dundundunnnnn ago

PETER LANDESMAN wrote this article in 2004

Who is Peter Landesman? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Landesman

Blacksmith21 ago

"Inside, the girls braced the men before a statue of St. Jude, the patron saint of lost causes, and patted them down for weapons. Then the girls genuflected to the stone-faced saint and led the men to the back, grabbing a condom and roll of toilet paper on the way. They pointed to a block of ice in a tub in lieu of a urinal. Beyond a blue hallway the air went sour, like old onions; there were 30 stalls curtained off by blue fabric, every one in use. Fifteen minutes of straightforward intercourse with the girl's clothes left on cost 50 pesos, or about $4.50. For $4.50 more, the dress was lifted. For another $4.50, the bra would be taken off. Oral sex was $4.50; ''acrobatic positions'' were $1.80 each. Despite the dozens of people and the various exertions in this room, there were only the sounds of zippers and shoes. There was no human noise at all."

Sounds like a scene from Taken

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago





They knew about this in 'Two Thousand Fucking FOUR', and their own reporters were OPENLY WHISTLE-BLOWING ABOUT IT, and yet they have become so corrupted that THEY AREN'T EVEN FUCKING MENTIONING ANY KIND OF CHILD SEX-TRAFFICKING RING AS ANYTHING BUT A GODDAMN 'right-wing conspiracy theory', ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!?!?!

Whichever monsters at the New York Times and the other publications who used to openly share tales about this, only to suppress them all now and act like they never happened, all need to be thrown in a cramped cage, locked in (and have the locking mechanism fused shut with some molten metal), be given a few wounds that bleed for a good long time, and finish off by having someone throw the jail cells off of a speeding ship into the Marianas Trench. No boat, no food, no fresh water, no clothes, no medical kits, no nothing except for the criminals

They wanted to be predatory sharks to kids, they wanted their prey to be scared, they can go ahead and face a choice of either "die in their rapidly-sinking jail cell, where sharks can't reach them" or "work their way out of the cage (impossible for the hamplanets who wasted their lives away living like an overfed hog rather than an actual human being) take their chances swimming across an entire goddamn ocean, while the water's cold temperature is going to give them hypothermia if they don't find a boat or an island soon and the real sharks close in from all around them".

Call me cold-hearted, call me a psychopath, call me whatever you like, but when you harm LITTLE KIDS like this (especially when you do it for over a decade while openly pointing out what you do in public media), I just lose all of that "treat others the way you want to be treated" self-control nonsense and start thinking purely about the best ways to make your time left on this Earth as terrifying (and justified by your past sins) as possible, while still ultimately delivering you to meet your "creator" before I move on to the next monster. Only when all the monsters have been dealt with will I finally switch back to my happy increasingly-Christian self

Onetime1 ago

Alpha, far more effective to channel your anger into multiplying the numbers of people who feel as you - and I - do. Please continue to read, watch, learn. Please continue to gently enlighten others who are increasingly exposed to these horrors but do NOT wish to believe that they are true because then THEY must assume some responsibility and ACT. Simple, verifiable truths, like a mustard seed, can grow to impressive heights.

wtf_is_happening ago

Agree, it's not enough to investigate. We must become better at persuading others.

dundundunnnnn ago

I really like your approach. This has influenced me.

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

The main problem is that, without some kind of public sign from Sessions or Trump's DoJ, many people who are still asleep (or who have only been partially red-pilled by people like Hannity and Limbaugh for years) have no reason to suspect that this is anything more than the ramblings of some crazy people online who just see too many connections where there aren't any provable ones.

If I see any kind of mention of human trafficking in the DoJ IG's report (due around Jan. 15), then I'll finally have the kind of public judicial source I need for some mass awakenings.

dundundunnnnn ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2313430 DUDE DUDE DUDE!!!!! :D

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

This is what has been hinted at for months by the tiny amount of planned leaks to the MAGA supporters (although many wished the charges would hit sooner, but hey, they had to clean house of all traitors, leakers, and incompetents while building an airtight open-and-shut case against some of the biggest political names and positions in the United States government and economy, so just getting this storm started pre-midterms is almost a miracle unto itself), which is why I have said that I was waiting for this before I could do anything on a mass scale.

