rotidder ago

This guy is either an idiot or someone making fun of pizzagate. I'm going to go with the latter.

WeirdlyEerie ago

I got the weirdest idea while washing dishes yesterday. What if gw is Q? Hahahhaha. Sorry.

desiretruth22 ago

I know this will get down voted and collapsed, but if you say you only watched a few of George's vids and then make claims about him, that may prove something. These are times that call for discernment, and not eating our own. For the jew haters, I believe there is a remnant of good in every nation, tongue, people, and tribe Rev 7:9. George repeatedly says "I'm not saying" to actually have you know he is directly saying something that he cannot say for protective reasons. If you read the text knowing George's communication style after watching nearly all of his series, I believe he is saying JA is a CIA operative in the role of sex predator, and is good at acting and good at doing exactly what the CIA wants him to. To the CIA, by his tweet, one can see that it is most important to get the business of illegal arms trading done by utilizing the lust for children to gain control and power (blackmail) over those who have the keys to military assets. The real money, power, and control must be in arms, wars, and enjoying the "spoils" of what is left behind in the devastation. Following the money is the cleanest way to get all the bad players under lock and key, whether you specifically buy into G Webb or not. If we want to save and protect children, we need to understand the broad plan PG is a part of. It's alarming how quickly mob mentality and fear can spread among us. Think for yourselves and always be watching.

seekingpeace ago

Shout out to Hoax Wars on YouTube who has a nice little collection of GW's best moments including his comments about child trafficking and organ harvesting. Also his Mossad moments are there too.

Hoax Wars

GreenDell144 ago

I started watching his vids. I thought he was just some accountant researching from his basement and posting PowerPoints... then all of the sudden he is traveling to the hots spots, filing lawsuits and becoming some kind of Pizzagate super sleuth super spy. I haven’t paid any attention to him for months.

lynn1314 ago

George Webb is a disinfo agent. Leads us down paths then drops them and goes another direction.

He's obviously getting worried.


I was part of his facebook group and he was talking about movies being cover stories, and when I put it to him that Best Marigold Hotel was a cover story for elite organ replacement therapy tourism he changed the subject immediately.

What he is is an Israeli agent, and you have to remember that Israel has nothing to lose by destroying the faith between the American people and their government institutions. Mossad has the CIA under its thumb and are also empowered by blackmailing American officials who are compromised by conspiracies.

America has been slowly destroyed by Zionist Illuminati for decades now - pizzagate (the bigger picture pizzagate that Podesta and Alefantis are a small part of) is just another of their operations.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Listened to a bunch of his first vids - came back 6 months later and they were all deleted. He’s shady as fuck and I can’t stand him

fartyshorts ago

At the time he claimed they were taken down by YouTube, then he admitted he did it himself.

9217 ago

I try not to swear a lot here, but I fucking hate George Webb. Parasite and cointel personified.

Narcissism ago

Who cares who GW works for, or what he is - he's got good intel and thats all that matters. Better than the thin endless lame ass posts here with no connections, no depth and no follow up.

plowboys ago

no kidding, then his gay boyfriend, David Brock, is in on it to and Media matters really isn't a left wing progressive rag it is just cover

angry_mob ago

he's a joke.

Piscina ago

With that one tweet alone, Webb has lost all and any credibility. He must be getting paid a hell of a lot of money to embarrass himself that much!

Shillaxe ago

JA is acting a role of a sexual predator, how apropos.

Lrain ago

Important Information On George Webb

Two Reposts. OP.


SecondAmendment ago

George Webb Sweigert. Ladies and gentlemen, if you're watching his daily videos I believe you're watching the Diary of a Madman. George's brother (David) has a YouTube channel (seen here: and on it he is stalking George and goading him, ridiculing him, and basically just getting in the way of George. Seems there's a lot of sickness in taht family from decades ago. It's hard to tell the crazy people from the sane ones, so I just stay away. On a more practical note, I am concerned that Webb's brother seems intent on inserting himself into George Webb's legal cases. I don't know enough about the foundation of Webb's cases to know if they are legit or not. However, the brother, David makes vows on videos to show up in DC and utterly destroy George in the court of public opinion and the courts of law where George's cases are unfolding. I'm not a lawyer, but that sounds to me like harassment, possible intentional infliction of emotional distress, and possibly stalking (depending on what state and/or federal laws would be applied). Bottom Line: two sick brothers. And we all get to watch the drama unfold on YouTube and Twitter if we choose to do so. I choose not do watch.

