think- ago

Great post, OP!

I highly recommend reading OP's post on Marina Abramovic's travels to Brazil and how her work was inspired by shamanic practices she got to know there:


tearsdontfall ago


21yearsofdigging ago

really well researched and i am familiar with Esalen which appeared for years as this 'good' New Age mind enhancer kind of place.I have alway wondered about the connections between the occult and say, what went on at the Mother of darkness castle and say, good old American-Canadian KMULTRA programming. We all know about Michael Aqiuno and his OTO in conjunction with military programs but i wonder about the EVILS of say a luciferian sacrifice and then the traumatizing of children for what these sickos consider the greater good, i.e. making a mind control slave. One more thing, much is written about American -Canadian programs but about say France. The original film, La Femme Nikita was really just a wink wink, nudge nudge alluding to programming (albeit leaving out the fact that Nikita was not brought into section as a teenager but much more likely as a very young child). She was considered a delinquent so the film tried to justify that it was okay to program her?? Anyway, thoughts on the programs in say France. Any information?

carmencita ago

UpVoat4U! Excellent Report and Outstanding Research. Am presently reading. Thank you!

9217 ago

Thanks so much!

carmencita ago


argosciv ago

Excuse the extra reply, but, just wanted to thank you for posting this thread, 9217.

The information in your main post and in the comments, is incredibly valuable in the grand scheme of pizzagate and global corruption - especially with regards to mass-hysteria, trauma-facilitated complacency/memory-loss and the generational survival of superstition/triggers, etc.

I have a feeling something even bigger is coming down the line, which will tie directly in to what's being discussed here.

@Vindicator @LightlyToasted @Commoner @The_Savant @carmencita

9217 ago

Thanks so much, I really appreciate it. I hope people research some of these topics themselves, there is too much information for one person to write about it and "translate" ha.

argosciv ago

there is too much information for one person to write about it and "translate" ha

haha! too bloody true sometimes xD

bonerloner ago

nice work knuckle ranger, nice work.

The_1 ago

Florida through Kentucky by way of ex cia / baptists.

But we already know this. What you don't know is that it's for remote control which is why people claim to feel possessed, watching themselves do things. It's not always an alter or split, it's actual possession and control through waking sleep.

we need to start talking about time "zones" and "states" of mind.

9217 ago

Wait, what about Florida? Are you referencing the Finders?

Limpness ago

The US govt. issued lone assassin phenomenon.....Programmed to Kill by Dave McGowan goes into a couple of stages of this govt. program, how they are chosen and how the killings are more than one person...but only one is given the distinction of being the killer. Govt. looks for violent tendencies , mental illness and an abusive family life...guess it cuts down on their training period.i.e.G bush Jr. , as governor of Texas only pardoned one person. A sadistic serial killer. ..probably a family favorite.

GreenDell144 ago

McGowan’s books are filled with shocking facts and important information that is relevant. He has another writing, a blog series that details the laurel canyon Hollywood stsanism/murder/drugs culture. Both are essential reading for anyone here on p-gate goat, IMO.

Upvoat for OP.

Vindicator ago

Very interesting 9217. Upvoat!

9217 ago

Thank you! :)

datadawg ago

Yes! It all relates together. Their is a psychological state that abusers are trying to reach in their victims. In anthropology they call it liminality.

re mk ultra they are supposedly looking for a specific type of person that has the necessary intelligence and personality to 'dissociate'. People that can dissociate can be molded by programmers into having split personalities that can be activated by things like imagery, smell, etc.

So imagine you have a systematic process for esentially creating slaves that might go something along these lines: 1. abuse children to see if they have the ability to 'dissociate' 2. program children that can dissociate via ritualized abuse to do what 'they' want. Wipe their memories with drugs. 3. release them into society and support their career rise, trigger split personality when triggered 4. damage control and reprogramming when they fall apart psychologically

argosciv ago

While Liminality is a very interesting topic and in many ways relevant - there's no direct correlation between it and sexual abuse/mind control.

