dundundunnnnn ago

Never heard of this channel. WOWWWW is all I can say. Thank you for sharing! Moon and pizza reminds me of Toy Story. Remember the pizza place has moon and stars on it? Aliens? The symbols they used to empower one another will also be the source of their fall. Normies aren't going to take this information well.

ASolo ago

A friend just recently recommended them to me too and I'm quite taken aback by them as well.

ASolo ago


Historian Predicted Current Run-Up to Nuclear War


Lubavitcher tzaddik Menachem Schneerson (1902-1994) said Cabalists (Illuminati) will implement Biblical prophecy of an Armageddon to hasten the return of the Messiah and establish Jewish supremacy. Fifteen years ago German historian Wolfgang Eggert warned us that the Rothschilds belong to this fanatical doomsday cult. Recent moves by Trump and Theresa May suggest that this horrifying prophecy is coming true.

A Munich-based historian Wolfgang Eggert, 54, believes orthodox Jews called Chasidim want to instigate a nuclear holocaust to fulfill Biblical prophesy.

He thinks these religious fanatics must be exposed. The largest Chasidim group, the Chabad Lubavitcher sect want to hasten Armageddon which they believe is a prerequisite for the Messiah's return. Eggert quotes a Lubavitcher rabbi who says:"the world is waiting for us to fulfill our role in preparing the world to greet Moshiach" (i.e. Messiah.)

"All human history is about Messianic-satanic Judaism ("Chassidim"); theyยดre "making" it. History and politics are a big movie, and they are the directors, bringing old-testament-prophecy into reality. They captured Freemasonry by building up the Illuminati (through Rothschild/Jacob Frank/Weishaupt); they made a pact with the British monarchy when they financed William III to become king; they placed the British royals at the head of the Freemasons; they made the modern banking system and the Fed (through Rothschild); they made Zionism, the world wars, the European Union and so on. They reign through their puppets Rothschild (whose ancestors had been part of the Chassidic cult) and Rockefeller, who were the guiding force behind Bilderberg, the trilateral etc. We are now in the "End Times"; they are trying to foment a "prophesied" Third World War.



Shizy ago

Thanks for sharing. Gave me chills because I know it's all true!

ASolo ago

I know. Although I'm not Christian per say I do appreciate Jesus in the sense that he was the only one that left an example for us to see that the sandhedrin and pharisees were part of the cult of babylon that hung him up on the cross and was trying to warn us what these luciferian annunaki worshipers were really up to.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Ice cream gate... if it hasnโ€™t already been mentioned, this commercial shows a perturbing scene with kids eating โ€œpoop ice creamโ€


Nana66 ago

I've seen this commercial and lost even more of whats left of my mind...

Just4kicks ago

That's very insightful. Thanks.

Are_we_sure ago

Pizza is the Symbol For Intn'l Pedophilia.

This is false.

ASolo ago

Well dipshit, according to the embedded implanted ideas and cues in all of our old favorite classics THAT WE ARE ONLY JUST NOW LEARNING ABOUT THROUGH THIS SERIES that was hidden from us previously and only now being fully discovered and understood YOU ARE WRONG. SOMETHING MAKES ME WONDER WHY YOU WOULD MAKE SUCH AN IGNORANT STATEMENT faced with this kind of information? Did you even watch or comprehend ANY of the material I posted? You would be either pretty daft not to understand it clearly or if you were intelligent you'd know you couldn't refute the coincidences. But I know you didn't review shit and only want to spread your doubt like you have for almost a year on this forum. Cancer. Mole.

Shizy ago

No he didn't watch anything you provided, his only role here is to disagree with everyone and everything. He's a scumbag!

MolochHunter ago

I'm inclined to agree, in a qualified sense. The aggregate evidence does not appear to preclude the code 'Pizza' as used for simply 'Prostitute' - generally, human trafficked prostitute not in the vocation of her own volition.

To say 'were going to have pizza for an hour' perfectly implies a session with a prostitute who may or may not be a minor.

My reading of the evidence is that only when it is referred to specifically as 'Cheese Pizza' - CP = CHILD prostitute or child pornography can you be 100% certain that they are referring to minors

Its like in that Obama '$65k pizza and hotdogs' email - does anyone really believe a private whitehouse party - even of the Pedostocracy - would be so indiscrete , and would only EXCLUSIVELY have sex slave children?

A party like that would easily have numerous male and female ADULT prostitutes (pizza/dogs) who would be socialising as part of their duties, of which a subset MAY be minors hidden in the back rooms for those 'special clients' or blackmail targets

thats my read, anyway

Are_we__sure ago

Its like in that Obama '$65k pizza and hotdogs' email - does anyone really believe a private whitehouse party - even of the Pedostocracy - would be so indiscrete , and would only EXCLUSIVELY have sex slave children?