SecondAmendment ago

Hahahaha. I think at least one of the sick Sweigert brothers is watching this thread, because as of this morning that psycho, "Dave Acton" has deleted all of his actionable videos from his YouTube Channel ( AND Psycho Dave has also made his Twitter account "private" ( Hahahaha. Glad to see the sick SOB is reading Voat/v/Pizzagate. I am not a fan of George Webb but I am most definitely a fan of people's civil liberties under our federal and individual state constitutions. So fuck you, Dave, for inserting yourself into your brother's life. Fuck anyone who is trying to block anyone else's right to freedom of expression. I hope George Webb sues the crap out of his meddling, sick brother ("Dave Acton").

Gothamgirl ago

Your first link is broken so maybe I am missing something. The 2nd tweet- Isn't "compromise" what the Cia does to blackmail people with children? & if Alefantis is a "good" CIA guy. Then with what Webb said doesn't that prove guilt? I think I have understood the CIA could be involved with this from the start.

Lrain ago

I enjoyed this video by Stacy Beanz. Just happened upon it.

Video problems at beginning, quickly resolved.

Some may find her video interesting.

Uploaded six months ago.

Verite1 ago

God you ppl can be so one track minded and self sabotaging. He just said a day or so again, that as far as pursuing stories as a journalist, sometimes you have to choose. He has often times touched on Pizzagate and the sex trafficking stuff, but only as it relates to the weapons/drug trafficking and AWAN SCANDAL and U1, and since it’s ALL RELATED, just let him do his thing. He is putting his ass on the line by personally being out in front, on the ground following the Russian investigation (smear campaign) and focusing on how our judicial process and institutions have been compromised. He has filed lawsuits that will provide a lot information through “discovery.” He is dedicated to eliminating the conflicts of interest and injustices that our CIA and FBI has perpetrated upon the US citizenry. Can’t you ppl think more comprehensively and less black and white? There are SO many issues and we need ppl out there on the front lines! GW is one of those ppl. That’s it! That’s the deal!

desiretruth22 ago

Thank you.

seekingpeace ago

Jem777 is that you?

angry_mob ago

he's a cunt & limited hangout.

The1stLantern ago

George Webb was as much of a joke as David Seaman.

Lrain ago

During the first 150 videos (or so) my memory is he spent sooooooo

much time reporting against DynCorp. Like DynCorp was the only problem.

Do you think there is anything to what he reported about Dyncorp?

Was he exaggerating..fabricating?

Lrain ago

Looking over my notes:

Remembering this:

He bad mouthed Pakastan very very often. 'Bad place'

BUT. I never heard him say anything negative or bad about Saudi Arabia. ?

He hated Patreaus

He said Hillary to prison?w

Podesta to prison?

After a short while he gave impression:

Oh come on guys.

Let's just let it be...drop it..

Hey, better to let bygones be bygones.

SluggyKarkat ago

How is this a "defense"?

fartyshorts ago

Because he's saying Alefantis is just "playing" pedo for the CIA. That's BS IMO.

Lrain ago

OMG. My head is spinning. Thankfully, I stopped analyzing him many months ago.

But, I remember the thick of it. Must have spent 35+hours trying to figure the guy out.

Starting Nov. 2016 I listened to every one of his videos. I stopped in February. 2017.

Does anyone remember the @V____T @rayzie @DarkMath and others discussions?

     Found a few in case anyone is interested:

Will try to post more later.

THANK YOU OP for calling this to more i

migratorypatterns ago

Okay, fuck him!!!!

I always knew he was a shill.

GeorgeT ago

Or maybe he's got issues like that David Seaman guy - but at least David kept the PG alive and actually called out Skippy and that creepo JA! Webb seems to dodge the Elephant (by now a wooly mammoth) in the living room.

migratorypatterns ago

They are worlds apart.

David Seaman is flawed, but not a shill. He's gone through a lot and the pushback he's gotten is unwarranted. I'm not talking about from the Cannibal Elite; it's their job to pushback. I'm talking from within the pizzagate community. I was sorry to learn his Twitter account was blocked for tweeting MK Ultra Illuminat Anderson Cooper. Guess fucking satanists can give it out, but can't take it.

