Gammi ago

I hate to be a downer but this has been going on every January since 2010........if something really major does not happen this month I am about ready to throw in the towel on anything ever happening, they have got to open some of these indictments soon, they opened Manaforts why not others! If just one major arrest would happen it would go a long way in lifting my hopes others are not far behind.

Pasin5 ago

But mummy said he was evil. I don't understand what is happening!

Tzitzimitl ago

would be better if he made it february

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

And to commemorate it, he orders cheese pizas for all his fellow Jesuits and zionist, and throws ten esoteric hand signs in ten seconds.

srayzie ago


GeorgeT ago

Schism in masonic pyramid? Going legit - ie, make the billions, dupe the public but end the pedogate - to avoid being compromised by countries such as Russia?!

Markb63 ago

God bless you Mr President.

TimeOutofJoint ago

I will be celebrating National Freedom Day on Feb. 1

rIckHAMIn ago

President Donald J. Trump Proclaims January 2018 as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month

Lol gaaaaaaaaaaaaay hahahahaha

This is stupid and fuck Trump for doing retarded shit for political points. He's losing people's support more and more as days go on

Admit it, you all think this is gay af

Pr1vate0xymoron ago

Seeings as late he mentioned this shit, yeah this is pretty fucking gay.

When it was at the height of its breaking point he has stayed quite until people started to see he's entirely full of shit so he pulls out this handy little trick to pull people back to believe he's not in bed with the establishment. Politics is the game.

It's why the politics recently came before the "my prayers are with the victims of the train derailment"

Edit: You can downvote me but you know his charm has worn off and if he was serious about stopping any sort of trafficking he would have done it outright if it was important to him, not create a shitty breast history month for it.

They have only arrested low hanging fruit, or fruit that's been on the ground rotten for ages now. There's no fucking trail they follow to find the tops of these rings. They just cut off the weakest links at the bottom. But it still continues, maybe even better now that the weakest links are gone anyway.

rIckHAMIn ago

But here's diluting the nation's traditions by instating this stuff too. Another level for the month confuses people.

Hell, I didn't even realize Easter was coming up until I saw the candy in the store. You know how sad that is?? And the only reason the store is doing that is for profit. They couldn't care less about our Lord and savior

Hitchers ago

This line is a reference to the DHS video.

In addition to these governmental actions, Americans must learn how to identify and combat the evil of enslavement. >

BIGLY17 ago

BRING IT THE FUCK ON. Very sick of this all staying in the shadows; a forthright declaration of war on these sick individuals is appropriate and called for (although this would have been appropriate// [hopefully] preventative had this been decreed decades ago).


BIGLY17 ago

If needed you’ll find me going full Autist on the Weiner’s laptop files.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Where the fuck is black Twitter at tweeting about how it's totally racist that Donald Trump is appropriating slavery from black people or some stupid shit like that

argosciv ago

Now that's some awesome news to wake up to :D

duchessofdarkness ago

Great idea. I like how it's modern slavery vs historical slavery the next month. Interesting contrast.

YogSoggoth ago

Martha Stewart and Gloria Vanderbilt deny this. Anderson Cooper is jumping aboot.

con77 ago

funny. obama never did that

jealoushe ago

no that would have ruined his pizza and hot dog party

carmencita ago

Eradicating the Evil of Enslavement. I love it.

DonKeydich ago

Lmao minute I saw it and who posted it I thought "January must be HT awareness month and that dumb bitch didn't bother to check" so in that sense you're reliable LOL

FE_Rebekah ago

Yeah, let’s have a month and maybe a pretty colored ribbon and a hashtag and turn it into a marketing tool 🙄. If this is what Americans need to care about child trafficking, fuck it. Just fuck this whole entire country.

carmencita ago

No one is going to do that, at least not us here on vote. We are not for turning this into a Carnival Event. It is being done to draw attention to the horrors of human trafficking. It is that simple.

