TheBuddhaAtKamakura ago

Here's a fun thread that (for now is still alive)

bdmthrfkr ago

When they start screaming SHUT IT DOWN then you know that you are barking up the right tree. They fucked up big this time by using dirty people, all while praying that Voat and /pol wouldn't find out anything on the internet to expose them.

They seem to think that the day of mass media still exists but since they own mass media (look what happened to you on plebbit) this is just wishful thinking. We are here and we will not relent.

TheBuddhaAtKamakura ago

Here's an interesting thread.

Context: CNN got savaged for trying to control the question process at the anti-gun town hall. Colton Haab (one of the students) accused them of censoring his question. CNN immediately responds with a long novel of "we would never do that, we're fair and balanced, etc". They write an article accusing 4chan of making stuff up. 4chan responds by starting master threads of "post your CNN lies memes lads" and multiple threads start.

What I'm posting is a master thread I was in where people were collecting all the CNN lies. Anyway, a guy drops the Jeff Kasky information and shills start antagonizing him, and won't stop with "you're a Russian shill" etc.

The guy posting about Kasky eventually gets fed up and tells the shills to fuck off or he's going to post Kasky information every single time they respond. And then the thread gets closed.

None of this is conclusive, but certainly suggestive. There is not only a media blackout about this, there is an internet blackout (as I've mentioned I tried to write about it on t_d and immediately got scrubbed and told information isn't accurate. We all know it is).

Here's the thread:

(Kasky poster's ID is: mS7S/Ad1 ) Look at all the replies he got, particularly towards end of the thread.

TheBuddhaAtKamakura ago

For clarification, this is the father of Cameron Kasky, one of the crisis actor / spook kids in Stoneman Douglas shooting.

I'm treating this as confirmed. If you post about this on the_donald, they shadow the thread right away and a shill comes in to tell you to stop and you're crazy. A little while later it gets removed for "inaccurate" information, so as to provide the illusion it wasn't banned right away.

This guy procures / traffics children. They pulled his son out of the central media role as soon as this was discovered. Now it's Hogg and Gonzalez. Hogg is crashing and burning in media, CNN had him sit next to Anderson Cooper and say "We're not crisis actors! I'm not a crisis actor!" (when no one in the media had yet even made the accusation).

Then there is the tape of Hogg failing at his story, touching an earpiece, and receiving coaching as he fails to remember the narrative.

This is a psy-op plain and simple.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz needs to go to prison for treason so we can stop hoaxing and move on.

pby1000 ago

Guest lineups for the Sunday news shows:

"CNN's "State of the Union" — Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif.; Gov. John Kasich, R-Ohio; James Clapper, former director of national intelligence; and Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students Kasky, Gonzales, Hogg, Wind and Corin."

carmencita ago

Had to post this as I just found it while researching something else. LOOK at this: Aid to Rep. official fired for calling Parkland shooting had "actors" WOW.

darkknight111 ago


False flag being plotted for 3/15. That gatewaypundit link about Soros group is further ammo showing the plot. Any city on that list is a possible target.

OP, foward this to /pol.

carmencita ago

There is possibility that Marjory Stoneman Douglas High may be demolished It is presently closed to comb for evidence. There is talk they may erect a memorial. Funds will have to be found.

carmencita ago

Comment from 4chan: Lots of moving parts here. The people who "took him [Cruz} in" and "never saw anything" are military intelligence. Like that's a little inside joke. Also, did you see where Nikolas' biological brother has been involuntarily committed? Were they adopted together? He sure as hell won't be talking now. And wasn't there a sister? Shit's going on. Military Intelligence? WTH! Also I saw a pic of Hogg with Bill Clinton but now it is gone.

bdmthrfkr ago

Keep digging, as you know I am not really one of your investigators, I just thought that you all might be interested in this tip.

This crap makes my head spin and my stomach flip.


carmencita ago

Amazing at all the stuff popping up. Things are disappearing fast on 4chan. Pic of Hogg and BC deleted.

bdmthrfkr ago

That's why I sent it your way, /pol/ etc shoah all of the pedo investigation stuff, I really felt it was in better hands over here. Keep at it, recruit more people from your subverse and get these assholes, while I may not be a researcher myself I sure as hell hate these scumbags to my core. They are pure evil incarnate and need the rope.

