DamoclesofBenghazi ago



ibepokey ago

this narrator is as not as good as Shatner in Star Trek. he should watch more Star Trek.

Gothamgirl ago

I really wish I could take back those 6 minutes, what a waste of air. Comey was an obstructionist.

iamcuriousgoy ago

How is that?

Comey is a GOV employee, which makes him a parasite.

But the video is correct, that that TRUMP is a pedophile. That comey was investigating Trumps pedophile history.

Gothamgirl ago

He was a pediphile when?

iamcuriousgoy ago


Roy Cohn ( Trumps mentor ) was a sodomist like J edgar Hoover, in 1986 Cohn died, and Trump got a new mentor from Mossad, a man name Jeff Epstein, they stayed close until 2004.

In 1994 the siamese twins ass-raped a 13 year old girl.



Gothamgirl ago

You mean the case filed againist Trump, in 2 different states, by an employee of Jerry Springer, 3 times, & was dismissed all 3 times?

DarkMath ago

"Comey could very well be a good guy"

Shut the fuck up you piece of shit shill.

Take your Deep State pay check and shove it up your ass.


PizzaClinton ago

Comey is going to Bust Trump for fucking children.

For using Russian mob money to finance his golf-courses, and working with Russian banks to engineer a coup in Russia against Putin.

Trump's entire history is about Raping children.


Roy Cohn ( Trumps mentor ) was a sodomist like J edgar Hoover, in 1986 Cohn died, and Trump got a new mentor from Mossad, a man name Jeff Epstein, they stayed close until 2004.

In 1994 the siamese twins ass-raped a 13 year old girl.



DarkMath ago

"Trump's entire history is about Raping children."


That was a civil lawsuit and it was dropped. And the fact you fucking posted it twice in the same comment means YOU HAVE NO OTHER EVIDENCE.

Go take your Deep State shill money and shove it up your ass.


AlfredJProofrock ago

That's right, every time a child is raped by Trump, he pay's the family off to drop the charges, or threatens them with death.

Most likely he has his cop buddy's threaten the familys, remember Trump is mafia, and he has mob buddys at the highest level of Gov. Most of his busts were back in 1990-2004, he didn't consider public office until 2007, and then cleaned up his act and scrubbed his past.

DarkMath ago

"every time a child is raped by Trump, he pay's the family off to drop the charges"

Oh absolutely. And what's worse is every time Trump gets a Golden Shower from a Russian Prostitute in a bed Obama slept in he has her "fired".

Those fucking Russians will get Trump charged with High Treason. Just look at this story.

"it is believed that Carter Page went to Moscow in early July carrying with him a pre-recorded tape of Donald Trump offering to change American policy if he were to be elected"

It makes so much sense that Trump records all his messages to Putin on a Flash Drive. Why? Because Carter Page can't remember shit. You'd think he could remember one sentence. Oh no, not in the Trump administration. They're all a bunch of knuckle draggers. That's why Trump recorded his offer to commit High Treason within an audio file on a flash drive. Don't believe anything the deplorable shit lords say.

Why? Because they're revolting.


iamcuriousjew ago

Did you watch the Video? Can you explain what you disagree? Other than the fact that your a /v/pg mod, and are on the Palantir payroll, and a bot4trump?

DarkMath ago

"Can you explain what you disagree?"

I read the original FBIAnon interviews. This new "interview" is so fake it's painful to read.

"on the Plantir payroll"

Holy fuck I wish. I'm doing this for free because I can't stand to see my country brought down by psychotic clown demons.

iamcuriousjew ago

R U retarded bot? This Video doesn't have fuck to do with FBI-Anon.

This is a new video that discusses why Comey was fired, because Gowdy found the Epstein Flight logs at the Clinton Library in Arkansas and passed them to Comey, the logs show that Trump visited Epsteins Orgy Island 100's of times. The flight-logs were being kept by Clinton as 'insurance', but the Weiner/Huma led FBI to the logs.

What the fuck is this retarded bot talking about 'painful to read', there is nothing to read, its a fucking video bitch. You just listen, but in your case you ain't got the code to translate to text, so by context you just assumed it was FBI-anon (4chan) dribble, but this shows your a poorly programmed bot.

DarkMath ago

I wrote my comment about FBIAnon to another post. Sorry about that. I had two Chrome tabs open and picked the wrong one.

The answers the same though. You're a shill posting fake news.


iamcuriousgoy ago

What's fake? You can't even answer a question, when you do, you admit its the wrong answer to a different question, then you fall back to shill.

Watch the video, and tell us what is not true.

iamcuriousjew ago

Wow, show totally that Voat is owned by the Trump Mafia.

Truth be told is that this video is 100% correct, and that Comey could very well be a good guy, and the Clinton owns' Trump and Clinton put Trump into office. Comey didn't have a clue.

Jews own & created the FBI, now they need a new Jew to run the place.

The problem is like the fall of the Roman Empire, the Romans got rich fucking/enslaving the 'goy', but then eventually when there was only a few rich left the rich fucked each other, which is what you have now team SOROS fucking team KOCH; Kushner declaring War on all Goyim Rich on earth ( Arab lands Oil, or minerals like North Korea )

The FBI was created to be a Praetorian Guard to protect the elite Jew, the FBI knows who butter's their bread.