The dissociative state you speak of, however, is definitely something sought by abusers and those who seek to enslave - indeed, many a systematic approach exists for such corruption. I'd go into more detail but I'm heading to bed soon.

datadawg ago

appreciate the reply. I guess what I was suggessting is that liminal states in combination with what the west would call sexual abuse have often been used to heighten the liminality. Here are some docs:

victor turner godfather of liminal

example of ritualized abuse to achieve liminal state

I'm sure there are other examples, but the above was from a brief search

The idea is that sexual abuse may serve a psychological function, and not just be about the pedo being a pedo. Is there a network doing this?

9217 ago

I know the example re: Papua New Guinea is random, but some of those cultures also practice ritual cannibalism. Michael Rockefeller disappeared while living with one such cannibalistic group there.

datadawg ago

Then of course you have the incans who apparently drugged the people sacrificed before they sacrificed them. (

The incan case is interesting because they had a separate language that they used only for rituals, and a form of it is still spoken today in Bolivia and Peru as Quechua. There was Aymara, which is also still spoken in parts of Bolivia and Peru. Aymara was the common language and Quechua was the ceremonial language. Then Quechua spread out to the masses and became spoken by them. Imagine that, having a whole separate language just for performing rituals. They really perfected their ability to get ppl into liminal states.

9217 ago

Don't even get me started on the Mayans/Incans/Aztecs.

Child sacrifice in pre-Columbian cultures

"According to Bernardino de Sahagún, the Aztecs believed that, if sacrifices were not given to Tlaloc, the rain would not come and their crops would not grow. Archaeologists have found the remains of 42 children sacrificed to Tlaloc (and a few to Ehecátl Quetzalcóatl) in the offerings of the Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan. In every case, the 42 children, mostly males aged around six, were suffering from serious cavities, abscesses or bone infections that would have been painful enough to make them cry continually. Tlaloc required the tears of the young so their tears would wet the earth. As a result, if children did not cry, the priests would sometimes tear off the children's nails before the ritual sacrifice.[7]"

I see ^^ that as somehow related to the possible extraction of Adrenochrome in modern cults/organized child abuse rings - if what Hunter Thompson described is actually a thing, and I don't know if it is or not, but Thompson was accused of involvement in the Franklin Scandal by Paul Bonnaci and Ted Gunderson also thought he was involved in snuff/etc.

Vindicator ago

TFW it's the same demon demanding the blood of children on every continent, in every age. /shudder/

argosciv ago

Wouldn't necessarily use the word demon myself, but, essentially yes - it's all the same depravity/delusion/corruption, unfortunately so often attributed to other deities/archetypes over time.

Typical mo, though; the modern worldfuckers love blaming others for the crimes they themselves commit.

9217 ago

Exactly. 0_0

datadawg ago

Where it gets weird is now there is this thing called epigenetics that claims genes that are activated during one's lifetime can be passed on. weird.

I've heard that families with a long line of abuse would have the highest likelihood of being able to 'dissociate' , so they would be the best candidates for mind control experiements and whathaveya.

argosciv ago

I'll admit, I was unsure about you at first(given the recent submissions from you), but, you do seem to know what you're talking about. Thanks for sharing the Liminality and Epigenetics links - with both put into the context of ritualistic sexual abuse and mind control, it becomes possible to explain how triggers, split personalities and deceptive falsehoods, can be programmed into the victim(s).

Very valuable reading here.


datadawg ago

glad to hear some healthy skepticism.

Vindicator ago


tholinz ago

The Enneagram thing has been specifically called out by the Catholic Church as something not to engage in. If anybody is still promoting that, they’re going against church teaching. I know it was something that crept in for a while, but it’s not allowed. In fact, Catholicism categorically rejects anything that can even be thought of as New Age.

There some good reading on it here:

Not saying abuses don’t happen. It’s not church doctrine.

9217 ago

Absolutely, and I thought it was interesting that specifically Jesuits were involved in that instance, but wasn't intending to make any larger statement about the Catholic church.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Excellent...saved to pour over later.

Thank you~

wtf_is_happening ago

I think you meant "pore over". (Anyway your heart's in the right place.)

4_InquiringMinds ago

Ha, right, pore over :)

sore_ass_losers ago

Ditto! Looks like an interesting read (and I just learned about that 'save' option).

9217 ago

Thank you!

argosciv ago

Very intriguing, gonna come back to this after I sleep next.

9217 ago
