Silverlining ago

There seems to be goes to facebook - there is no website that I can see no archive of his finds. Were you looking at @truthleaks on twitter? http://crowdsourcethetruth.ore goes to facebook. There is no website that I can see.

GrDec ago

Hershel Levy is a plumber from Ft. Myers.. please don't tell me he's also a MOSSAD agent LOL. Where does the HL you are refering located?

lynn1314 ago

So much nonsense is now coming out of George's mouth. His "sadness" - "I'm not sad, this is the happiest day of my life," then talking about how he was sad that someone he loved was hurt in Vancouver. Going after Kim Dotcom, Infowars, Steve Pieczenik, etc. More and more nuttiness.

BS. That's what he's been feeding us while taking us far away from the real story regarding Seth Rich. The real story that he was murdered by Hillary/DNC/Obama and that the "unmasking" of Americans just may have been to find the DNC leaker which unmasked a guy named Seth Rich talking to Wikileaks. And WND which is really investigating this says Congress won't touch the story: This is all about protecting Obama. Hillary somewhat, but mostly Obama, the Golden NWO God. I see David Brock behind much of this. I wouldn't be surprised if he's the one paying George.

But no, George continues to stand outside buildings, appear to get drunk, and race around saying nothing. I think George and his handlers, whoever is paying for all this, thought they could string this out long enough until they found some nonsense to impeach Trump with, or at the least lead us all down a rabbit hole looking for Pakistani Bros. while Hillary/Obama/Podesta go on as normal.

This reminds me of how Alefantis and crew started ramping up the bizarre behavior until we were all in that rabbit hole, somehow responsible for a random person to come all the way from North Carolina and fire a shot directly into a computer in a children's pizza place with glory holes in the walls and graphic sexual pictures on their Instagram, because we had the nerve to ask WTF was going on.

They stopped that investigation dead, didn't they, because we followed the wrong rabbit. This time they got smart and gave us a likable guy to run after, but he's going to put us in that damn rabbit hole again and NOTHING will change, no one will be held accountable and eventually we'll all give up.

Which is the plan.

Laskar ago

If he were any kind of threat to the matrix, his channel would have been removed from YouTube a long time ago.

I wonder if VOAT would survive if people did not have to have flame wars over their gurus who tell them what to think---like Alex Jones, David Seaman, Mike Cernovich, etc. etc.

GrDec ago

Yep, any real journalist that is a threat to the (((Deep State))) will be prosecuted and jailed in two seconds.

Laskar ago


Look at what happened to Peekay Truth channel--gone! he woke a lot people up all over the world. He was already picked up by cops right off the street, never charged and they forced a court ordered psych eval! He still has one last video, but says this too may be gone soon:

GrDec ago

The UK is really bad.. several alt right people have been jailed for "anti-semitism"

my respects for anyone there, trying to post the truth.

Laskar ago

Look at what happened to Brendan O'Connell--jailed in Australia for years just for interviewing people on the street there.

In Canada, so many have had their websites forcibly taken down, like Arthur Topham for one. In France, one of the best websites was taken down by the govt and the guy's family was threatened with death (I do not want to bring up his name, because he is laying low now. Look at Jim Stone, and Christopher Bollyn--they had to run for lives to get out of the US and are still harassed so they have to move around a lot. Bollyn was here some time ago, because they know he has been silenced more or less.

The Amazon book burning this year wiped out a lot of valuable books, and info on the internet can just be deleted. In fact, some real history books were deleted form people's Kindles by Amazon. many important book are not allowed to be published in English or if they were are no longer "available". amazon had no problem with porn though.

V____Z ago

I copied the following comment from a video looking at the lie that was told to us this weekend by the WebbOp about the "Seth Rich files". I've suspected that it puts pizzagate researchers in danger, and this is why - they are gathering information on people who contribute (who Webb now refers to as Mossad agents, since they helped Mossad) to the "crowdsourced" Webb investigation.

Equally important, they are finding out what we know (pretending to be "investigating" with us), so they can spin the narrative/story/school play around it, ending up in a safe place determined by the SorosDems.

