adaya ago

I like a good pep rally!!! Helps the patience race. Lately I've been talking myself out of a fast acting government with: "look how great fast action worked for Honduras. Not quite a decade after coup, 1500 marching to another country hoping the virtue signaling hippie knows how to find the hole in the fence." In other words, I'm ok with moral boosts. It's gonna be a minute until all can be accomplished legally and with finality. Thanks for boost! nice break from internal lecture/cautionary tale 😊

angelafogo ago

That creed does not belong to serious research. The ability to discern what is casuality or coincidence with what is pure evidence is what distinguishes a true investigator from a shill or a straight paranoid idiot.

13Buddha ago

I say to you, be damned. No research was done, so report me to the mods if you will. My past speaks for itself. You accuse without knowledge, and more importantly, without wisdom.

Vindicator ago

This is a little corny, 13Buddha, but it's energizing for those who like to meme war. :-) Have an upgoat!

13Buddha ago

Yes, @Vindicator, it is a "little corny." Guess I was energized out of a funk this morning when I saw the 2 videos.

Vindicator ago


Mammy ago

Alas and alack, Anons. "We shall not be divided" should be OUR creed.

Venusvandam ago

I always thought Q was missing an 'I' from his name.

13Buddha ago

I am LMAO at many of these "I know you are but what am I" gradeschool comments. Thanks for the entertainment.

ESOTERICshade ago

Alright dude have a good day

Same to you bro. I have measure of respect for you.

ESOTERICshade ago

Except that I am not on either side.

There is no SIDE. If pizzagate is to remain legit, it has to deal in facts.

ESOTERICshade ago

Don't waste your time pinging me on this subject. I am not going to agree with you now and I won't agree with you when I am no longer in the sidebar.

Live and learn I guess. If I had known that you were a Q Tuber I never would have supported you.

ESOTERICshade ago

You can thank @vindicator for turning this sub into a fucking joke.

ThePuppetShow ago

I'm pretty certain that @Vindicator would rather it be the Jews than the Catholic Church. In reality it's probably some of both, but all of none. That's why people say something when they see the blanket blaming of a whole race/culture. That's why I do anyways.

ESOTERICshade ago

I'm pretty certain that @Vindicator would rather it be the Jews than the Catholic Church. In reality it's probably some of both,

It is BOTH and they are the same, at the TOP

bb22 ago

If you spent as much time actually following what Q is doing as you do bitching like a soft pussy maybe you wouldn’t be half as retarded as you are, you fucking kike.

ESOTERICshade ago

If you spent as much time actually following what Q is doing as you do bitching like a soft pussy maybe you wouldn’t be half as retarded as you are, you fucking kike.

There is a distinct difference between helping children and fantasy conspiracy. You are in the wrong sub.

bb22 ago

So tell me how Q broke the idea of Loretta Lynch being offered a Supreme Court seat several weeks before Trump tweeted it. Where did that story come from you fucking retard?

ESOTERICshade ago

So tell me how Q broke the idea of Loretta Lynch being offered a Supreme Court seat several weeks before Trump tweeted it. Where did that story come from you fucking retard?

take it to v/politics

bb22 ago

How about you stfu and stop bitching for several posts in a row if you’re too fucking retarded to have a real answer. Seriously, you are amazingly retarded, and too pussy to answer a straight question on top of that. KYS

ESOTERICshade ago

How about you stfu and stop bitching for several posts in a row if you’re too fucking retarded to have a real answer. Seriously, you are amazingly retarded, and too pussy to answer a straight question on top of that. KYS

22 year old 4chan retard, you do not merit my response.

bb22 ago

I’m not in my twenties anymore, but you will be a retard for the rest of your life.

twistedmac11 ago

The irony of that entire fucking statement is that you're the dumbass for following Q.

bb22 ago

Says the guy who obviously doesn’t even read Q’s posts. He says shit all the time that Trump follows up on in tweets. Get your head out of your Jewish ass.

twistedmac11 ago

He says shit all the time that Trump follows up on in tweets.

