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think- ago

OP, I am going to remove this post per Rule 3: All titles must adequately describe content. Please see sidebar. Thank you.

Vindicator ago

Yep. Totally agree with this removal, given the NSFW nature of it and the fact links can't be edited anyway, needed the boot.

My philosophy about Fake News submissions, however, in general is that we should typically flair them "Possible Disinfo" or "Debunked" with the reason why in a comment and leave them up rather than removing.

This gives the OP the opportunity to get downvoted, allows shitty disinfo posts to accumulate in his Submission history for all to see, and educates the community about what kind of bullshit the shills are spreading. None of that can happen if the post disappears into Removed Submissions. :-)

@kevdude @Crensch @ben_matlock @carmencita I think this should be policy^

think- ago

Thank you.