TrishaUK ago

While checking out an old movie my children enjoyed it was called 'Water Babies'. It starred boy actor Jack Wild (he was also in 'Oliver'). My husband said "didn't he go off the rails and drink himself to death?' It sparked my interest so I checked up about him. Well seems he was introduced into the 'high life' in Hollywood at the age of 14/15 I think while filming Pufnstuff (odd name right there!) Quote: from dailymail below I was invited out to expensive restaurants and wild parties where the tables would be laden with bowls of drugs – you could take your pick of uppers or downers. Instead of Twiglets, crisps and peanuts, one ashtray was full of speed, another of cocaine, marijuana, LSD, everything. Shame I wonder if he had been abused during these, knowing what we know now about Hollywood and children, and drinking was his way to cope! These PIGS in the upper echelons have a lot to answer for, and we are geting tired of waiting..........hope its soon! - @carmencita @Cc1944 @think-

think- ago

Shame I wonder if he had been abused during these, knowing what we know now about Hollywood and children, and drinking was his way to cope!

This might be possible. Thanks for the link!

Piscina ago

I used to love HR Puffnstuff, although it was scary.

carmencita ago

Horrid Account! Thanks for the link will take a look at it. Drugs and Booze and Hollywood seem to go together.

Shillaxe ago

Could Corey be Hughes son ? 😱

migratorypatterns ago

Okay, was all set to give glowing and enthusiastic response, but then I actually had to go and watch this damn thing.

Seriously, has Mr. Gunk gotten stepped on the head by a horse or something? He exonerates MJ because why? Because there can't be TWO alleged child molestors? Especially when he goes onto talk about DEN Entertainment and how producers would pay money to sit naked in hot tubs? Oh, no, Mr. Gunk! They couldn't be pedos because there's on ONE allowed per party!

Then he says something about Feldman going to the FBI? I thought he went LAPD? That's who quote FOUND unquote the tape where Feldman named names ... then Feldman did some cleaning and found his copy in the garage! But he never named big pedo elites! He named a couple of nothing burgers, and Mr. Gunk doesn't call him out for that discrepancy? For stringing Haim along all those years by giving him the excuse that he'd already spoken to the police and they didn't do anything. Well, why the fuck would they? They were after MJ and Feldman gives them nothing burgers?

And the third strike is Mr. Gunk STILL NOT SAYING THE NAME OF THE STAND IN?!!!! WHAT?!!!! WTF IS THIS ANOTHER TEASE?!!! So it's okay that others quote guessed unquote the name, but he's not going to say it?

Yes, he showed the Twitter account, but that isn't the same thing, is it? If you've already threatened to release the name, then do another video, you'd fucking better say the name of you lose credibility.

And then to sort of call out Feldman and exonerate MJ?!!!! Yeah, no.

migratorypatterns ago

Debunked how? It was never even investigated.

Podge512 ago

IIRC, Enty revealed the name of Heather O'Rourke in this blind item, so he must have some evidence of foul play or he's opening himself up to a charge of libel.

migratorypatterns ago

I don't remember ENTY saying that name. S/he told the story, but I must have missed him naming her.

I do remember people picking up on it in the comment section.

Oh, shit! Do you know how Heather and SS met? On imdb:

Heather entered American cinematic pop-culture before first grade. She was sitting alone in the MGM Commissary waiting for her mother when a stranger approached her asking her name. "My name is Heather O'Rourke," she said. "But you're a stranger, and I can't talk to you". When her mother returned, the stranger introduced himself as Steven Spielberg. She failed her first audition when she laughed at a stuffed animal Spielberg presented her with. He thought she was just too young (she had just turned five), and he was actually looking for a girl at least 6 years old, but he saw something in her and asked her to come in a second time with a scary story book. He asked her to scream a lot. She screamed until she broke down in tears. The next day at the commissary, Spielberg told her and her family, "I don't know what it is about her, but she's got the job."

Yup, something about her ...