Get your friends and go give it to them, this Kasky guy (and all of the rest of them) are dirty as fuck and, most importantly, were in a big hurry so they left a lot of crumbs. Go find them Carmencita, don't stop until you do.

carmencita ago

Need some help here. We are half way there or even closer. These people are dirty and we need to put an end to this Party they are having. We need help digging into the ties with Hogg and BC. Oh yes there are. And the World Adoption Agency. Come help us dig. @jangles @Dressage2 @pby1000 @SoldierofLight @ESOTERICshade

pby1000 ago


carmencita ago

There is stuff in here I just can't believe. Amazing. Thank You, Friend.

darkknight111 ago Jeff is also a reserve cop. Possible the police department are accomplices in this false flag.

TheBuddhaAtKamakura ago

I would say it's more probable than possible at this point.

carmencita ago I also read this False Flag was hosted by Israel (country)

Theytookoutgodslaw ago

The two girls are they spokespeople in the shooting too?

darkknight111 ago

Looky here. Robert Kasky is also a lawyer. Works for banks and adoption.

bdmthrfkr ago

Let me get this straight, Grandpa Lansky is tight with the banking industry, Dad Lansky is an "Open Adoption" purveyor and a Rabbi and Jr. Lansky is an actor and a stern 2nd Amendment opponent who just "survived" a school shooting, which just happened to take place in his school.

Nothing to see here folks, move along.

TheBuddhaAtKamakura ago

*Kasky, important to get the names right

darkknight111 ago


The linkdin page (with work around to banned domain restriction).

carmencita ago

Look at this: Found info in linkedin on Jeffrey Kasky could not give link, it is a banned domain. He was in the Music Entertainment Bus. with William Morris Agency as Agent/Trainee and more This guy is a all over the place. He uses every angle to move his adoption extra curricular activities forward. I just can't get over how much this father and son are involved in. A finger in every pie. @darkknight111

bdmthrfkr ago

That kike is practically rubbing his hands together as he steals a baby. Fucking hell.

Not to even mention the fact that this unknown "adoption" agent manages to get on TV... twice. Just like his son is doing now.

carmencita ago

GOOD God! IS HE A RABBI? It's a Bar Mitzva Party and he is speaking it has his name as Rabbi I have not seen anything up till now about him being a Rabbi.

bdmthrfkr ago

We knew his religious persuasion but this is new. This freak literally drinks baby cock blood.

Hitler did everything wrong.

carmencita ago

He is also connected to the Police Dept. This guy wears about, How Many Hats? This is getting to be Beyond Shady.

TheBuddhaAtKamakura ago

He's probably a jack of all trades for a certain intelligence agency cough

carmencita ago

Yes. Controlled Intel. They all remind me of little robots. Like Laurel Canyon. All of these kids might have High Level parents. The parents of Cruz were Intel background. This is so obvious it is laughable. A typical CIA Controlled Operation. You don't even have to have years of exp. in researching this stuff. It is in plain sight.

TheBuddhaAtKamakura ago

I don't like amateur psychoanalysis, but these kids are likely sociopaths by the actual medical definition.

  • Inability to cry convincingly
  • Way too calm controlled (even when Hogg was fucking up his lines, he seemed like he was at work)
  • The kid in the crimson shirt who went viral for screwing up his face in anger and saying "WE'RE NOT ACTORS" also couldn't cry. He was also wearing an acting troupe shirt at the time LOL.

Sociopaths know anger because it's the only legit emotion they have. Everything else is mimicry.

carmencita ago

Well, it is true that anyone with a brain cell working could figure out what you and I did. The difference is that we are awake, and um, they are not. The first news report I saw, I immediately sat up. The next report really did it. Yep false flag. We have kids in our extended family that would never act like that if they saw their friends getting shot up. And DEAD. Organs fall out of the body, blood is everywhere. And no reaction. Good God, people are really stupid. I told someone about it Mon. and he said, but I saw the coffins, I said, but they were empty. His mouth dropped open. You don't mean, he said. I said Yes, I do mean. I don't know if he is totally convinced, but I made him think.

carmencita ago

All One Big Happy Family

Theytookoutgodslaw ago

Was this pitcher before the syop?

carmencita ago

Either way is incriminating. Before would be worse of course. But if after, why are they so happy? Notice some are and some are not. Very strange. This is like it was all Set Up. Why do they need to film in a studio setting. And Yukking it up on top of it.