Think about it this way: the pedophiles connected to this thing jettisoned Harvey Weinstein (one of the heads of one of the biggest Hollywood production companies), Al Franken (one of their most-publicly-recognized politician mouthpieces), AND John and Tony Podesta (one of the biggest names in Washington lobbying, with John's connections to the Clintons and Tony's connections to the global underworld), just to gain some political and moral leverage to throw against Trump IN PREPARATION FOR WHAT IS COMING IN THE NEXT FEW MONTHS.

What could Trump possibly have to make all of these criminals seem like nothing more than some cheap scapegoats?

Answer: Undeniable evidence of treason, pedophilia, assassinations, foreign election rigging, war profiteering, and so much more that people with weaker stomachs would get sick just reading through the documentation of what these monsters did

Shorter answer: The black books where the upper handlers of the ring kept the lower peons in check by carefully documenting all the crimes that everyone committed, and how the ring covered those crimes up.

Shortest answer: "Anthony Weiner's 'Life Insurance' folder on Huma and Hillary", and "Imran Awan's copies of the files he had moved around for the DNC (after he had recognized that the DNC was going to kill him off as a patsy, and instead decided to tell the MAGA FBI and DoJ everything he knew in exchange for protection)"

dundundunnnnn ago

I'm with you. I'd like to keep their skin to turn into costumes though, so can we work a deal out?

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

That could be the injury that causes the bleeding, and it would leave them even weaker against the outside world.

hypercat ago

The edit says the main source was from a person diagnosed with multiple personality disorder and that scary movie 2 came out after the sex gang broke up. Not that I don't believe some shit is up, some of the material seems off.

Onetime1 ago

HyperCat You should be skeptical as so much of this stuff is horrific, bizarre, and we do not want it to be so. As one who personally experienced somewhat milder versions of these abuses, I can attest that split personalities and repressed memories are all too real. This particular aspect makes it easy to dismiss these allegations, all the more so if an observer - you in this case - might be prompted to DO something if the truth were indisputably displayed. Suggestion ... Check up on how Dutch therapist Nijenhuis and Fiona Bartlett could BOTH identify Australian army base Holsworthy as a place where they were abused. How many people on the planet even HEARD of Holsworthy let alone connect it with these atrocities. D.C. Hammond's famous "Greenbaum Speech" - given in front of a convention of therapists in the early 90's - is a great place to start to address these personality issues. Ball is in your court, my friend.

dundundunnnnn ago

Did the edit come after the NYT was compromised?

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

Both the Correction and Edit happened in February 2004, within 1 month after the article was first written.

Also, the fact that a young woman had Multiple Personality Disorder tends to be in-and-of itself a sign of severe mental trauma as a young child, corroborating her story of the traumas she faced, and how she had to teach the younger ones how to "float away so that things don't hurt" (AKA "let a subconscious personality take over, so that your conscious mind doesn't experience as much trauma").

dundundunnnnn ago

That's right. Disassociation from the trauma. I expect nothing less from a survivor of childhood trauma. This is textbook. Doesn't invalidate her story at all. Good point.


I do this, It helps, cheaper than drugs. Now than im clean I still use this tactic to cope. I'm still learning real coping skills. I am not a sex slave, Just a guy with a real fucked up life.

HillBoulder ago

"18000-20000 per year.." in 2004 that number must have been much much higher then and even higher still today.

TippyHome ago

People that you know, that you tell about this going on, get mad at you. Think you are making this up. I don't talk about what I've read about or had reliable people tell me anymore. Until we start seeing it truly being cleaned up, you just stay quiet and watch to see if this will stop. It is so horrible.

dundundunnnnn ago

My father got mad. My ex got mad. My mom told me to stop talking about it and instead directed the conversation to the NFL/kneeling thing. My spouse was the only person willing to hear me out. He's been into North Korea research for a while and between the two of us, I cannot believe the web of bullshit we've unraveled. Anyway, yes, people get very angry when you mention Disney involved in trafficking, politicians, etc. No-one wants to pay it any mind. Back to video games and make up tutorials!