Do you need me to slow this down for you? Q. Is. A. Psyop. Run. By. Trump. No shit he would verify his own psyop. Do you think? Ever? Or do you just run your mouth?

bb22 ago

What’s the point of a psyop drawing attention to human trafficking connections nobody even knew about before? Are you this retarded in all areas of life?

twistedmac11 ago

Do you even know how a psyop works? I don't have the patience to dumb this down for you. Go play with the other kids and let the adults talk.

bb22 ago

Sorry I didn’t realize I was talking to a master of psy ops here. Psy ops that don’t even make fucking sense. Go beat your dick somewhere faggot.

twistedmac11 ago

Uh huh. Once you've been doing this long enough, you'll get it. Im not the person to teach it to you.

bb22 ago

Puff up your own ego some more you retard level faggot. People with overblown egos who just talk about themselves are always retarded.

twistedmac11 ago

Is that supposed to make any kind of logical sense? Because it doesn't.

bb22 ago

Says the egotistical retard.

twistedmac11 ago

Wow, what a comeback. You sure told me.

twistedmac11 ago

Take your Q bullshit somewhere else. What was the point of this post? You've provided nothing of any merit, just a short paragraph on the supposed momentum Q has caused. Do you have something intelligent to add, or was that it?

bb22 ago

You’re a stupid faggot. I’m going to laugh at all of you dumb fucks when Trump openly confirms that Q has been legit the whole time and you kike shills can’t deny it anymore.

twistedmac11 ago

When TRUMP confirms Q? Of course he will, IT'S HIS PSYOP, you dumb fuck. Trump is running the show!

bb22 ago

Oh look, it’s one of these Uber level retards who thinks the entire world government establishment all hates Trump just as a massive LARP, and probably that Bush and Obama were saints. No one is this fucking stupid unless they’re a foreskin eating shill.

twistedmac11 ago

Um, no. Try again. I think objectively, and I know that no outsider is allowed in the White House. I know how this game works. All of a sudden, a massive child-raping conspiracy drops, and BOOM there's Trump, ready to be our savior? Please. This shit was planned out to a tee. You obviously don't know who we're up against here.

bb22 ago

You have to try harder than to blackpill me, retard. “Trump is drawing attention to, exposing and arresting child traffickers because he’s obviously a plant” is the most retard level argument I have ever heard in my life.

twistedmac11 ago

He's exposing what he wants to expose. Half-truths are no better than lies, but you slurp them up hook, line, and sinker.

SchlongKeyhote ago

LOL has there ever been a bigger kikeshill than Trump?

bb22 ago

Say hello to your foreskin eating JIDF buddies for me. You’re all going to be nuked.

ESOTERICshade ago

Take your Q bullshit somewhere else. What was the point of this post? You've provided nothing of any merit, just a short paragraph on the supposed momentum Q has caused. Do you have something intelligent to add, or was that it?

I totally quit this sub because of these stupid Q fuckers. Thank you for speaking up. These Q people make a mockery of everything we try to do. I'm so fucking sick of this Q bullshit. I like truth and accuracy in my soup. I have read a thousand books these dumb ass Q people know nothing about.

bb22 ago

Good, quit life too while you’re at it you dumb fuck.

ESOTERICshade ago

Good, quit life too while you’re at it you dumb fuck.

You Israeli Mossad fuckers were never funny and you and still not funny.

pby1000 ago

I posted about CDAN and Macaulay Culkin. Is that worth looking into?

Most of the Q people do not have the esoteric knowledge to really understand what is going on. Perhaps they will get it eventually.

ESOTERICshade ago

I posted about CDAN and Macaulay Culkin. Is that worth looking into?

I do not know.

Most of the Q people do not have the esoteric knowledge to really understand what is going on. Perhaps they will get it eventually.

You got that right. These Q people have not read the hundreds of books that me and you have read. The Q is a virus and it needs to be killed.

pby1000 ago

Yeah, it took me a long time to get it. I don't see the Q stuff going away anytime soon, so maybe the mods here can tell people to post Q stuff in v/GreatAwakening. That is why Srayzie created it. I believe she is a new pizzagate mod now, so she will probably see this eventually.

