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darkknight111 ago

Looky here. Robert Kasky is also a lawyer. Works for banks and adoption.

bdmthrfkr ago

Let me get this straight, Grandpa Lansky is tight with the banking industry, Dad Lansky is an "Open Adoption" purveyor and a Rabbi and Jr. Lansky is an actor and a stern 2nd Amendment opponent who just "survived" a school shooting, which just happened to take place in his school.

Nothing to see here folks, move along.

carmencita ago

Look at this: Found info in linkedin on Jeffrey Kasky could not give link, it is a banned domain. He was in the Music Entertainment Bus. with William Morris Agency as Agent/Trainee and more This guy is a all over the place. He uses every angle to move his adoption extra curricular activities forward. I just can't get over how much this father and son are involved in. A finger in every pie. @darkknight111