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carmencita ago

Shriner's Hosp/Mayo Clinic Orthopedic and Spinal Cord Care and also listings of all the locations that have Shriner's in Mayo Clinics Most have Orthopedic and many have Spinal as well. Stem Cells can be gleaned from the Spine which I learned from @darkknight111 Maybe he will help out again. I know from researching that these areas are highly important for their operations. There are locations in La. St. Louis, 2 in Pa. Tex. Tampa Chicago. They are using these poor children with disabilities for profit. Huge profits. Freemasons. The highest order I believe is De Molay to which BC belongs. The list might surprise you. Hall of Fame Pete Rose John Wayne Walt Disney and yes a few Astronauts. Pretty disappointing.

darkknight111 ago

Demolay deserves its own thread.

Guys that stick out to me are John Steinbeck (author of Mice and Men), Mel Blanc (THE Loony Tunes voice actor), Paul Harvey.

That hospital having a base of operations in Singapore (major destination site) and Phillipines is a big red flag.

carmencita ago

Most definitely. Pete Rose also had reports out about his loving 15 yr. old girls and having someone do his procuring for him. I don't know if anyone ever did a post on DM but it would be interesting. It is considered a very High Order, but I think there is one Higher. Probably for the Royals and Rockefellers and Rothchilds exclusively and their ilk. I don't know which one is worse Singapore or the Philippines. it is scary, them being there.