Theytookoutgodslaw ago

Before would not be worse, but incirminating, and the smiles lead all the way back to Sandy hook.

carmencita ago

Wonder if any of the people are Left Overs from SH? Would not be surprised.

bdmthrfkr ago

I hadn't seen the second one. Gee these kids seem horribly traumatized.

carmencita ago

It kinda really spells it all out, doesn't it.

carmencita ago

What's Going On Here? Something's Not Right.

bdmthrfkr ago

Dead (or seriously injured) dog, the Sheriff's department declined comment.

carmencita ago

Whew! Thanks.

bdmthrfkr ago

Post No.161200627 is puupy poster and all he got were BS non-answers. How the hell does a K9 unit get injured/killed while the police are already on scene?!?!?

carmencita ago

This is my question. I had a feeling there was something that just did not add up with it. Also the deputy of Sheriff Israel, there still is not an explanation as to where he was during the shooting. The story is that he should have been there since there was a drill scheduled. That is his job. There has been no explanation offered when asked. That has not as yet been decided evidently. There are many questions unanswered. This may end up as Bolluxed as the LV Shooting. What a Farce that was. I think though, that if they keep goofing up like this, and people keep hearing these doubts, maybe they will start adding things up. We can hope.

bdmthrfkr ago

I don't know if you saw my post yesterday but the Sheriff was accused (only an accusation I want to be clear) of forcing a 17 year old girl to have an abortion. His kid, btw.

Broward County is one fucked up place, Debby on down that place is a can of worms.

carmencita ago

Yes, I remember now. Wow. There is so much in here. A can of worms, or maybe a Bucket of Worms all ready to Go Fishing.

carmencita ago

Fort Lauderdale Adoption Attorney Jeff Kasky

darkknight111 ago

He's a lawyer and this is the campus he graduated from.

carmencita ago

Jeff Kasky Open Adoption An open adoption can be an exchange agreed to between the parents with cards, or a meeting. Yes, That's it.

bdmthrfkr ago

If this doesn't look like a recipe for child trafficking I don't know what does.

This is disgusting... I'll just loan you my kid for a sleepover... if the price is right.

carmencita ago

I know. Right. I was hoping someone else would see it as such too. Open Adoption=Child Pimping

carmencita ago

Wow What a Fake Set Up. This needs to Go Viral.

carmencita ago

The ex-FBI agent's name is Phil Mudd. I have to laugh. His Name is Mudd. That may be a Tip Off. This False Flag will be exposed.

new4now ago

how did you like the performance of the other guy?

this stuff makes me ill

the things they do and why they do them

carmencita ago

The joke is that we are on to them and it makes their Performance Pathetic. Could he have cried any harder. So Fake. And the other guy, Amazing.

new4now ago

The FBI involvement since LV has really amped up

wondering about that

carmencita ago

I like that Trump spoke out about them Dropping the Ball. But this has been planned for a long time. Comey.

new4now ago

Comey Groomed?


carmencita ago

No, I think the FBI must have known this was coming. It was not something done quickly. So I am saying Comey must have known.

new4now ago

still think Comey was groomed

him and the Clintons go back to Arkanas

carmencita ago

Hi has been Brownstoned, yes. He has covered up crimes of all sorts for them. He was the head of Lockheed in Ohio and covered up a death by plane crash. I believe the plane is still hanging in the hangar. Accusations by Cliff Arnebeck, Lawyer. And the list goes on.

new4now ago

He was also there during whitewater

That's how he got the Lockheed job

Lockheed was part of Clinton's Foundation too, or one of the tentacles

His brother does the Taxes for the Foundation I think

Makes you wonder about the brothers childhood and how that plays into their future

carmencita ago

Why is Jr. liking what the kid said? Does not make sense.

new4now ago

Jr liked the conspiracy of thinking the kid was coached

maybe thinking false flag or maybe taking something like the shooting and putting it to the agenda

not sure what he thinking or even if he liked it

i'm getting quite jaded with news reports

carmencita ago

Me too. I am getting angry about how they try to keep us guessing, as to whether they are With Us or Agin' Us. Kind of Mean and Nasty.

new4now ago

they are playing Moses and think We the People are the Red Sea

divide and conquer

carmencita ago

That deserves an UPVOAT!

darkknight111 ago

One World Adoption Services has been in trouble before after an incident in the Congo.

carmencita ago

OMG. There it is I had lost that picture. Thank God! How much more incriminating can it get.

bdmthrfkr ago

Is anybody even slightly surprised anymore? I'm disgusted but not shocked, good digging darkknight!

bdmthrfkr ago

I don't know about you but I don't roll my burritos into a spiral.

carmencita ago

That bag says it is in Chicago. Looked it up and they have two locations and maybe one at the airport. The spiral is on the front of the restaurant too. And it is not tiny. So is this where he visits when he goes to Chicago. Says it all.

