ESOTERICshade ago

This forum is getting up vote brigaded. The shills have changed tactics.

SoberSecondThought ago

The shills have changed tactics. We agree on that.

ESOTERICshade ago

The shills have changed tactics. We agree on that.

You are on my radar. You cannot defeat me in a debate. See ya around....

SoberSecondThought ago

There's nothing important left to debate, but you will see me around.

ESOTERICshade ago

Tell Ryan we said Hi.

SoberSecondThought ago

Sigh. Despite all the free lessons I've given, you're still not understanding how this works, or what I actually came here to do. Quit running the entry-level social media playbook Brock gave you, and try thinking for a change. Put on your HighLevelInsider hat for a minute. Imagine if you really were a part of a secret society that cured cancer and ran the world, instead of a pathetically dysfunctional gang of thugs facing 4,000 sealed indictments. Consider the term "asymmetric warfare".

You're here 24/7, I show up for a few hours per week. You have a dozen sockpuppets, I just have this account. So what weapon do I have that you can't slide or shill away? I'm not just baiting you to make you miserable. I'm curious to see if you're capable of figuring this out. We're past the point where you can do anything about me or my project, but you could still stop digging the hole deeper.

ESOTERICshade ago

Despite all the free lessons I've given,

I could learn more from Captain Kangaroo.

You have a dozen sockpuppets, I just have this account.

Nice try. Tell Paul Ryan we said hi.

We're past the point where you can do anything about me or my project, but you could still stop digging the hole deeper.

Fuck you.

rivercontrol ago

How come? You don’t think this article deserves it’s upvoats?

ESOTERICshade ago

I replied to this comment once and deleted it because I was on the wrong comment.

No reason to condition the public to bust criminals. Its a silly idea. It is spread wild rumors about indictments we cannot see. The public will not stroke out if they find out their policitians are more corrupt than they thought. This is wild speculation and has no place in this forum.

rivercontrol ago

Uh, there are 4,000 sealed indictments right now and anybody can see them up on the government-run PACER website.

ESOTERICshade ago

Uh, there are 4,000 sealed indictments right now and anybody can see them up on the government-run PACER website. don't know what they say. Podesta got in trouble for not filling out his lobbying paperwork correctly. All his people are opening up shop under a new name. He will still be the driving force behind it whether he is on paper as the owner or not. So far his troubles with the law have nothing to do with his pedophilia affiliations. Until he gets cuffed for pedophilia you should not give people the impression that he has been taken down because it will cause people to cheer while he restructures secretly and continues business as normal. You have absolutely no idea what is really going on behind the scenes and neither do I. For all you know these arrests could be a money laundering charge, drug charges, it could be anything. This is a fucking pedophilia forum not a place for you cheerleading about squabbles between a fake two party system. You are diluting the subject. There are other forums to root for your favorite political party.

ESOTERICshade ago

How come? You don’t think this article deserves it’s upvoats?

No. The least that could have been done is translate it and attmpt to tie it to a pedophilia network. Its a blurb in a foreign language that has "trafficking" in it and nothing else.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Americans don't riot. Those are always organized events.

Justice4thekids ago

That put a little smile on my face, thank you. Reading about them scurrying around, trying to cover their tracks is way better than anything else, an early little Christmas present.

Blacksmith21 ago

The comments are the most telling. Lots of cognitive dissonance exploding from libs' ears.

LionElTrump ago

Kellyanne Whiptash1 minute ago (Edited) All of y'all self-identifying as loyal Republicans should step back, clear your minds for a moment, and consider this in the hard edged light of objective truth:

You elected Donald Trump as President of the United States.

Trying to make the thought process that led to that decision seem rational or normal only serves to reinforce your detachment from a sane and sober view of life.

It's basically like saying, "I'm not worth the air I breathe, I'm proud of it, there's nothing anyone can do to help me, and I wouldn't accept the help if it was offered. Nanny nanny boo boo."

talk about opiod crisis "Nanny nanny boo boo." Article scares them

hail mary Idiot Republican voters who are seeking to quash the Mueller probe so that they can protect their corrupt boy Trump. I wish they would learn to read and think and realize that MUELLER will be the one who "drains the swamp" -- that task that was supposed to be so important to them, you know, that they would vote for Trump, thereby sacrificing American sovereignty and turning our democracy over to the control of the Russians. Instead they follow their racist instincts and jump to Trump's defense. They can't think, they can't read and they make no sense. Drain the swamp and shut down Fox News and Sinclair Broadcasting and vote all Republicans out of office! That's the REAL way to drain the swamp.

bopper ago

I've had same thoughts about partial use of MSN for red-pilling. Weird development. Thanks.

rivercontrol ago

Archived version of the article for reading:

chabon ago

Thank you!!

rivercontrol ago

*Related to PizzaGate because of Tony Podesta and the possibility of getting the public at large okay and ready for indictments against the Podesta brothers and more information to start spilling out.

ESOTERICshade ago

*Related to PizzaGate because of Tony Podesta and the possibility of getting the public at large okay

It is not necessary to "condition the public" to bust criminals. None.

Conditioning the public is a trick the Luciferians use to sneak things into our lives unseen. There is no reason to "sneak criminal out" of our society so that people are ok with it.

I keep seeing this theory trotted around and its a reverse of reality. The american public will not go into brain seizures from finding out that their corrupt politicians were worse than they thought.

Taking out a hive of dangerous satanic pedophiles does not run on the time clock of protecting the fee fees of the public.

Narcissism ago

There is also the question of economic stability to consider and Hillary cult followers whining about politically motivated charges... she has already told them that Uranium One has been debunked - its all they need to known. Conditioning and causing them to disassociate/ switch off is very important. Keep the expose's comming....

PedoStomper ago

If anything hearing the news that their leaders are Satanic pedophiles might actually cause a mass awakening where millions of people say "Oh my god, all of those conspiracy guys I made fun of were right," and then they might actually start working to become more informed on these topics. But there will always be people who will deny the truth no matter how much it is slapping them in the face with it's dick.

derram ago | :

Mueller might be the one who’s ‘draining the swamp’ - The Washington Post

'His lobbying firm, the Podesta Group, a Washington icon of power and political influence, notified its employees recently that the enterprise is shutting its doors. '

'Mueller’s team alleged that the men hired the Podesta Group and Mercury to lobby for the Ukrainians in the United States. '

'He has tremendous affection, respect and admiration for her and hopes that she and her team of former Podesta Group colleagues will build a firm that is even more successful than the Podesta Group,” Podesta spokeswoman Molly Levinson said. '

'She announced that she was off to start her own firm, Cogent Strategies, which includes many former Podesta Group employees. '

'President Trump famously promised that, if elected president, he would “drain the swamp” — upending the culture in Washington that favors the well-connected. '

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