SchlongKeyhote ago

further esoteric research is redundant. we all know it's jews and kabbalah + cabala + qabala. perhaps Saturn death cult could be useful explanatory context. removing jews is the priority of mankind and Q hasn't even Named them and obviously never will.

pby1000 ago

Sure! I don't disagree with you on that, but I always wonder if I am at the bottom of the rabbit hole or close. I never really feel like I am there. Like I said, though, I have not been researching this as long as others have.

So, let me ask you this. Is the very, very top of the pyramid the Black Pope?

ESOTERICshade ago


pby1000 ago

That is what I thought...

SchlongKeyhote ago

idk anything about the black pope. but it is confirmed that jewish kabbalist subversion of the church goes back to the middle ages. one such crypto-jewish convert is even the national poet of Poland, one of the most anti-Semitic and strongest catholic countries.

Mickiewicz defended the Frankist idea that the true religion – that of Christ – is hidden by Catholicism and the Church. According to him: “We are not dealing with reforms, innovations, or religious revolutions, but we expect a new manifestation of the Christian spirit. The butterfly which, at the rising of a spring sun, elevates under the sky, is not a chrysalis reformed, bygone, or innovated; it is always the same being, but raised to a second power of life; it is a transfigured chrysalis. The Christian spirit is ready to exit the Catholic Church: but the official clergy does not have enough light and heat to hatch it … “[xxviii]

i don't think the Kaaba has anything to do with it beyond its shape maybe being a remnant of old lore, since Abraham is who built it. with a jew controlled media and conspiracy community you mostly get disinfo regarding islam, for example Pike's WWIII letter that has no authentication whatsoever.

pby1000 ago

I read that the Catholics/Jesuits created Islam as a way to control the unruly tribes on the Arab Peninsula.

Wow! Sounds like he is describing the hatching of Lucifer. I did a quick search and came up with this.

Iraqi show portrays ISIS leader as spawn of Satan and Jewish woman,7340,L-4571042,00.html

ESOTERICshade ago

Yeah, it took me a long time to get it. I don't see the Q stuff going away anytime soon, so maybe the mods here can tell people to post Q stuff in v/GreatAwakening. That is why Srayzie created it. I believe she is a new pizzagate mod now, so she will probably see this eventually.

I consider @srayzie as a friend of mine. We just need a cut between fantasy and fiction. If we dont get that cut, we will lose pizzagate. Its that simple and it is no more complicated than that. This is real simple.


pby1000 ago

I agree. The solution is really simple here. It just needs to be implemented. I don't think that people will mind. Besides, there needs to be more people posting and researching in v/GreatAwakening.

twistedmac11 ago

I feel you. It's pretty depressing once you realize how few people actually utilize their ability to think. I've had my fair share of moments where I've felt like giving up on this sub, which is exactly how they want it. Voat is no longer a threat if you know that everyone on there is incapable of real thought.

But yet I keep showing up, and hoping....for some reason.

ESOTERICshade ago

I feel you. It's pretty depressing once you realize how few people actually utilize their ability to think. I've had my fair share of moments where I've felt like giving up on this sub, which is exactly how they want it. Voat is no longer a threat if you know that everyone on there is incapable of real thought.

But yet I keep showing up, and hoping....for some reason.

It is obvious that @vindicator wants to turn this sub into a jew loving Q zone. I am beyond spending my time attempting to defend against it. I appreciate your attempts to defend against it.

bb22 ago

I actually think you’re a Jew, and if you’ve read as much as you claim then you must have to work extra hard to be this fucking retarded.

ESOTERICshade ago

I actually think you’re a Jew, and if you’ve read as much as you claim then you must have to work extra hard to be this fucking retarded.

Mother fucker, I could give you a whole list of books to read that are easy to get on You would obviously be too stupid.

bb22 ago

Bragging about how many books you’ve read without even knowing who you’re talking to is retard tier. Brag more about muh books you dumb nigger. Or better yet why don’t you actually make a legitimate argument instead of “muh books” lmmfao

WalnutSauceGoat ago

Just a reminder that almost every book you can't find on can be found on Library Genesis .

