MichaelClayton ago

and encouraging "swatting" them as shills (I literally still have no idea what that term means)...

I'm assuming Swatting means wasting your time engaging with shills, trying to point them out, and trying to get them to go away. Like swatting flies. It's just exhausts you and doesn't do anything.

Marfa-Lights ago

You know something, I believe there is a guy on Reddit that hit the nail right on the head. This is all about Globalists V Zionists, they were working together on the NWO but now something big has happened and they have fallen out catastrophically for them. The best of the two evils are the Zionists, but don't go dropping the ball because they are both here to fuck us up.

birthdaysuit11 ago

I was on antiextremes a better website that acts like reddit and shills are already their just waiting.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

We had a user named MAGABoomer who turnout to be a disiinfo shill who was banned.

It seems that someone who works for someone evil is being as bold and reckless as possible when hurting innocent pizza gate researchers. They also did this to me - posting my ex husband's personal information.

There was a really big story about SWATTING in the news a few days ago - some dude got shot and killed because some loser called cops and claimed he had killed someone inside his house.

Very scary the lengths people will go to to try and intimidate lowly little forum posters on Voat... or the internet. It's like you guys haven't figured out that you're already above the law and you do not need to harass us for outing you, just call your little friend Hillary and have her issue you a pardon.

Oh wait, I forgot, your candidate lost. How sad.

Cc1914 ago

Just wanted to let people know that I am denied upvoat on this post . I can upvoat others but not these two?! @vindicator https://imgur.com/gallery/Gx3jG

Vindicator ago

That's weird Cc. @heygeorge is this another Cloudflare thing, or maybe a bug with the new code?

Cc1914 ago

Thanks btw This happened a week or so ago too https://imgur.com/gallery/Y8R5f

Vindicator ago

Cc, I think you should make a post asking about this in v/voatdev. That's where the code jocks hang out.

Cc1914 ago

Lol@ code jocks! That's funny . Thanks .

heygeorge ago

This is on Voat's side. Up/down votes are internally tracked by IP address to make it more difficult to manipulate the system.

Is itpossible @Cc1914 uses a VPN or otherwise shares an internet connection?

Cc1914 ago

I don't use a vpn and do not share internet connection .

heygeorge ago

Interesting. How about an alt account?

I think the next step is to try voting on those posts again.

Cc1914 ago

No alt account . It's working now , I can up/down voat but this happens a lot. Always on certain posts . That's why it makes me think something's fishy .

heygeorge ago

This bug occasionally popped up during port testing, but I think it was rather early.

If you haven't yet, post to v/voatdev (ideally with links to the posts in question) so Putts can get an eye on this.

Cc1914 ago

Will do , thanks 🙂

BIGLY17 ago

They r cucks. Let them fade out if existence if they wish not be caught by authorities at this point in time on the grand stage.

Forestdly23 ago

The FBI has David Brock's bank records and those financial records should put him in jail...if only the Democrat FBI agents will let the Republican FBI agents see those files..

Forestdly23 ago

David Brock is a sociopath with tens of millions of George Soros and Hillary Clinton dollars, who like also Gay Nick Denton, hunts down gay and mentally ill naive teen kids and convinces them to character assassinate others for his "cause". His cause is PizzaGate and Corruption so he needs to go to prison.

birthdaysuit11 ago

Any links for that stuff. Not saying it isn't true but I'd love to have a source to save. Also, what happened to Brock, did he not just have a heart attack?

fartyshorts ago

Let them keep pumping millions in to this cause, 'cause it's useless. They are dumber and more desperate than we are, and we do this FOR FREE!

Cheesebooger ago

Notice the one thing about the Pizzagate gate keepers. I just uploaded a meme about it

birthdaysuit11 ago

GATEKEEPERS include ::: Alex Jones, Mike Cernovich, Russel Brand, David Seamen, Mark Dice, Paul Watson Joseph, Rebel News, RT News, Disobedient Media, George Webb, Stefan Molyneux, Noam Chomsky, Oliver Stone, David Griffen, Webster Tarpley, etc.

