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carmencita ago

The Freud Family is really messed up. Clement's wife was accused of sexually abusing a 16 year old boy and he claims it was kind of a "family thing" that was accepted by Clement as well. He had no problem with it. His wife had a connection to Lewis Carrol of Alice's Adventures fame. She was enthralled with Carrol when younger. I found this This is a blog of Craig Murray who was a Former Ambassador to the US. Read it all, it is not long, and I found it astoundingly startling. Another interesting fact about Murray is that he swore that he was the person that Seth Rich handed off the Podesta emails to in a DC park. Interesting. Very Interesting. Read the article for it contains a small piece about Freud, and the McCanns and that is also very startling.

letsdothis1 ago

Thank you for the link. Quite interesting..

Commenters on this blog directly caused the exposure of Clement Freud in the ITV story. I published an anodyne obituary in 2009 giving my memories of Freud. One commenter wrote:

He was a notorious old goat and his pursuit of young women could verge on the sinister. I met one of his young ‘victims’ who told me about a job interview with him turning into a very traumatic experience.

And a second wrote the startling

Writing as one of his 1000s of sexual ‘victims’, still surviving, terrified as I write for fear he is not yet quite yet dead – the man was an evil, conniving, ruthless user for his own bottomless ego of all he came into contact with. Our children – boys and girls are all that much safer for his demise.

And that is just the tip of an iceberg of political and media dirty dealings that reaches into the heart of the broken Britain he has left behind him.

His family will now, unfortunately, reap the rage and revenge of those he destroyed and their much needed justice for his many heinous – still untold – actions.

He had the intelligence to see that a great salon and dinner party wit could be turned to wider use, and he pioneered the roles of media personality and celebrity chef, as well as being long associated with Private Eye and with all of those Radio 4 comedy programmes

carmencita ago

regarding the freud#respond link, in the comments there were these two replies: He was a notorious old goat and his pursuit of young women could verge on the sinister. I met one of his young ‘victims’who told me about a job interview with him turning into a very traumatic experience. AND another one that implied that "our boys and girls will be much better off for his demise". Truer words were never spoken.