Gilderoy ago

Very useful post. Thank you! I recall Jerome Corsi mentioning the Clinton Foundation in China, if I'm not mistaken. Is that the same thing as the Asia Foundation? There was a Zero Hedge article about an ex-Clinton Foundation official embroiled in a bizarre scandal involving a Chinese kindergarten.

dulcefoe ago

Excellent. We need more researchers. There are more leads than any one person can follow.

fogdryer ago

Great post

YogSoggoth ago

I agree, Ruby is most certainly in the fix. Is that her real name though?

derram ago :

How the Rothschild banking cartel infiltrated Australia~

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darkknight111 ago

Part 2 of said series.

ARTHUR C. CLARK: 'Paedophile' Art rhur C Clarke sparks protests in Lanka Child right activists in Sri Lanka have expressed shock over science fiction writer Arthur C Clarke's confession in a newspaper interview of a life of paedophilia and called for his deportation just around the time Prince Charles was to knight him. Clarke, 80, widely regarded as a visionary and author of the celebrated 2001: A Space Odyssey and some 80 other books, was quoted as saying in the interview published in London's Sunday Mirror that having sex with children was all right. ''Once they have reached the age of puberty, it is OK... It doesn't do any harm,'' said Clarke, who has lived in Sri Lanka for 40 years. "I am trying to think of the youngest boy I have ever had because, of course, you can't tell it here. I think most of the damage comes from the fuss made by hysterical parents afterwards. If the kids don't mind, fair enough,'' he was reported to have said in the interview which was conducted at his house." NOTE: Clark was friends with the producer of EYES WIDE SHUT, and Clark's own 2001:A SPACE ODDESY. "Excerpt from a letter written by Arthur C. Clarke (from Colombo to Colombo). It is dated 11 Oct. 1991 and concerns “short shorts”: My favourite is Hemingway’s—he’s supposed to have won a $10 bet (no small sum in the ’20s) from his fellow writers. They paid up without a word. . . . Here it is. I still can’t think of it without crying— FOR SALE. BABY SHOES. NEVER WORN." LADY LYNN: "Sir Evelyn de Rothschild gifts wife orphanage in Tamil Nadu on birthday" "A birthday gift worth half a million dollars, but no diamonds or cars. Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, member of the Rothschild banking family and the chairman of NM Rothschild & Sons, its London merchant bank, gifted his American wife Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild an orphanage in Tamil Nadu on her 50th birthday. "I have a great feeling of satisfaction," says a joyous Lynn, who is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and Foreign Policy Association. Looks like this is one celebration she will always cherish." "Since June 2002, Lady de Rothschild has been the Chief Executive of E.L. Rothschild LLC, a private investment company with investments in media, asset management, information technology, agriculture and real estate worldwide. Holdings include The Economist Group (UK), Bronfman/E.L.Rothschild, real estate and financial instruments. Lady de Rothschild has been a director of The Estee Lauder Companies since December 2000 and The Economist Newspaper Limited (member of the Audit Committee) since October 2002. From 2004-2007, she was also co-chair of FieldFresh Pvt. Ltd, a 50-50 joint venture with Bharti Enterprises, established to develop the Indian agricultural sector in India..." "McCain Institute's Failure To Use Donations For Anti-Trafficking Purposes Raises Questions" "Questions about John McCain's foundation have arisen amid revelations that, for the last several years the foundation has not been using its donations, instead depositing small amounts of their large endowment into the Arizona State University Foundation. This issue has added importance when considered in the context of John McCain's controversial sources of funding and the arrest of a number of past campaign workers on charges such as child abuse and drug trafficking."

darkknight111 ago

Part 1 of series of posts by Septis.