Yeah, this actually refers to regular old pizza. And the guy talking about $65,000 doesn't know what he is talking about and is repeating gossip from right wing blogs.

The $65,000 hot dog party guy? Not a White House insider. A guy who worked in Texas with no first hand knowledge of the White House and certainly not an Obama insider, he hated Obama. AND he just repeating a fake story that was going around on the right wing blogs and talk shows. After Obama had the pizza chef of a St Louis Pizzeria come to the White House to make pizza, right wing blogs started saying he wasted a bunch of taxpayer money just to eat pizza. (Actually the pizza chef bought the ingredients himself.)

https://twitter.com/TinaTerrell63/status/1507199272 https://twitter.com/ImADirtyBubble/status/1543687256 https://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/13226-obamas-pizza-party-at-taxpayers-tab/ http://web.archive.org/web/20090414041936/http://minx.cc/?post=285771 http://web.archive.org/web/20090414090535/http://news.aol.com/political-machine/2009/04/10/right-wing-slams-barack-obama-for-ordering-pizza-really

(Also note how nobody lost their mind and started claiming pizza = pedophilia. That had to wait for the psyops on social media to mature. In fact, read this article about the St Louis pizza guy all the way to end to blow your mind. https://www.stlmag.com/dining/Pi-at-The-White-House-on-Fox-and-Friends-on-Great-Day-St-Louis/))

MolochHunter ago

Y'know what?

Youve convinced me. It checks out, the daily mail article says pizza chef coming in , April 2009 (it says missouri not chicago, but thats no biggie), the stlmag.com article says April 2009, the Wikileaks $65k email from May 2009 says 'not long ago' it checks out. Gives a plausible, innocent explanation

and that being the case, the 'dreaming of ur Hawaiian HotDog stand' is reasonably innocuous.

I did do a post about a year ago saying the evidence we had implicating Obama was pretty thin https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1500510

Have you ever done a post yourself to knock that lead out of contention, rather than just lurking and replying? Its worthy.

Are_we__sure ago


it says missouri not chicago

Yeah the first contoversy over this was from Chicago pizza makers upset Obama chose a St Louis place, a place that makes deep dish pie, Chicago's signature style.

the 'dreaming of ur Hawaiian HotDog stand' is reasonably innocuous.

It is. Podesta is a cook (There's even video of him cooking the northrn Italian dish pasta with walnut sauce on the web ) and he's a workaholic. He dreams of a low pressure retirement in paradise, ot even a restaurant. A hot dog stand. What's easier to cook than hot dogs?

Have you ever done a post yourself to knock that lead out of contention, rather than just lurking and replying? Its worthy.

I can't make new posts. When you explain the truth to folks, you get downvoated and then can't post.

the evidence we had implicating Obama was pretty thin. All the evidence is tissue thin. There's just about no support for the original pizzagate claims. I haven't seen any evidence Clinton met Alefantis before this broke.

There's zero evidence tying Clinton to Silsby. I debunked that several times. There's no evidence anyone knew of Silsby before her arrest.

MolochHunter ago

1) no amount of pizza costs $65k 2) no 'takeaway' food would be sourced from interstate, thats a preposterous suggestion 3) no external food gets into Whitehouse for security purposes, poisoning, etc.

THEY ARE TALKING IN CODE, clear as day. I cant say definitively what they code is in that particular email, but to say they are talking in the literal about Pizza from interstate for $65k. ? Fatuous

Are_we__sure ago


I posted the real evidence. You did not engage with it. You are still engaging with the fake $65,000 pizza story. A story that didn't happen.

Let me post the real facts again. When the story ran that Obama was having a pizza chef COME TO THE WHITE HOUSE, right wing blogs tried to come up with a way to make Obama look bad about it. They tried to say it was Obama acted entitled flying a pizza guy in just to make pizza for him.

Here's an original article on the guy going to the White House to cook pizza. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1168940/Obamas-fly-chef-860-miles-White-House--just-make-pizza.html

Here's a right wing blog using that article to try to make Obama look bad


If you are gonna fly a chef nearly 2000 miles round trip to make you some specialty pizzas, shouldn't you have gone the whole nine yards and asked for arugula?

So I don't want to see you lecturing the CEO's of bailout companies about using private jets to petition the government, when your guy is jetting dudes across the country to make him a few slices of 'Za.

So this among the birth of the meme, Private planes, money being spent just for pizza. From the tweets I posted

Obama flies in a pizza chef from Chicago! Tax payer expense I'm sure!

