Mirelore ago

Amazing info on this. Thank You for this.

migratorypatterns ago

You're very welcome.

Thanks for your support.

sunajAeon ago

Very interesting on Bono, unfortunately the evidence is very sketchy

migratorypatterns ago

These types of alleged murders that are made to look like accidents are that.

You have to rely on forensic evidence/autopsies and usually they have to be interpreted b experts ... and experts lie all the time so ... ??? Yeah, we're screwed unless we happen to be a coroner.

The totality of the evidence is peculiar ... all those accidents befalling diverse people in that short period of time. Again, we'd have to revisit history to find out what each of those victims was working on ... whether they we were working together ... or giving someone trouble ... or just not agreeing with the agenda being pushed.

Thanks for reading and your comments.

Matt_Helm ago

Geffen also paid to have Tom King murdered after King wrote that book about Geffen titled The Operator. King died mysteriously from poison and Geffen hired the hit man to do this job.

millennial_vulcan ago

lmao. Is death by poison ever considered 'mysterious'?! They've been poisoned! SOMEONE ELSE obviously did it. Deliberately!

Matt_Helm ago

I think it was a poison that acted like natural causes of death but those poisons are what hitmen like to use. Tom King was young and healthy there was no reason for him to drop dead naturally the coroner covered up real cause of death if you are Geffen you are smart enough and rich enough to make sure a hired hit is covered up all the way.

Piscina ago

Geffen is one evil man.

migratorypatterns ago

He is.

And it's more reason to question Cher and what role she played. She's still being promoted. Believe she made an appearance on The Voice. Doubtful that the coaches pick these people. Probably the executives decide who gets to be dragged out into the light after they're cleaned up and made presentable. I just keep thinking about Chastity. That poor kid. She was right at that age. Hitting three means it's all over for these kid's psyches. Bye-bye being whole and wonderful. Bye-bye innocence.

ASolo ago

Just keep those upvoats rolling, this thread deserves them all.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks so much.

carmencita ago

Read the reddit report and found it amazing. Makes a lot of sense. I also agree that he had to have been offed. GB is my guess. Btw, the comments are Super Interesting. Someone in comments claims to know Gunderson and knows a lot. I almost always read the comments. DG as well has his hands all over this with Cher. He donated $100M to the UCLA Med. Ctr. which I am sure is working on cutting edge MK Ultra operations and transgender. He has evidently figured out which sex he is and likes.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/DV6yN :

Found: The Elusive Man At The Heart Of The Hollywood Sex Abuse Scandal

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