GeorgeT ago

He was banned permanently. Had no idea Twitter was run by idiots. Surely they must have heard of the Streisand effect. By blocking Seaman for tweeting Anderson Cooper being an MK Ultra they in fact confirm that very thing! Too easy for the rest of us! Are they that naive to think that they can sweep PG under the rug in a cyber age. Maybe NWO is run by pedo/inbred/idiot/trash-satanists. It has to be, I mean Password for password?!! Skippy using FBI declassified codewords? Now we know that Hillary was using private email server for a purpose!!!! She is lot smarter than people give her credit. She is always one step ahead and has dirt on everyone.

migratorypatterns ago

Agreed. And the banning only provoked the rash of posts on Mr. Cooper and his Illuminati family. I don't think the scrutiny and calling out of occult symbology will stop anytime soon.

Have no idea what they were thinking. Evidently Cooper's Mommie Dearest syndrome made him snap and demand the banishment from aforementioned evil Dorsey kingdom. And, yet, these strange creatures want Sanctuary Cities where convicted felons finding guns can shoot three times BOOM BOOM BOOM and kill at will, but they don't it on a social media site where conversation and opinions roll like dice? Hmmmm ... maybe the dice are loaded.

And Skippy is a mess in so many ways. WTH talks about dominos on pasta and throwing kids in a pool on a work server? It's how arrogant they became. As if a few code words would cover up their crimes.

GeorgeT ago

Cooper looks like MK Ultra caricature - and envies Trump like mad!!! They are all abused victims. Let's put them on the Freudean couches in padded cells and create our own cable news with real people whose wives do not proclaim pedo pizza parlors as their favorite dining places!!! (Tapper's wife!!!)

migratorypatterns ago

Yeah, the Tapper wife thing ... very disturbing.

She must have checked her morals at the door ...

AnAnonandOnandOn ago

You stupid bitch. Seaman is a Jew huckster. Getting kicked off Twitter for publicity doesn't change that. Go invest in Bitgold and donate to him like he demands you fucking retard.

migratorypatterns ago


He wasn't kicked off as in suspended, he was banned. If you support someone getting banned for tweeting a non-violent, non-threatening directed at one of the Cannibal Cabal, fine. But that means everyone of us is susceptible to the same thing. Then there's that Twitter cookie that will track our movements off Twitter. You in favor of monitoring, too? Whatever. Think what you like.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

That's the money talking.

bopper ago

Word on the street is that Webb teamed w/ Jason Goodman to blackmail Trish the Dish so that Trish would reveal the dirt on DeFango whose source was and still is (apparently, according to my own source), Mike Cernovich, who famously proved by his own sources that pizzagate was a total psyop and that even Podesta's emails were fabricated.

This will all come out in his documentary "Bland On The Run." It's pretty heavy. Meantime, please hit the subscribe button and any donations would be appreciated.

SorosIsCancer44 ago

I know what bopper means, you sick fuck.

sentryseven ago

Total BS.

bopper ago

My comment was sarcasm.

lynn1314 ago

It sounded SO George Webb that I thought it was real.

That's how wacky he is.

bopper ago

Lol. I know.

anotherdream ago

so WEBB and HAG are in cahoots? Always got a slimy vibe from HAG. That fucker is pretty slippery.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Who is HAG? Dropped the gw drama eons ago along with all the rest.

anotherdream ago

H.A. Goodman

4_InquiringMinds ago the time trish the dish (never knew how she got that handle) was out of the loop. I really don't trust cernovich either, nothing specific, just bits and pieces picked up. Sometimes it's just not worth the effort to find out who is who in the gatekeeper game.

Had not even heard that cernovich said podesta emails were fabricated/do you know about this and any legitimacy other than the usual speculations?

bopper ago

Hey there, my comment was sarcasm, sorry, I'm bad about that. As you say, it's not worth keeping up w/ all this nonsense. Cernovich tho did indeed say, on Alex Jones, that the whole pizzagate thing was a psy op, he didn't specifically mention the Podesta emails being fabricated but he did def imply it. I can prob'ly find the clip if you would like me to.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Oh ha, missed the sarcasm (I love sarcasm btw) Been brain foggy for a few days/but in a good way. It helps when knowing what is going on as we speak, the children, the cages, the coming sacrifice.

Bland on the Run...roflmao (I had missed that one, it's EXCELLENT).

Wine is fine too/I did catch that one :)

Nah, thanks for the offer on the clip but these jokers are not worth the attention.

I'm in a wait and see mode, these dog and pony shows have been going on for so long...meh.

Zappa said...