Ugh. Disheartening, to say the least.

Shizy ago

The awareness is spreading. Don't lose faith!

wtf_is_happening ago

LOL. I have also been banned from talking about human trafficking at home. Thank God for being able to find like minds on the internet eh?

Onetime1 ago

Tippy, dun You CANNOT stay quiet. You can NOT merely watch to see if this will stop. There are extremely powerful psychological factors involved including Stockholm Syndrome, abused wives being enablers, collective shirking when "others" are expected to step up and act. As a very long term red pilled "whack job", I am all too familiar with the hurdles in attempts to transmit unpleasant facts. Best techniques I have found involve gentle, incremental exposures including pictures from Alefantis of the little girl taped to the table, the 2 minute video of Jeffrey Bauman vigorously waving a large flag on the ice of an NHL Bruins hockey game two weeks after having both legs supposedly blown off at the knees. Clear, simple things that cannot be questioned are powerful, but the RECEPTIVITY of the other person is crucial. Continuing to learn and be a willing guide to those who wish to awaken is our responsibility.

dundundunnnnn ago

I like your attitude. I won't stay quiet.

BlueEyedDevil64 ago

NYT admits there is a border problem and exposes child trafficking. Wow what happened? Trump! Paragragh 5 they finally tell the truth. -Because of the porousness of the U.S.-Mexico border and the criminal networks that traverse it, the towns and cities along that border have become the main staging area in an illicit and barbaric industry, whose ''products'' are women and girls. On both sides of the border, they are rented out for sex for as little as 15 minutes at a time, dozens of times a day.

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

Also, this article is from


So my guess is that they fired or "retired" all of the good and honest journalists in NYT, and now they're left with nothing but pedophile sympathizers and SJW failures.

wtf_is_happening ago

Damn I didn't see that. 2004 you say. Yet the girl who that journalist interviewed is pretty much saying the same things that that Kendall from the Dr Phil interview said in 2016. Nothing's changed for the better in the world of child trafficking. (If anything, the porn our society is drenched with has got even more violent and perverse.)

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

I looked for that because it is almost like a perfect gauge for whether news articles like the New York Times or the Washington Post are going to be neutral-bias pieces of good journalism or bias-filled pieces of clickbait and left-favoring lies: sometime inbetween 2012 and 2016, almost every news site moved from the former to the later, with the biggest public recognition of the shift happening with either GamerGate or the November 9, 2016 election reactions.

...wait a minute, 2012...that's when the "Smith-Mundt Modernization Act" was drafted (only passing in July 2013), and basically allowed the US government to directly fund propaganda for use against US citizens again...

...it's Operation: Mockingbird 2.0...that's why the media has been so filled with corrupt bastards and sex-crazed idiots who only cared about getting paid the most amount of money, it's because that's the exact kind of background the new hiring managers at the Deep State have been telling all of their media people to focus on, so that they could be more easily bribed or redirected to the party narrative once Obama enacted his "Countering Disinformation and Foreign Propaganda Act" in December 2016, giving the government full control over all media as it saw fit...

dundundunnnnn ago

I had a similar conversation somewhere in this comment section. Makes you go hmmmmmm.

carmencita ago

This is really long, but I am going to read all of it. Read bits and pieces. Just Horrid. This was written before the takeover of the NYT. The head is now a Pedophile Protector. He covered up Jimmy Savile for the BBC.

dundundunnnnn ago

Yes, my spouse and I were discussing this morning how different this NYT article was. Spouse says because NYT used to be run by some other dude, I forget his name and I don't wanna look. NYT has been compromised, and this article is a small piece of proof of that truth.

DonKeydich ago

The NYT has been owned and operated by Jews for well over 100 years.

