swampdrain0 ago

Why all the spirals and occult symbols on kid's toys and diapers? Not just a design or coincidence, they are EVERYWHERE..

Countless examples, here are a just a few... same known symbols discussed here from spirals to owl (moloch) to pandas to occult indoctrination of "space", etc etc





occult space/heliocentric indoctrination

sandywhitewater ago

Tina Allen, the founder, contacted me 2 days ago after I posted an article about them. She wanted me to remove "false info," of which I posted none. Check out my site if interested.

Just found a connection to the Clinton's today.

shadow332 ago

I checked out your site, this is GREAT. They know we are on to them, but that's all right. They are going to slip up at some point. I will get in touch with you again if I find any hot leads.

sandywhitewater ago

Thank you! I appreciate it. I feel like I've been working in a vacuum on this stuff. I always welcome any leads or tips. You can reach me via keybase (end to end encrypted) through my twitter profile @whitewatertrue. Or here. You can see the response I wrote to Tina Allen when she asked me to take down my article on my twitter. Clinton cohorts go hard but I do too. :)

good888 ago

Your link is down.

sandywhitewater ago

Thank you! Just fixed it. Almost had a heart attack thinking I'd been censored lol

Earthbalance2 ago

I've been away from voat posting for a while but still lurking. Just wanted to comment that liddle is a homophone for liddel or Liddell. Alice in wonderland was based on Alice pleasance Liddell, a young girl whom Lewis Carroll [aka Charles dodgson], was quite enamored with. I believe this photo of young Alice was taken by "Lewis Carroll":


Switching one of two letters in a name is a common occult technique.

This just occurred to me reading the repost so I thought I would share. Thank all of you for your efforts. May the pedos fall like the devil they worship.

ProudTruther ago

Thats why trump bas tweeted against middle Adam Schiff.

jangles ago

@Vindicator @think- @Blacksmith21, please REMOVE the 24 hour flag on this post!! do this soon or you will lose a lot of respect from many. What @shadow332 has done here is respectful and should vindicate this post so it can 'live' on this forum.

Blacksmith21 ago

Done. Thanks for the reminder.

jangles ago


ASolo ago

I shrug whenever I see anything with kek in it but hey if you folks are finding things more power to you. Upvoat

carmencita ago

Shriner's Hosp/Mayo Clinic https://www.shrinershospitalsforchildren.org/shc/mayocliniccarenetwork-1 Orthopedic and Spinal Cord Care and also listings of all the locations that have Shriner's in Mayo Clinics Most have Orthopedic and many have Spinal as well. Stem Cells can be gleaned from the Spine which I learned from @darkknight111 Maybe he will help out again. I know from researching that these areas are highly important for their operations. There are locations in La. St. Louis, 2 in Pa. Tex. Tampa Chicago. They are using these poor children with disabilities for profit. Huge profits. Freemasons. The highest order I believe is De Molay to which BC belongs. The list might surprise you. https://demolay.org/ Hall of Fame https://demolay.org/halloffame/ Pete Rose John Wayne Walt Disney and yes a few Astronauts. Pretty disappointing.

darkknight111 ago

Demolay deserves its own thread.

Guys that stick out to me are John Steinbeck (author of Mice and Men), Mel Blanc (THE Loony Tunes voice actor), Paul Harvey.

That hospital having a base of operations in Singapore (major destination site) and Phillipines is a big red flag.

carmencita ago

Most definitely. Pete Rose also had reports out about his loving 15 yr. old girls and having someone do his procuring for him. I don't know if anyone ever did a post on DM but it would be interesting. It is considered a very High Order, but I think there is one Higher. Probably for the Royals and Rockefellers and Rothchilds exclusively and their ilk. I don't know which one is worse Singapore or the Philippines. it is scary, them being there.

fogdryer ago

great work...........

septimasexta ago

It would seem that charities and foundations frequently provide cover for nefarious activities with few consequences. What if the "whitehats" get a little tax-free love for a change: BIG PIZZAGATE FOUNDATION https://charitynetusa.com/services/501c3-irs-tax-exempt/

Cc1914 ago

This is so HUGE , I have no more space in my brain !😕

o0shad0o ago

Did a bit of digging, and the "teacher directory" page has been in this state since the first time archive.org crawled it, back in Aug 2008.

Adminstrater ago

The image links are broken. You had an added extra characters to the end of the extension.