Obama wanted pizza & flew out a pizza chef 2 the white house! Damn what else r we gona pay 4!

It was a fake right wing scandal and meme. Taxpayer money wasted on PIZZA! You know what they called the scandal?

Pizzagate, they called in pizzagate. In 2009.

Have the nasty emails and web comments subsided? Not 100%. That's one reason I'm going on FOX tomorrow is to try and squelch >#what they are now calling PizzaGate.

So your response is not engaging in the real story. It's engaging in a fake scandal that a bunch of taxpayer money was spent on pizza. To your comments.

1) no amount of pizza costs $65k

Yup. The guy Texas had no idea whatsoever what he was talking about. He was repeating a fake story. The truth is the pizza cost the White House $0 as the pizza maker donated the food and his time. He was visiting Washington, DC on business. He flew commercial. It's nonsense

2) no 'takeaway' food would be sourced from interstate, thats a preposterous suggestion

No takeaway food was involved whatsoever. The chef went to the White House and made pizza. It's not unusual to have a visiting chef at the white house, at least not during the last adminstration.



THEY ARE TALKING IN CODE, clear as day. I cant say definitively what they code is in that particular email, but to say they are talking in the literal about Pizza from interstate for $65k. ? Fatuous

There's no THEY. There's a guy. A guy who lives in Texas and has no connection to the White House. A guy who in fact, hates Obama. A guy who is repeated second hand information. And he's not talking in code, he's repeated a fake story he heard.

Are_we__sure ago

I'm inclined to agree, in a qualified sense. The aggregate evidence does not appear to preclude the code 'Pizza' as used for simply 'Prostitute' - generally, human trafficked prostitute not in the vocation of her own volition.

To say 'were going to have pizza for an hour' perfectly implies a session with a prostitute who may or may not be a minor.

This straight up false. And have pizza for an hour doesn't imply that in any way. Let alone perfectly. You have to read A TON of stuff into that email to get anywhere close to that.

My reading of the evidence is that only when it is referred to specifically as 'Cheese Pizza' - CP = CHILD prostitute or child pornography can you be 100% certain that they are referring to minors

CP was never used to refer to prostitue or child prostitute. The connection to pedophlia comes through the term CP used online. People on 4 chan would ask people to post CP or child porn. As a joke people starting posting other things with CP, like copier paper or Captain Picard or choclate pudding or cheese pizza. Cheese Pizza was the one that stuck. So in this case Pizza would be Porn. Also John Podesta never used the phrase "cheese pizza" whatsoever. So your claim is flat out false.

And if you take an honest unbiased look at the pizza for an hour email, it's very clear what the meaning is. Take a look at the email thread and read it as it happened.

Tony Podesta sends an email asking John and Mary if they are free for dinner on the 12th or 13th becuase he is going to be back in town those days.

Mary says she can't do the 12th and JP has surgery the 13th. She then asks how long will you be back

TP says he's back on the 12th, but might leave again and then asks if they get together on "MLK day?" That's Jan 20th that year.

JP says that might work

TP then says

Mary not free Would love to get a pizza for an hour? Or come over *

He's saying if Mary can't make it that day and we are both busy, let's do something quick and easy.

*There's another email thread on Jan 12th. Tony Podesta lands in Washington and goes over to John's.

There's a lot of other email where Tony asks if John has time for a phone call or a coffee or to talk.

Shizy ago

These people you waste your time defending would love to just shit in your face. You're pathetic for putting so much time and effort into this ๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿป๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿป๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿป๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿป

Are_we__sure ago

You know I'm right, don't you? You can't attack the evidence can you?

Shizy ago

you never answer questions so why the hell should anyone answer yours! Now shill off you silly shilly shill ๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿป๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿป๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿป๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿป๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿป

Are_we__sure ago

Because you never argue the evidence, you because you know that you can't.

carmencita ago

I watched about 20 min. and had to force it, it is really disgusting especially while you know these are young kids playing out these vile things. But I have to say, that these boys and others in similar films, did not know the double meanings while they were filming. At least I hope not, unless the sick geezer pedo men working with them spilled the beans. We all know by now that Michael J. Fox has Parkinsons and I have read from a report on here that it can be caused by anal sex. Not what we know it as, but very severe and powerful. There are of course some that will counter this, and I am new to this, so I am just learning. I am thinking this could very well be possible.

ASolo ago

No, I don't believe the actors are complicit in the beginning until they are told about the artistic 'masterpiece' they are in much later in life however they are probably all physically indoctrinated off camera anyway as entered apprentice.