Politics Is The Entertainment Branch of Industry.

bopper ago

Politics is show biz for ugly people.

Zappa was a smart dude but too extreme for me, I never got into him but many friends did.

I always make the mistake thinking people will get my sarcasm.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Zappa was a smart dude but too extreme for me, I never got into him but many friends did.

Same here including but many of my friends did...

I always make the mistake thinking people will get my sarcasm.

Same here lol...same here :)

Shillaxe ago

Mrs Webb is that you, it was the "wine is ok too " comnent, runnin low on funds again lol

Cheesebooger ago

George Webb is a kike so.......not surprised

Shillaxe ago

Wino's come in all stripes.

Cheesebooger ago

Really? Funny how a large number are jews

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Yeah it is the Jews.....they are behind most of this. They dont give any real huge important jobs or technology companies to anything but a jew. Sometimes they are crypto jews...but they are all jews. Any Goyim Puppet families will be used till they can give their wealth or power to a jew. Sometimes they let their Rothschild males knock up some married Goyim woman and they have a jew in the European Royalty....the Royals thought they were using the Jews as the middle men to steal from the normies but the Jews had bigger plans and got their genetics into all the royal they are all pretty much Jews.

Cheesebooger ago

Interesting fact about the royal family: They bring in rabbi's to circumcise all royal boys

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Yeah...they cuckoo'd egged their way into the royals hundreds of years ago....most royals in Europe are Jews.....of differing percentages to be sure...but Jews none the less.

GeorgeT ago

More like khazar false jews, real jews were dark skinned (as was Jesus) BTW I am white (Russian heretage) but have to point out the obvious.

Oh_Well_ian ago

hahaha... fucking LARPER and limited hangout expert, George Webb, once again shows his true colors

' That little baby loved the farm ' What is Alefantis talking about here, Geo ?

birthdaysuit11 ago

The farm could be inreference to the CIA farm. They use to have a pedophile acedemy. Not kidding. Search on

GeorgeT ago

I made fun of the guy when he went on and on with Awan Bros. Saga - like the never ending story!!! And here we are, approaching 2018, and Podesta Pizza emails are sitting there gathering dust (metaphorically speaking)

birthdaysuit11 ago

It's funny, I never understood why people followed him. I thought he was severely retarded or a disinfo agent. Honestly, almost all these so called pizzagate truthers who pretend they built the community are likely gatekeepers.

GeorgeT ago

Many of them are gatekeepers as I had found out the hard way, others are just plain fools. I mean come on, NSA has no idea about the Podesta emails?!!!! Who are they kiddin!!

Lrain ago

I tuned out after watching every day:

I really did want to know where Eric Braverman. Then one day George

said oh. he went to be a professor at Yale. End of story.

Phenomenonanon ago

That's not quite what happened.

GeorgeT ago

That did it for me too. He was also playing the victim card like David Seaman.

angry_mob ago

i tuned out after he stated that he really really did not want pedosta & clinton to go to jail. fuck that.

Lrain ago

I get that.

ESOTERICshade ago

TruthLeaks @GeorgWebb ∙ 3h @NoniMovie I met Alefantis. He is playing the role of sex predator at CIA. I not saying they don’t use children to compromise Foreign govt officials, but he is playing a role in the arms biz. Good actor. Good CIA man.

Vehicles with license plates connected to the Uranium business were seen in Alefantis's parking lot. Depleted uranium is used for making weapons.

So actually Webb seems to be saying that Alefantis may be involved in weapons trade as well as possibly running a brownstone operation to compromise politicians and influential people.

Not sure what "playing the role of a child predator" is supposed to mean exactly but I don't see much "defense" of Alefantis in this. If Alefantis is running a brownstone operation that would involve pedophilia because that is the Ace card in a brownstone operation.

birthdaysuit11 ago

Yeah, why the uranium. There really wasn't a follow up on that license plate. Who owned the car. Could he be setting up explosives underground? Sounds crazy but this guy has so many connections. George might be right but he 100% is controlled.

ESOTERICshade ago

George might be right but he 100% is controlled.

I make it a point not to put faith in someone that tells us he "was" a Mossad agent.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Yeah there's no "was" or "in the past" when it comes to Mossad or the CIA, once you're in, you don't leave.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Exactly. And he procures children for other elites, doesn't matter if he actually enjoys kids himself. And he is a filthy Rothschild.

