21yearsofdigging ago

Oh yes! Finally people are opening their eyes concerning the Dali Lame-a and what is really going on. Excellent post

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks so much.

I appreciate the support.

sore_ass_losers ago

"December 15, 2016 · 10:06 am

Is the 17th Karmapa harboring pedophile monks at KTD in Woodstock, New York?

To date the monks who raped Kalu Rinpoche remain at large. The party responsible for this is the 17th Karmapa. As such the obligation to see said child rapists being brought to account falls to us here. Henceforth let it be known that until said child rapists are brought to account that the 17th Karmapa is harboring pedophile monks at Karma Triyana Dharmachakra, his monastic seat in Woodstock, New York. Unfortunately the 17th Karmapa has to date given us no reason to believe otherwise. Let KTD and its affiliate centers here in the United States of America thus prove to our satisfaction that the 17th Karmapa has done everything in his power to see those monks whom raped Kalu Rinpoche as a child brought to account as such. That Kalu Rinpoche refuses to identify his rapists cannot be the end of this for us. Not in our country. For all we know the 17th Karmapa has sent the monks suspected of raping Kalu Rinpoche to KTD. The monks whom could have raped him are known. Those monks in a position to know the rapist monks are also known. The 17th Karmapa wouldn’t be the first Karmapa to relocate a problem monk abroad. The 16th Karmapa shipped Chogyam Trungpa off to the U.K. after he knocked up a nun. And so on. We know what we must do. We have the means here to do what needs to be done. Let it be done."

(Woodstock NY is 53 miles from Albany, by the way.)


migratorypatterns ago

This is a great find.

Definitely troubling.

sore_ass_losers ago

Wanted to make sure people noticed this, in a comment on the linked Artvoice article:

'PLEASE take a look at the teachings of the “Most Honorable” Tsongkhapa who is the founder and a patriarch of the Gelug sect lineage (The lineage of the Dalai Lamas), below passage from the Extended Treatise on the Progression of the Esoteric Path, Vol. 13 where Tsongkhapa himself uncovers the essence of Lamaism requires sexual practices:

“Someone who ask the teacher for empowerment should make offerings first. A curtain is used as a screen. The disciple understands very well that the teacher is vajrasattva. Wisdom mothers with complete samaya, whose genitals are healthy and who are virgins over the age of 12 etc., are offered to the teacher. Just like the statement in the second chapter of Sutra on Great-Seals: “One should choose females who are most wise, virtuous, with slender eyes, having a wondrous dignified face, and aged from 12 to 16, or 20 if difficult to obtain. Females over 20 are used in other seals (mudra) because it will make all the stages of practice impossible to attain. One’s sisters, daughters, or wife are offered to the teacher.” (Tsongkhapa, Extended Treatise on the Progression of the Esoteric Path, translated into Chinese by dharma-master Fazun, Wondrous Favor Publishing Co., 1986, p.376)'

(I don't understand "translated into Chinese", there is no English version for us to verify?)

migratorypatterns ago

Sick stuff.

They even seem to be rating children. Why not hold a beauty pageant? It's pretty much what Raniere was doing.

sore_ass_losers ago

I had a thought: If you buy that feudal Tibet was hell for serfs you can't say that was then and this is now. According to the Tibetan Buddhists it was this same guy who was in charge. His compassion and perfect ethics should have been in evidence then.

sore_ass_losers ago

I'll just drop this here. Doesn't relate to tantric sex, does relate to Dalai Lama bashing:


"The Dalai Lama’s Wikileaks Shame

Recent Wikileaks releases of US Embassy cables reveal more shameful behaviour by the Dalai Lama.

As has been well documented on this site the Dalai Lama colluded with the CIA to establish an armed resistence to the Chinese presence in Tibet. When this failed the Dalai Lama established a secret Tibetan unit within the Indian Army – the shadowy ‘Establishment 22’.

The cable releases reveal that the Dalai Lama’s secret army received a steady stream of new recruits from the Tibetan Children’s Village Schools. As the cable says: ‘Membership in Establishment 22 was compulsory for Tibetan students graduating from Tibetan Children’s Village (TCV) schools until the late 1980s’. These schools were set up for the destitute children and orphans amongst the Tibetan refugee community with international aid donations.

How ironic that in the lead up to receiving the Nobel peace prize in 1989, the Dalai Lama was forcing orphans under his care into military service in his secret army."

Also conditions in these orphan camps were dire (and the kids would be ripe for abuse!).

migratorypatterns ago

More troubling evidence of what this man is truly like.

Would not be surprised if he were still a CIA asset.

think- ago

Would not be surprised if he were still a CIA asset.

You bet!

migratorypatterns ago

So you agree?

He would be in a perfect position to garner a lot of info ... and influence.

They're always looking for influencers ...

think- ago

So you agree?

Absolutely! Once a spook, always a spook...

migratorypatterns ago

Pretty much.

It's all about Spook Privilege.

Strange, but people get used to acting like gods and doing any damn thing they want and not being subject to arrest.

think- ago

Strange, but people get used to acting like gods

Exactly. That's what Luciferianism & Co. is all about, isn't it? To turn its followers into semi-gods (in their own mind, at least).

It's hilarious that Raniere thought that he, too, was not being subject to arrest......well, at least until recently, LOL.

migratorypatterns ago


But he did have that provision plan, if his godlike superpowers ran out. I posted about him having his slave Clare Bronfman buying up property in Fiji. No extradition, but our wily leader who lives in that Tippy-Top place put a stop to that and Raniere was forced to go to Mexico. BOOYAH!!!

You know what's really horrendous and probably deserves its own post? That the human experiment conductor had Mexican gang video that showed four women being decapitated. Now where do you suppose Rainiere & Co. got their hands on video taken by a Mexican drug cartel? Seems a pretty incestuous relationship to be that close to drug dealer.

think- ago

That the human experiment conductor had Mexican gang video that showed four women being decapitated.