More Asia trafficking: THE NEPAL / INDIA / SRI LANKA NEXUS (Nepal is on the China border) "FOR SALE. BABY SHOES. NEVER WORN." Just like Haiti, Nepal had a huge increase in child trafficking after the earthquake. Let's research the Nepal-India-Sri Lanka pipeline... Richard C. Blum (DiFi's hubby) - Nepal Arthur C. Clark - Sri Lanka Lady Lynn Rothschild - India THEY ALL HAVE STORIES TO TELL. FIRST: "Nepal: ‘Since earthquake, 15% spike in human trafficking’ A total of 308 persons of less than 18 years, and another 327 of over 18 years of age, were intercepted in the three months before the earthquake." "Immediately after the earthquake struck Nepal last year, human trafficking shot up by 15 per cent, a report of the National Human Rights Commission of Nepal has revealed." "In the three months post-earthquake, 331 persons of less than 18 years of age, and 394 persons of over 18 years, were intercepted." “Of late, India is increasingly becoming the transit location. From Nepal, the women are trafficked first to India, and then to Sri Lanka, Thailand or Bangladesh, from where they are taken to Middle East, Europe and Africa,” said Maiti Nepal’s communications officer Achyut Kumar Nepal. “Of late, India is increasingly becoming the transit location. From Nepal, the women are trafficked first to India, and then to Sri Lanka, Thailand or Bangladesh, from where they are taken to Middle East, Europe and Africa,” said Maiti Nepal’s communications officer Achyut Kumar Nepal." "As per Nepal Police, a total of 1,233 women and children were also reported to be missing three months after the earthquake, and as many as 161 children were rescued from different border points, between Nepal and India, in the same period." BLUM and DiFi are considered to be a Globalist power couple and are among the wealthiest in the Senate. Blum took an interest in Nepal at an early age and became close friends with Mt. Everest climber Sir Edmund Hillary. Through him he became acquainted with local sherpa families and created a foundation to help Nepal, including young girls involved with trafficking. HE IS ALSO A TRUSTEE FOR THE BROOKINGS INSTITUTION, with a thoroughly globalist membership. The following Brookings Institute paper is a MUST READ: NOTE: This transcript of a speech made by Blum was dated 10-14-16. This was about one month before the Presidential Election. It is clear that he assumed Hillary would win. He is negative towards a Trump presidency. Blum is promoting his new book, AN ACCIDENT OF GEOGRAPHY: COMPASSION, INNOVATION, AND THE FIGHT AGAINST POVERTY. It includes his Nepal backstory with Sir Hillary. SIGNIFICANT QUOTES: "I went originally to Nepal in '68 and I went there --I was going to Bangkok no business and I just kept going and the first night out, a couple of us spent in a Tibetan refugee camp. And there was these little kids that were either born there or carried over the mountains, friendly, you know. I mean, you fell in love in about 10 minutes. " "This was back in the '70s, helping as many trekkers do. The kids of shepherds that we went with and at some point, I see all this kind of buildup over a period of time. I said, "Well, this isn't really fair. We're just helping shepherd kids of shepherds we know. What about the other ones that may be just as worthwhile or deserving?” So, I met a long (ph), tall fellow by the name of Sir Edmund Hilary (ph) and we became close friends for about 30 years until he passed away and most of the Himalayan trust work in the Nepal, which he started, we had funded for most of that time and we said, "We don't know who to help, not to help. Why don't we have a venture? We'll give you the money. You decide." Now, the thing about Ed Hilary, the analysts of people who were good in the development world, you wouldn't see his name listed there except on my list." "This is a guy who went to the villages, help build schools, pounded nails. I never pounded nails with him because I'm not capable, but in any event -- so over this period of time, we've known families forever. I'm a godfather to one family for over 40 years. So, part of that is I think about them all the time, as you would relatives. I understand a lot of their problems. I understand a lot of what they're doing, but I'm also convinced that you can find kids in the villages or out in the fields." "So, other the years, the American- Himalayan Foundation grew basically because six of us scruffy guys came off of Mount Everest in 1981, the Tibetan side. We're the first ones ever allowed to go there and said, "Let's do something." So, the American Himalayan Foundation today has probably touches maybe close to 400,000 lives. It's, of course, started with the shepherds and Tibetan refugees and the Dalai Lama, but our biggest program was something we weren't even aware of in early years and that is trafficking and we have 15,000 young girls in school being saved from being sold and however bad you think the trafficking problem is, it's worst than that and a lot of these young women develop AIDS -- 80 percent of them do. They never live to be 20 years." "I probably -- so when I see somebody like Trump making those comments towards young women, you wonder what kind of impression does he make on young men then may want to run after somehow some prostitution. Anyhow, I feel this very deeply and as you can tell." "So, some years ago, King Birendra, who unfortunately, when they had assassination, most of the royal family was killed, said, "Richard, whenever possible, avoid doing business with my government,"" "I've spent a lot of time being on with Jimmy Carter, been on his board for the last 15 years, what I would say about Jimmy Carter and I have been in all the worst possible places in Africa with him." (Blum is on the board of the Carter Center, which pushes vaccines) "First of all, I've been involved with the Clinton Foundation and despite all that you hear, they do an awful lot of good work. Raj knows this. He worked with them, particularly on AIDS projects and then, nobody spends more money there than Bill Gates. So, we just need to do more and more of that." "And when we have a new administration, I don't think that, you know, hopefully Hillary can ignore what has been said by both Sanders and to a certain extent, by Trump about what we have to do to make sure that there is more equal opportunity for everybody here." "it may have been that first couple of weeks. Been refugee camping out, trekking with local people that says, "My goodness, these are lovely people. We should help them. Maybe there's something to do here." And if you think about it, one thing sort of led to another and then I was probably the first decade because we were up in the mountains. Most of the hill people -- the lower caste Hindus are the ones where the girls get sold." "You talked about ownership very -- very early on and I would say that was probably 30 years before USAID started to really take ownership very seriously. You know, you talk about the importance of culture in a lot of your work is devoted to culture and improving the place where people live to give them some pride in that place and then, of course, moving into trafficking." "And then if you find something, for instance, in our investment business, the -- I mean, if we get in and out of something within three years, that's a trade. We tend to find businesses and grow with them, just as we have done with the American-Himalayan Foundation. We started with shepherds and wound up with trafficking issues. So -- and particularly, with our investing in Korea and China and so forth." "You've been working in places where, as you said, there's lot of corruption, rule of law isn't really good, but you've been actually very successful in China."

