Narcissism ago

George Webb said he never actually died on the boat - some joke about a dead white whale. Instead he lived his life out in Israel.

Blacksmith21 ago

CIA, Mossad, MI-5, ISI, BND, NATO, DGSE, etc. There are elements within the ICs of almost all Western nations which have been compromised. Generally speaking, the less military in orientation (in Western countries), the less likely to have been thoroughly infiltrated.

Singleservename ago

How do you think Epstein came out of nowhere to manage billions of dollars? Mossad. He entrapped Trump too, though long ago in 1994. Yet he didn't use the info. Clearest sign that Trump is not /ourguy/ and could never be.

Blacksmith21 ago

Be more specific....Epstein came out of nowhere to manage Larry Wexner's money. Epstein had no other known clients other than Wexner.

carmencita ago

Strange isn't it. Just one man. That is why Leslie Wexner sold his huge mansion to Epstein for only $1. Epstein is reported to be bi-sexual and Wexner is probably gay even though he is married. We don't have to work too hard to come to a conclusion.

millennial_vulcan ago

well done Carm :-)

carmencita ago

I met Wexner and let me tell you he is not overtly gay in manner, but if you are observant, you can tell. Also someone on here confirmed it as well. Someone also on here told me that there is allegedly abuse going on right at his house. Look into the home he is building in Ohio. It is modeled after an English Manor and is extremely huge and will be quite secluded and guarded. I think this is for a reason. He also is an Equestrian and will have horses there. Horses, Hunting and a Castle type Manor. What could that mean.

duhiki ago

After Maxwell's death, his daughter Ghislaine, fell into a coma. Who got her out of that coma? Epstein. Makes me wonder if she's MKUltra'd and Epstein had her password.

millennial_vulcan ago


Singleservename ago

Very interesting got a source for that?

Singleservename ago

Confirmed, well done. Such a strange story. Buried in the media yet referenced by the UK elites. I think you're right on the Monarch stuff. Epstein is a keystone. But who is HIS handler?

ESOTERICshade ago



DonKeydich ago

All the agencies cover for Jews nonstop. Because we live in Jewish colony. That's why they occupy most positions of influence and top universities. That's why it's not coincidence that both the Clintons and Trumps kids married Jews. Wake up dude.

SoldierofLight ago