Fixed below, for click-ability:

LOOK AT PG 13: https://kek.gg/i/6Yn4gh.png

Also in her book: https://kek.gg/i/585qng.jpeg

It gets worse - did you click on the teacher directory?

"The Liddle Kidz Foundation Teacher and Therapist Directory is currently being completely redesigned in order to serve our Internationally Certified Infant Massage Teachers (CIMT) as well as our Internationally Certified Pediatric Massage Therapists (CPMT) better.

Note to Parents: "Finding the right infant massage teacher is an investment in your child’s future, so you want to make sure you do enough research to make an informed decision."

They operate out of Haiti: https://kek.gg/i/5sg885.png

This page says its sponsored by Bill Gates, fucking Google. EPIC looks like the russian Gannett thing walnut sauce sign that was dug up: https://kek.gg/i/5z8xkC.png




I find it curious that 70% of their seminar tour is in Asia? couldn't get all of the US in there but it starts in March.: https://kek.gg/i/4mggpV.jpeg




shadow332 ago

Thanks so much! I've made the edits.

think- ago

@shadow332, sorry for bothering you:

Would you please add one or two sentences at the top of the post as to why you decided to look at the Liddle Kidz Foundation in the first place? So that newbies will understand it? That would be great! :-)

Many people won't know what Trump said about Adam Schiff, and why the pizzagaters decided to look into the Liddle Kidz foundation.

Maybe just add a link under these one or two sentences of an old pizzagate thread about Liddle Kidz, so that newbies will be able to click on it right at the beginning of your post, before they click on the 'Liddle Kidz' link. Thank you!

It's always good to remember that people might read your post who've never been to v/pizzagate before. Just ask yourself: what would these guys/gals need to know, so that they'd be able to understand my research?

You'll have 24 hours to edit. I'll flair this post with an 'Edit Warning'.

Please ping me or one of the other mods (see below) when you've edited, we will remove the flair then. (Shouldn't you edit in this time period, I'd have unfortunately to take the post down.)

Thank you! :-)

@Vindicator @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall @Blacksmith21

jangles ago

please remove the 24 hr hash on this thread

NoBS ago

The threat of censorship is to make it so the newbies can stay ignorant. This is why the Pedophile sick fucks are kicking our ass! Our own well meaning information control freaks can keep us ignorant and divided with bullshit rules, regulations and censorship.

Share Blue is most likely paying for our ignorance and someone has to make blood money.

jangles ago

Ignorance is bliss for the elite. That is going to change. We need video evidence

IpointOutTrolls ago

please remove the 24 hr hash on this thread


shadow332 ago

Hi think-, I've added a link to the post by @srayzie which give a great summary (otherwise my post will get far too cluttered).

srayzie ago

Thank you 🙂

shadow332 ago

You made an awesome summary. We are really on to something with this!

srayzie ago

Thank you!

Adminstrater ago

It's always good to refresh people's memories. It's not just for those that are new, but for those that have been seeing more and more of this and need a reminder to keep things in the right categories in their head.

Blacksmith21 ago

Thanks @shadow332 - I'm pretty sure this extra effort we are all doing - maintaining the academic integrity of the documents has its purpose in the big picture.

shadow332 ago

Contributions from @Blacksmith21:

@Shadow232 - this is pretty incredible stuff. I looked through it initially and couldn't roll up my sleeves. This is terrifying stuff and the depth (sponsors) to which it marketed is stunning. There is no way infant massage is this "big" all over the world. I'm sure the first thing on the top of kids minds in whatever shithole they live in is "screw clean drinking water, I want a massage". I'm being facetious, but you get my point.

If you are going strong down this hole, compare notes to this facility which I IDd last week. I'm still working on some more info: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2402762 (Exceptional Children's Center)

septimasexta ago

Here's the Liddle Kidz Foundation 2015 990 form http://990s.foundationcenter.org/990_pdf_archive/264/264331328/264331328_201512_990.pdf

According to this, Tina Allen worked 60 hrs/week and was compensated $44,500. A virtual one woman shop! The treasurer and secretary put in a mere 2 hrs/week.

The stated mission of the 501c3 is :

"Liddle Kidz Foundation is a nonprofit corporation organized and operated exclusively for educational and charitable purposes Specifically, this organization has been formed to instruct individuals for the purpose of improving or developing their capabilities and provide relief to the distressed"

DID LOIS LERNER APPROVE THIS? Note that the word PEDIATRIC MASSAGE is not used. It IS used where they list "program service accomplishments":

"Pediatric massage program development, education for healthcare staff and families in INFANT (emphasis mine) and pediatric massage /touch therapies."