What?! Somehow I missed that. Do you have a link for this?

Seems a pretty incestuous relationship to be that close to drug dealer.

Yes, absolutely. Certainly a rabbit hole worthwhile to be looked into.

I wonder what the search in Salzman's house brought to light....

think- ago

I read it...

What stood out to me was that they seemed to use these 'experiment' as a kind of screening to decide which women would be able to enter DOS.

They choose those who didn't react sensitively.

Makes you think...

Also, I doubt that you can be President of Mexico without having contacts to the Cartels there....

Plus, I remembered that there were all these incredibly high numbers of dead (and previously raped) women in some parts of the country.

So NXIUM might have ties to these perps?

migratorypatterns ago

So NXIUM might have ties to these perps?

It's what I'm thinking -- and possible. They could very well have been involved in human trafficking -- I mean, beyond what they've been charged with. And drugs? I don't know. I mentioned before that I thought some of these women might have been used as honeypots and for blackmail.

think- ago

Thanks, migratory!

Kacey ago

Thanks for this post.

Some other good background is http://www.michaelparenti.org/Tibet.html

Further the the Dalai Lama and the monks that made it to the US are CIA assets https://geopolitics.co/2016/12/19/mainstream-media-confirm-dalai-lama-is-a-cia-asset/

WASHINGTON — For much of the 1960s, the CIA provided the Tibetan exile movement with $1.7 million a year for operations against China, including an annual subsidy of $180,000 for the Dalai Lama, according to newly released U.S. intelligence documents.

sore_ass_losers ago

I've met many a 'new age' identified person who thinks Tibetan Buddhism is just so 'kewl'. But I think it has a very dark, dark side.

Here's a "Human Flayed Skin Advanced Practice Rug"! This one is an antique from pre-1940 available now on Amazon for about 10 grand.


Don't get too excited! It is actually just a rug, but the imagery and idea of it is so grotesque. As I understand it they did keep flayed skins and skull cups and the like in monasteries though. There's some ceremonial dagger they use, called a 'dorje' if I recall correctly. I'll research more later. It sort of relates to things like 'baby skin shoes' and 'human leather'. Just kind of satanic.

(Of course, Christian crucifix images and mainline Buddhist gaunt Buddha images are rather grotesque!)

migratorypatterns ago

Yes. There is this strange compulsion for some to embrace a total stranger. But it's that disarming religious facade they wear.

Religion is the perfect vehicle to make you vulnerable. If someone is striving to be better, then right away they're positioned as a ''seeker'', and a seeker needs a 'teacher''. It's why people have to be so very careful about who they follow. Just because someone reads the original holy text does not mean that the person presenting him or herself is faithfully adhering to the principles described.

And being betrayed in a religious setting is just so horrible. These individuals are tampering with your soul and that's the ultimate crime.

sore_ass_losers ago

There's a seeker born every minute. j/k

The Dalai Lama presents himself as the expert on ethics, the representative of a goddess of compassion. Yet if you look at pre-Chinese takeover Tibet, the place seems entirely the opposite of compassionate. I'm talking about slavery, mutilation as punishment, etc. Most lived in poverty yet the Potala palace was roofed in gold. Of course Tibetan proponents will say it was Shangri-La and this is all Communist Chinese propaganda.

migratorypatterns ago

I believe you're giving a pretty accurate portrait or what was occurring.

It's hard to condone that someone representing goodness would knowingly condone alleged acts of child molestation and abuse of women that included branding. Wouldn't you think someone in that position would speak out and tell Raniere's followers they were following the wrong path?

Makes no sense.

sore_ass_losers ago

Not necessarily goodness, but compassion for others suffering (which of course means don't make anyone suffer!).

My understanding, at the time of the DL's speech the criticisms were that KR was a known fraudster with his former pyramid scheme and that he was now building up a personal cult following, mostly female, and having sex with followers. He was having sex with a 12 year old also back in the pyramid scheme days. Anyway, I'm fairly sure the branding is a new revelation, that's what brought the cult to the public eye recently. Supposedly DL's people investigated and the DL wound up warning KR he had to face these accusations. But, yeah.

migratorypatterns ago

Anyway, I'm fairly sure the branding is a new revelation, that's what brought the cult to the public eye recently.

This is wrong. The story first hit in 2007, but was not followed up on. Why? Well, because no charges were filed and threats were made. Given The Kenyan' wanton disregard for the law, it's not a wonder. He was too busy in the basement playing ping pong with what looks to be underage boys. The police didn't follow up even after that minor alleged molestation, but I believe she was all of fourteen by then, and bro's before ho's.

sore_ass_losers ago

The Frank Report seems to claim it revealed the branding in 2017:

"October 19, 2017

Editor’s note: This was the first time the branding and blackmail story appeared anywhere."

(Parsing more carefully, was this just the first report that blackmail was involved?)


migratorypatterns ago

Supposedly DL's people investigated and the DL wound up warning KR he had to face these accusations. But, yeah.


And you have absolutely no way to determine if the branding is new. Remember, he was running a different scam back in Arkansas. And the cult evolved. If you roam through this thread, I believe @think- posted Raniere's writings regarding DOS. The guy was straight up crazy. Even without the branding, he was into abuse.

Then there's his alleged flings with kids.

sore_ass_losers ago

Here is some interesting discussion regarding the use of actual flayed skin and other human remains.

There's a comment from (apparently so) a practicing Tibetan Buddhist:

'I don't know of anyone currently making thankas on flayed human skin, however, there are some ritual items made of human bone including skull caps for “kapalas” and femur heads for “kanglings”. These days, though you can find these in human bone provided by donors, it is becoming more common to find these items made from synthetic materials.'

There is a huge controversy between the Tibetans and the Chinese. Chinese make horrific claims and show photos; Tibetans claim they are faked.

