EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Lord of the Flies also has a dominant pig theme with the pig head on a stick

alloutwar ago

That's true. Wasn't the kid named piggy too?

ReddittRefugee ago

Anyone who wants a scene-by-scene comparison of the 2 movie versions can read here:


alloutwar ago

Thanks, did you read the comments?

That is everything we are dealing with today. That sums it up in a nutshell.

Stew Fancy • 2 years ago

Gotta say, I was pretty disappointed with this movie's first DVD release; "The Professional" (No LÉON in the title). Full Screen, no special features, AND the cut of the film that runs 20+ minutes shorter? No thanks.

erik • a year ago

In the first version of the script they actually have sex.

casey trelka erik a year ago

Which would have been better, let Besson do what he do

erik casey trelka • a year ago

Yes I agree, it would have added a lot to the film.

casey trelka erik • a year ago

Especially since Leon thinks she is 18, she is rather manipulative and I love it

erik casey trelka • a year ago

I'm not sure he thinks that? But I don't blame him. She's hot and willing so why not.

BeardOfZeus erik • 7 months ago

I'm just curious, have you been arrested for paedophilia yet or is that crime still waiting to happen?

casey trelka erik • a year ago

Early in the movie he asks her age and she says 18, he is a bit naive and I always assumed that he believed her.

RCDavis casey trelka • 3 months ago

In spite of the fact that some folks get their panties in a knot over this, and they may imagine all girls under 25 as lilly white? That comment is true: some girls, perhaps not the majority of girls, but some girls are confident in their sexuality, and drive the relationship into fast forward. It may be that some males can be detached enough to be intellectual about the opportunity and reject the offer of a willing, nubile and ripening woman.

Credit to them, yet I will wager, in an private situation, that those that can are a small percent of the population.

Those that have experienced it are either lucky, or in jail - depending on whether those women embraced what they inspired, or rejected it.

Neclord RCDavis • 3 months ago

You sound like a rapist. I hope children are never imperiled to be in your presence.

Jeff Rittenour • a year ago

dc is gross...

Mooncutter ago

@Millennial_Falcon has deleted a bunch of my posts also, citing some half-true reason that doesn't make sense.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Prove it.

11835484? ago

I apreciate the response, but I'm not that active anymore and won't spend the time/energy. I appreciate the response though =)

11835859? ago

No problem. The thing is, there are only 3 basic reasons for a post to be removed. Only one of them (Rule 1) determines what topics can be posted; that is the thorny one, and we have eased up on it lately, but it's necessary, because if anyone can post anything tangentially related, shills can flood the sub with posts and make it useless. The whole point of the sub is to expose elites who facilitate and participate in child abuse, not a general forum for the problem of child abuse, and drawing that line can be very subjective. The other two main rules (Rules 2 and 3) are "fix and repost" rules, which should generally be very simple, because all one needs is to be clear about what you're saying and to have sources for any factual claims that aren't common knowledge.

11841005? ago


EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Is Millenial Falcon even a real human?

3141592653 ago

Please hear me out.... tbh, I loved that movie when I saw it, although it was years ago. My take is that Natalie Portman plays a young girl who has clearly been sexually abused by adult men in the past... perhaps raped, perhaps forcibly prostituted. She does not have parents, and certainly has never had a healthy relationship with an adult male-- one that is not sexually abusive. Tragically that is all she knows of love, attention and just trying to survive. Thus when she meets Leon, her behavior follows accordingly. Throughout the movie, he tries to do right and be a pure father figure to her. In the end, that is successfully achieved - they form a healthy, non abusive bond. She has a father figure and learns it is possible to have that relationship without being sexually exploited at the same time.

alloutwar ago

Okay, you posted this again, I'll repost my reply:

Yes but the point is that they are sexually exploiting a child for a movie. This shouldn't be allowed. Her attire, her sexual seductive nature shouldn't have been on film at all. A novel would be bad enough but actually using a child in little slutty clothes professing love and attraction to an old man is not okay, in any way, at all. Her parents put their feet down when it came to a scene where he walks in on her in the bathroom and she opens her towel saying, it's okay. Times are changing, we are all waking up now and seeing, hey...that's not okay. Why didn't we realize that before?

patriot_biz ago

Glad someone pointed this out. I think that movie had potential but some of the scenes went a little too far.

holaymackal ago

The American movie 'R' rated cut is even more tame and removes some of the heavier pedo undertones.

Tha_Dude_Abidez ago

The BIG thing you're leaving out is that the film is based on a book where he fucks her. I think in the director's cut the scene is included.

WhatevsFloatsYerGoat ago

"I think"? Watch it. He doesn't. Stop spreading Fake News!

But, I agree the whole movie has a pedo subtext.

alloutwar ago

Thanks, it's not. There isn't a book, the director wrote the screenplay.