I know the level of jewareness in America is low, but c'mon girl. I'd expect a member of the "truth movement" to take a tiny bit of interest in who controls the mass dissemination of information.

Shizy ago

You're mom wants you to go upstairs and help her wax her unibrow

think- ago

I was surprised to find an article like this in the NYT, then I looked at the date and saw it was published in 2004...

dundundunnnnn ago

Exaaaaaactly hahahaha we did double takes too

carmencita ago

Mark John Thompson (born 31 July 1957) is a British media executive and current CEO of the New York Times Company. A former chief executive of Channel 4, he is best known as Director-General of the BBC from 2004 to 2012.

carmencita ago

Also wanted to add that Thompson paid his dues by doing the dirty work at the BBC which in turn caught the eye of the Deep State. Perfect one to Churn Out Controlled Journalism.

carmencita ago

Very interesting article indeed. This caught my eye. The religion of Thompson, let alone of his partner, is in and of itself neither here nor there. Unless someone can prove a very active commitment to Zionism—as appears to be the case in Rahm Emanuel’s case—then being Jewish is not of itself evidence that someone (or someone’s partner) is a Zionist. Many practicing Jews are appalled by the Israeli government’s war crimes in Gaza. That said, it is also true that one doesn’t have to be Jewish to be a Zionist—George W. Bush is the best proof that someone who is a hard–core Christian can also be Zionist, or at least, the stooge of Zionism. RAHM EMANUEL IS A ZIONIST and BUSH who is a hard-core Christian can also be a Zionist. I propose that Bush is a Christian in appearance only. He may even be Jewish with the name being SCHARF. Very eye opening paragraph.

dundundunnnnn ago

My father, a neoconservative, is pro Zionism (because that's all he's ever been fed). We're white farmers from California, have been here for generations. I've tried to tell him the horrors of Israel and the movement against Zionism and the good reasons. He asked me, "why don't the Palestinian's just move out?"

The Zionism runs deep amongst the older conservative crowd in the US. This information was naturally passed on to me and propped up by the media, school, etc. I am familiar with Mormons who are pro-Israel and Zion.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/KOBr8 :

The Girls Next Door - The New York Times

'But the supply of cheap girls and young women to feed the global appetite appears to be limitless. '

'In high heels and seductive clothing, the young women trek 12 miles to Highway 94, where panel trucks sit waiting. '

'Before young women and girls are taken to the United States, their captors want to obliterate their sexual inexperience while preserving its appearance. ', "Editors' Note: February 15, 2004, Sunday ''The Girls Next Door,'' an article about the importing of women and girls to the United States for sexual slavery, has generated much discussion since it appeared in The Times Magazine on Jan. 25."

'She found more than 400 men and 50 young women between 12 and 15 dressed in tight clothing and high heels. '

This has been an automated message.

dundundunnnnn ago

She explained: ''They would call you out of the basement, and you'd get a bath and you'd get a dress, and if your dress was yellow you were probably going to Disneyland.'' She said they used color coding to make transactions safer for the traffickers and the clients. ''At Disneyland there would be people doing drop-offs and pickups for kids. It's a big open area full of kids, and nobody pays attention to nobody. They would kind of quietly say, 'Go over to that person,' and you would just slip your hand into theirs and say, 'I was looking for you, Daddy.' Then that person would move off with one or two or three of us.''

Nana66 ago

This makes me think about the different Disney princesses with different colored gowns, they probably order by saying they want Cinderella or Snow White for example, and they keep adding different types and races to choose from.


dundundunnnnn ago

''They'd get you hungry then to train you'' to have oral sex, she said. ''They'd put honey on a man. For the littlest kids, you had to learn not to gag. And they would push things in you so you would open up better. We learned responses. Like if they wanted us to be sultry or sexy or scared. Most of them wanted you scared. When I got older I'd teach the younger kids how to float away so things didn't hurt.''

Doesn't James Alefantis have a picture on his IG of a naked dude with honey or syrup on his genitals and thighs?

patriot_biz ago

This article is fake and gay