DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Bitch is a loser.

Joe10jo ago

Okay probably nothing but I can’t help but think about the “Racine” connection because Kenosha’s a hop, skip, and a jump away, as in day 10 miles or so. I mean, all the way from CA to Kenosha, WI of all places to do a drug deal. Hello “Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt” wherever you are.

waxdino ago

Where does it say they had sex?

migratorypatterns ago

Anthony Kiedis has confessed he once spent the night with Cher. The Red Hot Chili Peppers frontman revealed how, as a teenager, he spied on the singer as she stripped for bed, when she was babysitting him. He revealed in his autobiography Scar Tissue "I was in bed and Cher got up to go to the bathroom and get ready for bed. I watched her take off her clothes. There was a woman's naked body. I remember thinking, 'This is not bad, lying next to this beautiful lady.'" The singer - who lost his virginity to his dad's girlfriend at the tender age of 12 - also admitted he used Sonny Bono's address to get into the school with the best looking girls. The heartthrob star says Cher's former husband gave him permission to use the fake address after he had set his heart on the Los Angeles school. He said: "Everywhere I looked there were these hot little 13-year-olds.

I said, 'Whatever it takes, I want to go here.' Sonny was fine with the deception so I enrolled."

Meanwhile, Anthony says his dad introduced him to drugs at the age of four.

He revealed: "We were walking down Sunset Strip, and he gently blew some pot smoke into my face."

Read more:

Joe10jo ago

Guys I have a picture to add to my post. How do I do it? Been on Voat over a year and still haven’t gotten this part figured out lol

migratorypatterns ago

Just save it on Imgur, copy the link, then paste the link in the post.

Joe10jo ago

Wonder if she changed his sock afterward, 😂

migratorypatterns ago

More like diaper ... sick bitch.

new4now ago

39 yr old Cher babysitting?

There has to be more to this

Each summer, he would visit his father in Hollywood for two weeks, a time during which the two would bond. He idolized his father, and recalled, "Those trips to California were the happiest, most carefree, the-world-is-a-beautiful-oyster times I'd ever experienced."[5] In 1974, when Kiedis was twelve years old, he moved to Hollywood to live with his father full-time.[6] His father was a struggling actor who sold drugs, which had a significant impact on Kiedis, as the two would often use marijuana and cocaine together

Cher and Sonny had marital problems since late 1972, but appearances were maintained until 1974

In February 1974, Sonny filed for a separation, citing "irreconcilable differences

Their divorce was finalized on June 26, 1975

During the divorce proceedings, Cher had a two-year romantic relationship with record executive David Geffen, who freed her from her business arrangement with Sonny, under which she was required to work exclusively for Cher Enterprises, the company he ran

On June 30, 1975, four days after finalizing her divorce from Sonny, Cher married rock musician Gregg Allman, co-founder of The Allman Brothers Band.[81] She filed for divorce nine days later because of his heroin and liquor problems, but they reconciled within a month

They had one son, Elijah Blue, on July 10, 1976.[83] Sonny and Cher's TV reunion, The Sonny and Cher Show, debuted on CBS in February 1976—the first show ever to star a divorced couple

Anthony Kiedis was born on Nov 1, 1962

he would have been 13 in 75-76

If true, this had to been when he just turned 13 and she was in first trimester or after Elijah Blue was born


migratorypatterns ago

There's a lot more. Here are the two posts I did on Cher/Geffen. She got on my radar so I did a dumpster dive.

As for:

39 yr old Cher babysitting?

There has to be more to this

Clearly there was. Part of it was the old man was totally into pizzagate as proven by the other link I posted in this thread. Here's my quote and link:

Look at this shit! His father turned him onto drugs and let him have sex with his girlfriend when his kid was TWELVE?!!!!

As for the pregnancy, don't know what was going on there. It's a disgusting thought but given the above link about Kiedis and his dad, I'm pretty sure he was in that Cannibal Elite ring. Doesn't make any sense that he'd not only let his twelve-year-old sleep with his eighteen-year-old girlfriend, but that he'd arrange it! I mean, that girl must have been into screwing minors also.