IMPORTANT Information about the "NGP-VAN Drop"

I'm with you on this as well Tracy! I felt the "shift" in energy, and just knew things were not as they appeared . I always have some skepticism of whatever I'm researching on line, but GW was putting out enough "truths" to make it interesting/to give him the benefit of the doubt. But after GW brought up the Mossad stuff, my antenna was on high alert that he was Deep State Israel trying to basically "do a reset." They've realized Americans aren't having the whole NWO takeover, and they're trying to step it back (so to speak) to a point where they can re-group! George just dropped way too many clues for me along the way (the Bernie support - already certain Bernie colluded on the stolen election, even if he wasn't such a proven-poor leader; the constant remarks about "stepping evil back" to the good 'ol days - stupid shit like that, a smart/honest man would just never be down with, you know?!). I chalked it up to a psy-op to draw out those who might be induced to flip, but my guts now telling me it's BS; and a lot of other insane references). The final "giveaway" for me was when George talked the next day about the incident of the SEIU goons supposedly pursuing him at the hotel: George said he was going to rename them the "Tonys" now, and it just suddenly (divine discernment) popped into my head that he meant Tonys like they give for best performances on Broadway! Then he went on to talk about "school plays" again ... I just KNEW then, it was all a school play with George COLLECTING as much information from everyone about the possible evidence against the Deep State operatives, in order to know what they were facing and so they would be prepared to counter it! Yah, I'm convinced it's a fraud. I have a million other "tells" now, but nobody can convince me otherwise about this psy-op! It was a fun ride ... but for me it's fiction; over! Listen especially to the final minute of this video, how the WebbOp is working to support the DNC narrative.

Ultimate goal of the WebbOp

I think this other commenter got it right. Webb is talking today about impeaching POTUS again. He can say he doesn't want him impeached, but it's obvious he's lying. He likes Obama. Doesn't want Hillary or Podesta or Donna Brazille in jail, even said he doesn't want to see Debbie WS to hurt (suffer for her actions)... He's a Dem, and he's old school Dem, but there's no Dem you can trust. This guys a lying slime bag.

Webb's staged psyop school play is not being performed in name of truth and justice. Instead it's smelling like some stinky underhanded DNC GASLIGHTING operation with ultimate goals and objectives to subvert & impeach POTUS. 1 day ago (edited)•69

JesusRules ago

Cato Institute Policy Analysis No. 177:The "Green Peril": Creating the IslamicFundamentalist Threat August 27, 1992

"Now that the Cold War is becoming a memory, America's foreign policy establishment has begun searching for newenemies. Possible new villains include "instability" in Europe--ranging from German resurgence to new Russianimperialism--the "vanishing" ozone layer, nuclear proliferation, and narcoterrorism. Topping the list of potential newglobal bogeymen, however, are the Yellow Peril, the alleged threat to American economic security emanating fromEast Asia, and the so-called Green Peril (green is the color of Islam). That peril is symbolized by the Middle EasternMoslem fundamentalist--the "Fundie," to use a term coined by The Economist[1]--a Khomeini-like creature, armedwith a radical ideology, equipped with nuclear weapons, and intent on launching a violent jihad against Westerncivilization." Cato Institute Policy Analysis No. 177:The "Green Peril": Creating the IslamicFundamentalist Threat

DarkMath ago

"defend his tribesman Webb."

I ain't Jewish.

But I think I know who's a Nazi!

Not Yatzee silly. You're a Nazi.

Make sure to let me know how that whole Master Race thing works out for ya.


edblings ago

u seem pretty happy for a lonesome shill on voat all day everyday. guess the anti-depressants must actually be working. does your healthcare cover those, or do you just pay for them with your $8/hr shillcheck?

DarkMath ago

I'm doing this for free. I guess I'm one of those dying breeds that think the American government shouldn't be running drugs, raping children and harvesting organs from poor black people. Sigh.

You must be part of that new generation of American who's into fundamentally transforming this country for the "better" by normalizing Pedophilia.