GeorgeT ago

Absolutely. That is why Megyn Kelly groveled (to use Skippy's vernacular directed at Fake Jones) before that Creep of the Millenium JA. Remember his cocky smirk - the one who knows he's untouchable.

gaystapo ago

I watched the first 40 videos he made. They make absolutely no sense. I thought it was just me but then a bunch of logical people I follow said the same thing and I realized this guy is shill to confuse the movement.

GeorgeT ago

One blogger said it best, Webb picks a hot topic, then weaves an intricate web (pun intended) around it untill you lose track completely. Gotta say, very advanced disinfo skills. He keeps you coming back for more with his .... Day 136.....Day 198.... Seriously?!!!

gaystapo ago

Yeah I definitely fell for it. Sometimes I don't pay full attention to videos so I kept thinking that it was me

Vindicator ago

40? Poor you. I watched one Webb vid and knew it was a shitshow.

Lrain ago

WOW. Good work. I read every post for many

months on him. You never let on as a mod when I was following the stories.

You were faiir and unbiased as I remember it.

Upvote for U❕

Vindicator ago

Why thanks. :-) I pointed out a few inconsistencies from time to time, and flaired a few things as I recall, but mostly I try to defer to the votes unless something is egregious.

AnAnonandOnandOn ago

LMAO. What a faggot. Sucks when your fellow kikeshills fall and you're in the position of being either a shitty mod for allowing what you know is disinfo (on what other criteria would you be appointed?) OR a DIPSHIT OR a kikeshill. You are in fact all three and we all know this.

gaystapo ago

I know.... Lol

Oh_Well_ian ago

Called him out on YouTube right after his pivot off DynCorp and the CF, to targeting the Awan Bros.

He defended himself saying: ' If you think blackmail of Congress is small, then I don't know what to tell you '

Yes Webby... It is small when you realize what the blackmail was covering up.

SterlingJB ago

I dropped out around then. I knew nothing about Dyncorp so I watched for the reading list and found, the source material at least most of which was provided by commentators, educational. The awans seem like a iran contra op like he says but they became the meta[data]phorical dead horse. Then of course there's no mention of Isreal while of course there is mention of "toned down" child sex trafficking. I check in every once in awhile and the comment section now is just a cheer leading section where 95% don't seem to know anything about what he's talking about. Also, don't recognize most accts there now and all his good commentators with interesting source material and seemingly insider knowledge hv packed up and left. CSTT comment section is either completely contrived or Jason somehow tapped into the literal dumbest demograph of people w/an internet connection in the US.

DonKeydich ago

"Jason somehow tapped into the literal dumbest demograph of people w/an internet connection in the US."

You mean women? @srayzie tell this nigger about how Webbs deep voice and good looks lulled you into believing him.


And it was originally on her WORTHLESS word I was labeled a shill by all.


srayzie ago

This is why I said what I said...

To show you that I won't imagine your little tiny dick and that I'm a woman and can do all the things you can and you hate that. I can do whatever I want with my husband. I'm not a little desperate housewife that dreams of Donkey's little turkey neck looking dick.

Don't think for a minute that I shared anything I didn't know you would put public. That's how you roll. That's why I saved it all. Not that you care what people think because you said you would like a 15 year old girl and you wish you could rape married American women. I saved it for the sole purpose of showing why I replied.

I swear, as soon as I saw George Webb, I knew it would trigger you 😂

DonKeydich ago

LOL are you actually trying to shame me for NOT having mutilated genitals?? I thought sand-niggers mutilated genitals?

srayzie ago

Some do. Some don't. Regardless, I don't care about your little worm so stop talking about it. People don't want to hear about it. We are not impressed. Besides, nothing could shame YOU because you don't have morals. People are sick of you. You said you'd fuck a 15 year old. You don't care about kids. You do nothing but bring people down. The ONLY reason you are here is because you are paid to be.

srayzie ago

How did I get pulled into this conversation? Oh of course. It's because of George Webb 😂 You are so jealous!

You act like you posted some top secret info. I knew that you would share what I said. You forgot to put WHY I replied to you with that message. Of course I saved it silly. I'll go get it.

I don't even have maids either idiot. 😁 I was saying to you what you think us American housewives are like! I've called a sand nigger publicly. I give zero fucks if people don't like it.

ESOTERICshade ago

Looks like srayzie put you in your place by showing you all the things you don't have in your life.

DonKeydich ago



You're like someone who mispronounces a word theyve only seen written then won't man up and admit his simple mistake: as his face reddens he'll huff that he was using the original Latin pronunciation, and the guy who corrected him is in fact the ignorant one, then he'll go cry like a BITCH.

