carmencita ago

Not going there. This sounds evil. Also this should have been deleted.

oftotc ago

CP in PG. It's almost like this was predicted...

Vindicator ago

oftotc: No CP or links to CP were posted here on Voat. Are you trying to prevent people from reporting child trafficking websites?

oftotc ago

Howdy V. I hit the thread after others had posted information about what they discovered on the other end of that click. I think that one of the most important tasks that the online community has to perform is providing any information that can be used to destroy any form of human trafficking to the proper authorities for action. However, pizzagate has a specific focus that keeps getting redirected by posts of this nature, regardless of whether there is actual CP involved in the post.

It appears that I am the anomaly here to think that it is an orchestrated sliding effort on the part of folk what don't want us looking too hard in their direction. The other end of that link could be sniffing IP info to get a grasp of who's investigating PG on voat. It could be a honeypot to trap unwary investigators and get them in trouble with law enforcement. There are a hundred things wrong with allowing posts of this nature onto voat at all, much-less PG. But out of respect for the mod team and supposed consensus among the user community, you'll notice I kept my criticisms fairly low-key.

BTW, love OP's accusation against Crensch. Kinda shows his colors, doncha think?

Vindicator ago

@oftotc, I agree with most of what you've said here. I wholeheartedly support warning users about the risks. Howevr, Voat only allows us to remove actual illegal content. Plus, there are researchers here who are very active in documenting and reporting this stuff. I doubt changing our subverse submission rules to ban investigation into pedos would fly. By demanding mods take a post down -- especially new mods who are frazzled by this type of post -- when it isn't in violation of the rules, you magnify the disruption, not help minimize it.

BTW, love OP's accusation against Crensch. Kinda shows his colors, doncha think?

Yes, I addressed that here.

Nana66 ago

Back when we first came to Voat and found out about Robert the pedo it was from a pic site he was using and had some gross stuff and video's about visiting young girls "who wanted to meet him". I think it was on Flickr but not sure, there were also pics he liked on his page that were just fuzz and I assume it was private or something but I was shocked as I scrolled past them and my pic pop-up magnifier popped one up as my mouse cursor went over it. They were pics of Asian woman and what appeared to be girls too, with penis's and jizz in their hair... IDK how it made the pics visible....could be the app I was using in Google browser extention was designed to do that.

Honeybee_ ago


That is NOTHING compared to what I found on this site.. have you gone through the different accounts and albums, how did you find this site? There are albums of little children that are partially naked, some are being tied up and gagged, bruised and beaten, and tied to beds... wtf is this? Report immediately to,, and your local authority, if you view this material and do not, you could get yourself in trouble. Fairing for security risk.

think- ago

Thanks @Honeybee for being vigilant! Much appreciated!

Truthseeker_ ago

I didn't mean anything bad I swear. I just really can't figure out the photos and I wish someone would tell me how it works because I have only come across seemingly 'normal' photos of cars, flowers, etc. I have not seen those photos you talk about. I found the website through the latest posts on the internet regarding certain search terms like img src. And img src turned out to be this site with reporting this site you are NOT helping at all you are just tipping them off like you have done before with Gaetanne Antat's websites. Getting those websites down does NOTHING they come up again and then they just make it more difficult to find so you are working AGAINST us who want to find pedophiles. Think about that.

think- ago

Getting those websites down does NOTHING they come up again and then they just make it more difficult to find so you are working AGAINST us who want to find pedophiles.

I totally agree with @Honeybee_ - these sites must be reported. The admins of Voat report sites that turn out to host cp to LE.

Yes, maybe the perps will create new sites that may be more difficult to find - so hopefully it won't be as easy to 'stumble' upon them in the future.

How do you wanna fight pedophiles if these sites stay up and won't be reported?

@Vindicator @kevdude @Crensch

oftotc ago

Why haven't mods killed this post? It's been up for four hours.

Vindicator ago

No illegal content was posted here, oftotc. @Truthseeker_ followed our dangerous link research policy almost exactly. He just needed an ALL CAPS warning, which he could have edited in.

Honeybee_ ago

@Crensch @Vindicator please advise.

Crensch ago

If so, delete via Voat Illegal rule, and notify putt.

