millennial_vulcan ago

Weird that Brad Grey, iconic head of Paramount Pictures randomly died last year age only 59 of cancer (oh, 'cancer' again!) Right? He's tied up in this CDAN blind

Who bumped Brad off...?


LINK to obit

dimbulb ago

leave your children in a relatively small room, full of costumes and ornaments designed to make people pretend they are someone, or some—thing, else.

sounds profitable and completely destructive

Limpness ago

Biggest protector US govt. Heard a rumor years ago that AT&T (space sattelites) had overbuilt...they were sold off to Viacom . I think but not totally sure it was so long ago. Stockholders of original company were furious as millions were lost from the sale. I googled after I heard the rumor and it was fact about the sale.George Bush I was the broker. He was named by Cathy O'Brian as a violent pedophile. All this seems very connected .

ASolo ago

Great comment

dreamwarrior23 ago

Amanda is the one who had a nervous breakdown. I'd peg Melissa Joan Hart as the girl turned woman, who had two shows at once (Clarissa Explains it all and Sabrina the teenage witch). She seems to be strong enough for this.

ASolo ago

Good guess there too.

angry_mob ago

FUCK YEAH! this is it kiddies! house of cards time & the wind is startin' to blow! (pass the fucking popcorn!)

gaystapo ago

When I see pictures of Amanda bynes as a child, it breaks my heart. I hope she gets justice.

ASolo ago

Good comment. I'm gonna take one of them points on my thread tho, mouth.

angry_mob ago

i really can't stand her from what i've seen of her (not much) but she probably has plenty of reasons to be a fucked up twit.

YogSoggoth ago

Did you amend this while I was posting? Here is your sign, Santa Claus' untouched grave may be beneath church in Turkey's Antalya, archaeologist says.

WhatevsFloatsYerGoat ago

What Really Happened To Steve From 'Blue's Clues'? In Nickelodeon’s special “Behind the Clues: 10 Years with Blue,” Steve Burns revealed that the biggest reason he left the show was because he was in fact going bald, and he couldn't let that happen on TV. Yeah, right.

SurfinMindWaves ago

Because actors never have or ever will wear a wig on camera. Well known fact.

migratorypatterns ago

Fingers crossed that this is true.

FeebleAI ago

Let's hope this gets the ball rolling.

Cheesebooger ago

(((Dan Schneider)))

almost every time. Its as if it is their culture.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Could be Amanda, Miranda Cosgrove, Jamie Lynn Spears, or Jennette McCurdy

3141592653 ago

I wonder about Ariana Grande and Victoria Justice, also

TupacsTattoo ago

Britney Spears sister Jamie Lynn is the one with irrefutable evidence. She was raped by The Nickelodeon Exec. Her first daughter is rumored to be his child.

Of course it was cleaned up and a guy was found to pretend he was the father.

She’s currently pregnant with her first child not of rape.

Expose him Jamie Lynn!!!

Liquid_Animal ago

Jesus! They have the EXACT same eyes and nose!

Shizy ago

The DNA of that child would be irrefutable proof of what he did

Matt_Helm ago

Dan is definitely the father I saw a photo of the girl she looks exactly like Schneider the resemblance is obvious.

MichaelClayton ago

Sorry to say but Jamie Lynn Spears' daughter is a boy.

Boy features and build...

Thick and square male wrists and forearms and wide male neck...

Adonis belt and something weird happening with her brow, hormone side effects perhaps....

It never ends with these people.

angry_mob ago

um... no. that's a girl.

MichaelClayton ago

Sorry, nope. Britney is also a male. This is their religion.

millennial_vulcan ago

are you on meds tonight? You usually make much more sense...

MichaelClayton ago

I wish I was on drugs, then I wouldn't have to know the truth. It's a nightmare come true. You'll see it one day.

Voatwontletmesignin ago

Yes MichaelClayton it is their sick religion. Most of Hollywood's actors are secret transgender as you would know. I was completely shocked when i first found out early last year (there is so much evidence) and i have not been able to watch a movie since. When you know what to look for it's easy to spot them. The MTF ones are the most obvious. What disturbed me the most is that they keep their tradition or religion (whatever you call it) going and transgender their own children! How many generations has this been going on for!? Look at what Angelina Jolie did to her little girl! She is only one example there are many many others but it's all online for everyone to see anyway. People are not truly awake if they haven't discovered this fact yet.