Gee thank "Ed". We're all super excited with your idea of normalizing child rape and the virtual rape of poor black people who according to you don't deserve to keep the organs God gave them when He started this whole thing.


Dressage2 ago

Taking up where DarkMath left off, George exposed many rat lines, one was the corruption with Tahir Javed and all the gas stations in southern states.selling opioids, he has exposed the blackberry syncing with "thin clients." Also this was confirmed by sorry ass Comey. Enough so DWS is caught on tape threatening the Capitol Police for returning the laptops and blackberries or there will be consequences. I love the armchair quarterbacks on here talking smack. George has done incredible work with warts and all. At least you cannot accuse him of trying to make money from his research like some did of Game of Thrones. @jem777 @rwb @jangles

V____Z ago

Lol, he alos has "solved the case", naming Seth Rich's killer! But he's walking around safe (tho the FBI was at his door days ago wanting to off him, I guess they give up after a day?) and boy genius also claims Dr Steve Piecznic is the author of Clockwork Orange lol. He also claimed for months to all of his fans that he wasnt the one who deleted his first chunk of videos. Then he admits he lied, but y'all still want to prop him up by cutting others down.

And when he starts to ask for funding for his documentary, his fans will find some other excuse why it's ok for George. Oh, that SMILE, those big hairy arms! swoon

Coco-Hamilton ago

Our precious heroes were talking about a subsonic gun today....SUBSONIC GUN. I called them out on the live stream and actually was addressed when I told them that ammo can be subsonic...not the fucking gun. I told them usually .22 and .17 or 9MM are subsonic even some .45 and are all over the counter shit anyone can buy. They respond with a line of sidestepping crap about how they aren't ballistic experts and need to look into that at some point. Some people say this..some say that..we don't know. But then why are you running with this story then if you acknowledge you have no idea what you are talking about?! And their "fans" are just like..."sounds good". WTF!

V____Z ago

It pains me, the idiocy of it all.

tonight the interviewed a woman who was beaten up. Afterward, Jason says he's disappointed they didn't more out of her, something more exciting. "People get beat up all the time". He wants to talk about terrorists, and the Awan brothers... this is a false flag and a documentary supporting it, in the making, right before our eyes. I hope all those adoring fans aren't real people, just paid trolls. I need to believe people aren't this dense.

Jem777 ago

Thanks for ping. Yes George has uncovered organ harvesting, in Syria, Iraq, Kosovo, Haiti, and other countries he has physical evidence in his possession.

Been vsprsking about this for a long time to get on the right side of history.

GrDec ago

has uncovered organ harvesting, in Syria, Iraq, Kosovo, Haiti,

really? where are the names? the addresses and documents supporting all of this??

or what it something he came up with on one of his drunken psychopatic rants??

I love how people think that some fat jew software salesman that makes up some silly theories without an a ounce of evidence is "unconvering" the truth

Drunken George would be laughed out of the room by any real journalist, like the REAL George Webb he stole his name from.

BertieMcDuffy ago

Any page that forces me to disable ad blocker to view it can suck my tiny little micropeepee

srayzie ago

He said the night before last that he sold his house to fund this investigation. Suuuuuure. He also said he doesn't want Hillary Clinton to go to jail. He said she should run because it's "safer for us". He says that if Hillary is cornered, more people will die. I'm the one that posted the other day that he doesn't want Donna Brazille or Podesta going to prison either. Then I posted how he's with Mossad. Now he's saying HimDotCom is a fraud and then he went on Infowars and says they are fake news. It sure seems like he's messing with all of us.

GrDec ago

Good to see, someone got ahead of me and did an almost complete expose of this drunken Israel shill.

George Webb Sweigert, is a Mossad / CIA disinfo agent, he gives himself away here:

"i am a berniecrat, and jewish and always rooting for mossad"

Notice, he doesn't say he's an American and he is rooting for the USA.. NO, first and foremost and he JEWISH and he is "ALWAYS ROOTING For MOSSAD"

Do you think a hardcore zionist socialist jew like George Webb Sweigert, is going to say anything bad about Israel and their involvement in the US government??