And she was on three TV shows:

In the years that followed, Heather was a familiar face on TV in Happy Days (1974) (1982-1983), Webster (1983) (1983-1984), and The New Leave It to Beaver (1983) (1986-1987), three shows in which she had recurring roles.

Happy Days? Bingo! We know from Erin Moran there was alleged abuse going on.

That poor kid ... and her mother was just clueless, huh?

Podge512 ago

You're right; initially he didn't, but he did a BI Revealed later:

And I'm sure her poor mother was completely clueless about what was happening to her cashco - er, daughter!

migratorypatterns ago

Yeah, and evidently Mom was actually giving her medication for Crohn's disease because of all that pesky inflammation. IF Enty is right, and IF this irritation were being caused by abuse, then giving a child the wrong medication could have contributed to killing her. It says in the imdb how her cheeks were puffed out from the medication. Could have been a reaction by her system to being dosed with something she didn't need.

And I guess mom was pushing both daughters. Here they are in the beauty pageant system, being groomed:

Podge512 ago

It was at the tail end of the video, but he did name the stand in as Shane Fry.

migratorypatterns ago

If he was defending Jackson, however, he's dead wrong!

To me he was. He was also defending that scumsucking loser Geffen. What he said was that Geffen was throwing out accusations, but he was very unclear that he was doing it to protect the Pedo Elite that the whore Feldman claims exists until it's time to name them! Basically, it sounds very much like he was implying that MJ was one of these INNOCENTS, and that MJ was just so upset. Did you happen to read my post on MJ? There was just this damning article about how he persecuted the father of one of the accuser's. It wasn't DG accusing, it was the kid and his father! The father ended up suicided, but then why wouldn't he? His business was gone because that other scumsucker Pellicano used intimidation tactics on the father's patients. WTH wants to go to a dentist with that kind of harassment going on? It also pointed out that the father had to have reverse cosmetic. He started out a very handsome man and had work done to make himself unattractive and untraceable to get MJ and his hired goons off his damn back! AND, as far as I know ... which isn't that far, that kid is grown up and has completely disappeared off the map! Yup! He was wanted for a deposition and nobody ... NOBODY ... can find him.

Don't know if he's turned up, but, man, someone took their pound of flesh out on that victim and his father. And his dad was only trying to protect him. It's what all of us members question at times. We say, "WTH was the father?" Well, this dad was RIGHT THERE EVERY STEP OF THE WAY and he got CRUSHED!

And this guy's defending him?

carmencita ago

Amen. I remember reading the article you must have read too. It was sickening. MJ was a pedophile and whoever doesn't believe that has not done their research. His father Joe was a good teacher. But a lousy father.

migratorypatterns ago

Absolutely. Totally agree.

Joe was a horrible father ... and husband.

carmencita ago

I have read horrible things he did, don't know if they are all true, but some of them must be. I am not giving MJ any breaks but his father made him what he turned into. And the rest of the kids too. His mother is as much to blame.

migratorypatterns ago

I know plenty of people that were abused, and they didn't turn out to be monsters.

Because of what they went through, they do everything they can to protect children. Even some of these SRA victims speaking out, they've been through unimaginable horrors and refused to join in on harming others.

It's always a personal responsibility. So if MJ were just screwed up and drinking/on drugs to deal with the abuse, yes, I would give him a pass. But doing what he did? No way. The father was a monster and so was MJ.

carmencita ago

I think that if they are horribly abused during a certain age frame that it affects them more so. I think it is about 6 or 7 or thereabouts. But it has to be at a large number of rapes and done a certain way in order to get to the point of MJ. Yes, they suffer horribly the Survivors. My heart goes out to them, as it does to my friend St.charles.

migratorypatterns ago

It can mess you up ... I've met people with multiple personalities, etc., but they're not like MJ.

MJ was a predator. I think what you're leaving out is if you do that to a predator you end up with an MJ ... or Feldman. But Feldman was a low-level predator. He's like the jackal that hangs around for part of the kill.

