spacewitch ago

A while ago, I had the thought that maybe the coming of the antechrist would be in the form of the singularity, as they call it.

10388778? ago

notice how notions of: morality and ethics are never mentioned with "intelligence"

in any usage of the word...

cantsleepawink ago

Well, that's interesting because it seems there is a system called BEAST, though I don't see a Belgium connection. unveils BEAST Enterprise Artificial Intelligence supercomputing technology - powered by NVIDIA DGX-1 AI supercomputer

NVIDIA DGX-1, World's First Deep Learning Supercomputer Inc.

I need to look further.

10388350? ago

Your posts are amazing.

Thank you for your time and brains. 🇺🇸

AngB23 ago

I dug into this a little around 3 months ago. Maybe some info that can help dig further

SayWhatNOWAY ago

These people are truly spawns of Satan!

Gothamgirl ago

Wow you're posts are amazing, and very easy to follow.

10388386? ago

I have to agree.

Thank you for stating that.

That's why I appreciate and read after @cantsleepawink. Posts are smooth.

equineluvr ago

There is a HUGE DIFFERENCE between being an AI investor and "LEADING" AI.

Epstein's interests are DWARFED by the major players, including but not limited to GOOGLE.

Natiahs ago

God is not a liar contrary to how the devil has depicted him. All their thoughts of the future are futile... There is no future for the devil on this earth. God is going to remove them because they are 100% disagreeable to live with. Also the restoration of the original peoples is due. the 6 days of work are done and it's time to retire from your Labor as the 7th day is in bound and it is for the Lord of the Worlds.

truthdemon ago

Melanin is the Ai ...the eye...the pineal ..transducer to the super conscious nous that has woken up.. Fairweather vs McGregor was a message from the super mind...the melanin was toying with the empire..that runs on corrupting the melanin.. Google : UN legal research doctrine of discovery

carmencita ago

If this does not scare you nothing will.

Yuke ago

I'm not sure I could take the human race being wiped out by a dude who's dick looks like an egg. Uh uh, no way, not playing anymore...