The following link not for sensitive people (perhaps NSFW?). It shows some photos of purported human skins, but some Tibetans claim they are fake Chinese propaganda. If we accept ceremonial use of flayed skin, the big deal is were the victims still alive? One Chinese guy gives a Chinese source that says they were alive and describes how they did it:


Baichu ago

May as well add Swami Muktananda (Siddha Yoga...now deceased) to the pit as he was reknowed for his kundalini sessions with teenagers. I cannot believe how Eastern "religion" or spirituality if you want to call it that, has taken over the western world and so many have fallen for it (myself included, but only for about 20 years!!). NONE of these gurus can save people. It's all about power and money....sigh.

migratorypatterns ago

It is problematic.

Just don't handover your soul to anyone. Make them prove who they are. And if at any point, this guru tells you to take your clothes off and sleep with them, RUN!

think- ago

TL;DR: Tantric Tibetan Buddhism is about leaving all moral boundaries behind. => just like Satanism/Luciferianism.

darkknight111 ago


Bingo. Found ties between Dalai Lama and Abramovic. Which then indirectly connects him to Spirit Cooking mentioned in Podeata emails.

migratorypatterns ago


UpVoat for your excellent research. Unbelievable how these people have infiltrated the highest circles of power. Very frightening and all the more to not stop until that swamp is drained.

think- ago

Thanks, @darkknight111!

On a side note, someone on Twitter #NXIUM pointed out that Allison Mack tweeted a pic of Abramovic in January.

More connections here?

@Vindicator - maybe you've seen it if you follow #NXIUM?

Will edit the comment tomorrow and link the Tweet.

Vindicator ago

Haven't seen it yet.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Some really good work, upvoated. Even if I don't always agree with migratorypatterns, when someone is right, they're right.

think- ago

On the cult education board, an anon is talking about the methods Tibetan Buddhism uses to make women compliant, using alcohol and rape:

'We need more personal testimony from people who have been harmed by Tantric practices and teachers.

The public, and students of Tibetan Buddhism need to understand that the abuse problem is not a matter of a few unethical or ego-driven teachers; Nydahl, Sogyal, Trungpa and the many others like them are not exceptional cases.

As Ms. Riepe said, abuse of women and girls (and abuse of boys in the monasteries) is systemic. Abuse of women and girls is inherent in the fundamental nature of Tantric Buddhism.

The Tantric rituals, in fact, require it, and give instructions on how to make an unwilling "consort" compliant with alcohol. If the alcohol doesn't have the desired effect, rape is recommended. This is in the instructions for the Kalachakra, the Hevajra, and other tantras.*

(my emphasis)


@Vindicator @13Buddha

migratorypatterns ago

Well, that's disheartening. And repellent and illegal and a few other words that are all profanities.

think- ago

On the cult education board, an anon is talking about the methods Tibetan Buddhism uses to make women compliant, using alcohol and rape:

We need more personal testimony from people who have been harmed by Tantric practices and teachers.

The public, and students of Tibetan Buddhism need to understand that the abuse problem is not a matter of a few unethical or ego-driven teachers; Nydahl, Sogyal, Trungpa and the many others like them are not exceptional cases.

As Ms. Riepe said, abuse of women and girls (and abuse of boys in the monasteries) is systemic. Abuse of women and girls is inherent in the fundamental nature of Tantric Buddhism.

The Tantric rituals, in fact, require it, and give instructions on how to make an unwilling "consort" compliant with alcohol. If the alcohol doesn't have the desired effect, rape is recommended. This is in the instructions for the Kalachakra, the Hevajra, and other tantras.

*(my emphasis)



think- ago

Another Tibetan Buddhism branch we should look into is the tantric Diamond Way Buddhism.

It's very guru centered.

Diamond Way Buddhism uses a variety of standard Vajrayana meditation methods found within the Karma Kagyu tradition.

When the practitioners meet at lectures or for meditation they will typically do the "Guru Yoga meditation", (Skt. Guru yoga, Tib. Lame Naljor) where the practitioner identifies with the enlightened qualities of the teacher in order to develop these qualities.

(my emphasis)


One of its Lamas, Ole Nydahl, was accused of sexual abuse by a blogger, who had to remove her blog 'for legal reasons'. You can read some allegations here on this thread:


Which I found interesting is that they seem to use hypnosis and trance technics, just like NXIUM does (Nancy Salzman practices hypnosis).

Less sinister allegations are that Nydahl promotes Buddhism in a too worldly, 'fun' way, so that it will appeal to Westerners.

Nydahl, who, together with his wife, was introduced to Tibetan Buddhism during their honeymoon in Tibet in 1968, has been one of the major promoters of the tantric Diamond Way Buddhism in the West.

There are more than 600 Diamond Way centers now, mostly in the US, in Europe, and in Russia.

migratorypatterns ago

Okay, so the lesson is: The cabal is going to make us compliant one way or another."

think- ago

Christine Chandler has a blog which is a trove of info about sexual abuse in Tibetan Buddhism, she also points out other problematic things in Tibetan Buddhism:


ASolo ago

Great point. The spread of Eastern mysticism works under the same guise. It portends to be superficially more appealing than Christianity for its self help inclusion but is simply indoctrination into the occult maze. Buddhists also have a left and right hand path. Monks masturbating in public transportation is a good example of this. They do not care if a thing is good or bad. Great thread, upvoat and tweeted.

sore_ass_losers ago

I'm a Christian but yet a student of Taoist thinking. I don't think there's a contradiction: It's more of a philosophy than a religion. They are more concerned about health and living a long life, to eventually find personal meaning, is my take.

Of course Taoism has Yin/Yang theory. Everything has its opposite. The Yin/Yang symbol shows there's a little yin in the yang, and eventually yang changes to yin.

If your opposites are good/evil, it's not much as a guiding principle for morality: Good/bad are equally necessary and just two sides of the same thing! But the Chinese also had Confucianism, which is totally concerned about a code for morality and behavior towards others.

