(PG related because this ties one of the first PG clues found in wikileaks emails to NK via Q's pic out of airplane window.)
(Re)connecting some dots here.
You all remember pizza.jpg, the attachment to this wikileaks email that basically started the citizen investigation into PG over a year ago? https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/10037 (see the attachment tab for the photo)
Well, it turns out that this email connects to a luxury hotel in NK via a CC. This hotel is in the "white rabbit" region of NK visible in the "pic through airplane window" posted by Q a while back. More details in this older CBTS post: https://voat.co/v/CalmBeforeTheStorm/2250054
This connection was mentioned in this tweet today:
pedogate folks will recall famous '09 Pedosta email with "pizza.jpg" attchmnt of Lee & Ling w/child: 1 recipient was ZSchwartz - former Exec VP of ShangriLa Entertmnt - also producer of Beatty film. Dig into ShangriLa hotels, 2! #QAnon
This CBTS post also alludes to this connection, but does not spell it out as succinctly as the above tweet: https://voat.co/v/CalmBeforeTheStorm/2258801
Could this be a western "brownstone" deep inside NK?
The_1 ago
where is the authentication token for this email?
stop linking to wikileaks https://kek.gg/i/57bfny.jpg
seekingpeace ago
Personally, I think all this NK Korea stuff is a red herring. Anyone who has been to Korea knows that you have minders/guides at all times. It's pretty obvious that you are being monitored in your hotel room and no-one is silly enough to be "brownstoned."
When you are in NK, your whereabouts and what you are doing is well-known. Everything is choreographed/co-ordinated. It's just not possible for Americans to set something like this up. In fact, Americans movements are severely restricted.
lightbringer33 ago
Who says that NK isn’t involved?
idkdu ago
It would certainly depend on who you are. If you're a tourist, then yeah, no way you have access to a hotel like that. But what about powerful, perhaps international, agencies or organizations? What if they created these zones inside NZ to hide their activities from the world? That does not seem too far fetched to me given what we now know.
BerksResident ago
im starting 2 think along these lines to
seekingpeace ago
Ask someone else who's been there and I guarantee they will agree with me. You are monitored at all times if you are foreigner. Anyone can visit that Hotel if they can afford it but you are still monitored at all times - this is what you're not understanding. The only people doing the filming (entrapment if that is happening, which I doubt) is the North Koreans.
Imho, this is a manufactured rabbit hole to distract people, just like so many others - eg the Seth Rich murder. But, believe what you want.
idkdu ago
So how manufactured do you think it is?
Were the wikileaks podesta emails seeded with pizza.jpg, intentionally "leaked" to wikileaks, with a cc to Shangri-La so that at a later date someone named Q could post a picture of an area in NK that happens to have a luxury hotel set up like Shangri-La hotels?
That sounds more crazy than it being true...but one never knows.
seekingpeace ago
Q is the psyop.
idkdu ago
Can you expand on this? Q is a psyop constructed by whom? To counter the wikleaks? Perhaps it's a limited hangout -- expose some stuff, but guard the very important stuff still.
I don't disagree with you.
ESOTERICshade ago
Between Q and our mod letting migratorypatterns slide our front page this is a pisser. Our front page was loaded with pizzagate related posts and our mod let it all slide from the front page.
darkknight111 ago
Not imposible if Jesuits ("black degrees" not "blue degrees") have connections to NK.
ESOTERICshade ago
mobbA1115 ago
"Were the women actually working for Clinton in some way?"
Gore Kinda
Um. Jet/ that sounds right.
idkdu ago
I've read theories/rumors somewhere that the two women were trafficking people in/out of NK and China and that the claim that they were investigating just that is a cover, a la Silsby in Haiti.
idkdu ago
What's the source for that image? (Also, it displays as a color negative for me.) Who's the person (woman?) in the left half-frame?
mobbA1115 ago
Dressage2 ago
Excellent connect the dots!
ESOTERICshade ago
This name is listed in the email and there are several of them. Not sure exactly who this is. He has a gov email addy though. sean.gallagher @ usss.dhs.gov
KIC8462852 ago
speaking of listed in the email: bandr @ comcast.net. curious doug band includes bandr as a to: recipient. band's wife is Lily (R)afii - could that be the r in bandr ? band's connections makes him a full-on octopus in his own right. given band's level of legendary entré, roles in Clinton enterprises, & one-time status of 42's "surrogate son" seems to qualify him as a POI. investment-banker-wife-turned-handbag designer smells like symmetric deep connections. haven't seen much about band.
Vindicator ago
@idkdu: Excellent digging. Giving this a "Potential Lead" flair.
ESOTERICshade ago
This guy. Who is this?
ZSchwartz - former Exec VP of ShangriLa Entertmnt - also producer of Beatty film. Dig into ShangriLa hotels,
Arrvee ago
"zschwartz" is Zack Schwartz, a younger executive at Shangri-La entertainment. He works for Steve Bing. Steve Bing is "the playboy with a seedy side" and was a regular visitor to Hugh Hefner's Playboy mansion. Someone accused Ron Burkle selling prostitutes to Epstein and Bing
The shangrila.us domain belongs to DreamWorks Animation
Schwartz was involved in planning a meeting with Soros.
idkdu ago
this comment on your first link seems important: https://np.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/5axyn9/yesterday_i_broke_a_story_about_the_clintons/d9kb47o/
idkdu ago
Great info, thanks.
So we have new links:
Playboy Mansion -> Hefner -> Pamela Anderson -> Assange -> Wikileaks (https://www.tmz.com/2017/09/28/pam-anderson-hugh-hefner-tribute/))
Hefner -> Shangri-La -> NK -> Wikileaks/Podeasta emails
Perhaps, among other things, the white rabbit is leading us to international honey-pot brownstone ops (PB Mansion, Hyangsan hotel in NK).
Piscina ago
Bing has a bad reputation. He is the father to Liz Hurley's child.
ESOTERICshade ago
So Tl:dr is that Shangri La has a hotel in North Korea near that rabbit shape on the river?
idkdu ago
Well certainly not officially. It's outfitted as a Shangri-La hotel apparently, but not officially listed by them as being one of their hotels. It's definitely being kept under the radar.
ESOTERICshade ago
Tell me how you got from here to a hotel in North Korea?
idkdu ago
read the first or second (longish) comment on this CBTS post: https://voat.co/v/CalmBeforeTheStorm/2250054
it mentions that the Hyangsan hotel is provisioned with Shangria-La furnishings etc. A Shangria-La VP/Exec is cc'd on pizza.jpg (above, in your comment) as noted by today's tweet from squirrelpigeon.
ESOTERICshade ago
I don't understand how you connected the email to the hotel. I ran the email header through analysis and its from Doug Band using a Clinton email server sent to John Podesta.
I see your picture of the rabbit shape on the river and maybe there is a Hotel there that you claim it to be. Ok.
How are you tying this specific email of these two women and a child eating pizza to this hotel?
idkdu ago
see if my reply to your above comment helps. [email protected] is cc'd and is apparently (or was) exec/vp at luxury hotel chain which seems to be how the Hyangsan hotel is provisioned.
derram ago
https://archive.fo/1831C :
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