Yeah, this whole thing is just scummy ... like Cher. And people think she's an icon. Somebody that crawls into bed with a thirteen-year-old!

new4now ago

had this hanging, was going to make a post, but keep getting sidetracked

tells story on Geffen and how Pierce changed his tune, also a link as to the guy they hired, deposition

after reading you realize they left in a hurry for good reason

as for Gabrielle Giffords, forgot where I read it, but she wasn't the target, the hit was on Federal Justice John Roll,

as for Geffen and Cher, I can see what attracted him, she was built like Olive Oil :)

Joe10jo ago

Wow! First I’ve heard about the Gifford shooting. Thanks for posting!

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, she was built like a boy. And this was back in the day when he didn't want people to know he was gay ... well, he didn't want the public to know. I'm sure a lot of people within the cabal knew.

new4now ago

when you have time, read the article and deposition, a lot of good stuff and back peddling

migratorypatterns ago

I definitely will.

Thanks so much for taking the time to find and share.

new4now ago

knowledge is so important in so many things

wish I could help more, I like looking stuff up, weird right? lol

migratorypatterns ago

Hope not!

I love to dumpster dive, too.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago


Truthseeker3000 ago

Wonder what the real story is with Chaz Bono her adopted daughter now son and growing up what really happened to her. Kim kardashian was recently posting pics of Cher and how she thought she was so inspiring and did her long black witches hair just like Cher’s. These people are so fcking degenerate.

migratorypatterns ago

I hope it comes out. It's what I attempted to hint at in connecting Cher with Geffen. They were ''dating'' when Chastity was three. That seems to be the magic age when these kids are messed up for life. Then there's Chastity being buddies with Jennifer Anniston -- a stupid bitch if I've ever seen one. Poor kid. Wonder what her dad knew. Wonder if that's why he went into politics and if it got him killed.

pizzagatecharlotte ago

Then there's the name Chastity!

migratorypatterns ago

I know ... why that name?

Just bizarre.

Diggernicks ago

Pics or it didnt happen.

Micheal84 ago

That would be CP ;-)

migratorypatterns ago

Look at this shit! His father turned him onto drugs and let him have sex with his girlfriend when his kid was TWELVE?!!!!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

This is normal jewish culture.

SweetChicken ago

This is true. Revelations is very clear about their unmasking. They are the synagogue of Satan.

Syndicalism ago

RHCP's album 'The Getaway' is 100% about pizzagate topics. From start to finish. Even the cover art. Its dark. But the music is great.

Mike-Hunt ago

The song lyrics and video for 'Californication' is pretty much a warning light, too.

Blacksmith21 ago

Blood Sugar Sex Magik. Enough said....

migratorypatterns ago

Yup, all smells like Teen Spirit Cooking ...

CheeseboogersGhost ago

(((RHCP))) are the worst band of all time behind (((Nickleback))). RHCP are low level talent shit that was pushed on the public by the (((music biz))). ibba dibba stupid shit

Syndicalism ago

Cool story. I'll listen to what I want and you listen to the voices in your head. Mmmkay?

Blacksmith21 ago

Pay no attention to Boogereater. He listens to the Smiths solely. What would expect from it?

Syndicalism ago

Im not infalliable to trolling. But this account is rather pathetic and too low brow to snare me. Had to latch onto a name with a slight significance to even play ball. Unoriginal is not a characteristic of those worth paying attention to.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I'm not surprised you like them.

migratorypatterns ago

The problem is that the group was/is talented. No doubt, but they're all fucked up in the head. Just added this link. Tells of Kiedis' dad turning him onto drugs and letting his eighteen-year-old girlfriend have sex with him when he was TWELVE!!!

GD_Ridefort ago

Besides the song "Breaking the Girl" on Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magic... I will also point out Cher's connection to Witches of Eastwick, co-starring Susan Sarandon.

As @Asolo would tell us, Sarandon is famous for Rocky Horror Picture Show, which is apparently all about SRA...

ASolo ago

I like the direction you're going with the chili peppers, cher, GEFFEN connection here. Lil miss Susan did drink cia asset Timothy learys ashes at burning man.

GD_Ridefort ago

Careful, maybe when Geffen comes into it, that's touching the third rail?

migratorypatterns ago

Hey, thanks for this.

I forgot she was in that movie. Good memory! Didn't know Rocky Horror was about SRA.

GD_Ridefort ago

He speculates in-depth about the SRA connection here:

migratorypatterns ago

Oh, awesome!

UppaVoat for that.

GD_Ridefort ago

Also in the Witches of Eastwick photo...