Cheesebooger ago

I agree. Lauren Simonsen too. Looking back now, we can watch how jews swarmed the movement and started leading it. Its subversion. Many fell for it. Whites must tighten the circles.

birthdaysuit11 ago

EDIT: Zionists. The majority of Jews are just fine. Please, stop with white power crap, thanks.

Cheesebooger ago

Man this pizzagate sub is crawling with you cuck reddit fuckers. I don't want idiots like you nowhere near the future. Never. Trust. A. Jew.

birthdaysuit11 ago


carmencita ago

Sorry to hear about that. We must all stick together and I commend you for coming out with this, it is important to let all of us know when others are trying to plant disinfo about any of us. I have noticed myself that there are many more shills on here lately and they are trying to undermine us and our research. Beware and Keep Your Eyes Peeled.

Grunge ago

Redditors are truly disgusting people and will defend the elite pedophiles until their death.

djklbd ago

Wow what's up with all the shills and shit commenters here lately...

Mad_As_Hell ago

Yep, I saw someone use the term n^^^^^f^^^^^ in a comment here the other day, just trying to be as offensive/make us look as bad as possible. The MSM is using the same tactic re open borders, get a bunch of racist commenters on every forum so any legitimate criticisms/concerns are either drowned out or automatically labelled Islamaphobic, it's an annoyingly effective technique.

DonKeydich ago

Wow you're smart, you figured it out! God knows how many openminded potential allies have lurked here only to see the word NIGGERFAGGOTKIKE and immediately delete their account never to think of PG again.


Mad_As_Hell ago

It's funny cos it's true

Grunge ago

It may have been a shit comment, but I am no shill....

angry_mob ago

man, i am so sorry to hear that. it's completely fucked up, but yeah, i think desperation is the defining word here. you're a brave soul to stand up to these people. just keep yourself safe in any way you can think of, because they are dangerous fuckers, as you know.

djklbd ago

Thanks for the support.

Fuck the shills. As long as you aren't susceptible to half ass intimidation techniques, and psychological manipulation, they are powerless

21yearsofdigging ago

Ad hominem arguments and accusations. The closer you are to the truth the more the Saul Alinsky playbook is used against you. Everyone should read through this to better understand the enemy. https://www.steelonsteel.com/saul-alinskys-12-rules-for-radicals/ and this http://www.openculture.com/2017/02/13-rules-for-radicals.html

angry_mob ago

as a targeted individual for the last 11 yrs., i can relate to that alinsky list of rules, because they use all of those tactics and more on me on a daily basis. they are evil to the core. i call the perps "empty psychopaths," or "empty meat suits!"

Narcissism ago

The Elite aren't Psychopaths nor reptiles, aliens and descendants of mythological dynasties is all disinfo. The reality is they are Malignant Narcissists created by abuse in childhood. https://steemit.com/psychology/@psychopathy/what-makes-a-sadistic-pedophile

Vindicator ago

Could not agree more. 👍

Sum-of-Nun ago

I would be highly interested to hear your story if you would be willing to share.

The_Savant ago

You don't know what "swatting" is? It's when you call the SWAT team and make a false allegation against someone in order to get them raided by special forces. It is a criminal offense. They're trying to ruin our reputation by making us out to be lawless troglodytes.

djklbd ago

That is pretty bold of them.

First they stage a false flag shooting, blame it on us, with no proof.

Then they stage a false flag dox, blame it on us.

This whole scandal is such a big "pressure point" on the elite, that there's no way I'm going to stop spreading awareness anytime soon. Fuck these people.

GeorgeT ago

Boy, is that how sure these creeps were about their Queen Hillary victory that they left it all out there. Do they realize that the game is over for them?!