Baichu ago

Wow, I like your description there "simply indoctrination into the occult maze".

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks. Appreciate the support.

If we're going to drain the swamp, we need to drain it all.

think- ago

Another Tibetan Buddhism branch we should look into is Diamond Way Buddhism and its Lama Ole Nydahl. I remember reading that he was accused of sexually exploiting women, too, but the main blog talking about it (by one of his followers) was scrubbed due to 'legal reasons'.

Maybe we can find some info.

13Buddha ago

Before we completely annihilate every religion known to mankind on this planet, can those of us who are not atheistic, at lthe very least come to an agreement that religion's inherent message and its reason for existence are all about goodness?

Kacey ago

Any powerful deity would not allow abuse of children if that deity was good. Since abuse of children continues either their is not a powerful deity or there is not a good deity. Don't throw free will at me. We humans in our wisdom restrict the free will of our children when they are not old enough to exercise us. We put criminals in jail where their free will to cause harm is restricted. Any deity worth his or her salt could do that much without taking away free will for most things and most people.

think- ago

I agree with @migratorypatterns. It depends on the religion.

In case of tantric Tibetan Buddhism, those who reach the highest levels are exempt from karma's backfiring, they may rape or murder and get away with it => teaching of 'same taste'.

Religion isn't necessarily about morality.

There are some good YouTube vids explaining the left-hand path in general - which I don't want to link to since they are all by proponents of the left-hand path.

migratorypatterns ago

It depends on the religion.

Some religions are complete shams and pretenses from the get go. Others become corrupt. Still others are good and when that happens perhaps a demonic variable hides behind that goodness. For instance, if Raniere had introduced himself by saying, "Hi, I'm Keith Raniere and I'm a Satanist that will suck out your soul and leave you a slave who lets me brand them," do you think these women would not have turned tail and run? So he couches himself in Buddhism ... Tibetan Buddhism ... giving himself the mask of purity. Therefore, no testing, no defense mechanisms ... nothing other than submission follows.

But this Tibetan Buddhism ... what is it about? Is every single person following it demonic? No, of course not. And we shouldn't be judging people that way. But at the core ... yeah, it's pretty bad. I doubt I'll find the other article I read. It was basically that Tibetan monks are nothing more than extortionists. They demand money from the people ... and these people are poor. They sell their daughters into slavery ... that's how poor. And the monks take advantage by threatening to perform black magic rituals. They terrorize Tibetans to give their money to them.

urbanmoving ago

Sounds to me like you are reading too much CPUSA propaganda, Trust nothign from that hellhole fo China that They and the CIA put into power with almighty Lord Rothschild and his henchmen the Rockefellers etc.

think- ago

Also, people who would like to talk about sexual abuse by Tibetan monks are told that they should remain silent because that would shed a bad light upon 'His Holiness', the Dalai Lama.

migratorypatterns ago

Very true.

Sort of the excuse The Vatican uses.

think- ago

  • The Dalai Lama was a friend of Shoko Asahara, a Japanese cult leader, who committed an attack on the Tokio subway with serin gas in 1995.

  • He was also a friend of Balthus, the painter who created pedophile art and was deeply interested in 'esotericism'.

  • His personal teacher was a Nazi, Heinrich Harrer, who in turn, was a very close friend of the Belgium King Leopold II - maybe you will remember that the Belgium Royal family has been accused by the 'x witnesses' in the Dutroux case of being members of the satanic, child raping cult in Belgium Dutroux worked for.

(Thanks to @Vindicator for finding this connection!)

urbanmoving ago

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leopold_III_of_Belgium So he wanted to remain neutral, ended up having to fight and surrendered, BTW I have been of the mind that Nazi Germany was anything more than a Zionist Banker Front to acheive objectives specifically mop up any independent or resistent regimes post WW1 for the (tribe) hence all the connections to everyone Lehi to the Fascists, Hagnah to the USSR and etc. When you rule by dialectic and mask its easy to manipulate. Take out Poland, Greece, Eastern Europe highly destructive cover of war and the fact of war very useful, Get the UN setup, remove opposition to the USSR by sending into a 4 year shredder.This whole Nazi thing specifically considering the extreme censorship of those who question that "Event" is on par with the censorship of Pedogate and Pizzagate and not worse. This shows you are brainwashed into calling everything distasteful a "Nazi" by "whom" exactly?

urbanmoving ago

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinrich_Harrer No factually inaccurate he was a jewish crypto who was a skiing star who had that liar Wiesenthal help him with I'm not a Nazi after war based on some drummed up garbage, but hey from those of us in the know Wiesenthal was more of a Nazi than Hitler.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks again.

Good stuff and painting that picture.

think- ago

We should look into the Dalai Lama's 'Mind and Life Institute'.

think- ago

Christine A. Chandler, who - together with her husband - was a long-time Tantra disciple, before she left years ago - points out that there are eeringly similarities between Tibetan Buddhism and Scientology.

Which I find very interesting, since we already saw that NXIUM uses practises / teachings that resemble Scientology teachings.

YogSoggoth ago

Ever read the second half of a Richard Branson(David Icke) book? He even throws in some ayahuaesca drug use for fun. Probably where he came up with the lizard people.

migratorypatterns ago

And there's a reason for that:


When his father was assigned to the South Pacific as a United States naval commander, Ron embarked upon the first of his famed Asian travels. By the age of 19 he had traveled more than a quarter of a million miles and traversed much of China and India. Through the course of it, he became one of the few Western adventurers to enter forbidden Tibetan lamaseries in the Western Hills of China and study with the last in the line of royal magicians from the court of Kublai Khan. Yet for all the wonders he witnessed, he could not help but conclude the legendary wisdom of the East did nothing to ease suffering and poverty in these overpopulated and underdeveloped lands.