Podge512 ago

I do recall reading from one of the Jacksons (Jermain I think it was) that Joe would take Michael to see "important men" and when he returned, he would be sick for several days. And as we know, roughly a third of child abuse victims will themselves go on to become abusers.

carmencita ago

In order to be turned into something so putrid and horrid, a child would have to be raped over and over and over and...................even animals don't rape. Most have a courting period etc. All so very sad. It never ends unless until they die.

derram ago :

Spielberg, Geffen & Feldman. This will expose you! - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

Podge512 ago

Lest PaedoTube delete this video:

migratorypatterns ago

I left the UpVoat, but really if this video is lost, no big whoop.

carmencita ago

Have we ever looked into the boy friend of Dominique Dunn? He only served about half of the sentence of six years. Was this a payoff for the murder or was he just a patsy and someone else took care of it? So many strange deaths in Tinsel Town.

migratorypatterns ago

Good idea.

Since her father was so well-connected, you'd think he would have written all there was to know about what went on. But then again, he could have been part of the problem.

carmencita ago

Sad that Dominic Dunn passed away. He probably gave up getting to the real truth. So many deaths there have to be some to silence the truth.

migratorypatterns ago

Spielberg is such a sleaze. I just remembered he went after one of my fav directors Tobe Hooper. SS is demonic.

carmencita ago

Yeah, the DM writes about him in the article. I hope he is not tainted too.

migratorypatterns ago

Yes. Losing his daughter must have been unbelievably difficult.

A real tragedy. But you've got to wonder what she knew and saw on that set.

carmencita ago

I believe she may have been talking too much. Possibly on drugs or drinking or both, like many did. They must always be silenced in some way.

carmencita ago

Robins says there is one tragic but vivid memory that sticks with him. 'My parents bought a bottle of Dom Perignon champagne to give to Steven to congratulate him on finishing the movie,' he recalls. 'I remember giving it to him and he said to Heather, "You know Heather, when you turn 21 this is how we are going to celebrate your birthday".' Who would say that to a little girl. And how does he know he will be that close to her then. Does he plan to control her career so he would always be near her. Sick.

migratorypatterns ago

Who would say that to a little girl.

No one. Absolutely no one. It's so inappropriate ... on so many levels.

That poor little girl.

carmencita ago

You know I have read a lot of articles of all kinds about pedophiles and abuse and it is said that in their minds the abusers never really grow up. So just think of him saying a grown up thing but as a child. He thinks that is normal. His body is an adult body but his mind is the mind of a child. At least when it comes to sex.

migratorypatterns ago

I think it's another way of normalizing what goes on.

Funny, that the people we allege to be involved in this are grown up enough to create financial empires and run businesses. Grown up enough to have vendettas and have people whacked or blacklisted. Grown up enough to make decisions about political agendas and gaining further power. Don't see how they see themselves as children. I think it's more they love to victimize the innocent, and what could be more innocent than a child? It's sheer terror when they abuse them, and when they molest them, the toddlers/babies don't even realize what's going on or that they should fight.

They're just monsters. That's what they think of themselves as. It's pure carnal, evil lust that drives them. Like any predator. Think about the cowards preying on the elderly to get money. What? Do they think themselves elderly? No, they spot someone vulnerable and go for it. Same with these sick bastards. I can't wait until this shit is revealed.

carmencita ago

The reveal will open a whole new can of worms. We will be shocked at those that believe and those that do not. I think I can pick out the ones in my circle already. It boggles the mind. How will they handle what you have just written about? That all this his been going on. I think this Big March this weekend is not only about guns. I think it is about showing our children who their new leaders are. These will be their Svengalis. Their snakes in a basket. Snake Charmers. It's sickening and scary at the same time.

migratorypatterns ago

I think you're right.

But it was a bought and paid for show courtesy of Soros.