Probably the most cringey vain faggoty behavior one can encounter. That's you, pussy-boy. ICK!

ESOTERICshade ago

What else is new mil falcon leaves up too many junk threads and when you are not screaming about jews you are capable of bringing good info to the table, yawn....

DonKeydich ago

Oh so anything except promoting a theory that Jews are behind PG is "acceptable" info...and I'm the biased/shill one LOL!


fartyshorts ago

Absolutely. He rarely gets mentioned anymore, which shows that we all were smarter than that shit, but I figured it was worth pointing this out.

Lrain ago

Absolutely. I think he could reel people in. Your post really helped me to stay the course. Just last night

I watched a video by Tracy Beans on the subject.

Audio problems at beginning quickly worked out.

Just noticed: video uploaded 6 months ago.

carmencita ago

I upvoated you for bringing this up. Not GW. How many of us have been slammed for not jumping on his bandwagon? I really did and do not watch any of them. Too much other work to do on here. Thank you.

pby1000 ago

What struck me is at he was releasing too much information too quickly. How is that possible unless he is working with a group having a lot of resources.

Vindicator ago

Yep. And never getting banned by Twitter or YouTube.

pby1000 ago

That is interesting. Never thought of it...

V____Z ago


carmencita ago


ArtificalDuality ago

smile upvoat

carmencita ago

Oh TY. Have not seen you for a while. Will start pinging you. My heart did not forget you, just my ditzy brain.<3

fartyshorts ago

Most of us knew this guy was a fucking joke a long time ago, but here's some fresh cheddar on top of that BS sandwich.

voatuser9999 ago

That is a sketchy tweet. The grammar is all wonky too.

anotherdream ago

fucking A!!! Every time this fucker shows up shit is hitting the fan for the pedos and the underlings. Every fucking time! He just creates dissonance and tries to make every one second guess themselves. He’s a slippery fucking snake and I don’t believe one damn word he says. Dont believe me?!? Just cross reference the dates of major happenings with the dates of his resurfaces???? total bullshit!!! Now making excuses for James I Fuck LilKids?!? Fuck this guy!!!!

birthdaysuit11 ago

I knew it right away. Anyone who claims they are ex-mossad or CIA etc., working on the side of the opposition is most likely a controlled opposition/gatekeeper or disinfo agent. seaman, Brand, Jones, Dice ALL agents. Believe no one!!

pizzagatecharlotte ago

What's your thoughts on Robert David Steele?

WatashiPrincessPeach ago

Defends Cheney as making a mistake.

Vindicator ago

He took a lot of heat in replies. Many pizzagaters hit him. It was impressive, actually. I wonder if it was to draw them out so Twitter can ban them tomorrow?

angry_mob ago

oh shit. oh well, i never use twatter anyways!

anotherdream ago

Glad to hear about it! Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. - If they're trying to get ahead of something it's probably big. Johnny "The Truth Is Out There" Podesta crying and sucking his spirit cooked thumb cause he every time he opens his fucking mouth he gets DESTROYED on twitter. He can't even manage his fucking temper anymore. I hope twitter will face some massive backlash and boycotting once the Gestapo action starts and everybody starts getting banned. Only problem is that twitter has been one of our greatest weapons. There's got to be a solution but I can't see it. Can't really lose twitter - what to do?

Vindicator ago

Short the stock?

seekingpeace ago

Interesting theory!

Cc1914 ago

It's like a test to see if his followers would just go with it or something !? I mean how does he defend this guy?! He was a bit of a useful idiot for about a week or so ..

DonKeydich ago

Lol "comet pizza"

DonKeydich ago

But only one knew/called it before I did, and that was @equineluvr....who I am told is also me, LOL

Shillaxe ago

Here's the oldest i called him out, not for 1 sec did i fall for that qrap.

Titus Frost - GW has taken the attention off PG and John Podesta. Many of the Online Communtity Slate GW by privatepizza in pizzagate [–]Shillaxe 2 points (+2|-0) 6 months ago

"Webb is a limited hangout."

6 months ago, whats your oldest comment ¿

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Yea, I rejected him for the Mossad spook he is as well. He said he didn't think we needed arrest and he liked Obama. Then he said PG was a psyop. He missed the old days when they used to organ harvest inmates instead of children. Guy is a pathetic spook. How can anybody lose site of this?