Shizy ago

These freaks will get shot if they pull this crap and break into the wrong persons house! Not smart!

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

They all use the same playbook. Think Hilllary, accuse your enemy of what you are guilty of.

Shizy ago

Alinski's Rules for Radicals. Only they suck and it isn't all that rad!

The_Savant ago

Unfortunately, swatting has become a trend of the more emotionally illiterate people of the world and isn't as small as you would hope. It would be an easy thing for media to pin onto autistic alt-right trolls, as they usually do.

Don't give up, man. We're all right beside you.

djklbd ago

Don't give up, man. We're all right beside you.

Thanks dude, that means more than you realize. I don't plan on giving up anytime soon.

Also, i'd like to point out you can expect a shit ton of infiltrators on this sub in the next few weeks. In fact, i've seen an incrementl change in the tone of this sub over the last few months, to a partisan right leaning. Also lots of "anti pizzagaters" here, as you see on reddit, which is odd for this place.

We think theres a huge PG crackdown on reddit, so it's safe to assume they're doing the same here. I think they're in the phase of trying to "wrap things up". Deemed it fake news, debunked, now they want to poison the well with anti jewish rhetoric, slurs, homophobia, and finally stamp this thing as done and over with so nobody ever takes it seriously in the future. Never let it happen.

The_Savant ago

You know what? I was temporarily banned from the website today - not the sub, Voat.co. What the fuck kind of bullshit is that? Must be a storm coming or something...

heygeorge ago

If you were temp banned, it was by cloudflare, correct? I haven't heard of Voat's admin temp banning anyone, ever.

(To be completely clear, I've heard these complaints. But each single one was either 'rate limiting' by cloudflare's algorithm or simply 100% fabrication.

The_Savant ago

Pffft, I should have paid more attention but I was really tired lol. I screenshot it and I'll tell you more when I get back on my PC. At least you're addressing it though, thank you.

heygeorge ago

You're welcome! Glad to help when I can.

The_Savant ago

Apparently I'm not the only one who got it so.......... bit-rate limited, yeah.

djklbd ago

I think the time to double down may be now. Because they are certainly trying to "squash" this whole thing.

They think since it's been a year now, and some of the original investigators who were here at the inception have left, that they can brainwash any of the new PG'ers into dissing and dismissing key pieces of evidence that are largely accepted here and part of the investigation. They're trying to put out the fire for good.

And since they branded it fake news, anyone who googles it is lead to the orwellian google links of "debunked" and "fake news".

It's truly a well planned out censorship plot. We can't let this get buried and never spoken of again like the Franklin Credit Scandal.

darkknight111 ago

blame donkeyhote and his MANY alts. He's been trying to get us false flagged for months.

Is also on the record saying that "there should be more rapes in America." Less said about him saying women should lose all their rights, the better.

Something "needs to be done" about him if you know what I mean. As in find out who he is.

DonKeydich ago

I think dox threats are against the rules here.

Why not debate me on the issue of Jew-talk discrediting us? I already debunked that: Jewish paper, article about Jews, interviewing Alefantis and mentioning pizagate. Not one word about anti-Semitism; why not if it's so toxic

Obviously they're more afraid of more NORMIES becoming aware Jewish Ritual Sacrifice than anything, or they'd have mentioned it.

You're a huge faggot.

The_Savant ago

I saw your post on the mods sub and it made a lot of sense. You made a good case for banning him for good. Instead, I get my IP temporarily banned today and they will never ban donkey because crensch has the same warped opinion as donkey does.

It's truly sad to see.

darkknight111 ago

Him not being permanetely dealt with is good ammo to bring up next time the mods start asking why the distrust towards them.

Wouldn't it be great if donkey died in a burning car crash? More gruesome and brutal the wreck the better.

The best part is that because donkey is such a disgusting sociopathic piece of shit who's "proud to be an asshole", nobody would attend his funeral except maybe to piss on his grave.