Vindicator ago

Parkinsons caused by anal sex? How, exactly? That sounds like someshit found on YourNewsWire, VeteransToday, NeonNettle or Millenium Report. The kind of BS liberal hacks would write thinking God&&Gun Clingers would believe and share.

carmencita ago

Are you equating me with a liberal hack? I am guilty of having an open mind. That's all it is. Every time this is brought up it is quickly shut down. It needs to be discussed. And yes, there will be other opinions going in the opposite direction. And that is OK as far as I am concerned. I don't expect everyone to agree with this. I respect those with other opinions.

Vindicator ago

Are you equating me with a liberal hack?

No, carm. I wasn't talking about you at all. I was referencing the report you said you'd read.

I respect those with other opinions.

I do, too. However, a claim like anal sex causing Parkinson's really requires backup by plausible scientific cause-and-effect. How would anal sex cause dopamine-producing cells in the mid-brain to die?

carmencita ago

I don't know how anal sex causes dopamine-producing cells in the mid-brain to die. As I said this is a work in progress. There certainly would not be a lot of information about this on the internet. I am sure those opposed to this form of thinking have been busy scrubbing and publishing whatever they can to counter this form of thinking. This is all new to me actually like so many things on here have been.

new4now ago

looking at the list of people still alive and those that have past, who have/ had Parkinsons , I can believe it

not many women on either lists


carmencita ago

Yes. I know . It is becoming more evident to me. MJF has a Found. too for Parkinsons I wonder if that was one of the reasons they did what they did to him. to blackmail him and another reason for a Found. to rake in more cash. I feel part of the blackmail is the forcing of a Found. for almost every Top Star. Just think almost all the Biggies have one and the Pol Elites as well. This must be part of the requirement. It just surprises me to no end that more people are not on to this. I am shocked really.

new4now ago

Foundations are a good way to launder money, and they look good to those that know no better

carmencita ago

So very true. Foundations and Art Galleries are the latest thing. That is another way, so many the elites connected and donating large amounts to Art Galleries.

Blacksmith21 ago

Dammit...first pizza, now...nevermind.

What do you think happened after the "self-imposed ban on subliminal imagery" by the advertising industry after a very successful (almost too successful) trial run in the 60s?

They covered their tracks well - https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/a-short-history-of-the-rise-fall-and-rise-of-subliminal-messaging/

ASolo ago

I know I know a classic Italian pie song ruined... I hear ya...

NoBS ago

While 24 and even 30 frames a second can make simple emotional dependence fairly easy, with the new digital 60 fps refresh can make the insane temporarily sane. With 120 frames per second we have the ability to increase congestive functions in the mildly retarded. To the point of ground breaking. This was well known in the sixties. We have gotten smarter, but not wiser since then.

Every thing is easier to brake down than to build up in the mind. The tech is being exploited as we live and breath on Socialist Media.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'd love to see a supporting link to your comment re frame and refresh rates and its effect on the brain.

ASolo ago

While what you are saying is probably most likley very true and there could be a deeper level of magick working behind the scenes but we realy don't even have to get that complex to understand how easy it is to program humans.

Josef Goebbells simply understood that human being can ONLY learn through repetition and rote. A person on an assembly line can tell you that. After years of the same tedious task they could probably do the work blindfolded. Now if the SAME FEELING, ATTITUDE or BELIEF SYSTEM was repeated to you over and over and over throughout your entire lifetime, different shows but somehow, subtly, slowly, delivering the same message, it would become part of your being. There are target emotions, such as sentimentality and revenge, envy, and then there are themes. Most often what I have noticed is that there are highly polarized ideas implanted withing the same person, this causes an irreconcilable dichotomy of belief systems, a bi-polar existence where one or several aspects of the same person will struggle with belief system from somewhere else within the being, I do believe this is the ultimate goal for the goyim. Combine this with the limited rockefeller/carnegie funded schools system. take away dependencies like food and water, add in illnesses and the gun problem and you have yourself a full on apocalypse.

FuckYourSafespace ago

Same, could you ping me if supporting link is provided?

Vindicator ago

Me, too.

think- ago

IMO anal rape opening the third eye is just a myth - spread by boy rapists to justify their behaviour. All the different kind of rapes - anal, vaginal, or oral - will traumatize kids, and sometimes this will cause a bigger sensivity to 'sixth sense' perceptions. But this doesn't depend on the way they were raped.

Joe10jo ago

I believe it 100%. Anyone whoโ€™s had their guy unexpectedly โ€œmissโ€ the intended spot knows full well the shock it sends the system, especially if the receiver isnโ€™t used to getting it that way. In my experience, itโ€™s enough to make a person see stars. And not in a good way.