Of course, what this leaves out is that the Tibetan monks didn't give two shits about the poverty anymore than Skankles cares.

think- ago

Through the course of it, he became one of the few Western adventurers to enter forbidden Tibetan lamaseries in the Western Hills of China and study with the last in the line of royal magicians from the court of Kublai Khan.

Wow. I had no idea that Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, in fact studied Tibetan Buddhism, let alone in Tibet.


migratorypatterns ago

Read that a long time ago and it stuck with me. I think it was because Crowley also dipped his pen in the same water.

think- ago

Do you mean Scientology or Tibetan Buddhism?

Truthseeker3000 ago

Excellent work!!! Interesting that this cult moved from the east coast to Vancouver, Canada. Vancouver is supposedly one of the most corrupt cities in the world. I have a friend who lived there who told me all about it. And I thought there was info out there that this cult was working through some actor agency in Vancouver somehow. It’s almost like some kind of initiation to get you brainwashed enough to go onto the Hollywood Illuminati circuit somehow.

think- ago

Did you say Canada? ;-)

About the 'harem keeping cult' of Tibetan Buddhists spreading in Canada's military:


millennial_vulcan ago

LOL Canadians.

come in two shades: Gross and Totally Gross

think- ago

@EricKaliberhall: @millennial_vulcan bitches about Canadians! LOL.

EricKaliberhall ago

Canadians are friendly people... Stupid but friendly. :)

think- ago

....not as stupid as the Swedish guys, though.... :-P

EricKaliberhall ago

The main attribute that sets Swedish guys apart from Canadian guys... Swedish guys knows how to play hockey. :) and have higher intelligence of course.

think- ago

Hockey? In Sweden?! Are you sure you know what you're talking about? :-P

Well, and modesty is definitely not a Swedish virtue.... ;;-)

EricKaliberhall ago

Hockey? In Sweden?!

We invented hockey... And always win... :)

think- ago

The World Championships gonna start soon, Eric....

...we'll talk again, we'll talk again!! :-P


EricKaliberhall ago

Hahaha... Junior Hockey... You are funny @think- :)

think- ago

Tomorrow's champions!! :-P


think- ago

@Truthseeker3000 - please see parent.

migratorypatterns ago

I'm giving you an UpVoat.

What you said deserves a dumpster diving investigation. Really interesting thought.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks for this. Will check it out ... and check out the comments.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Check my comment on that post.

think- ago

The Dalai Lama was a friend of Shoko Asahara, a Japanese cult leader, who committed an attack on the Tokio subway with serin gas in 1995.

think- ago

Books that point out the dark side of Tibetan Buddhism:

Kooenrad Elst: The Dark Side of Buddhism.

Christine A. Chandler: Enthralled - The Guru Cult of Tibetan Buddhism

13Buddha ago

I am neither disputing nor agreeing with your research and comments, and I am neither supporting nor disparaging Buddhism, notwithstanding that a better understanding is needed which are my intentions at the moment.

There are 3 main schools of Buddhism - Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana. Vajrayana is considered by some scholars to be a branch of Mahayana while others consider it to be a separate tradition. Within each school are many different traditions and practices, and there is a lot more to the explanation I am providing for each of the 3 schools.

Theravada School - translates to the "Way of the Elders," and is the oldest form of Buddhism. It relies on the Pali canon. This is the collection of the Buddha's earliest teachings and discourses. It is most popular in Southeast Asia (Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, and Laos). It is often considered more conservative, following older teachings of the Buddha and not adding widely accepted new scriptures or teachings. Monks follow rigorous training rules, eat only what is freely offered, and often spend hours of their day sitting in formal meditation. The focus is to cultivate liberation and become an "arhat," or fully awakened being which is done through meditation practice, taking refuge in the "Three Jewels" (the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha), and the cultivation of the Noble Eightfold Path (Wise View; Wise Intention; Wise Speech; Wise Action; Wise Livelihood; Wise Effort; Wise Mindfulness; and Wise Concentration).

Mahayana School - it is the largets school of Buddhism and is popular in many countries in Asia, Nepal, Tibet, Japan, China, Taiwan, Korea, Vietnam, and Mongolia. The term Mahayana means "great vehicle" and refers to the path of the bodhisattva. The aim of its practice is generally not to attain enlightenment for onseself but to cultivate buddhahood for all sentient beings. Many people take the bodhisattva vows which is the promise to return to this world until all living beings are freed from suffering. Monks tend to live with less strict rules. In many Mahayana traditions, there are teachings outside the Pali canon. Meditation practice also includes more chanting and mantras, especially in Tibetan traditions.

Vajrayana School - It is sometimes considered a type of Mahayana and is sometimes called Tantric or Esoteric. The most famous form of this school is Tibetan Buddhism. It involves the use of tantras or specific spirtital techniques which help individuals gain enlightenement as quickly as possible. Many practices in Vajrayana schools are known only to senior teachers and serious students which leads to quite a bit of mystery arounfd practices.

Many of us in the West use the term Tibetan Buddhism to describe all Vajrayana traditions, but there are many different types of Vajrayana. The Dalai Lama is the leader of the tradition known as "Gelug" or "Gelugpa," sometmes referred to as the "Yellow Hat School." It emerged in the 15th century and is considered to be the purest form of Tibetan Buddhism. Gelugpa practices revolve around Lamrim (a Buddhsit text), from the teachings of Atisha (an 11th century Buddhist Bengali religious leader and master), which focuses on the journey to enlightenment as taught by the Buddha. Concentration can be achieved by meditation and sparking the bodhisattva within. It teaches following the monastic code as a means of achieving the state of nirvana.

Now, hetting to "Tantric" Buddhism... What is the first thing Westerners think when they hear the word, "Tantra?" SEX. The story goes that in ancient India there existed a Tantric culture which unlike prudish, dualistic Western spirtuality, was a sex-positive, proto-feminist, sensual paradise.