FE_Rebekah ago

I know that carmencita. I’ve been on and off Voat because as a victim of CSA myself, it gets too hard sometimes to deal with the complicit. Plus some of the shills running this place. But I recognize your user name, and I believe you to be a real person on here who truly cares. I’m just discouraged right now. I can’t even get my own family and friends to care right now, and I don’t have a lot of hope that the masses are gonna stop posting cat videos and being hypnotized by the complete garbage they program us with.

We could do this if people woke up, but like Nietzsche said, “Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed.”

Big hugs to you..

GreenDell144 ago

You are correct, but nietzsche isn’t the last word. Something bigger than is here. It will seem to be happening too slowly at first, but it’s happening. That’s new. Hang in there.

carmencita ago

And Big Hugs Back At You. I get that feeling once in a while too, but I will not let these evil vile vermin perverts win. No way. Granted you have had a lot more in your life to discourage you than I have. I have not experienced the horrors that you have, but I am doing this for a very special reason too, other than I just love my fellow man and women but most of all our innocent beautiful children. The more I stay away from the cat video people the better. Believe me I know what you mean. But today I had a beautiful surprise. While out to lunch with some people, we discussed the new Alexa products by Amazon (very invading of your privacy) and they all were on the Right Page! I was amazed that they all knew that they were able to see into your homes and that they all taped over the eye on all their electronic products. Believe me this is a Shock. Most people are not on to this. They are oblivious. I have now had a new outlook and that there is some hope. There is always a little glimmer of hope somewhere. Do not get discouraged, We will win this fight. Happy New Year and Peace :)

FE_Rebekah ago

Surprisingly, as much as my mom has dismissed and disregarded me over the last year, she did send me the new Taco Bell commercial with obvious Illuminati/Eyes Wide Shut programming. Maybe she is starting to get it that the TV is subliminally programming people into satanism. It did give me a bit of hope tonight. Thank you for all your kind words. I wish to be strong and fear no evil, and I’m ready for these sick fucks when the time comes.

Thanks again for the encouragement. More hugs..

carmencita ago

I have heard of this commercial but have not seen it. Now I am going to look it up and find it. I know what you are talking about. There is a lot of slipping in of Evil into our tv and movies. Unfortunately adults seem as oblivious to this as children. But if you read the comments on articles and to the twitter feeds, you will see that many are waking to this as well. When we had the Elsa Gate video news on here, I was shocked to see news of this on my local news! So little by little it is waking people if they will only listen. I too, like you, am afraid that by the time they really get it, it will be too late. That is why I am not giving up. That is why many of us on here are still going strong. Some come and go and that is OK, but there are Die Hards that will never stop. Remember that it is hard for your Mother to admit that the world that she knew is not the way it really was. Some of us are strong enough to see it and some are not. (Deep Sigh). You evidently are much stronger than you think, so that is something you should celebrate. It is a New Year and a I am Hopeful for New Awakenings. Happy New Year.

FE_Rebekah ago

For the Taco Bell thing, I found 2 official commercials, but I also follow this channel if you want to check him out: He’s called “A Call for an Uprising 2.”


Honestly, I will warn you that he does have a touch of that Alex Jones thing where his anger kind of oozes out and starts effecting how listeners feel. I do believe this guy’s anger is justified, and I think he’s right, but I do avoid him sometimes now because I believe what he is saying is true, which again leads me to being angry and sad.

But I will say my serenity prayer and try to accept the things I cannot change, have the courage to change the things I can, and try to have the wisdom to know the difference.

More hugs to you girl. Happy New Year. Sending lots of peace and prayer and serenity to you. 💜

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Sorry to hear that Rebekah. We care here .. and have read and seen things that given us nightmares so we can only buy try and understand if you ever want to share. Carmencita has a very big heart I'm sure she is there to listen too. Sending you love for being so brave being here and so strong. Ignore the shills .. it means we are winning. Meditate. You can feel the energy .. it's coming.

shoosh ago

Your Nietzsche quote is the sad realization that confronts my daily observations. Programming on other levels is so intense to the point that observably folks are addicts walking around - addicted to various shit that passes for shinola.