All of his "research" is carefully constructed to divert attention from AIPAC / Israel's involvement in the corrupt US government, and in organ, women and child trafficking

Silverlining ago

Does anyone have the link to the Boston Globe article George Webb references in He says he tweeted the link - but I can't find his tweeter spot. TKU

DarkMath ago

"he solved everything yet nobody wants to talk to him."

The Deep State owns the MSM and won't allow any coverage of George Webb.

"and show it up his jew ass"

And you're a Nazi and most likely a shill.

Isn't that special.


memegod420 ago

Webb is not Mossad for the simple and observable fact that he's completely amateur. He knows more than the average person, which makes him seem bigger than life, but he's given up almost half a dozen of his own sources.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Been sayin this for months.

And he is no IT or LE..... or Mossad.

If he is Mossad, he's the worst Mossad agent of all time, or the most poorly trained.

George is a sick person, who has money and means, and who likes to role play.

GrDec ago

actually that is true. He is basically an Israel / Mossad shill with mental problems. I have his early videos (that he deleted) where he whines about being a "targeted individiual" by the FBI, CIA NSA, etc..

Coco-Hamilton ago

This is the correct answer I've been trying to tell people.

Eyezopen ago

Yup. Basically straight up admitted he was old guard mossad.

jordankelly ago

Facts are cool

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I call it obstruction of justice! Anyone, who knowingly leads the investigation away from the truth, is obstructing justice. They should rot in jail also!

V____Z ago

The WebbOp is rewriting the script live, as seen via Defango's livestream

Commoner ago

"Yes Islam has alot of things already there to make a fire. Yes muslims immigrating have a different culture and so on. Yes "Not all muslims but all terrorist attacks are made by muslims" generalization still holds true. All i'm saying is that there is a reason for all of it. Even the peaceful moderate muslims have a different view of USA, west much like we have on Russia. Their countries have been invaded, their people washed out. Islam was the tool already there but it was used to benefit the economies/zionists."

Hey, I open to new thoughts, but this doesn't clarify anything. Obama, who I believe, was intent on weakening our country and defenses, hated Israel and was funding Iran.

equineluvr ago

George Webb IS a MOSSAD disinfo agent. Some of us were onto him a long time ago.

Thanks for posting this, OP. More ammunition is always good. (Webb and Goodman shills are posting links to their YouTube crap all over other forums, and the rebuttal links are useful.)

DarkMath ago

"George Webb IS a MOSSAD disinfo agent."

Horsefucker first of all would it be too much to ask for you to write 5 lines? I just gave you a new nickname of Five Line Freddie and you're making me look bad.

Secondly everyone knows George Webb is Mossad, he even admits it himself. But to call him a "Disinfo Agent" means he's hiding the truth. What is he hiding?

He's let America in on the Deep State's plan for Syria, Brownstone Operations both Israel's (Jeffrey Epstein's pedo island) and the CIA's Haiti, Long Island and in Ohio. He's exposed the Awan Brothers hack of Congress and their drug running activities. He's even spilled the beans on Organ Harvesting.

You may have a small point regarding George Webb understating Mossad's role in all of this but there's a very rational explanation for that:


They're ratting out their co-conspirators in exchange for leniency in the court of American public opinion.

Turning state's evidence is an ADMISSION of guilt. If Israel wants to understate their role in the Deep State that's their right because they just aired all the Deep State's dirty laundry.

Try harder to keep up.


redditsuckz ago

Some highlights of the George Webb Larping Saga;


George Webb Sweigert - "I'm with the old guard"

Clip -

From - - 3.38 - 4.20

Phone call with Jason Goodman on 'Hillary's Goons are closing in', published 30.5.17

George Webb Sweigert, "I am a Berniecrat, and Jewish and always rooting for Mossad"

Clip -

Bernie Sanders = Mossad?

George Web Sweigert - "All my French Maaaasad Homies"

Just the whole 3 minutes is FIRE. GW singing a song as his French Homies told him, and describing how the French M sung songs in WW2 to pass intelligence messages

From Day 222.2, published - 2.6.17 -

George Webb Sweigert - "Hillary is bad for Maaaaaaasad business"

"Jason Goodman made me an unwitting opperative."