septimasexta ago

Thanks for reposting this info. It is unfortunate, however, that the links and spacing were lost. Makes it a little more challenging to read. Just came across an interesting SIR HILLARY / NEPAL / YETI / SCHOOL LINK FROM 1960!

"Sir Edmund Hillary and Mr Desmond Doig, who have been on a yeti-hunting expedition in Nepal, arrived in London by air yesterday with the scalp of what is believed in Khumjung village to be a yeti. With them was Khumjo Chumbi, village headman, who is guardian of the scalp."

"With the scalp on a table in front of him Sir Edmund said: "The scalp was in the house of a frightening old woman, believed to be a witch, in Khumjung. It has been in the possession of the village for 240 years."

"Eventually we took it under three conditions: that we gave a donation to the village monastery; that one of the headmen came with us; and that we must give a donation towards a new village school."

septimasexta ago

The New York Times gives a slightly different version in 2003:

"In Sherpa Country, They Love 'Sir Ed' By JAMES BROOKEMAY 29, 2003

"After Sir Edmund and Tenzing Norgay became the first to scale the world's highest mountain on May 29, 1953, Sir Edmund returned to the area to study the effect of altitude on the body and to search for the ''yeti,'' a creature popularized in the West as the abominable snowman. ''One night, they were camping in a mountain pass, with a fire, and talking all sorts of gossips,'' Ang Rita said, recounting the genesis of the trust. ''He asked one of the senior Sherpas, Urken Sherpa, 'If I could help Sherpa people, what could I do?' '' ''Urken Sherpa could have asked for yaks,'' the trust director said, referring to Himalayan pack animals prized for their wool. ''Instead he said: 'Our children have eyes, but they cannot see. We need a school.' '' The building of a school led to the building of hospitals."