Many of us folks are dealing with the financial slavery system, and not well I might add. It makes me wonder if the human trafficking slavery is throwing the dog a bone to shut it up while that dog keeps its head down in many other forms of financial-life slavery.

Even those who claim to be enlightening folks are presenting videos or articles that keep the world programmed in the name of awakening them with information.
But it all boils down to your Nietzche line; people don't want their game destroyed. They throw the dog a bone, or a cat video.

GeorgeT ago

Most of us are real but there are big trolls - we got to know them for a while - some even suspect that few trolls could be JA himself.

Cheesebooger ago

Yet Israel and jews still like him?

violence_city ago

Real shit needing discussion

Blacksmith21 ago

This. Is. It. Brace for impact. Go get 'em #potus

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

The DoJ's IG is supposed to release his report about several big Lock Her Up topics on January 15th. Expect that to be the date that The Storm kicks into high gear (and stays there for nearly a full year).

Blacksmith21 ago

that sounds about right, 2 weeks to go.

EricKaliberhall ago

2018 is going to be a glorious year brother! :)

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

He has done nothing. He has never even mentioned them.

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

The DoJ IG's report is expected to come out on January 15. I expect it to be the public battle-cry for much of the behind-the-scenes work that has been going on for the past year (like Sessions' two secret investigations into Clinton and the politicized FBI that he casually mentioned in December had been going on for 11 months {AKA "about as soon as he took office"}).

Heck, when FBIAnon and QAnon talked about the charges against the Pizzagate/Pedogate criminals, they always said that human trafficking would be the main crime they got charged with, simply because it is so much easier to prove than pedophilia or rape and carries a similar tough sentence.

Sharipie ago

Oh yeah!

tech-adm ago

If there was any doubt as to Trump's awareness of Pizzagate/Pedogate etc. this should dispel that notion entirely.

GeorgeT ago

I believe that Sessions is an Oscar winning actor and has duped liberals into thinking that he was thar dotars efette old man. Not so.

LiteralShillAccount ago

obama did the same thing last year you retard

talmoridor-x ago


con77 ago

obama lost his soul at the white house "pizza and hot dog" party

we_kill_creativity ago

I'm going to assume it was LOOOOOONG before then....

Tzitzimitl ago

muslims and niggers dont have souls

con77 ago


hailcolumbia ago

Well, somebody's triggered. I only point the above out to say that this seems more like a routine proclamation than a signal of the "storm".

con77 ago

3 hours? go fuck yourself

hailcolumbia ago

Ok whatever. What does the age of my account have to do with my statement? I'm just pointing out the fact that Obama released a very similar EO at this exact time last year, so this might not be the great reckoning that everyone might be hoping for.

carmencita ago

Obama was good at declaring but never enforced or put money into his proclamations. A Paper Tiger. I voted for him twice and he was one of the worst presidents ever. You joined 1.4 hrs. ago just to tell us that? Save your breath. We know all about what Obama did and did not do.

Blacksmith21 ago

"homeless LGBT youth" - That's all I needed to read.

madhatter67 ago

To be fair....the mentally ill are more likely to end up homeless

Pwning4Ever ago

Because fuck regular homeless right?

Blacksmith21 ago

No shit. We heard nothing for a year about how important it was to have tranny bathrooms in NC schools. I wonder why? Maybe Michelle could respond...

Oh_Well_ian ago

Obama did nothing but talk.

Poohwhisperer ago

Balls of titanium, I love this man

jealoushe ago

So great, you really can't argue that either!

RagingShieldMaiden ago

Whenever the topic of Trump and human trafficking arises, his naysayers are quick to mention his "support" of Eastern European models, and that angle of trafficking. That's a hindrance to red pilling the masses.

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

If the people themselves are adults (or are being chaperoned by a legal guardian, or are traveling between closely-related adult family members), consent to the travel, aren't abused during the travel, and make their way here legally, then I don't see much wrong with them basically just, at the absolute worst, "choosing your preferred way to get to the same destination". If any of those guidelines are broken, then the odds are that there has been a law broken somewhere along the line, and someone needs to face judgement for their actions.