ESOTERICshade ago

Just a reminder that almost every book you can't find on can be found on Library Genesis .

I never knew that. Thank you.

WalnutSauceGoat ago

You're welcome, and please stick around.

ESOTERICshade ago


Matt_Helm ago

Drop Dead Asshole. Q is Real but you are too stupid to realize it. Go someplace else you are not wanted around here.

ESOTERICshade ago

Drop Dead Asshole. Q is Real but you are too stupid to realize it. Go someplace else you are not wanted around here.

@vindicator alt. Tell us again how the "jews" were in Palestine first.

sunajAeon ago

The Biblical Jews were exterminated by the 1st cent AD, northen 9 tribes were vanquished in 7th cent BC, Judaens with benjamites and levites were ANIHILATED by Romans-killing over a million in the battle, and 500,000 remaining pows were fed to lions/forced to fight in the arena, sold into slavery, etc. Todays "Jews" (a modern term last 200 years-12 Tribes would have KILLED anyone who lumped the 12 tribes all together) are PROSELYTES, Ashkenazim/Sephardic/Europeans

Vindicator ago

Unlike you, Esoteric, I have no alts.

ESOTERICshade ago

Unlike you, Esoteric, I have no alts.

I have no cares for this sub anymore. You helped me get there. Thanx. I just watch you stupid Q fuckrs do your thing. I completely cut myself off from it all.

Amelia_Earnhardt_Jr ago

Then stop posting here you whiny old cunt, take your bitching and crying somewhere else.

ESOTERICshade ago

Then stop posting here you whiny old cunt, take your bitching and crying somewhere else.

There is a distinct difference between helping children and fantasy conspiracy. You are in the wrong sub.

Amelia_Earnhardt_Jr ago

And you're an old weak faggot who cries on the internet when others have differing perspectives.

You said above you "quit this sub" so find somewhere else to die, "old timer."

ESOTERICshade ago

And you're an old weak faggot who cries on the internet when others have differing perspectives.

You said above you "quit this sub" so find somewhere else to die, "old timer."

One day I got stabbed in the chest. I almost died from blood loss. I simply passed out. It was peaceful. I like that. I will probably bleed myself out before I go to a nursing home and die with somebody wiping my butt. There is also a shotgun to the head but its messy. Have not made up my mind yet but both options are available.

bb22 ago

Old timer? Probably too old for your own good you dumbass. When did you learn to use the internet geezer?

pby1000 ago

Yeah, the Q stuff should probably go to v/GreatAwakening. It is counterproductive to piss off people here.

YogSoggoth ago

Try not to engage the fake jew shills.

pby1000 ago


ESOTERICshade ago

Yeah, the Q stuff should probably go to v/GreatAwakening.

Absolutely. I see pizzagate as a pure subject and I do not want it to be contaminated with conspiracy bullshit. Let the Q_bers play in their own playpen but they are not Pizzagaters.

pby1000 ago

LOL. Maybe we can make this really interesting and start placing bets about how all of this will play out.

I think we were all lied to about why people originally came to America from Europe. We were told it was because they sought religious freedom. I now think it happened because people were fleeing the Satanists/Luciferians of Europe.

ESOTERICshade ago

We could hijack the Q Tard army, and send it against the banks. It is possible.?

pby1000 ago

Well, I keep pushing them in that direction... I think between the Satanism/Pedophilia, banking system, U.S. Corporation, Federal Reserve, and the stealing of taxes, we can find a way to win this. We have to.

ESOTERICshade ago

Well, I keep pushing them in that direction... I think between the Satanism/Pedophilia, banking system, U.S. Corporation, Federal Reserve, and the stealing of taxes, we can find a way to win this. We have to.

You are one of the most genuine and in the know people I know. Keep pushing bro

pby1000 ago

Thank you!

ESOTERICshade ago

I now think it happened because people were fleeing the Satanists/Luciferians of Europe.

