I ever "buddied up" to anybody LMAO." He forgot to switch accounts. Probably replying from his inbox.

This is exactly what srayzie does -- congrats, youre equal to a retarded woman. He literally said MY name and scribed a behavior to ME, to a third party. If I come and correct him without being directly addressed it doesn't imply we are the same. "caught him, move along folks, ignore what he says about jews, please, I need this job to support my meth habit"

Spammed comments with fake Q leaks, and attacked every thread posted about Q with such vitriol that dozens of users left v/pizzagate to post Q material elsewhere. It was a highly effective censorship campaign to suppress discussion and research of the numerous Pizzagate investigative leads Q has offered.

All pure fiction, which is why he provided no links.

Here they are in a thread with another fun guy, VoatisCIA, where they are paying people on 8chan to get evidence for the bullshit claim that I deleted a comment to protect Nassar (evidence Nassar is a Jew) to advance Esoteric Donkey's "kikeshill" narrative.

hojuruku put up a bounty, I fulfilled it by proving Nassar was a kike, and turned down the money. From that he spins THAT yarn, LMAO the desperation is palpable.

They do not contribute serious research,

Except I posted Q's biggest "lead" six months prior. SAD TROMBONE.

If Voat were fair and those with power actually cared about this subverse enough to do the right thing, these characters would be banned from this sub, and from Voat itself.

LOL HE THINKS I SHOULD BE BANNED FROM THE ENTIRE SITE tell me that doesn't reek of desperation. and @esotericSHADE who dindu nuffin and used to fight with me for hours. @hojuruku look at this fucking queen!

srayzie ago

Next time you talk shit about me, don’t be a coward and ping me.

Why don’t you tell your friend who says I’m a tranny or a man and don’t have a son that I’m a woman since you’re so obsessed with that fact? He is saying all that so he doesn’t look like a sick pervert who would pay to have my son raped.

You should be ashamed of yourself hanging around someone like him. It makes you look even worse and I didn’t think that was even possible.

What happened to you leaving? Why is your ass still here? Tell your friend how you’ve admitted on several occasions that you are part Jew. How you said more American women should be raped and how it’s ok to fuck a girl once she barely hits puberty.

auralsects ago

all unmarried childless white women should be put in a dungeon and raped until birthing 3 kids each. i'd give them six months to get married to avoid this method of necessary replenishment of our gene pool. this can start at the age of puberty, since educating women beyond basic arithmetic serves no purpose to society and is in fact counterproductive.

srayzie ago

all unmarried childless white women should be put in a dungeon and raped until birthing 3 kids each.

this can start at the age of puberty

This sick ass should be banned. This is disgusting!

Opinions? If so, please let me have the honor of doing it.

@Vindicator @Think-