That woman who dumped him obviously made the right decision to look for better men. Then again, any man would be a better male than supreme "Omega Male" Donkeyhote.

The_Savant ago

Yeah, all that "kike" shit is deluded. "If you want to find the pedos, follow the kikes."

Lol wtf, they're attacking people on our side more than the fucking satanic elite because of their retarded hatred.

They'll go after George Web before they go after the English royal family. They forget that Soros was a Nazi. And after that, they'll ignore that the big public elite players are not Jewish; Clintons, Podestas, the Kenyan, Merkel. The list goes on.

If you want, here is a Wikileaksnews article about the secret society in the Illuminati. Some interesting names come up.

DonKeydich ago

That list is extremely jew-heavy, I'd say 30-40%, Jews are 0.2% of the world.

Better luck next time, faggot

The_Savant ago

Oh, of course a high percentage of them are Jewish. I don't think I've ever said that I realise the high number of Jewish pedos is alarming and that someone being a Jew in a high up position makes it not unlikely that they're corrupt.

However, when someone like Cernovich is actively destroying fake news and you try to discredit them just based on their faith, that is just blatant down syndrome and you need to find a professional in order to get the care that you need.

Also, the idea that Jews are "inherently" attracted to kids - that it's in their nature - is so fucking dumb that it should be a crime. Usually autism helps people come to the truth in this sub, but your emotional illiteracy means you instantly made a non-existant connection when you saw the pattern of corrupt Jews and just labelled them all that way. Maybe just dial the autism back a little.

DomKeyhote ago

That guy Ryan is a faggot for failing to follow up on anything. Serves you right for trying to promote him and his fucking t-shirts. I'm calling JEW on that prick, "you goyz, it's just ten dollars for shipping and hyaaaandling!!"

If I'm wrong I apologize tho

Shizy ago

Did you have a nice Hanukkah donkey whore?

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Sadly, I agree with this donk. Your apology at the end however was truly hillarious.

djklbd ago

You wouldn't even know that the Pegasus museum was part of the "kill room" without his video.

Also, I find it odd that a Pizzagate researcher is using random anti Jewish rhetoric and taking the word of Alefantis over one of your own.

Good luck convincing other folk here though

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

I am not convinced that Pegasus museum is used as a kill room. I don't know why they would chose such a location. Not saying I think it is out of the question. I don't believe the pizzagategear asshole. At all.

DomKeyhote ago

Yeah I usually make sure to add my kill rooms to Google maps too.

I find it odd that anyone whos spent any time on PG at all finds it "random" to connect thousands of years of ritual child sacrifice to Jews. Maybe you should spend more time reading and less time "spotting shills."

djklbd ago

Maybe you should spend less time reading Mein Kampf and more time investigation organized crime and human trafficking rings?

Anti-Stupid ago

If you really think the jews have no hand in this, then you are not a very good investigator.

Shizy ago

I didn't see a comment saying Jews have no hand it it. Where did you see that at? Saying it's ALL the Jews is just a stupid as saying NO Jews are involved!

DonKeydich ago

Screenshotted and filed away under "kick women off internet."

We don't need "all" Jews to be occultists, All Muslims to be terrorists, nor all fags to have AIDS in order to justifiably ban them. We need ENOUGH to be so. Dumb woman GTFO THE INTERNET

DomKeyhote ago

If you had read Mein Kampf or some actual scholarship you'd know that Jews have mostly controlled both since forever. Unscrupulous greedy supremacists living along trade routes and distributed in every country is actually not very common. That's a doozy of a comment you just made, might have to screenshot it.

Check the front page: article from today, Israeli organ trafficker https://www.reuters.com/article/us-kosovo-arrest/suspect-in-kosovo-organ-trafficking-case-arrested-in-cyprus-idUSKBN1EU1TS?il=0

dooob ago

You are wrong, a Jew would never pull out of a deal, he even refunded people...