After researching, tha_Dude is maybe referring to the scene that was cut where she talks about having sex with him. That scene was cut out in some countries.

Tha_Dude_Abidez ago

Yeah, sorry guys not trying to spread false info. It was in the international version:

The Missing Scene: The international cut of the film reveals that the night before that scene, Mathilda tried to coax Leon into making love to her, but he turned her down because he "wouldn't be a good lover" (apparently there are no laws about having sex with minors in other countries, but there are plenty of laws about doing it lousily). Well, the screenplay takes the wrongness even further by making it clear that, actually, he does sleep with her. While crying. Here's the scene:

"How beautiful it is seeing them sweetly making love" is an actual line that the screenwriter wrote. And no, she's isn't 30 instead of almost 13 in this draft.

How It Changes the Movie: For starters, this explains why Leon is so edgy the whole damn picture: On top of the corrupt DEA agent, he also had to be on the lookout for Child Protective Services busting his ass for pedophilia. But mainly, it confirms our hunch that there was something fishy going on in this movie all along. We'll never look at Luc Besson pictures the same way again.

I thought it was originally a book. I was wrong but not about the part in question.

http://www.thecoli.com/threads/wow-so-leon-really-did-smash-that-12-yr-old-girl-in-the-professional.32210/ http://www.zimbio.com/Beyond+the+Box+Office/articles/UeZ2d6FD2ub/20+Things+May+Not+Know+L+Professional

alloutwar ago

That scene was never made. Sick anyway that it was in the script.

Tha_Dude_Abidez ago

Also, it is implied they have sex in the regular version. She gets out of bed with his underwear on.

alloutwar ago

That is true actually. The underwear are huge now that I think of it. That makes me furious.

SocksOnCats ago

What? No. He doesn’t fuck her.

alloutwar ago

Wow. I had no idea.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Leon stops and touches pig's nose (decoration) in the movie. There is a pig oven mitt that Leon has and uses as a puppet. I'm really not sure why you deleted this since all that info is there in the original post.

I saw the part about the pig in the restaurant window, but not the other two examples. Your post is long, so I only had time to skim it.

PedoStomper ago

So if you "just skim" something and don't see the information, you just delete the post? Good job fuckface. Do your fucking job and actually read the posts.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Do your fucking job

Go fuck yourself.

PedoStomper ago

Only after I fuck your mother.

alloutwar ago

I thought that was your role, to read before randomly deleting posts.

Millennial_Falcon ago

The post is not fully deleted (it goes to removed submissions log). All OP has to do is copy and paste and identify the needed info. Do you expect me to be perfect and to spend 10 minutes thoroughly inspecting every single post? I'm going to miss things sometimes. To expect otherwise is just nonsense. Maybe have some appreciation that I've been doing this for a year, all the while wishing there were someone else to do it. I would rather be doing my part by continuing to expand the Executive Summary I spent weeks working on, but I'm not able to do that because nobody else seems willing to do the thankless job of moderating and take abuse from assholes like @PedoStomper.

PedoStomper ago

You're moderating a forum where people are investigating child murder and rape committed by our "world leaders," so take your job a little bit more seriously, nigger.

Oh_Well_ian ago

bro.. that kid fucking faggot MF will delete hours of your work after a glance

he's all but destroyed this investigation

Calculated ago

Moderators of this sub are probably pedos themselves they always delete great posts.

Oh_Well_ian ago

main mod is, for sure

a real shitbag and an asshole

Calculated ago

I posted a link of Obama calling the fraud I.S.S. and asking for pizza, and they deleted it and said it wasn't relevant... hahah

giggelingpanda ago

So...when we eat pork we consume the devil? Or demons..?

Limpness ago

Lots of new age types say that advanced civilizations in the past were fooling around with DNA etc. and crossed pigs and humans. This is the reason jews and muslims don't eat pork.

scarlettm512 ago

There is apparently one scientist who believes that the missing link in evolution is that an ancient primate ancestor actually mated with a wild boar type animal and that is how human beings were formed. He said that this explained why the pig anatomy is so similar to humans (we use pig's heart valves to replace human heart valves) and the other similarities (pinkish, hairless skin, same fat distribution, etc.) He also said this may be why it was taboo to eat pork -- because we are related to them. I forget his name, but it was an interesting theory and made me glad that I'm a vegetarian because I will never look at pigs quite the same way, though I've no idea if this man is correct or completely nuts.

PedoStomper ago

If the Jews don't like pork, I'm inclined to enjoy it.

alloutwar ago

According to some maybe.

derram ago

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=_fy901db2aAYouTube :

Léon, O Profissional HD 1080p (Legendado- versão do diretor - sem censura) - YouTube

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