Truthseeker3000 ago

I know someone who used to live in Vancouver who told me many tales of how corrupt the city is. Run by Freemasons and Hells Angels do their dirty work a couple high level HA are Freemasons. Drugs are rampant in the city. In the 90s or 2000s the Hells Angels were involved in some internet Endeavor that made them a ton of money involving porn. Not regular porn but extreme hard core porn where snuff was involved. They used drug addicted prostitutes and tortured them. Apparently many of these women went misssing. Not sure whether they filmed at that Pickton Farm but very possible. It was on the dark web and people could request stuff. No idea about child porn but I was told that at that time and with all the drugs available many kids were hooked and Vancouver had a “kiddie stroll” something called Franklin. Don’t forget there was male DNA found at that pig farm place not just female but they cops called off the search of the property and they never followed through with all the remains. Apparently a drug addicted prostitute claimed she escaped after being held at that farm in a dark room for a few days and was beaten and raped by many men one being a cop in his uniform. Vancouver is one fucked up city like if you put gold nuggets on top of shit it’s still a pile of shit.

Baichu ago

Yup the city is the worst of the worst, especially when you hear that pigeons are making nests out of used syringes!!!

21yearsofdigging ago

Absolutely the most corrupt city in what we consider the 'civilized ' world. For starters, the Vancouver Stock Exchange (where Giustra made a fortune off of penny stock) was foreced to shut down due to it being considered at the time, the most corrupt stock exchange in thew world

letsdothis1 ago

Pickton Pig Farm Clan & The Guild Socialist Ensemble Recorded Live

Certainly seems that some people think that there was much more to the Pickton case:

Mainstream media like CBC, The Tyee, Vancouver Sun, and Seattle’s weekly, The Stranger, easily uncovered the fact that former Port Coquitlam Mayor, Scott Young, and hundreds of other people had attended events at Piggy’s Palace, the party venue operating for several years at Pickton’s pig farm. I asked some of those Vancouver rock/punk bands playing in the 1990s what they’d heard about Piggy’s Palace. I was relieved to hear my friends say they had refused to play there because, as one said “even though we’d played some shitty places, we’d heard Piggy’s was totally sketchy bikers, blow, you name it.”

Others describe Piggy’s Palace as “rough,” “very very badass.” One man interviewed in 2003 by The Stranger said: “There were lots of women, who looked like hookers…. The party spilled all over the grounds and there were people in the house and in the trailer doing the wild thing. I recall walking by a shack with a 40-watt light bulb hanging over the door and machinery was running inside. Here, I got a death chill. The hairs raised on the back of my neck and my feet froze to the ground. I didn’t want to be there anymore, so I left and walked home.”

You see everybody knew Willie Pickton. He bought his vehicles at the Vancouver Police Auctions. In the video they said he worked at them. That means he had a regular relationship with the police. The video omits the drinking establishment he ran called Piggie's Palace. A good night would see 1,800 patrons. They included the mayor. The place was even a registered charity called The Good Times Society raising money for women's groups. With all the drugs and prostitutes it must have been quite the good time. Of course now no one admits going there especially the police. Most damning Willie was called The White Knight in the video for helping the dispossessed. The security at the place was called White Knights Security Services. If I may digress to the latest RCMP scandal with the cop in bondage scenes the Kilted Knight. That seems to be a key word at the farm - Knight. That cop had a role in the investigation too and leads me to consider the possibility of actual police involvement.

One of the main little jewels they include and then leave out, the wooden stake to the heart, is the role of Insp. Kim Rossmo. He was Canada's fist Ph.D. cop. He devised a serial criminal profiler program. He screamed not only smoke but fire. His superiors refused to listen. They walled him out. They fired him. He is suing for wrongful dismissal. How is it the man most likely to solve the case was removed from it by the 'old boys' network? Maybe it wasn't his academic credentials. 

I would speculate that Piggie's Palace, the pig farm and The Good Times Society may have played a crucial role in laundering some of the $200 million of drug money in the area. Willie was rich. No one would think twice except me.

The most damning piece of evidence prior to the S & M antics concerns the allegations of RCMP Cpl. Catherine Galliford who is suing the force for years of tortuous sexual harassment including senior management. She was assigned to the missing women case. She reported that investigators routinely engaged in sexual liaisons, watched porn, harassed her, and left work early to drink and party. The quotes stopped short as to whether the location was actually Pickton's Piggie's Palace. That is immaterial since they surely weren't investigating Pickton. Cpl. Galliford was told that her colleagues' sexual fantasy involved the following: “They wanted to see Willie Pickton escape from prison, track me down and strip me naked, string me up on a meat hook and gut me like a pig,”

letsdothis1 ago

RCMP Cpl. Catherine Galliford spoke out and what happened to her is horrific:

carmencita ago

UPVOAT! Thank you for all your hard work. The Dalai Lama brought up again. Thanks for cluing us in on him for I have wanted to meet him. Now I don't care.

carmencita ago

I am going to Vomit. I can't even read about charities for children anymore. They are all suspect in my eyes. They all have one or pushing one. Every Elite has Found. after their name. Yes I have suspected UNICEF for over a year now and we know about Branson and his Island and the fact that he owns an Airline. What a perfect scenario for drugs and trafficking trades. Who would suspect the Hells Angels to be caught up in CP. I don't think I can take any more Rabbit Holes. Even on Easter Weekend. Yikes!

Podge512 ago

Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover Up Part 22: Robert Pickton

letsdothis1 ago

Thank you. That's reminded me to look further into what was going on there.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

It is all linked to ground zero of child sex slave and poen ---> Israel

urbanmoving ago


exposethecriminals ago

Great post, thank you for all your hard work and putting this all together.

think- ago

On a special request from the Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education, she flew to India to present her work and also consult with the Dalai Lama.

The Dalai Lama again? I can't believe it.


derram ago :

Justin Trudeau #Pedogate mind-control puppet EXPOSED! STOP BILL 89 BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! - YouTube :


The porn pioneers | Technology | The Guardian :

CAI Investor Alexander Haig · 9/11 Starnet Snuff Porn & Gambling + Pickton Pig Terrorist Enabler - YouTube :

StarNet Communications Corp.: CEO and Executives - Bloomberg :

Pickton Pig Farm Clan & The Guild Socialist Ensemble Recorded Live - YouTube

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