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Vindicator ago

Hmm. Well, kev, it would have been nice for you to add this "traction" stipulation to the 24 Hour Flair policy discussion thread when we were initially putting that policy in place. To my knowledge, we have never used "traction" or "upvotes" as a reason to leave a rule-breaking post up, ever, either before or after the institution of the 24 Hour Flair. It either breaks the rules or it doesn't; that is our criteria.

In the 24 Hour Edit flair policy discussion we said all rule breaking threads that could be fixed with an edit would get the flair, and that:

➖Cons: Shitposts stay on the board overnight. (Where they can be downvoated soundly, accruing negative SCP and exposing their purveyors to the appreciation of the community. Ahem. Perhaps this is not a negative!). Some threads will get upvoated without getting fixed and will get removed anyway.

I flaired the post for removal under Rule 2 because it lacks supporting links, although one could make a case for Rule 4. Just as we have been doing with all rule-breaking posts, and would have removed today, regardless of votes or comments, if users and OP decided not to edit.

But now you have overruled not just my flair, but our whole flair system, which was working quite well. Why?

Why is Rule 4 outside of the flair policy? Is Rule 2 outside of the policy as well? Do we even have a 24 Hour flair, given what you've done here?

Or, are you saying mods are supposed to be making personal judgement calls about what gets the 24 hour leeway and what doesn't? That approach seems way more prone to attracting cries of censorship than giving everything but Link posts the flair.

@think- @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall @Crensch