In terms of the reveal, yes, exposing those complicit in this and learning what everyone actually did to children is going to be hard to take, but it needs to be done to strip away the illusion. And, yeah, I can guess that more than a few of the rabid liberals I know are going to reject the truth, but I may be surprised.

Hope so. I'm pulling for them to wake the hell up.

carmencita ago

I know only 2 rabid liberals and they are really good people, just still wearing blinders. They def will be enraged. I have thought about finally letting them have it, but it will be too cruel. I can't blame them because I have been at this longer and lived a different life. I have had experiences that they did not have. So it is not mine to judge.

migratorypatterns ago

So it is not mine to judge.


Absolutely shouldn't judge. I know I've worn blinders and been pretty darn happy in my ignorance. What it took to take them off was the one-two punch: The Kenyan and Pizzagate. Without the advent of those two incidents, I would still be a rabid, foaming-at-the-mouth liberal so you never know what will trigger people.

carmencita ago

What woke me was how the Dems dumped Bernie with Election Fraud and that opened my mind enough to accept pizzagate little by little. I was ready 'to accept almost anything finding out about CPP and JA and the JP when I was on reddit. But I already hated BO in the middle of his second term and I hated HER even during the Clinton Years. I have always disliked her. I voted for him once and then Bush. Then after the Iraq War I just got so ticked off I went back to BO. This is how they do us, make us act like a Yo-Yo. Frustration and anxiety and Fear is what they have given us. I saw a mag today with what they said were Women That Changed The World and it had Oprah HRC and Ellen on it. I wanted to BARF.

migratorypatterns ago

I saw a mag today with what they said were Women That Changed The World and it had Oprah HRC and Ellen on it.

Well, if they meant changed for the worse, it's accurate reporting.

You know, Ellen and that little creepy Milano are such nothing burgers. Don't know why they're toted or held up to such acclaim. They're given words and they repeat them.

Same with Oprah and HRC.

carmencita ago

I thought the same thing after I left there! For the worse. Ellen and Milano are paid to do what they do. If I see one more pic with OW with her Big Black Glasses I Will Scream! This is the latest fad to make people think they are studious and way smarter than anyone. I may just get a pair and run for office! Evidently that's what it takes. Remember Rick Perry? He said his wife bought him those glasses!!!

migratorypatterns ago

Just a pair of glasses? And here I've been reading all this time, hoping it would help.

I think the dems got the looking smart thing down. They come across as highly educated until you actually listen to what they have to say.

Time for another memo:

It's the glasses ...

carmencita ago

Exactly. You are so distracted by their Studious Look, you can't possibly imagine they are saying Stupid Stuff!

migratorypatterns ago

Which it is. And dishonest.

Everything they speak is meant to cover up the socialism disease their philosophy carries. They want to destroy borders and infect us into believing it's not setting up global totalitarianism. One supreme leader ... wonder if Soros has that spot carved out for himself?

carmencita ago

Hopefully he will be dead before then. He is pretty old. I am hoping one of the Rothschilds kicks the bucket again. Remember the airplane crash in England near their estate? I believe it was Nicholas Rothschild. The Heathens, may they Burn Everlasting in Hell.

migratorypatterns ago

He is pretty old.

Yeah, but they do all that weird stuff. Blood drinking, spirit cooking, adenochrome, stem cells ... and God knows what else. Now if he was thrown into Gitmo along with Skankles, we'd see how they really age and what they really look like without the supplements.

carmencita ago

Jeffrey Epstein has invested in finding Eternal Life. I hope to God something happens before the find the answer. They should all be Blown to Smithereens.

carmencita ago

Look what I found. Dominique Dunne's supposed murderer John Patrick Maura (his new name)

Podge512 ago

He was acquitted of 2nd degree murder but convicted of voluntary manslaughter. How do you strangle someone to death and not intend to kill?! It also appears that the judge withheld vital evidence in the trial.

carmencita ago

Judges are easily bought off out there. Especially with a large bundle of cash that Tinsel Town has.