From -

George Webb Sweigert - "That's what I've found difficult in this series is playing the Mossad thing"

Clip -

From -

Phone call with Jason Goodman on 'Hillary's Goons are closing in', published 30.5.17

NEW --- George Webb Sweigert - "Whoever just tweeted that is now a Maassad operative"

Slip of the tongue George? All your crowd source the truth researchers are now Maaasad operatives? WTAF, SERIOUSLY GEORGE???

Clip -

From - - 2:30:00 - 2:30:30

George Webb Sweigert - To Jason Goodman - "I think they picked you to document this"

(shorter clip from the one above)

Clip -

From -

Phone call with Jason Goodman on 'Hillary's Goons are closing in', published 30.5.17

George Webb Sweigert - "Mossad gave me some stuff today"

Clip -

From -

With Goodman and Trish the Dish, Published 2.6.17


George Webb Sweigert - "it's sometimes anti-climatic after you name the killer"

Yea fuck off George, this is bullshit from Sorcha Fall website, the ONLY site that reported this. The chans DID NOT say this... nor did any fucking anon.

Clip -

From -- Day 219.3, published 30.5.17 --

George Webb Sweigert - The day after he names Jalloh as Seth Rich's killer -- "Bbbbbbuuuutttttt...... it wasn't me who named 'Jalloh'."

Clip -

From the Richie Allen Show, published 1.6.17 -

George Webb Sweigert - Wants to go back to 'old business' of taking organs from adults rather than children. Doesn't want to take down the 'whole network'.

Clip -

From -- Day 219.3, published 30.5.17 --

George Webb Sweigert - "I deleted my first 50 videos MYSELF"

( but I lied to my followers for months saying it was a tech glitch )

Clip -

From -

Phone call with Jason Goodman on 'Hillary's Goons are closing in', published 30.5.17

George Webb Sweigert - "Jan Schakowsky is going to kill me" - Shut it Down

WTAF???!! Who is reading GW stuff, and who is filming here?? Jan Schakowsky is the wife of Robert Creamer, fucking fucked up DMC couple, her a Chicago Rep and him a 1 time a week Obama white house visitor / advisor. Corrrrrrrupt to the core. WTAF?

Clip -

Jan Schakowsky = Mossad?

srayzie ago

Thank you!

GrDec ago

Excellent post.. great research!!!


Would you happen to know which of his videos is the one where he is in the Jewish Long Island cemetary whining about the two executed Jew spies, the Rosenthals?

V____Z ago

salient stuff

The problem is that George's investigation into DWS, Weiner, and Mossad World Wide will not point to an ISI/Awan Bros spy ring, but an Israeli spy ring.

The closer George's investigation approaches Congress, the more the Pakistani Awan Bros are soon going to be framed as the sole guilty entity. Meanwhile, DWS, Weiner and the Mossad octapus will feign ignorance before an obliging MSM. They will get a free pass while America has another reason to bomb more Muslim countries. What will George do? He will disappear as a Mossad agent would. He won't carry the ball of justice across the goal line. He won't press the people to see Debbie prosecuted. He's going to take a knee at the 5 yard line. I hope the school play drama over the weekend is starting to wake up more people.

I believe now that George is an Israeli-sympathizing disinfo agent working to indeed reveal a great deal of truth, but then scheming to use his credibility to steer his followers into a limited hangout away from the real crime scene.

DarkMath ago

"George's investigation into DWS, Weiner, and Mossad World Wide will not point to an ISI/Awan Bros spy ring, but an Israeli spy ring."

Yep, I'm with you. Deep Wasserman Schitz is the person who got the Awan Brothers into Congress. She's a loyal Hillary Clinton lieutenant who did an amazing job with the Awans which insulates her from hacking half of Congress.

"They will get a free pass"

Weiner getting prison isn't really a "free pass". It's less that he should get but he most likely plea bargained to get that reduced sentence. And Deep Wasserman Schitz sure seems like an accessory to murder at this point given the lawyer investigating her was murdered. If you think that will get swept under the rug then I've got some ocean front property in Arizona I'd like to talk to you about.