I think you are correct. The banking system is the enemy. These other Q tards are swinging at the branches of a tree, instead of striking at the root. Banking is the tree. To kill a tree, we have hit the root. All this politics is just swinging at the branches of a big tree.

ThePuppetShow ago

Let the Q_bers play in their own playpen but they are not Pizzagaters.

Really? Most of us were pizzagaters before you were here. Who gave you the fucking power to make a bullshit claim like this?

ESOTERICshade ago

Really? Most of us were pizzagaters before you were here. Who gave you the fucking power to make a bullshit claim like this?

I was smart enough to do that on my own.

ThePuppetShow ago

Has anyone pointed out that you are just like Donkeyhote, minus the caps lock and "kike jew" coming out every other word. Your narcissism screams donkeyhote.

ESOTERICshade ago

When the donkey is more accurate than YOU ARE, you should probably take notice of THAT FACT.

ThePuppetShow ago

ESOTERICshade ago

@srayzie @blacksmith21 @Vindicator Just a heads up. ^

oh my god, how horrible. while you live in fantasy, i may go to Alaska help a real Voater. a REAL voater. you are a joke. but thanks for the laugh.

Blacksmith21 ago

Don't let the door hit you in the ass.

ESOTERICshade ago

Don't let the door hit you in the ass.

Q ber shames me. I am so ashamed.

ThePuppetShow ago

Here.. let me make it even better DonQuixote.

Gothamgirl ago

The beginning of the 1st video is a reference to Tron 1984, and if you don't know what thats about you should watch Kevin Flynn on youtube.

YogSoggoth ago

Ohh ... I know that one because I was up north when I was young. Trons are what Yankees call Niggers because they all look the same and act like robots. That was right after the actual dance moves started to regain popularity from Micheal Jackson. Never did watch the movie because it looked like an Odyssey video game. Sorry if I offended anyone. That is recent history, as I still see it.

Gothamgirl ago

Tron the movie actually predicts todays events and could also be a reference to his work:

In this situation I don't think it has anything to do with racism. I grew up in NYC. I have never heard that one before.

ThePuppetShow ago

Ageed. I know there's a few people in this sub that say Q is a distraction, but Q has completely energized the investigation of the "elite" and pizzagate. Q has even given leads to pizzagate, which has been pretty stagnent for a bit. I rarely come over here anymore because of the drama.

SchlongKeyhote ago

yeah if theres one thing unbecoming to rational adults it's drama.


pby1000 ago

[FILM SCORE CHOIR TRACK] = Schindler's List.

SchlongKeyhote ago

lol I hated that movie. not nearly enough dead kikes

NoBS ago

If I was the CIA and the responsible party to keep a lid on this, then Blackmail and Extortion is my greatest tool.

They go after our children's children. The Deep State does not fuck around, they get results at any cost.

ThePuppetShow ago

Donkey, I thought you left. I see the Catholic League hasn't cut their shill funding. Or is it Share Blue? You know the CTR employee list leaked, right?

Lordbananafist ago

Motherfucker that isn't me

I am the donkey. I will always be the donkey.

ThePuppetShow ago

Care to elaborate?

Lordbananafist ago

if you guys can't come up with new insults daily, you got a fucking problem

AND your narrative is fake. you dumb and you fake. is that elaborate enough?

ThePuppetShow ago

You aren't donkey, so yes.

Lordbananafist ago


ThePuppetShow ago

You spelled monkey wrong.

SchlongKeyhote ago

actually I came back when I noticed Q posting shit I already had posted half a year prior. which makes him a limited hangout and me decidedly not a shill.


ThePuppetShow ago

Of course.. You always did claim that you posted everything first and then post a bunch of links to irrelevant bullshit. Why would anything have changed?

DonQuixote. Catholic League. Shill.

SchlongKeyhote ago

is that a fact. pretty sure it's as simple as providing a link to a post of mine saying the same thing and dated half a year prior.

derram ago :

Q ANON CREED(Solentgreenis version) - YouTube

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