ASolo ago

I once thought in terms like that. That satanism and luciferians only used 'the devil' and bloodletting as just a horrific tool to keep a victim silent, or even offering 'secret esoteric knowledge' like the kundalini snake as a gift of enticement to the loyal but after quite a bit of research I'm beginning to think differently.

NoBS ago

While the ritualistic abuse is steeped in generational histories, they Elitist from yesteryear tended to "Kill" the children because life was much cheaper back then. Since Slavery is a hot item, open borders means easy to exploit immigrants.

ASolo ago

It's definitely not a myth if the occult believes it and they spend so much time embedding it in their movies. I understand your point but the way you worded it is dangerous and detrimental to the understanding meant to be conveyed through this thread.

Vindicator ago

It's definitely not a myth if the occult believes it

WTH? Those jackasses believe all kinds of utter hokum. Did you meant to say "It's definitely not a myth THAT the occult believes it"?

ASolo ago

Well yes I guess if you need that kind of semantic to have it make sense to you. Myth is based in fiction. These ppl believe it's fact. I'm saying regardless if we think it's hokum they don't so it has force and effect on us as if it was real. It really is a paradox.

And I don't support think-'s theory that they use it entirety as a trauma tool for pure deception either only because there is basis enough in other research for an ethereal or metaphysical biological transformation that's only now is described in occult terms.

think- ago

but the way you worded it is dangerous and detrimental to the understanding meant to be conveyed through this thread


ASolo ago

I simply meant that I feel your base assumption that it is myth used only as a tool can preemptively stalwart a discussion on the possibility of a an occult or metaphysical interpretation here on this thread, missing the intended mark of "it doesn't matter what we think, if it's real or not, they do". I didn't intend any insult.

think- ago

I didn't intend any insult.

It's ok, @ASolo, thanks for clarifying.

You mean I should have waited a couple of hours before posting my comment? ;-) ;-)

ASolo ago

Lol, yes, possibly. Thanks for understanding.

ASolo ago

Well the third eye thing is debatable but some circles do believe the TRAUMA caused by such a violation, especially if it is done between the ages of 1 and 7 can have devastating psychological effect that can't be explained by 'modern sconce' because there is no area of study for that, however the occult DOES have alot of knowledge on the subject and they staunchly believe that it will open a portal to allow demons in and/or some sort of energetic transfer. I can find that to a degree plausible in the sense that it creates an uncontrollable and dangerous dysfunctional kind of sexual lust.

think- ago

however the occult DOES have alot of knowledge on the subject and they staunchly believe

Well, sorry, but occultists having some knowledge of spiritual worlds doesn't mean they're right. So many things occultists claim are clearly rubbish.

And the whole 'anal rape opens the third eye' story is certainly passed on from generation to generation of boy rapists, starting at least in ancient Greece. But the age of a myth doesn't prove its validity (as you will know).

Well the third eye thing is debatable but some circles do believe the TRAUMA caused by such a violation, especially if it is done between the ages of 1 and 7 can have devastating psychological effect

Yes, that was what I was talking about. This is what causes many victims who were raped at a very young age to develop psychosis or 'border on psychosis' (not talking about borderline syndrome here) - which means they develop a highly sensitive perception, maybe things like precognition in some cases.

carmencita ago

This is exactly my thinking as well. There has not been Real proof yet about the Eye of Horus so I am on the fence and keeping an open mind, and highly agree that when a victim is that young yes, it has a highly traumatic effect. This can probably be in the area similar to the PTSD soldiers experience. I have read some accounts written by young victims that say they actually do have PTSD due to the horrid raping they have endured. So very sad.

Joe10jo ago

I can see that. My former shrink told me that Iโ€™m the poster child for PTSD, yet 99% of my trauma stems from My having had a junkie mother since I was 4 years old. IMO thatโ€™s nothing compared to being anally raped at the same age.

Shizy ago

How awful. I'm so sorry for you!

carmencita ago

I have read that children raised in a crime infested neighborhood are suffering the same PTSD as well. We need mental health help for these children and for people like you as well. Maybe your Mom would not have taken you, but you could have gone for help when you reached adulthood. We can make things so much better and cut down on so much crime if we had mental health resources.

derram ago

https://hooktube.com/watch?v=7u3XoojtUkU :

Pizza Esoterica Part 5 - When the Moon Hits Your Eye Like a Big Pizza Pie - YouTube

https://hooktube.com/watch?v=tq0A18rzVC0 :

Pizza Esoterica 4: The Goonies (1985) - YouTube

https://hooktube.com/watch?v=D4LqeOw3DvY :

What is "Back to the Future" Really About? - Part 1 - YouTube

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