Actually, Tantra arose as a reclamation of practices that had been excluded from or minimized in Orthodox Vedic Hinduism, the maistream Yoga traditions, and heterodox traditions like Buddhism. These practices included ritual innovations, magical spells, viloence, mind-aletring substances, and sex.

Tantras were then a type of esoteric text which arose in different Hindu lineages beginning in the 5th century. These texts were also written by Buddhists and thus came to have a massive influence theoiughout India and beyond between the 9th and 14th centuries.

The reclamation and spiritual recipe books yielded a worldview which supported and explained the practices in them. This pairing of philosophy and practice is axiomatic in Indian religion and is sometimes referred to as view and path.

The view f Tantric texts was generally consistent across Hindu lineages. It stated that all of reality is an expression of divine energies. To be born is to flow out from the unmanifest Godhead, and enlightenment is to flow back. Yes, there were extreme sexual activities involved that you can read about in one of the links provided.

Tantric trditions of Hindisim and Buddhism have been simultaneously infamous as well as poorly understood. Due to the strong association of tantric traditions with magical pracvtices, and of the traditions with sexuality and violent ritual practices, the tantric tradition practices have, over the past few centuries at least, been associated with black magic in India. Tantric Buddhism and Hindiism are extremely complex philosophically. There are thousands upon thousands of ancient manuscripts written about the teachings.

Anyway, it's complicated. And yes, anything that is initially meant to be good can be changed into something sick or evil.

https://library.brown.edu/cds/BuddhistTempleArt/buddhism2.html https://oneminddharma.com/types-of-buddhism/ http://tibetpedia.com/lifestyle/religious-life/gelugpa-sect/

urbanmoving ago

Tantra is a satanic sex cult and its shit

migratorypatterns ago

Obviously, you have a depth of understanding, but there are some pernicious errors that you seem to have acquired through faith -- and that's not a bad thing. What would you do if a post citing the numerous abuse of The Vatican and its clergy/pope were answered in this way? Yes, there's the theology and then there's the hidden agenda. We could even use the Freemasons as an example. I'm sure there are hundreds ... thousands that have no idea what is going on and yet they're members. But they haven't arrived at that charmed circle. I don't have time to go into everything, but for starters:

Vajrayana School - It is sometimes considered a type of Mahayana and is sometimes called Tantric or Esoteric. The most famous form of this school is Tibetan Buddhism. It involves the use of tantras or specific spiritual techniques which help individuals gain enlightenement as quickly as possible.

There is confusion here. Tantric practices pertain to Kundalini, and as stated in the OP, if you involve sex, you are not after enlightenment. NOT. Kundalini has two paths: a right and a left. The practice of the right is the quickest way to enlightenment. The practice of the left involves sex and is for earthly powers and does nothing except make one powerful.

Many of us in the West use the term Tibetan Buddhism to describe all Vajrayana traditions, but there are many different types of Vajrayana. The Dalai Lama is the leader of the tradition known as "Gelug" or "Gelugpa," sometmes referred to as the "Yellow Hat School."

No, he does not. He says he belongs to the Yellow Hat, but he belongs to the Black Hat, the hat they all deny exists.

To make clear, this is not bashing the teachings of Buddha. NOT. This is bashing what is occurring. The same would be true of the Catholic Church. The people that gave themselves to Christ are the not the ones committing crimes, but the hierarchy that allowed child abuse did. Don't take this personally. I would never criticize someone who is leading a good life and doing good work.

urbanmoving ago

CC, Buddhism exist in the mdoern era of masonry, communism, and of course (((them))) so it has to be analyzed using the mdoern techniques and modern travel "contact" possibilities specifcally considering the history of Maoist China, USSR/KGB, MossadTelAviv, and DC CIA etc. etc.

migratorypatterns ago


I wish I could find the article on how they held the people of Tibet hostage with their demands for money. And it was written years ago, long before pizzagate.

13Buddha ago

No, @migratorypatterns, I do not take it personally and am really not surprised. Seems there's nothing new under the sun anymore. Being a dreamer at heart, I must focus on the inherent teachings of a religion and not its leaders and clergy.

think- ago

What is important is focusing soley on the inherent teachings of a religion

I'm afraid in this case it is important to focuse on the teachings as well, you can't seperate the left-hand tantric teachings from the Lamas.

migratorypatterns ago

It is to me, too.

I know a few people that dove right into Buddhism because of their belief in him. They're good people so I have no problem making the distinction between the teachings and those that assume power. It's like the dems. The principles are noble, but are the leaders? How can they be with this going on. And it's the same in the GOP. No one has an exclusive on evil.

think- ago

It is said that those who reached the highest levels of initiation of Tibetan Buddhism / its tantric practice, are morally exempt from bad karma for their deeds, i.e., even if they commit murder this will not be seen as evil, as on the highest level evil = good (notion of 'same taste', the tantrics teach).

think- ago

Victor and Victoria Trimondi have been vocal critics of the Dalai Lama for decades.

On their website, you can find many infos.

This f.i.:

The Shadow of the Dalai Lama


migratorypatterns ago


Thanks so much.

think- ago


PrideOfOshtekk ago

Isn't this just a dark aspect of an ideology? Every religion has a left hand path.

But good work indentifying the type of gnostic belief systems this specific cult practices.

think- ago

No. In this case, Tibetan Buddhism is the ideology.

And I'm not aware of a left-hand-path in Christianity (apart from the Pope and other members of the clergy being.....not really Christians).

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Isn't that what Muslims say when a terrorist blows themselves up?

Left hand path just means to take a portion of the tools available within an ideology and distort it for personal gain, or for corrupted sense of justice. Its not fixed. Its where people take teachings, and use it for servicing the self.

migratorypatterns ago

Isn't this just a dark aspect of an ideology? Every religion has a left hand path.

No. Tantra sex is not a religion. It has its roots in yoga which was not a religion or belief -- it was and is a science.

The extent of knowledge in yoga is frightening and overwhelming. The origins of the science are couched in mystery, but it is a science.

