Brainyidiot ago

Get the word out and spread

kidavenger ago

Images of the people mentioned. Compare them all and let's see what you think.

Casey Aldridge -

Maddie Spears -

Dan Schneider -

PedoStomper ago

Dan "Spread her wider, I'm going inside her" Schneider. This fat Jew fuck is one of the things that got me started down the rabbit hole of Pedogate. Schneider being a kid-diddler is such old news, it would be nice to see him publicly busted and humiliated. Even better if he legit commits suicide.

millennial_vulcan ago

cant decide which flabby, pock marked, smells-like-rotting-meat fuckers are more revolting

Truthseeker3000 ago

Dan Schnieder was heavily censored last couple days on social media Instagram under #danschnieder

Mad_As_Hell ago

The child is a dead ringer for him... Looks like she's being groomed for abuse too judging by the outfit :(

PedoStomper ago

He probably molests the child as well. These people diddle their own offspring, they don't give a fuck at all. The more twisted, the better.

millennial_vulcan ago

share and spread!

ARsandOutdoors ago

So what's this with Amanda bynes? I'm not fully up to speed with her in the picture here..

PedoStomper ago

Amanda Bynes, just like her fellow Nickelodeon and Disney-raised stars and starlets, had an "MK Ultra breakdown" not too long ago, and since then she has disappeared completely from the limelight. Her programming broke and her brain completely shattered. Video very related.


ben_matlock ago

Here's a good summary of the allegations, with some juicy rumors sprinkled in.

ARsandOutdoors ago

Holy shit man. That's some crazy stuff. Thank you for the link!

anotherdream ago

Tried to follow the gawker link and got an error telling me my iPhone was infected with a virus. Haha wtf?!

millennial_vulcan ago

its a valid link. problem is your phone.

anotherdream ago

I imagined so. Just reporting what happened when I followed it.

millennial_vulcan ago

thanks AD. Did you eventually get to the link? Just google "Gawker" "Jamie Lynn" " real father" " baby"

carmencita ago

YES! Let's Blow the Lid Off That Pot! Let Her Blow!

Lobotomy ago

You don't capitalise the first letter of every word in a sentence. Go back to the third grade.

carmencita ago

Yes, Teacher.

millennial_vulcan ago

gotta be honest; it IS annoying...

carmencita ago

well no one has ever complained about it before I have been on here almost 10 months and not one person has said anything and let me tell you that there are some other annoying things on here but I take them with a grain of salt there are much more important things to me so I do not let those things bother me either

3141592653 ago

Its not annoying at all

carmencita ago

with all of the overly annoying things going on in this world i cannot imagine how it would be but i guess to some it is i just saw a couple of other people doing it too

3141592653 ago

All caps is brutally annoying. But one sentence or one word of caps, for effect, is totally fine with me.

carmencita ago

Yes I agree. Sometimes I use one word in caps to attract attention to a name. Sometimes I know that when I am on a thread with so many comments, I am glazed over. I think that a name that has not been mentioned but should be noticed I will capitalize the name only. But only when needed. Unless it is all caps, I really don't pay attention to it. There is sometimes misspelling on here quite a bit but I can figure it out. I am really am way to busy to get upset at that stuff really. There is much more on here to get angry about, imo.

Blacksmith21 ago

Oooh...maybe we can get some Grammar Nazis in here. Maybe Brock/MM/CS will pay the shills a few extra bucks to correct our spelling for us.

carmencita ago

Yes, like I said we are working on saving our children not critiquing penmanship etc. Well you cannot please all the people all the time

millennial_vulcan ago

share + spread!

derram ago :

Jamie Lynn Spears' Babydaddy May Be More Daddy Than Baby

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