"He won't carry the ball of justice across the goal line."

I don't know about that. George is 6'8" and the truth train he's a ridin' will be hard to stop. But you raise a good point about carrying the ball of justice across the finish line. Why? Because it sure looks like Andrew McCabe is doing all he can the fumble that football and ensure it never makes it to the end zone. Andrew SlowWalker is very much a sock in the pipe of justice at the moment whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiich makes it look like his allegiances are not to the American people.

And that boys and girls brings me back to this question for V___Z which she refuses to answer:

Is there any evidence of any kind that Andrew McCabe obstructed justice in any way since the beginning of the Universe?


srayzie ago

He has now said that he doesn't want Hillary to go to prison and that she should run because we would all be safer. She shouldn't be cornered. He said the night before last that he sold his house to fund this investigation. This after admitting he's Mossad. How does that makes sense?

DarkMath ago

"He has now said that he doesn't want Hillary to go to prison"

That's all part of the school play.

"She shouldn't be cornered."

That means her turning state's evidence herself against the Deep State. In the big picture Hillary Clinton is a Mafia Capo and not a Don.

srayzie ago

So do you mean let her run so that they can catch bigger fish?

But why turn on Infowars? Why sell his own house to fund this investigation?

DarkMath ago

I have no idea. I think all the players on the field of play are making it up as they go at this point.

Jem777 ago

@DarkMath I am on pins and needles waiting for @V__Z to answer your question'.

DarkMath ago

She won't answer because she's been told never to mention Andrew McCabe's name.

I just do my best to remind here of who's side she's on here. Hopefully she'll wake up one of these days.

Jem777 ago

I made the above statement in jest of course she is a moral midget.

paulf ago

I was thinking about this yesterday: what if the Awan brothers are really Israeli or working for Israel or just patsies? All I know about them comes from the mouth of George Webb which makes it extremely suspect.

Aloha808 ago

George Webb after 223 days and 500+ videos he has produced shit. I think he's some kind of social experiment to see just how much complete bullshit he can spew and still have people believe his shit. Not 1 arrest for having so much fucking evidence.

DarkMath ago

"George Webb after 223 days and 500+ videos he has produced shit"

If what he found was "shit" I'd hate to see the real thing. Here's what George Webb has let the American public in on:

1) the Deep State's main reason to be in Syria is an oil pipeline not terrorism.

2) Jeffrey Epstein runs a Brownstone Operations for Israel on Pedo Island.

3) He's identified the CIA's Brownstone Operations in Haiti, Long Island and in Ohio.

4) He's exposed the Awan Brothers hack of Congress and their drug running activities.

5) He's even spilled the beans on Deep State Organ Harvesting domestically and abroad.

6) He's solved the Seth Rich murder and thereby short circuited Andrew McCabe's plan to frame Trump by planting fake evidence "The Russians!(tm)" did it.

7) He spilled the beans on Mossad World Wide (MWW) which is rather odd given George Webb works for Mossad.

Since all those things happened and are real ya can't say all George Webb produced is "shit". However what you CAN say is it sure as shit looks like George Webb and Mossad are TURNING STATE'S EVIDENCE against their co-conspirators. That's sometimes called "not going down with the ship" or "singing like a canary". It's an attempt at a plea bargain in the court of American public opinion.

Turning state's evidence is an ADMISSION OF GUILT. So I say who cares if Israel wants to understate their role in the Deep State. That's precisely how Plea Bargains are supposed to work.

And thank God Israel plea bargained because who the hell else was going to go after Andrew McCabe and his plan to frame Donald Trump?

You tell me Aloha808. What was YOUR plan to take down Andrew McCabe and his plan to frame Trump.

Take all the time you want to respond. I'll wait.


lynn1314 ago

This info was all available before George showed up.

DarkMath ago

"available before"

Really? I had never heard of the Brownstone Operations in Haiti and Long Island. Or any of the sordid shit George Webb disclosed for that matter.