"Outreach to ORPHANED AND ABANDONED CHILDREN (emphasis mine), as well as underserved infant and pediatric populations"

Blacksmith21 ago

Given the "A list" of donors/sponsors, they sure don't take in much cash or have many assets. Why would all of these companies be involved?

shadow332 ago

More on that EPIC sponsor:

@epicbar had this photo: https://kek.gg/i/5zz_2J.pngPNG

from there I saw on that profile the photo: https://kek.gg/i/7QH2zp.pngPNG

I followed the wives to https://www.instagram.com/themadmonk666/ and https://www.instagram.com/ineedfreshblood/

Howard county cultist https://www.instagram.com/boywthnoarms/ He had made the cake chef draw a pizza on the cake he got to be certified to molest babies, no distress signal had been sent: https://kek.gg/i/7z8fgb.pngPNG

@themadmonk666 which links to @thewhorechurch which links to http://thewhorechurch.com which links to https://vimeo.com/captainqueef which links to this video https://vimeo.com/245859478Vimeo

Now from there we see a link to the boston underground film festival which has the white rabbit photo. I can link it all the way back to this q post image :https://qanonmap.github.io/data/images/0ac9f1a7bcac881a89f7b4004f20fffe82791d30e8f9a2704aeb28241820afc5.png

shadow332 ago

Constributions from @Camencita:

Noticed Reddit Thread had this comment: I just posted some additional refs to Liddle to do with Alice Liddle the girl that Alice in wonderland was written about and a bunch of characters from the brothers grimm stories that supposedly took place on the land just sold by the Rothschild's in the Black Forest. Not sure of the relation but it's there for people to look and hopefully find additional links. NOW it mentions Alice Liddle but she is actually Liddel but can still be associated, imo. Another Curiosity that will get pedos Whipped into a Frenzy. EDIT: I just found this when looking up Grimm: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/12487309-grimm-fairy-tales AND then there is Violet Liddle http://grimmfairytales.wikia.com/wiki/Violet_Liddle AND Also found this on the internet from Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7ys5uv/possible_connections_of_liddle_references_to/ That has more on the Grimm Tales that are connected to the Rockefeller property just sold in Black Forest and also links to the Liddle name. YOU can't make this stuff up.

shadow332 ago

Contributions from @Mad_As_Hell:

Hawaii connections too - note they recommend a hotdogs stand to visit!! http://www.liddlekidz.com/honolulu-pediatric-cancer.html

Mayo Clinic CEO just announced his retirement https://www.bizjournals.com/twincities/news/2018/02/20/mayo-clinic-ceo-dr-john-noseworthy-will-leave-at.amp.html

shadow332 ago

From @letsdothis1:

She has another project called Heart Touch .. check out the logo http://www.liddlekidz.com/heart-touch-project.html

check out the board of directors http://www.hearttouch.org/the-board

Dr. Daar is Medical Director, Division of HIV Medicine, at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center and Professor at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.

David Geffen School of Medicine and Haiti:

Affiliated faculty at UCHaiti: http://www.uchaiti.org/affiliated-faculty/


The UC Haiti Initiative (UCHI) is a global partnership for higher education that connects students, faculty, administrators and alumni from the University of California and the State University of Haiti to create educational, research and public service partnerships towards the development of Haiti.

Clinton Foundation: https://www.clintonfoundation.org/press-releases/government-haiti-state-university-haiti-faculty-sciences-and-clinton-foundation

Your Asia comment made me think of Henrietta H. Fore, Executive Director of UNICEF and also interestingly, co-chair of the Asia Society https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2408247/11982696/10#11982696

Googling Liddle Kidz and UNICEF:

Liddle Kidz has connections with Romania (note the CIA.gov ref) : http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:-e0GP7K3EVkJ:www.liddlekidz.org/where-we-work/romania.html+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk

Ghana http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:jC6ziedkNRkJ:www.liddlekidz.org/where-we-work/ghana.html+&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk

Outreach for natural disasters https://www.google.co.uk/search?rlz=1C1CHBD_en-GBGB745GB745&ei=51aRWu6eD5T8gAa78Y1Y&q=liddle+kidz+unicef&oq=liddle+kidz+unicef&gs_l=psy-ab.3...5281.7441.0.9108.