ASolo ago

Idk, I think the creator of this thread really just didn't think about it that much and just threw it up. Also sounds like he is getting some kind of vicarious satisfaction from the 'revenge' aspect. Not a good look for us here.

Markb63 ago

Your right. I should have researched it. Sorry.

think- ago

OP, I am going to remove this post per Rule 3: All titles must adequately describe content. Please see sidebar. Thank you.

Vindicator ago

Yep. Totally agree with this removal, given the NSFW nature of it and the fact links can't be edited anyway, needed the boot.

My philosophy about Fake News submissions, however, in general is that we should typically flair them "Possible Disinfo" or "Debunked" with the reason why in a comment and leave them up rather than removing.

This gives the OP the opportunity to get downvoted, allows shitty disinfo posts to accumulate in his Submission history for all to see, and educates the community about what kind of bullshit the shills are spreading. None of that can happen if the post disappears into Removed Submissions. :-)

@kevdude @Crensch @ben_matlock @carmencita I think this should be policy^

think- ago

Thank you.

think- ago

I'm giving this a '24 Edit Warning' flair.

OP, please see @Carmencita's comment and provide evidence that this 'case' is the start for a series of murders related to sexual abuse.

IMO this is story is made up. See comment by @KnightsofHubris, and link he provided.

The original source for this was (click on 'source' at the bottom of the article), a known disinfo site. The story was also published by, another known disinfo site.

Unfortunately, I cannot give this post more than one flair, otherwise I would flair this as 'Possible Disinformation'.

Apologies to everybody I cannot flair this 'NSFW', as it is not possible to give more than one flair.

OP, please consider researching whether the story might be disinfo and consider deletion.

For now, I will let the vote decide, according to our new rules. If post won't be edited during the next 24 hours, I am going to delete it.

ASolo ago

That language is unacceptable. It does NOT help past survivors or the currently abused you're gonna have to change that.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

What? Shutup.

ASolo ago

Why would you even take the time to write that?

ASolo ago

Wow I think I just saw the worst flaw in the new plan, we gotta watch this thread, well prolly not this thread it looks like its going in the bin anyway, but if someone uses that language and it has to sit up there 24 hours.... idk if that will look so good.

think- ago

I hear you ASolo.

We just agreed that we let posts stay when they need to be fixed, and let the votes decides, while it gets a '24 hrs Edit Warning'.

I pinged @kevdude and @Vindicator and asked them to chime in with their thoughts. This post might also be of interest re our discussion of adding a 'post has new headline' flair.

Following this line of thoughts, this would be the fourth flair his post needs, after

Edit Warning NSFW Possible Disinformation

@ASolo, you might want to keep this post in mind when participating in our rules discussion. Your input will be much appreciated.

ASolo ago

Whats the point with this one if the title can't be fixed? And there aren't threads that simply just get deleted anymore if they are obvious spam or thread sliding or just plain offensive?

think- ago

I just pulled it.

ASolo ago

Yeah that was the best call you could make on this one. I think dude just really wasn't thinking. It's whatever, good call.

think- ago

Sorry, I know that it triggered, I think I pulled it too late. My bad.

Vindicator ago

The discussion that ensued and the engagement between several great community contributors was excellent, however. The modlings are proliferating. Thumbs up!

think- ago

Thank you, @Vindicator.

I agree that many valuable points were raised by the users! Very much appreciated their input, and that they cared so much. :-)

@ASolo @Carmencita @Blacksmith21 @KnightsofHubris

ASolo ago

Eh, your doing awesome, very attentive and considerate.

think- ago

Thank you, ASolo. Much appreciated! :-)

carmencita ago

OP, could you please find a corroborating link to verify your title? A short explanation would also be nice. This is in accordance with our new rules which are much more kind than our former ones. Thank You.

KnightsofHubris ago

This is a fake story using the name of a real priest. Except that priest committed suicide in 2011.

think- ago

Thank you, @KnightsofHubris.

ASolo ago

fake story, advocating violence, why is it still up?

carmencita ago

I believe that maybe a NSFW might be added to this. SRA Survivors or other Abuse Victims may find this Upsetting. Just Sayin'. @think-

think- ago

Thank you very much, @Carmencita. I'm going flair it NSFW!

carmencita ago

@KnightsofHubris just claims this is a fake story. This should be looked into. I have to leave the house. This is a very important post I believe. Newbies to be educated about the Vatican and the pope.

think- ago

It is very likely, fake, @Carmencita, I just added a comment and flaired it with the 24 hours Edit Warning flair.

Unfortunately, I had to remove the 'NSFW' to do so, since it is only possible to give one flair at a time.

Thank you very much for being watchful and notifying me.


carmencita ago

YW :)

think- ago


ASolo ago

I think it needs to be deleted, we don't need to advocate this kind of violence we are only investigators.

think- ago

I'll forward your request to @kevdude, ASolo, and would like to ask him to look into this (might be a good example for our ongoing rules discussion).

@kevdude, apologies for bothering you with this, after the rules discussion on the thread of yesterday's deleted submission re Haitian charity, I would like you to chime in, however. Thank you.


carmencita ago

After communicating with my SRA Survivor, I have become much more aware of this. Thank You.

Blacksmith21 ago

That is a valid trigger if I've ever heard one.

carmencita ago

Yes many times she would get upset after discussing certain things for too long. I would tell her to rest and we could go on when she was ready. Many of them are on medication. That even upset me and you know what we read on here.

think- ago

Yes, @Blacksmith21, it might trigger many users. Also, the story is very likely fake (see my comment on main thread).

I just pinged @kevdude and @vindicator to see whether they want to let this stay or pull per rule 3

merica_fk_yeah ago

I don't advocate any revenge killing... but i can't help but feel glad that one less pedophile is on the streets.

carmencita ago

Father Archambault admitted to the remaining charges from 26 victims but claimed that he didn’t rape them as “they all consented to it.” Despite the youngest child being just 5-years-old, the Cannon court accepted that the children consented to sex with the 42-year-old priest and ruled that he didn’t rape them.