MichaelClayton ago

People are not truly awake if they haven't discovered this fact yet.

It's true. The onion keeps getting peeled away and this is what's at the center.

dimbulb ago

now we see why hawaii is so important;

ohana and watiki are transoperational and used to be considered the place to go for tranny sex.

MichaelClayton ago

Good to know about Hawaii. Thanks, anon.

pby1000 ago


Shizy ago

Whoever she is I hope she's safe and has trustworthy people around her and helping her to get the truth out! She needs to do it sooner rather than later because no one blinks an eye at another young troubled celebrity having an "overdose"

millennial_vulcan ago

NEVER FORGET my VOAT POST on pedo Schneido and JL Spears!!

ASolo ago

The movie studio owned by the corporation is not doing well, and many in the industry have been reluctant to set up projects there because they're not sure if they'll ever get made. Meanwhile, the corporations networks are also falling into trouble. So even if everything behind the scenes were fine? It would still be a tough time there. So if a major scandal were to hit the offices, studio lots, and networks? It would trigger a domino effect that will send shareholders running and talent fleeing.

Because, you see #TimesUp is not just a movement, meme, or hashtag. It's literally a thing. Because time IS up for intimidation and silence of those victims. One is no longer a girl, and is now a woman. She's explored criminal charges, jurisdictions, statutes of limitations and exceptions to those. She's livid at her parents for their complicity, and wants revenge AND a bigger payday through a lawsuit for the career and life that was stolen from her - but only AFTER she makes it all public. So the time is up on the agreement her parents made, which doesn't apply to her now - as an adult. She lawyered up and they've hired investigators, forensic accountants, analysts, and a security outfit of global repute who has even worked for government intelligence operations. She's very serious about this - as are the other victims who endured similar abuse and complicity from parents, guardians, and managers. Several have engaged the services of the same law firm who employ experts in the field of crimes against children with the feds.

Also involved are the disgruntled former executives. So much so that they've turned to the Protector's all-time arch-nemesis who is known by ALL and is the owner of a massive conglomerate stretching throughout the world to guarantee they'll get the coverage they need to air their accusations. They also are getting friendly lawyers to protect them when they back the claims of the abuse victims (which otherwise could incriminate them for prior knowledge - but now indemnifies them since they are cooperating with the victims). Everyone is pursuing this all before the Protector finally dies. Then the studio and their assets (including a valuable back catalog/library of titles) can get gobbled up by another competitor. In fact, as I write this I know several news outlets at work on stories about abuses at other branches of the corporation, and executives there. So don't put too much faith in some strange movements and shuffling going on at the corporation/studio/networks - because it is just them setting up for future damage control and the scapegoating that is sure to come. Don't think for a second that every day the New Boss of the corporation wakes up that the boss is not wondering if this is THE day that their time runs out. The new boss is no dummy either, and knows #TimesUp for the metaphorical deal the corporation made with the devil all those years ago. Tick tock, tick tock.


Nickelodeon was a product of a felonious convicted religious con couple, Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker of the Assembly of God’s Melodyland Christian Center right smack across from the entrance to Disneyland. The government gave the Bakkers an entire abandoned military base to setup a television/cable studio.[56] Their Pinwheel Channel was purchased by Warner Cable [forerunner to Time Warner], then renamed Nickelodeon. Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker were allegedly reported to be closet ILLUMINATI PAN-Sexuals. [57],[58],[59],[60] Jim Bakker is “the Little Caligula of the televangelists.”

ProfessionalCynic ago

Jim Bakker also worked at the Dream Center in LA and met his current wife there.

shillcrusher13 ago

Redstone Nemesis = Rupert Murdoch? Just a guess.

ASolo ago

Comments on the blind are suggesting Disney as the rival corporation that is going to back the victims. In a superficial capacity that seems logical since they are competitors but in an ideological and obvious standpoint for us it's an oxymoron because we know what Disney is all about, it's just one big beast eating another.

MichaelClayton ago

Burn it all down to the ground.

Side note: What's up with Red's hands? They're all fucked up.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Victims 3 and 4 are the iCarly girls, i bet.

ASolo ago


Shizy ago

"Or cow. Or even giant pig". 😂 I knew exactly who Himmm was referring to!

millennial_vulcan ago

LMAO! Remember when JIM BAKKER was humping THIS hooker while married?!