Like with a lot of our other laws dealing with interactions between big groups of people, the central issue is "consent".

Blacksmith21 ago

That's a red herring. Everyone has preferences towards something. He likes his Commie chicks. Some like blacks, Asians, etc. Distraction.

FE_Rebekah ago

Well if you wanna get technical, Trump likes trannies. All the presidents do.

GeorgeT ago

Every president since JFK except Nixon (removed?!!) and Trump.,

Shizy ago

Is it pull crap outta your ass day today?

Blacksmith21 ago

How so?

carmencita ago

Yeah, I want to hear the answer to this one too. I am waiting.

FE_Rebekah ago

Research human anatomy and the differences between men and women, eye brow ridges, shoulder to hip ratios, skull shapes. It’s honestly not hard to tell. Then go check out Barbara Bush and pretend she doesn’t have makeup or jewelry on. Then pretend the same for Queen Elizabeth. Then look back at pictures of all the “First Ladies” and even current wives of politicians. This country is run by satanic sickos who love to invert things, including gender. If Pizzagaters can’t grasp the possibility and don’t care to do their research, that’s pretty disappointing.

carmencita ago

I know about all that. It has nothing to do with Human Trafficking Prevention Month.

FE_Rebekah ago

If Trump is also a satanic sicko who likes to invert things, then his “awareness month” doesn’t mean shit. He ran the most materialistic disgusting “pageant” show I can think of, the Miss USA and Miss TEEN USA pageants.

PizzaGate ends by chopping off the entire top of that satanic Illuminati pyramid. Jesus is our savior. Until then, we have to stop being deceived by these lying puppet pieces of shit.

Yes, I did believe in Trump, I voted for him, but this entire system is fucked up, and I think people are crazy not to realize he’s involved.

If you’re high government or military, you don’t announce you’re gonna prosecute pedophiles in a few weeks for a month. You fix that shit immediately. And once you find a pedophile, you check his black book and the money trail too, but that never happens.

carmencita ago

You make a good point. I did not vote for him but am hoping and willing to give him a chance. But the rope is short.

FE_Rebekah ago

Hi again Carmencita. I just wanted to share these 2 videos with you if you were interested in some ideas about the “First Lady” tranny topic..

I don’t agree with everything these people say, but I do see a lot of truth:

Rosette DeLaCroix: []

Mr. E: []

With programs like “I Am Cait” with Bruce/Catelyn Jenner and YouTube channels of admitted transgenders and how they deceive people, I think they are giving away all their secrets, and it’s making the famous ones super obvious now..

Personally, I do know trans people at my work who are great, and my best friend is a gay guy, but my BFF was raped as a child, and I don’t believe Lady Gaga when she says people were “Born This Way.” I believe these types of things are caused by trauma, especially sexual trauma in childhood.

I don’t mean to offend anyone when exposing the trannies, but I do think we are being brainwashed by a deception, and it should be exposed.

“Michelle” Obama was supposed to be a role model for children, but girls CAN NOT obtain the same physique as “Michelle,” because men and women are different. Which means they are putting unrealistic expectations on children.

How many of our young women are bulemic and anorexic because they are trying to attain a body that is impossble for them to obtain.

Men have large shoulders and smaller hips. Women are an hourglass. But look at the “high fashion” models and all the trannies they program women with to effect what they believe is beautiful.

They program women with men in drag who have no hips, then call women who have hips fat. I am even extremely skinny women are angry and disappointed in themselves and starving themselves because they are trying to obtain a physical look that they are physically incapable of.

carmencita ago

I admit that there are some very strange things going on with the "teaching" of our children regarding the sexes. They are "creating" people in hollywood that are not natural and children that are not theirs, etc. It goes on and on. It really scares the He77 out of me, to be sure. I agree with your assessment.

Pr1vate0xymoron ago

His presidency and everything surrounding it has been planned for decades.

