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septimasexta ago

This was from a comment on the 4chan board.

Trump might be on to something. Let's not forget the Qanon link to Standard Hotel/West Hollywood and Adam Schiff. I think that's the one dumping LOTS of ACID down the outside drain, creating an EPA hazard!

"Adam Schiff, ‘Standard Hotel’ Jumpers, Liquified Bodies & AMTRAK Train Crisis Actors [videos]"

"Operator of Standard Hotel in Los Angeles Agrees to Plead Guilty to Environmental Offense in Dumping of Pool Chemicals that Caused Illnesses in Subway " "This case results from a January 18, 2009 incident in which a maintenance employee at the Standard Hotel negligently disposed of chlorine and muriatic acid that were located near the hotel’s rooftop pool. The worker pumped both chemicals into the Standard Hotel’s rooftop storm drain. This mix of chemicals caused gases to form in the storm drain system, and some of those gases were released into a subway station near the hotel at 7th and Figueroa."

"L.A.'s Standard Hotel owner charged with chemical dumping Pool workers poured large amounts of chlorine and acid down a rooftop drain, prosecutors say, causing a gas cloud in a nearby Metro station. Officials initially suspected terrorism. January 31, 2009"

Investigation of Adam Schiff Human Trafficking & Pedophile Cover Up Called For at LAPD Commission

SCHIFF TRIED TO BLOCK FISA MEMO RELEASE! "Just as it was announced that the FISA memo would likely be released Thursday according to a White House official, Rep. Adam Schiff hit the panic button. The FBI, DOJ, Deep State and especially suspected leaker and ranking member of the House Intel Committee, Adam Schiff (D-CA) are fiercely working to block the FISA memo from being released to the public."