Crensch ago

The way I understand it, OP posted direct links to the illegal content?

Vindicator ago

Hi Crensch, seems to be some confusion here.

No illegal content was posted here. @Truthseeker_ followed our dangerous link research policy almost exactly. He just needed an ALL CAPS warning, which he could have edited in. Honeybee_ used a scam site analyzer and other means to determine others had found CP somewhere on the site in the past, but the OP did not directly link to any. I think this post should have been left up, unless I've misunderstood the policy.

Could you confirm we're doing this correctly? We definitely want people to be able to mass-report these sites.

Crensch ago

Yeah, some confusion.

He just needed an ALL CAPS warning, which he could have edited in.

Sorry @Truthseeker_. I misunderstood the situation.

Honeybee_ used a scam site analyzer and other means to determine others had found CP somewhere on the site in the past, but the OP did not directly link to any.

To my knowledge, that's not how this fucking works. CP has been found on THIS site in the past. Honeybee can apologize to everyone for that.

I think this post should have been left up, unless I've misunderstood the policy.

No, you're right.

Could you confirm we're doing this correctly? We definitely want people to be able to mass-report these sites.

CP can be posted by anyone to any site and some fucking "analyzer" will flag it? Fuck that noise.


What the fuck else does this mean?

Look at the times of my responses to honeybee - same time - zero response from honeybee still.

Not OK.

GoBackToReddit ago

CP has been found on THIS site in the past.

Not precisely true. Links to CP have been found on this site in the past. The content was never actually hosted here. A bit of legal technicality that makes all the difference.

Truthseeker_ ago

No I didn't how are flower images illegal I am asking for help are you a pedophile you sound like one

Honeybee_ ago

Why are you calling people pedophiles? The post is fine, I didn't delete it, I simply flared it because there is child exploitation on the site. Asked crensch on advise on another voters concern. As for saying I am not helping by reporting CP and clearly whipped, beaten, gagged and bound little children, you can go fuck yourself, it's the law to report, most people on here do not use a vpn, this post was spread around on twitter where I am actively fighting pedophiles, are you serious kid?

Adminstrater ago

It is known that you can hide files, images, compressed files (zips/rars), etc.., inside of a JPEG. It will make the JPEG really large (since the hidden file is within), but you can extract the files inside using a number of difference techniques, depending on the method used by the individual that put the hidden files into the picture.

I did a quick look at this img src site based on your link, and found that the users of some of those threads with strange comment replies actually post on pictures of children (nothing illegal, but very close), so having a thread with these users asking to "trade" under a photo of flowers is very odd indeed:

errihu ago

You're right. Look at all the comments about little buds and loving them just as they're beginning to bud. That's creepy as hell. And it's not just a few randos, most of the comments are about buds, and then there's a handful of commenters who are clearly just seeing the flowers.

Is there some kind of browser extension these freaks are using that automatically decodes the hidden images?

Adminstrater ago

You don't really need to actually see what they are seeing. It's very apparent it's cp. I didn't stay long on the site, but I did click a few user names and attempted to read other comments in other comment threads. Some of the user's profile pictures and profile descriptions give the impression that they are viewing/trading cp. One of the password protected galleries did not feature any cp, but square crops of a child's face that seemed very suspicious. As though the images were a way to identify a "collection" of an individual.

As I said, I didn't stay long, but there is definitely something the site owners could identify as a problem, unless the site owners are complicit.

Micheal84 ago

Also found that tractor pic here:

Warning very weird site.

Nana66 ago

I clicked the second tractor pic to get a better look at what was in the circle that they were pointing out and it took me to this page but only the first time I clicked it so I had to get the link from my history to post here... Others may have done same but not anymore now for me. Pic for "game" is a little naughty and I went no further.

Micheal84 ago

Same thing ive seen on YT videos, weird comments that doesn't match with the video.

One theory i had, is that they are using the filename (or on YT) the video url. And search this on an other site like maybe on the darkweb, and then it shows you cp instead.

But i haven't dig into this very far tbh.

GoBackToReddit ago

Second photo, the tractor: What is written in the window? Invert the color.

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

Run it through a stenography program see if anything pops out

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm flairing this as both NSFW and as a security risk. Is there a particular reason you aren't investigating it yourself?