FE_Rebekah ago

Great video. “A Black Child Production” does an awesome job exposing the deceptions. So glad I found that channel. Thanks for sharing.

Baichu ago

Yes and "Mr. E" does a good job of sifting out the trannies, except it seems that there are far more than we could ever imagine! His latest one on Attorney Generals is revealing and good for a laugh, except I'm seeing it's true!

I agree that his presidency has been planned for decades. Every other president from time immemorial has been a plant, why not Trump? I just don't think people realize how deep all of this deception goes and it's been going for centuries.

One of the hardest things to do in life is to admit you might be wrong. Just saying that for those who want to have faith in someone and finally realize it's not Trump. I've been duped for years and years and years to believe what I see is truth, but I'm finding out most of it isn't. It pisses me off to no end. Who then, can one place their hopes in when they find out the truth of Trump? Its too frightening to go there for most. I think Trump was put in to create a huge division, which it did, around the world. Create more hatred and mistrust so "their" agenda can move forward just like they want. If it wasn't so despicable, deceptive and evil, I might say the plan has been brilliant.

FE_Rebekah ago

I don’t fully agree with this channel, but she found some pretty old pics/paintings of “First Ladies,” and I think it’s worth taking a look at for anyone interested:

FE_Rebekah ago

Oh, and for sure Janet Reno is a trans, lol. I always knew something looked wrong about “her.” We have been deceived on such an enormous level. It’s crazy.

FE_Rebekah ago

There’s a channel called Conspiracies by Hans, and he exposes trannies as well as a lot of other deceptions I can now recognize. Unfortunately, I don’t think we can put anyone on a pedestal, as any and all of them could turn on us on a dime, like has happened to so many truthers. It’s like they were either a shill from the beginning trying to gain our trust, or bought off at some point, or honestly I think many could be killed and replaced by doubles or recreated using technology like Snapchat, just adding the person’s face onto anyone. It’s scary to me that some people I’ve seen on TV might never have even been real in the first place.

But luckily God gave me a critical thinking brain, and I question everything, and I do my best with the knowledge I have at the time.

It’s not just the victims of PizzaGate that makes me sad. It’s all the truthers who have lost their lives or their freedoms trying to expose the satanic system most people don’t even realize we are living in..

Pr1vate0xymoron ago

I agree, you're welcome!

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

That's a quite clear declaration of war against evil

anotherdream ago


srayzie ago

I know. I love it!

shariablizzard ago

you voat fags are so cringey with your DRUMPF IS LE FIGHTING FOR US IN THIS WAR OF GOOD AND LE EVIL!!

Digital-Patriot ago

Go to hell.

UlyssesEMcGill ago

Why not examine a singular issue?

How about human trafficking?

Is combatting human trafficking an act of Good? Or is combatting human trafficking an act of Evil?

LDIP ago

Welcome to Voat kike Gas chambers are to your right

con77 ago

go back to reddit you nigger faggot cunt kike

Oh_Well_ian ago

not been following along, faggot?

your world is going bye bye, kid fucker.

shariablizzard ago

kids have the tightest holes, I assume you're some kind of queer faggot if that doesn't sound appealing to you

Tallest_Skil ago

Die before we get our hands on you or you’re going to WISH you were raped to death by niggers.

Also mods, if this user isn’t banned for this post, Voat is complicit in spreading support of childfucking.

shariablizzard ago

lol spoiler alert: Voat is complicit in spreading support of childfucking.

Tsuishika ago

Can we dox this guy? I find it repulsive he says it unironically.

Gorillion ago

His initials are SB, so it's a good bet he's ShareBlue which means his name will leak with all the other shills eventually. We just gotta make sure they're all implicated in aiding this network of evil. Play this shit like the Nazi Hunts. Doesn't matter if they were just following orders or guarding a gate somewhere, or being a shill. They all go down. Nuremberg their asses.

shariablizzard ago

lol how cringey



Oh_Well_ian ago

you will stand before God in judgement for your sins

shariablizzard ago

lol keep telling yourself that you retard

Shizy ago

Filthy piece of shit!