ALSO: "Richard C. Blum, chairman of the American Himalayan Foundation, which helps finance some Hillary projects, said here today that Sir Edmund's contributions to the people of the Himalayas were one his proudest achievements. ''It is almost as important getting to the top first,'' Mr. Blum said."

"''Without Sir Ed, we Sherpas would be 50 years, 100 years behind where we are now,'' said Ang Rita, who directs the Himalayan Trust. The youngest of seven siblings, Ang Rita is the only member of his family to learn to read or write, a gift he attributes to Sir Edmund, who hiked into the village in 1960 to build a school."


"For all his contributions to the people of the Khumbu, he humbly credits others. Sir Edmund Hillary features prominently amongst them. Ang Rita’s father, Mingma Tsering Sherpa, was Hillary’s right hand man; they worked together for almost 37 years. It was in the Hillary School that Ang Rita started his education and then it was because of Hillary’s influence that he came back to Nepal after his studies in New Zealand. “He would not have let me stay in New Zealand after my studies,” says Ang Rita of the person popularly and respectfully as ‘Burra Sahib’ throughout Solu Khumbu. Ang Rita was very close to Hillary and his voice echoes this love as he talks about how honored he felt when he was asked to come to New Zealand for Burra Sahib’s funeral. “They allowed me and my other friends from Nepal to actually carry his casket in the procession. For someone whose contribution in my life is so huge, that was all I could do. What could I do to ever make it up to him?” A picture of Ang Rita and Hillary rests on the wall behind his office desk."

Sir Edmund Hillary Built His First Sherpa School 50 Years Ago; Now There Are 63

Nepali Sherpas "orphaned" after Hillary's death

septimasexta ago

Richard C. Blum and Dianne Feinstein: The Power Couple of California Historical Essay

"They remain at the pinnacle of power today, he as a billionaire financier, speculator, real estate executive and deal maker; she as the senior Senator (California’s highest federal official), from the largest and most powerful state in the United States. They exemplify power as it is now wielded in the higher circles of the class system of the U.S. today, and illustrate well the dismal results of this system. This system is best characterized as a plutocratic kleptocracy, completely lacking in authentic democracy, operated by and for corporate racketeers, in short, a dictatorship of big capital, the top 1% of wealth holders, which makes up a ruling class."

"The financial capitalist now plays the leading role in capitalist development, this type of capitalist has taken over from the formerly dominant industrial capitalist. This process also has financialized class and class relations; these are more and more characterized by extreme differences in wealth and income from the top to the bottom of the class system. The top 1% of U.S. wealth holders, Blum and Feinstein among them, currently hold about 35% of the total wealth of the nation (43% of the financial wealth), and the top 20% have 85% of the total wealth. Conversely, the bottom 80% of the population owns only 15% of the wealth, the bottom 40% of the population owns only 0.3% of the nation’s wealth (basically nothing), and about one in six Americans (almost 50 million people) live in poverty, with no wealth and lacking even a minimal income."

The imperialist policies to be followed by the U.S. and NATO are discussed and developed by think tanks and policy forming organizations the leading U.S. private, (closely connected to official circles), such as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and the Brookings Institute. A similar organization, only international in membership is the Trilateral Commission, which draws its members from many countries in Europe, North America and Asia. Blum-Feinstein are closely connected with all three of these private foreign planning organizations and their imperialist policies. Both Blum and Feinstein have been members of the CFR for a number of years (membership is by invitation only). Blum has been a trustee of and part of the power structure of the Brookings Institute for years (Brookings regularly hosts the “Brookings-Blum Roundtable” discussion series) and Feinstein currently serves on the North American branch of the Trilateral Commission, after having first become involved with this organization in 1988. One result of these close connections is the fact that Feinstein is an enthusiastic war hawk and strongly supports all the current wars and occupations of U.S. imperialism, from Iraq and Afghanistan to Libya."