carmencita ago

NOTICE Also on that screenshot of L F de Rothschild is listed Larry SUMMERS who was connected to the Bogus Rape Charge on Assange perpetrated by HRC and friends. What a joke that was. It was the Reddit users that detected the people behind it after much sleuthing. Summers goes back to the Clinton White House Years.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Big pal of Clinton and Obama by the looks of things it, shocker!

carmencita ago

Also went to MIT. This guy has been flying low under the radar, imo.

letsdothis1 ago

nteresting (and very disappointing) to see acclaimed psychologist Steven Pinker and philosopher Daniel Dennett here too - might explain his vocal disdain for Trump

These are Epstein puppets. Einstein invests heavily in AI and transhumanism.

Steven Pinker hangs out with the eugenicist crowd and is revered by disgraced Tory assh@le Toby Young who was forced to step down last month from his appointment on the Office for Students, an overseer of higher education institutions in the UK

Daniel Dennett - The Illusion of Consciousness

A Rationalist Approach to Transhumanism and the Singularity

Dan Dennett is a philosopher of human consciousness, one of the “four horsemen of the New Atheism” along with Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens. Like Kurzweil, Dennett is interested in the possibility of creating machines with human-like intelligence and consciousness.

It's a big club.

Shillaxe ago

Chris Hitchens cracked me up but I can see how he was a tool.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Interesting, must look into this some more. Have always been a fan of Pinker, even though I don't always agree with him. Very alarming to see his name on the flight logs.

letsdothis1 ago

Steven Pinker, Harvard

Wikileaks tweets "Putin says whoever leads in AI will rule the world". That will be Jeffrey Epstein then.

With his bankster riches, he founded the Jeffrey Epstein VI Foundation which established Harvard University’s Program for Evolutionary Dynamics.

Jeffrey Epstein and Bioquark, the company attempting to bring people back from the dead

Mad_As_Hell ago

Wow, I didn't know about any of this! Another rabbit hole for me to jump down :)

carmencita ago

He has been involved in Eternal Life research for quite some time. This stuff scares me to death. You can bet I won't be one of the recipients. The have succeeded in many of their Franken-freak esperiments before. I put nothing past them. A Horror Movie in the making. @letsdothis1

think- ago

Hi @Mad_As_Hell, great post, upvoat!

Could you please add two or three sentences at the top of your post about what the 'Lolita Express' is, who Epstein is, what he might have done on the island and why we should look into the people that went there on the 'Lolita Express'?

This way, newbies will be able to understand what your post is about! Thank you! :-)

I'll give you an 'Edit Warning' for 24 hours, please reply to this comment if you'll have edited. Or ping one of the other mods, please. We'll delete the flair then. You've got 24 hours to edit.

Thank you!

@Vindicator @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall @Blacksmith21

Mad_As_Hell ago

Edits made, hope this covers it! Any chance you could add an edit function for post titles? Getting dog's abuse in the comments here for leaving out a word!

Theytookoutgodslaw ago

Trump’s United States Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta 'back door sweetheart plea deal’ in billionaire’s underage sex case

think- ago

The edit is excellent, thank you! I have already removed the flair.

@Vindicator @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall @Blacksmith21

think- ago

Edits made, hope this covers it!

Great! Thanks! Will go and take a look in a min.

Any chance you could add an edit function for post titles?

sigh We have been discussing this, and it's unfortunately not possible, because the owners of Voat are afraid that shills might edit their headlines and add clickbaity stuff or nonsense, if they had the opportunity.

The mod team would really be grateful if this could be changed!! All of us, I can tell you, lol! ;-)

I saw that a word was missing, but didn't want to get nit picky about it, and decided to be generous, ;-) since people will still get what you meant to write.

The only way to avoid shit comments would be to self delete and repost, I'm afraid. :-(

You could save your source by clicking 'edit', and then copypaste the source into a new submission sheet.

Comments wouldn't show in the new thread, but you could copypaste them as well (please don't forget to mention who provided them).

Hope this helps. Please feel free to get back to me again!

Mad_As_Hell ago

Working on it :)

think- ago

Great, Ty! :-)

Illusory ago

This is just a rumor so take it with a grain of salt, but I heard that not only did he on the Lolita Express, he accidentally his Super Nintendo on it too.

The ENTIRE Super Nintendo.

Voatwontletmesignin ago

Wow that's pretty damming lol. Awesome work!!!

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

you're missing a verb in that sentence, you stupid bitch

migratorypatterns ago

Great catch.

UpVoat for you.

icuntstopswearing ago

"Enter Michael Wolff, an Epstein confidant and supposed journalist (Wolff now writes a regular column for British GQ), who recently penned a withering, faux-flummoxed attack in USA Today pooh-poohing the “new age” media and the American legal system, along with Epstein’s persistent “Jane Doe” accusers and their pertinacious Florida attorneys, Paul G. Cassell (a former federal judge) and Bradley J. Edwards."

ben_matlock ago


@mad_as_hell you should add this to your main post too!

Mad_As_Hell ago

Will do, good work @icuntstopswearing!

icuntstopswearing ago

Thank you! Here's an article surmising he may be a pedophile. He certainly looks the part...

Mad_As_Hell ago

That article is hilarious! Touché, Mr Wolff

carmencita ago

OMG! I was ROMFL . My tummy is sore. What a Roar! Well, now there is Truth to their story. So very funny.

ben_matlock ago

damn it very well could be him, but at this point it's pure speculation. as such, we are going to need to 24hourflair this submission until you can show a connection to pizzagate. maybe if we could find a link between Wolff (the author) and any of Wolf (alleged pedo)'s fellow passengers...

if we aren't able to find some kind of link, you should definitely post this to v/pizzagatewhatever.


Mad_As_Hell ago

Fellow passenger John Brockman is a famous literary agent

Michael Wolff is a member and contributor to his website

ben_matlock ago

and there it is. nicely done!

do me a favor and edit this into your original submission and i'll remove the flair!

Mad_As_Hell ago

Will do, thanks!

derram ago :

Daniel Dennett: ‘I begrudge every hour I have to spend worrying about politics’ | Science | The Guardian

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