Baichu ago

The sexual aspect of tantra is only a small part of it, but as westerners obsessed with sex, have made it primary, oh and they wanted to do what Sting was doing. The book called The Yoga of Delight, Wonder and Astonishment could be called a tantric book. It exposes the siddhis (mystical powers, such as making yourself disappear).

migratorypatterns ago

The sexual part identifies as the earthly path. If one were on the right-handed path, one would never involve themselves in the practice. But I get what you're saying. And Raniere was particularly devious in the way he presented the sexual demands. He told at least one follower that it would heal the trauma of her past childhood sexual abuse.

No it won't, but saying that to someone desperate to be over the pain seduces them like nothing else will.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Its a tool used by certain religions. Another tool akin to this is affirmations, meditation and visualisation. These are other tools for self improvement.

migratorypatterns ago

So you say.

carmencita ago

Exactly. I know good people from every religion. They have there hearts in the right place and have not been red pilled like we have. These pedos have been infiltrated into religions to poison them and instill their perverted beliefs.

think- ago

On a side note, yesterday I discovered that a cousin of the Bronfman sisters (NXIUM) - Jeffrey Bronfman - is a leader in a cult based on the shamanic tradition of the Amazonas natives in Brazil and their habit of using ayahuasca (a plant that contains DMT) as a means of communicating with the spiritual world.

The church is called 'UDV', and Jeffrey is a 'mestre' (religious leader).

sore_ass_losers ago

I'm wary of psychedelics and trance states, but they do say taking ayahuasca is more or less a one-step cure for addiction.

migratorypatterns ago


And this is just the tip of the iceberg. It's why I can't wait until the truth comes out.

think- ago

Also, Chelsea Clinton seems to have been on the board of the Samuel Bronfman Foundation, but this needs to be checked. Would be another tie between the Bronfmans and the Clintons.

migratorypatterns ago

Oh, Chelsea.

What's she going to do when momma raptor is in prison? Who's gonna buy her those gowns? Get her jobs? Make sure the cross she's wearing is upside down?

think- ago

...and make sure that she wishes 'Happy New Year' on Twitter to the Church of Satan. :-P

think- ago

Yessssssssss! Excellent, brilliant post!!!! :-)


I've been saying it from day one on this board: Tibetan Buddhism has a dark, left-hand-path.

Thank you so much, @migratorypatterns, for finding this connection (Raniere claiming to one of his victims she would be transformed into a Buddhist goddess.)

Also, the Dalai Lama wrote a preface to one of Raniere's books (!).

I will flair the post 'Potential lead', @migratorypatterns.

islammeansislamb ago

This is all going to be interesting if we get more history. Right now we're only caught up to the Freemasons founding America with Dutch Jewish Slave traders.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks so much. Appreciate the flair. There's a lot of digging to be done.

I'll put the the two links in the OP.

Tazzermalt ago

the Lama is full of shit, he also hung out with the Aum sarin gas terrorist leader of the Tokyo attacks

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks for this.

The evidence is mounting.

And the OP is not about conjecture. It was the Dalai Lama that chose to validate Keith Raniere rather than call him out. And it was Raniere that chose to use Buddhism as a vehicle to abuse/torture women. If you are a Buddhist or practice Buddhist teachings, you should be upset with the bastardization of your religion/beliefs, and not the truth that this happened.

Tazzermalt ago

Also Esoteric Hitlerist connection https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/dalai_lama/Part-2-12.htm Miguel Serrano aka Miguel Joaquín Diego del Carmen Serrano Fernández, Chilean diplomat, explorer and author of poetry, books on spiritual questing and Esoteric Hitlerism. Serrano's forceful and anti-modernist neo-Gnostic philosophy claims to elucidate the extraterrestrial origin of the Hyperborean-descended Aryans, image-bearers of the godhead, and postulates a global conspiracy against them by an evil inferior godlet: the Demiurge, worshipped by the Jews, lord of planet Earth, spawner of the primitive hominid stocks, and author of all base materiality. Serrano synthesizes the Hindu-Vedic and Nordic traditions, both of which he considers to be of ancient Aryan-Hyperborean provenance. He is especially indebted to the Jungian theory of collective racial archetypes and follows Savitri Devi in recognizing Adolf Hitler as an avatar who battled against the demonic materialistic hosts of the Kali Yuga. He met many leading Indian personalities through his diplomatic position, becoming a personal friend of Nehru, Indira Gandhi and the Dalai Lama. Serrano was Chile's representative to the International Atomic Energy Commission and United Nations Organisation for Industrial Development (UNUDI). He was dismissed from the Chilean diplomatic service in late 1970 by president Salvador Allende. Remaining in exile, he rented an apartment (previously inhabited by Hermann Hesse) at Montagnola in the Swiss Ticino. Serrano termed his philosophy Esoteric Hitlerism, which he has described as a new religious faith "able to change the materialistic man of today into a new idealistic hero", and also as "much more than a religion: it is a way to transmute a hero into God."

In 1984 he published his 643-page tome, Adolf Hitler, el Último Avatãra (Adolf Hitler: The Last Avatar), which is dedicated "To the glory of the Führer, Adolf Hitler". In this arcane work Serrano unfolds his ultimate philosophical testament through elaborate esoteric and mythological symbolism.

migratorypatterns ago

Hitler himself sent an expedition to Tibet.


I didn't read the entire article. It started out apologizing to Tibet and not even entertaining the notion that Tibet itself had something to do with the expedition.

sore_ass_losers ago

A French book The Morning of the Magicians from the 60s/70s claims there was a big group of Tibetans found dead in German uniform (SS?) towards the end of WWII. This was a very speculative, occult book though.

think- ago

You're welcome, migratory. Please be aware that we have still cache problems on Voat - editing posts means that not all upvoats will show, unfortunately. :-(

migratorypatterns ago

Oh ... never realized UpVoats were lost through editing.

think- ago

Yes, Voat's been having a bug due to some new codes that were uploaded about a fortnight ago.

millennial_vulcan ago

"new codes" eh, think-? Suuuuuurrrre!