Notice Cher and the other actresses clutching at pieces of a broken baby doll

migratorypatterns ago

So freakin' disturbing. t

Michelle Pfeiffer was allegedly sleeping with anything that moved including every single one of her leading men. There's a successful MK Ultra Sex Kitten programming graduate.

ZetaReticulan ago

Didn't they hint at this in the scene of "stuck together" where she's in bed with Frankie whoever (Malcolm in the middle)?

migratorypatterns ago

Don't believe I've seen that.

ZetaReticulan ago

Stuck on you.cant find a clip on youtube

migratorypatterns ago


CheeseboogersGhost ago

These jews are degenerates. Pedophilia is their culture.

truthdemon ago

Coirrection.. Real jews are the blacks..whose minds are controlled directly by the thieves of their covenant ..the synagogue of satan...hunns

CheeseboogersGhost ago

You think niggers are gods chosen?? oh my. I think its clear based on history that whites are the cream of the crop.

truthdemon ago

Chosen to be trustees of the blood covenent are the true tribe of judah.. The khazarian central asian counterfiets found a loophole in the covenant ..and are operating the trusteeship inside a war game of debt .. Till the tribe of judah as predicted reduce the debt at the treasury ..they are considered civilitus mortuus ..civily dead of their status inside the war..we all are ..and have the remedy to reduce the debt ...uncan do it now with one dollar ..but only the 144000 will reduce it move away from hell..which legally means a state of debt ..this is the rapture .. Only they will have the balls .to reduce debt.. They will turn the roman war corporation around and run itt from runs the blood covenant from the Temple ..the temple bar inns of court ...with the theives in the temple.. Middle temple runs the US corporation.. It will be taken over with just one dollar.. Pay unto Ceasar what is Ceasarz ..and to God what is Gods..

avgwhtguy1 ago

way to go little Tony

migratorypatterns ago

Pretty much this is the attitude.

Then you end up with a fucked up, drugged out nutcase and wonder where they came from.

To all that are clueless: "DRUG ADDICTS AND FUCKED UP PEOPLE ARE MADE!" No, they're not BORN THAT WAY.

YogSoggoth ago

Going with that thought pattern, could you help Putt get a search bar on top for common names that come up in VOAT research? Squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Marked2476 ago

Does anyone by chance happen to have the specific excerpt from the book? I really dont want to buy it, or bother having to read the whole thing (lol)!

migratorypatterns ago

The book is called Scar Tissue.

derram ago :

LIZ ThesePeopleRSick on Twitter: "Anthony Kiedis allegedly admitted to having sex with Cher when he was 13, she's 26 years older than him! #QAnon #Pizzagate #Pedogate…" :

LIZ ThesePeopleRSick on Twitter: "Here's an excerpt about it. Anthony wrote about it in his book. These people are sick! #QAnon… " :

Paul Lewis on Twitter: "#qanon #TheGreatAwakening #maga Figured out why she’s so loud. It’s the loudest ones who have the most to hide…"

This has been an automated message.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago -

Podge512 ago

Are there any among the court jesters who aren't complete fucking degenerates?

migratorypatterns ago

Evidently, not.

They're all SCUM!!!! What a POS she is! Pretending to be what she's not and offering her daughter to the soul-less beings who want to play psychological games and create a screwed up version of what started out perfect. It's sort of in their image, isn't it?

I can't WAIT until the big names start going to jail! It'll throw the fear of God into these ignoble creatures.

VoatisCIA ago

Cher is a satanist!! This and the fact she murdered Sonny Bono will come out! Fuck Anthony Kedis!! Red hot chili band member killed River Phoenix @ the Jonny depp 'viper room '

Remember Anons..........?

migratorypatterns ago

Hope it all comes out.

Fuck these people for thinking they can get away with this shit!

Marked2476 ago

And if any of that is true, then it's no wonder why her daughter wanted to become a man (no offense to anyone)... any girl who was raised in an environment where they were offered up for sex will react in some extreme ways, whether that be identity disorders, or complete psychopathic breaks (becoming one of them -allison mack, Rachel Chandler, etc)... cher is a hypocrite and I have believed that for a very long time... plus, her fucking tweets make no God damn sense! (Sorry, soapbox)

YogSoggoth ago

Makes me think of the lyrics in Gypsies Tramps and Thieves, and the relationship with Warren Betty.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks for your remarks. You're 100% right on the money.

