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ESOTERICshade ago

The NSA is the granddaddy of intel over the CIA. Of course they know the CIA is trafficking kids and the CIA knows they know. Everybody that is anybody in D.C. knows about it and always has. At least a third of the D.C. politicians, or more, send there kids to prep schools to get sodomized and learn their place in the Freemasonic pecking order.

If the NSA ever had any intention of out the CIA they simply would have done it. Trump has never spoken a word about a pedophile ring that a third of D.C. is involved in and that he is taking it down. Until he does Qs war on the deep state is a fable because that that pedo ring runs the deep state. Tired of hearing about white that 64 Gorrillion D chess too.

We are the one we have been waiting for and it is up to us. They just renewed their enhanced spying powers ON ME AND YOU. Trump just gave his blessing for more gun control over ME AND YOU for a damn false flag which makes him complicit.

Trump just added another TRILLION dollars worth of debt for our kids to pay off forever for his Zionist wars. The Feds announced they are back in the civil asset forfeiture business taking money from innocent motorists on the road without charging them for a crime.

The FDA just announced further sanctions on Kratom which is a harmless plant people use to break opiate addiction and Trump has said NOTHING about them hooking our children on big pharma drugs.

Trump is feeding Christianity to the Zionist political party and and ZIONISM IS THE DEEP STATE. Israel is a Talmudist Rothschild satellite and Trump is their salesman. And Q has people cheering for this madness. Wake the fuck up please.

gamepwn ago

What are you talking about? Look you can hate the government as much as you want and all the alphebet agencies and Trump and everyone in politics. However I usually never talk about Q or comment on threads talking about him. I found all this information through multiple sources, Q just being one along with my two links I posted and lamplights post. I mentioned multiple CIA operations and three different agents who admit to traffiking children. You can hate the government but I mentioned multiple times how its related, how and who in the CIA admit to doing what, and my link talks about how the NSA intercepted the Podesta emails and possibly gave them to Wikileaks. Don't tell me im posting something nonrelated to PG because I have dozens of topics where I never mentioned Q. This is the first Q post I took interest in through Lamplights research.

ESOTERICshade ago

I hated to make that comment gamepwn because you usually don't drag the Q garbage in the door. You usually do better. I had to do it. Sorry :)

Vindicator ago

I hated to make that comment gamepwn because you usually don't drag the Q garbage in the door. You usually do better. I had to do it. Sorry :)

You sound like an abusive father, Esoteric. Get over yourself.

ESOTERICshade ago

You sound like an abusive father, Esoteric. Get over yourself.

Everything will still be ok tomorrow.