Are ya crazy kids spying on us and selling our info to the big boys? ;-)

Voat has been extra buggy lately and the 'number of commentators here' counter is permanently stuck at 113. Is any of this going to be resolved any time soon?

@Vindicator @migratorypatterns @carmencita

think- ago

"new codes" eh, think-? Suuuuuurrrre!

Are ya crazy kids spying on us and selling our info to the big boys? ;-)

LOL! I think the big boys can manage collecting info without us. ;-)

Vindicator ago

Putt just showed up today, so he is around and working on bugs. I read the 24 Hour TOP post sorting bug has been fixed.

carmencita ago

I complained about this a little while ago. The Total Is Still Stuck. No wonder we are losing researchers.

millennial_vulcan ago

its why I'm on here less. As you've probably noticed :(

think- ago

...because the number of views is stuck? looks puzzled

carmencita ago

Yes, whatever the reason is that it hasn't or can't be fixed, it's getting old. Whatever the reason, it's not helping to bring newbies to this site. That's really our reason for being here. Red pilling the masses. When new people see a number like that every time they are on the board, makes them wonder. Not good. I feel like I am preaching to the choir.

think- ago

Yes, whatever the reason is that it hasn't or can't be fixed, it's getting old.

I hear you, Carm, but unfortunately, I can't do anything about it. We reported it to the admin (and it's a Voat wide problem, not here on v/pizzagate only), and all we can do is to wait that they'll fix. it. :-(


@Peaceseeker (any idea when and whether Putt might be able to fix the problem with upvoats that don't show and the problem with the number of visitors which is frozen? Thanks.)

carmencita ago

I understand your side, but it looks kind of funny, being that the owners of this site are not worried about it. Small thing to ask for when you are here every day. It makes you wonder if they really want us here or not.

think- ago

Well, since this is a Voat wide problem....I don't think it is connected to Pizzagate.

Let's see what @Peaceseeker will say. He's close to Putt.

carmencita ago

Well, I think it's possible they are not looking at it in the same way, being that we are on here everyday. It depends on your perspective.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks for letting me know.

think- ago

You're welcome.

carmencita ago

Oh yes! This has been going on for quite some time. Beware when posting.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks for the warning.

Had no idea. :)

LightlyToasted ago

Excellent work everyone. I've long been suspicious of the Dalai Lama's connection to Pedowood and $$$ grabbing. Pieces are really coming together.

migratorypatterns ago

Okay, now for the book. Again, it was a book about the introduction of Buddhism into America ... I believe in the 60s. Now the book whitewashed the phenomenon, but Satanism was occurring within the various temples across America. I remember there as a temple in New York and one in California, and Satanic members took leadership positions. As such, they relegated the women to subservient positions and subjected them to sexual abuse. But in California, it went further. It culminated in two decapitations. The members were arrested, BUT some members left the California temple and helped form The Process Church.

Now the author gave the Buddhist priest a complete pass by suggesting he was deaf, dumb, and blind to what was going on. BUT if the two are really tied together, then maybe, just maybe, the infiltration was purposefully done. In any event, the two have overlapped before in a pretty profound way and might be working together. The shield of Buddhism is pretty powerful. We're conditioned to think of it as a religion/belief of selfless devotion to bettering the world. Therefore, when someone who is a Buddhist offers to help, some are more inclined not to view it as evil, but as an opportunity to receive aid and spiritual counseling.

This dynamic explains a lot.

sore_ass_losers ago

Process was founded in London by a couple who were Scientology auditors. However a branch was active in San Francisco in the 60s.

migratorypatterns ago

Well, it had to be because the book I read definitely established the link.

Sure wish I could remember the name of it.

Baichu ago

Wow, just finished reading the book about the Process Church of the Final Judgement called Love Sex Fear Death. The book denies any for of animal sacrifice. In fact it does a pretty good job in being superficial and not telling the whole deeper story. That cult broke up and is now called Best Friends, an animal sanctuary in Utah!!

migratorypatterns ago

Hate when these books don't document exactly what went on. Just a PR job in trying to skim over the gory details.

And thanks for telling me about the animal sanctuary. I did hear of Best Friends. I hope I didn't give any money.

think- ago

BUT if the two are really tied together, then maybe, just maybe, the infiltration was purposefully done.

Christine Chandler (a former Dalai Lama follower, who now turned into a critic of his work) points out that this is exactly what the Tibetan Buddhism, lead by the Dalai Lama is up to: Infiltrating Western institutions (well, you might call the NXIUM cult an 'institution' in a way, at least sort of).

She accused him of using Buddhism as a front for the secret tantric teachings (tantra was originally a deviant Hindu cult, and merging it with Buddhistic teachings, and some teachings from the shamanic bön religion in Tibet lead to Tibetan Buddhism).

The Tibetan state - before the Dalai Lama was expelled by the Chinese occupation of Tibet some decades ago - was an authoritarian state, a theocracy. The Dalai Lamas were not only the spiritual, but also the political leaders of Tibet.

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, there was a reason he was expelled.

Tantric sex is to be avoided at all costs. You are literally playing with fire. If a Buddhist or religious group you're thinking of joining practices it, don't join! It's as simple as that.

think- ago

The shield of Buddhism is pretty powerful. We're conditioned to think of it as a religion/belief of selfless devotion to bettering the world.


derram ago

https://archive.fo/FTXzC :

Sexual assaults and violent rages... Inside the dark world of Buddhist teacher Sogyal Rinpoche

This has been an automated message.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

ArtVoice: https://archive.li/wMX4D

Unleashing the Beast: https://archive.li/TzPR

Times Union: https://archive.li/Ka6cJ

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks, derram.