UppaVoat for you.

argosciv ago

LOL! You share tweets from Liz Crokin and TheRealMrSazonn... a hysteria pusher and antisemite respectively.

Here I was thinking you were starting to understand the bigger picture after NXIVM broke... I wholeheartedly regret ever pinging you to any of my work in regards to that and anything else.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

jew detected. If you don't see the jewish pattern in pizzagate/pedophilia then either you are stupid or jewish and covering it up

fuckmyreddit ago

@CheeseboogersGhost Seeing the Jewish pattern is NOT the same as seeing all Jews as childfuckers or seeing all childfuckers as Jews. Your illogical premise is going to allow a lot of royals off the hook. And where does Huma Abedin fall into your equation?

I prefer to think of it as: Jews are more likely to be "out there" in the public view because they choose professions that run in the tribe, such as Hollyweird and the law, while the bigwig gentiles hide behind those Jews. The Jews are used as shields.

I'm not saying that most Jews aren't fucked up, because they truly are. I can even say that it looks like pedophilia might be encoded into the Jewish gene. This idea should be considered.

My concern is that you're giving a whole lot of non-Jews a freaking pass when it comes to scrutiny. You're telling people to look more closely at the fucked-up jews, when you should be telling people to look more closely at the fucked-up EVERYBODY.

It's ok to sensationalize "the Jew" if that's what you're trying to do, but Jews don't have childraping Sharia laws upon which their entire country is founded. I'm a Jew and I'm on your side, but what you're doing is like saying that some fathers beat their children, while ignoring the fact that some mothers beat their children.

And, if I ever run across one of these childfuckers, I'll strangle him or her with my own bare hands, Jew or not. I'm a mother. I have superhuman strength when it comes to protecting children. I would kill to save a niglet. I would kill to save a Christian child. I would kill to save an Asian child. I would kill to save almost any child if I were confronted with irrefutable evidence such as walking in on an act of pedophilia. I'm not big and I'm not strong, but that fucker would be toast.

I agree that most Jews are fucked up, but I think everyone knows that. Maybe you should look into the people who are hiding behind the Jewish lawyers.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I'm merely pointing out a pattern that I've seen in a lot of cases. Yes, there are many non-jew pedo's, too. I never denied that or said otherwise.

fuckmyreddit ago

Thank you for this reply @CheeseboogersGhost. And I agree with you that there are a surprising number of J pedos. It makes me sick.

I think I know what your saying with this Jew thing. I don't even like most jews, and I probably know more about them than most. We all knew jews could be clicky and obsessive and inbred, but the pedo aspect is shocking. And Cher DOES act a bit like a J princess, but so does madonna. Kek.

argosciv ago

No, I'm just not a fuckin twit who blames the worlds woes on "Jews"

Called several out and have spent plenty of time looking at their origins to figure out who started this shit. Nice try, though, fuckwit.

YogSoggoth ago

I am actually part Khazarian, and I think you are all a bunch of fake "jews" on the payroll because of your comments. You know ole Mr. Trump is going to shut you down. Even we don't like fake "Jews." Yiddish curse words detracted.

truthdemon ago

Have u not heard of sabatean frankists

argosciv ago

Have you ever considered looking at things from another perspective in order to understand how lies and trickery work over thousands of years?

Ever wondered why Soros plays both antisemites and blind leftists against each other?

Meh, no point asking you these things, I have a feeling you won't be interested in looking at the situation without your "OMG JEWS!" shades on.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

who blames the world's woes on "Jews", nor the actions of a few, on all.

You deny the jewish pattern. So which is it?? Stupidity or you are jewish?

auralsects ago

Every single poster on this website is a rabid antisemitic, except women like you. So naturally they've made half the mod team female. Why can't you all just fuck off and bake cookies or something.

sunajAeon ago

As soon as a turkey pulls out the phrase 'anti-semite" you are THROUGH this is chicanery, and it only suggests you are hiding corruption and are acting deceitfully-

argosciv ago

Go suck hojuruku's festering junk, fagget.

auralsects ago

why don't you explain the "bigger picture" and how it absolves people from feeling hostile to jews. personally, more than anything I despise jews for turning white women into snarky disrespectful cunts like you.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

You're not worthy of our respect. 😉