There were times you could have knocked me over with a feather after reading the sordid and depraved shit GW divulged about what the U.S. Government has been up to all these years.

lynn1314 ago

The Epstein supposed "Mossad" operation that got pictures of everyone in compromising situations was out before Webb. The "pizzagate" stuff unearthed lots of this depravity.

The sordid stuff, yeah, George said the organ harvesting etc., but if you look at Internet reports before that, it was alluded to. A murdered high school student was found wrapped in a mat at school with his organs replaced with newspaper awhile ago, for example. But it was all without context. If anything good comes from all this, George did bring much of this to the mainstream world, whatever his true motivations.

DarkMath ago

"But it was all without context."

Well that's the thing context is everything. George Webb just tied it up and put a nice bow on it. I'm 100% positive no one in the MSM could have done anything near what George Webb did.

The tough part for Israel is still ahead though because them turning state's evidence means they committed a crime as well. So there's more to the story. Time will tell.

GrDec ago

2) Jeffrey Epstein runs a Brownstone Operations for Israel on Pedo Island.

Really?, you mean he builds Brownstones on his own Island for Israel?

what is wrong with that?? LOL

Wow, how did George figure that out? did he see the buildings on google earth? Pics or GTFO.. LOL I think everyone has known for years that Epstein is a convicted Pedo for years.. we didn't need Fat Zionist George to telll us that.. LOL

DarkMath ago

"we didn't need Fat Zionist George to telll us that"

I did. I had no idea that's what Jeffrey Epstein was all about. I had actually thought he'd made his money the old fashioned way and earned it.

You forget how trusting the average American is. We're all gullible as fuck. It's almost obscene how gullible Americans are and I'd openly admit I took everything the government told me hook, line and sinker.

Not anymore. This must be a stage in a country growing up. You reach about 250 years old and all naivete goes out the window. The United States of America has finally grown up. From now on no one will believe anything the government says ever again.


GrDec ago

I am sorry kid, but you are clueless. My advice, stop listening to the fat zionist disinfo agent and start reading and listening to some serious people, doing some real journalism: Some of the journalists writing for some of these websites have been exposing the CIA / Deep State / Israhell for years

This is an example of someone with credible evidence doing an investigation, this is where fatso George stole the Posilico info from:

See ya in a couple of years.

DarkMath ago

"zionist disinfo agent"

I've been over this before. George Webb is Mossad turning state's evidence. That's an admission of guilt. They get to downplay their guilt in exchange for evidence to be used later by the prosecution. They served up Andrew McCabe's head on a platter and thereby will keep Trump from being impeached.

You want Trump to stay in office don't you?

srayzie ago

You've said you like Alex Jones. Did you see that he now discredits Infowars and is calling them fake news ever since he was interviewed by them? That seems fishy.

lynn1314 ago

Plus George was in some sort of texting war with an "infowars producer" this weekend. Whoever it was at infowars was telling George off for saying "absurd" things and screenshotting only parts of their conversation. George then deleted some tweets regarding it.

srayzie ago

Webb was saying something about he himself knowing ahead of time that Steve Pieczenik was gonna try something but since he planned ahead, he caught him. Steve has been on Infowars. He's the one that first admitted there was a soft coup before the election. Whatever that means. It's too much to watch it all. But it may have something to do with that.

NotTooLate ago

Then he deleted everything. You camp on this sub 24 hours a day, 7 days a week saying the same thing over and over and over again. Please continue because everyone needs to see this for what it is.

DarkMath ago

"Then he deleted everything."

Let me know when you're going to finish your comment and I'll respond to it.


GrDec ago

1) the Deep State's main reason to be in Syria is an oil pipeline not terrorism

hahahha, that theory is really old.. and has been discredited. Your fat zionist hero discovered the wheel, LOL

None of his "investigations" have any real documented proof.. they are all made-up BS from the twisted mind of a fat, drunken, zionist software salesman.

It is all hearsay and non-sense.

If you have any real facts, then post them here.. real names, addresses, documents.. otherwise stfu, Mossad boy.