Oldno7 ago

At the airport food court.

I didn’t even look but for like 5 minutes.

I’m sure the Chan ers are way ahead of me.

TheBuddhaAtKamakura ago

This place has actually been better at discussing this, mentioning it on chan gets the thread tanked or you get ignored leading me to believe they're shadow banning Kasky posts. It's an inherently 4chan-friendly topic and I get responses on literally anything but the Jeff Kasky stuff.

Yuke ago

It might be an error but a search on one of his phone numbers leads to 'Covenant Tree Trucking' -

Also, seems slightly odd that One World Adoption Services would be listed here under abortion information and services - (ctrl+F and search 2020 for an easy find)

bdmthrfkr ago

The phone numbers match, maybe the tree guy just put in a wrong number.... or something else. Good catch!

septimasexta ago

Great post. God bless /pol/ autists! Ironically, the main reason slave states supported arming the citizenry in the new USA is that the militias were used to put down slave uprisings. Consequently the NWO slaves still have guns. OOPSi

WhatevsFloatsYerGoat ago

Good work, thanks. Also, CNN is currently pushing this other kid, Lewis Mizen. British accent (think Tavistock), just like all the late night talk show hosts (think Tavistock). Surname derived from “mason”. Emigrated with his parents in 2014, so this has apparently been in the pipeline for a number of years. Weird Facebook activity, multiple Facebook accounts. Dig.

think- ago

/pol OP:

File: 7AC738B8-9265-4E28-9EA7-4(...).jpg

HIS NAME IS JEFF KASKY! - runs elsagate type channel - runs a pizzagate type adoption agency

  • his kid Cameron Kasky was in the school shooting and now is at the forefront of the anti gun shit.

We have to redpill as many people as possible.

This is not like any other shootings they are playing their hand now. It will only get worse.

letsdothis1 ago

And someone just weeted this video about David Hogg

So here is David Hogg - the kid being pushed by the mainstream media as the main student spokesman after the FL school shooting - from his own YouTube talking about lying, convincingly, to strangers about SHOOTING HIS FRIEND.

Totally just coincidence. Nothing to see here.

new4now ago

I found another vid of the kid, I posted it here also

letsdothis1 ago

Is the Media Telling Us the Truth About the Parkland Shooting?

new4now ago

at first I thought the kid was a democrat running for office

by the end, I was thinking it was a training film

now I'm wondering what the hell happened, the truth

I may be wrong, but this stinks of sulphur

letsdothis1 ago

I may be wrong, but this stinks of sulphur

I was thinking the same thing.

letsdothis1 ago

That's beyond weird. Is this his youtube channel?

good888 ago

Just giving a baby a lap dance with another baby. Nbd

carmencita ago

That was terrible! Already sexualizing the baby. If they start with that now, what will come later. This is what happened to Rome.

good888 ago

I found it odd that he said " not on video, that's the kinda stuff they get arrested for. " In reference to the babies.

carmencita ago

Ugh. Arrested for? Who gets arrested, the babies? If others get arrested for that, they should not be doing it to babies. It's as simple as that.

TippyHome ago

The nwo/globalists are pushing for a civil war. The only way the deep state can stay in power. And, the only way they could win is by repealing 2A. I certainly fear for the generations behind me. Socialism is not going to go away.

theoldones ago

TippyHome ago

His twitter page is lit up with bringing 2A down. They certainly are playing their hand now. Did they think we would not dig into his past and his evil deeds? This guy can go pound sand. We need to be able to protect ourselves from the deep state, because it is obvious they are coming for us. No, not paranoid, just a realist. Do you think the world will ever wake up to these Luciferians? smh

bdmthrfkr ago

@carmencita and other researchers have turned up some interesting stuff on this guy in the last 8 hours, if you haven't checked back recently it's time that you did.

carmencita ago

Regarding the Adoption Center, a comment made on 4chan Mentioned that Cruz was also an orphan from a Jewish Birth Mother. Bump.

bdmthrfkr ago

Yep. This rabbit hole just gets weirder and weirder.

bdmthrfkr ago

Archived link to the pic in OPs post, this thread will be 404 quickly: