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EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Here is an obvious underage girl who posts some rather pedo stuff that makes me think she is an MK ultra victim / sex slave who has grown to think of herself as a sex object. She posts something rather sarcastically talking about wanting to kill Woody Allen.

Factfinder2 ago

You're right, it looks like MKU-style monarch/kitten programming has devastated this girl. Some of her art shows a little girl in an elevator giving oral sex and a cartoon kitten giving oral sex to one man while masturbating another. There are drawings of multiple male genitalia of all skin colors on the picture frame. Also, her page has drawings of butterflies and many other signs of programming. And she says she has a mental illness. Sad, very sad.



"Kid Hates Everything":

Mental illness:

Her Instagram page:

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Yep - the one with the mental illness quote was weird bc she has bandages on her arms. Her IG is full of bad stuff including way old men asking to come over and do anal, etc. This, along with the Hallowed Be Thy Slice profile of Yesenia Rosales were only two examples of girls who are all linked to the same suspect's IG account... I've already reported him several times. I wonder if he is a procurer or a trainer.

Factfinder2 ago

Me again. Just looked back and saw that you are Amy James, so of course you already know about the thread I linked before plus others.

I hope you do make a separate post about Latinamilk's Woody Allen comment. It seems like a smoking gun. Also hope you're doing better now. You've been through a lot, I know. Voaters have been worried about you and rooting for you.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Hey I don't have enough points on this new account yet to make a new thread. I lost my passwords when I wiped my computer. If you wanna make a thread here is the link to the parent comment.

Factfinder2 ago

Okay, I'll go ahead with that. Glad you're doing fine now.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

cool, feel free to tag me

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Yeah I am doing fine now - my thyroid is under control now, and I am avoiding stress - I'm just preoccupied by the bar exam studies. Thank you so much for your kind words. I will be posting more info on the accounts he follows some time soon. And I'll post it as a separate thread.

Factfinder2 ago

Who is this suspect? Can you link his IG account?

Factfinder2 ago

Whoa...I missed this previous Voat thread talking about Doyle Mills. Did you see it? I had never heard of him before your comment here, but he's apparently well known by some Voat researchers:

Importantly, if he's in with the Hollywood crowd, then Latinamilk's comment about Woody Allen is very likely to be her outing him as one of her actual abusers. You could be right about Doyle being a procurer/trainer.

I think it would be good if you made a separate post about all this to bring it to everyone's attention. Our conversation here is buried and won't get noticed.

Great find.

Factfinder2 ago

Thanks. Will look into him. Very sketchy that he's linked to those girls.

angry_mob ago
