Pizzalawyer ago

I think Jeffrey holds medical and scientific conferences on his island as a cover for himself and his buddies. Serious collaboration of brilliant minds during the day, debauchery at night or maybe the other way around. His sexual tastes have been described in detail by some of his girls and they don't include dental chairs but maybe some of his friends have dental hygienist fantasies. Anyway at his age he is bound to have lots of dental problems and no self respecting billionaire would be caught dead walking into a dentist office. Instead you fly in your favorite dentist and give him or her a nice bonus for the house call. And I mean this sincerely, I'm not being sarcastic. ,

AngB23 ago

I can see the house calls, but searching on all different stem cell researchers right now, there are a ton of research centers, world wide. All these centers need access to to healthy, young NON damaged (important) tissue and organs. So, think about it, what huge dollars would be involved to those who Broker this. A "foundation" that "supports" state of the art research like stem cells sounds almost like a Broker.

I feel like every stem cell research center needs to be closely examined.Who owns them, connected to them and where exactly are they getting the human tissues/organs that are young and in great shape?

iamcuriousjew ago

Comey linked Trump to Epstein, Gowdy's investigation got the Clinton flight logs, and now Comey has the proof that Trump went to Orgy Island (Epstein) 100's of times.

AngB23 ago

And that connects to pzzagate how? Stem cells, organ harvesting...or just a bash Trump comment and nothing to due with missing and abused kids?

iamcuriousgoy ago

CIA/MOSSAD run the world child-sex-slavery racket. Fact.

Epstein is Mossad agent. Fact.

Trump was groomed by Epstein. Fact.

/v/pizzagate? voat is owned by Palantir (CIA), a jewish neo-con outfit with links to mossad, the purpose of /v/pizzagate is to keep the goyim distracted with bullshit at comet-pizza.

Lastly, most stem cell for jews come from goy penis that are circumcised at birth in USA, 1,000's of tons of tissue per year are collected, its not the teeth in alaska, its the dicks all over the USA.

Vindicator ago

Aaaand no evidence, just the usual spew. Way to add to the conversation.