think- ago

@autism_speaks, unfortunately I have to take the post down now, since it wasn't edited within 24 hours.

You can re-submit anytime once the post was edited, or submit it to v/pizzagatewhatever unedited.

Thank you.

Removing per Rules 2 and 3.

Cat_anon ago

monster with no control?


Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

This stuff makes me rethink my life. I have failed. I should have gotten in a position where I could... Disassemble... These child molesters. It's is the greatest calling a man could have in the world. Well, maybe I will get my hands one one someday. Their suffering will be legendary.

think- ago

@Ho-Lee-Fuk, it's great to re-consider priorities in life from time to time, but I can't see how you possibly have 'failed'.

You're here, and contributing, and I assume you're redpilling family and friends.

That's more than most people do, really! :-) :-)

Shizy ago

I keep saying it.... dexter needs to be a real person!

Vindicator ago

This is a GREAT example of a thread highly relevant to Pizzagate that needs editing to meet the research requirements of v/pizzagate. Because I follow QAnon, I get the connection. Almost no one who doesn't follow that closely will, however, and this really isn't sharable to normies unless someone takes the time to actually write a little summary explaining it.

autism_speaks, hopefully you will want to. But maybe @pby1000 @bopper @Blacksmith21 @srayzie or one of the other quality ladies n gents following Q could help explain.

I would recommend re-titling it something like "Pizzagate Lead? Trump tweets "Liddle Schiff", Q tells anons Liddle Kidz infant massage charity is 'just the tip' of the iceberg"

relevent pizzagate thread:

Futhermore, I'm going to point out that this is another good example for our discussions about editing headlines. It's not that this headline is's just not enough information. @think-

srayzie ago

I made a post...

People are already going off on Trump when the post isn’t even about Trump other than 1 word. God forbid I bring up Q!

@Vindicator @ think-

WhatevsFloatsYerGoat ago

Not a good idea to bring up Q, and also beware of Betteridge’s Law.

srayzie ago

I didn’t bring up Q

think- ago

It's not that this headline is's just not enough information.

Agree. Thanks for chiming in, @Vindicator, and providing excellent Q expertise!

ASolo ago

Well, this is a shit thread anyway but I'll say it here too, Trump has nothing to do with Q, Trump is too much of an IDIOT and buttboy to the elite to do anything about human trafficking in the capacity that we need to see it because he is fully involved. Stop deluding yourselves, the man is a whore who cheats on his wife with porn whores among many more things, he DOES NOT give two shits about this country.

septimasexta ago

This was from a comment on the 4chan board.

Trump might be on to something. Let's not forget the Qanon link to Standard Hotel/West Hollywood and Adam Schiff. I think that's the one dumping LOTS of ACID down the outside drain, creating an EPA hazard!

"Adam Schiff, ‘Standard Hotel’ Jumpers, Liquified Bodies & AMTRAK Train Crisis Actors [videos]"

"Operator of Standard Hotel in Los Angeles Agrees to Plead Guilty to Environmental Offense in Dumping of Pool Chemicals that Caused Illnesses in Subway " "This case results from a January 18, 2009 incident in which a maintenance employee at the Standard Hotel negligently disposed of chlorine and muriatic acid that were located near the hotel’s rooftop pool. The worker pumped both chemicals into the Standard Hotel’s rooftop storm drain. This mix of chemicals caused gases to form in the storm drain system, and some of those gases were released into a subway station near the hotel at 7th and Figueroa."

"L.A.'s Standard Hotel owner charged with chemical dumping Pool workers poured large amounts of chlorine and acid down a rooftop drain, prosecutors say, causing a gas cloud in a nearby Metro station. Officials initially suspected terrorism. January 31, 2009"

Investigation of Adam Schiff Human Trafficking & Pedophile Cover Up Called For at LAPD Commission

SCHIFF TRIED TO BLOCK FISA MEMO RELEASE! "Just as it was announced that the FISA memo would likely be released Thursday according to a White House official, Rep. Adam Schiff hit the panic button. The FBI, DOJ, Deep State and especially suspected leaker and ranking member of the House Intel Committee, Adam Schiff (D-CA) are fiercely working to block the FISA memo from being released to the public."


Russianbots ago

Huge imo..POTUS Dropping Bread Crumbs.

think- ago

OP, thank you very much for you submission! Very interesting.

However, I'd like you to delete it yourself and re-post when edited.

Reason: The title needs to show a clear connection to Pizzagate. Folks not familiar with Trump's tweet history won't get it.

Rule 3: Clarity: All titles must adequately describe post content and must establish direct relevance to pizzagate.

Also, please add one or two sentences about why Trump is calling Adam Schiff 'Liddle Schiff' in the body of your post.

Most people won't click on chan links, if they don't know why they should do so, since the chans discussion threads are sometimes a bit long... ;-)

I'd suggest to take this .jpg OP of the chan thread provided and add it to the post:

Rule 2: Explain what led to your question


Please delete post yourself within 24 hours, edit and repost.

1) Please provide new title, like

'Trump called Adam Schiff 'Liddle Schiff'. Did he do so because... [add your hypothesis here]...?

2) Please add one or two sentences describing why you think the Tweet and the Chan discussion are exciting.

3) Suggestion: please add .jpg chan OP provided, people will then quickly understand what you're aiming at ;-)

You've got 24 hours to delete, edit and repost. However, I'd suggest to do so as quickly as possible, before users will join the discussion.

If you don't delete, edit and repost, I will unfortunately have to take the post down per Rules 2 and 3 as cited above.

It is a very interesting post, I hope it will get many views when reposted!!! So please, do repost! :-)

Thank you.

migratorypatterns ago

Yup, Trump's random comments are never random.

derram ago :

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "Finally, Liddle’ Adam Schiff, the leakin’ monster of no control, is now blaming the Obama Administration for Russian meddling in the 2016 Election. He is finally right about something. Obama was President, knew of the threat, and did nothing. Thank you Adam!"

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