At least the real George Webb had real court documents that proved what he discovered (that the CIA was bringing drugs into the US to finance the war in Nicaragua)

George Fatso Zionist Sweigert has no proof of any of the nonsense he spews, it is all conjecture and made-up bullshit he has stolen from a zillion conspiracy theory websites, like the info he stole from to "solve" the (((Seth Rich))) case.

Yates ago

At least the real George Webb had real court documents that proved what he discovered (that the CIA was bringing drugs into the US to finance the war in Nicaragua)

Well that'll really fuck up anyone googling the real George Webb. Imagine that.

GrDec ago

I am sure he did that on purpose.. as a matter of fact, i think he must have changed his second name to Webb legally..

DarkMath ago

"George Fatso Zionist Sweigert has no proof."

You came to that conclusion in the 5 days you've had an account here?

Dipshit, you're not fooling anyone. You're a paid shill and everyone knows it.

Do you believe in God?

I hope not. God doesn't take kindly to child rapists and people who defend them.


HolyMoly0 ago

I recommend watching Defango's videos on the recent shit storm, if you haven't already.

GrDec ago

He's solved the Seth Rich murder..


You mean the silly Alpha Jalloh story, he copied from

In case you didn't know, that was posted almost a year ago.. and I discredited it here already.

there are at least two differently-aged criminals named Alpha Jalloh, one from NY, the other from Newark NJ. Any of these two could be the ones that got caught in Washington DC.

See for yourselves:

If the younger Alpha Jalloh was the one caught in DC, (not the one involved with the car theft operation), that means the other AJ from NY, the one that is supposedly an FBI informant linked to the DNC, is probably still locked in jail, and has nothing to do with Seth Rich.

Since the age of the Alpha Jalloh that was caught in DC doesn't match the age of the older Alpha Jalloh caught in the car theft ring, it is safe to say, it is the younger Alpha Jalloh from Newark that was caught in DC, so he has nothing to do with NY, the Feds, Hillary or Seth Rich.

I really doubt that a hardened and experienced criminal from NY (the older Alpha Jalloh) is going to start firing a submachine gun LE in Washington DC.. only a dumb gangsta teen from the ghetto would do such a thing (the younger AJ from Newark)

DarkMath ago

"and I discredited it here already."

Yeah I must have missed that given the fact YOUR ACCOUNT IS 5 DAYS OLD.


GrDec ago

and in only 5 days i have made mincemeat out of ALL your weak, lame-ass arguments and the arguments of your fat zionist drunken hero. In a day or two i will have over 100 points.. and soon i will surpass anything you have done here.

DarkMath ago

"i will have over 100 points.. and soon i will surpass anything you have done here."

Knock yourself out cup cake. More power to ya. I actually hope you make.


GrDec ago

6 points to go.. enjoy the downvoting storm coming up, Tel aviv Boy LOL

DarkMath ago

"Tel aviv Boy"

I said I visited Tel Aviv. I don't live there. And I'm not a Jew. I'm a born again Irish-Norwegian guy. I'm probably the most un-Jewish person you could ever meet.

Read through my submissions and then decide. If I'm a Jew then I made all that stuff up and you probably should have me committed to an insane asylum.


GrDec ago

Thank you for helping reach my goal.. more than 100 points in less than 5 days.. My first downvote, goes to you.. You should be proud of youself :) Couldn't have done it without you.

Seriously, lay off the fat george and read some of those websites i suggested.. then in a few months you will know a lot more than that farse George sweigard of whatever is fucking name is.

Peace Out

memegod420 ago

Not 1 arrest? Who do you think he is? He is a random guy with a laptop and a cheap camera phone. Assange showed us black and white evidence that the DNC/HILLARY were breaking laws hand over fist. Where are the arrests there? Is Wikileaks Assad?

PG_IzSuperRetarded ago

He is a random guy with a laptop and a cheap camera phone.

redditsuckz ago

You dusted off your empty 3 month old account to post George Webb spam?

Notice its the Jews that are Larping the pizzagate fucking sick are they?

Sick enough to make snuff film of JFK's assassination..

plitern ago

I continue to remain sceptical about Webb...