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millennial_vulcan ago

HANNITY said it would begin today!

NEW YORK POST, Page Six (gossip section) Journalists Richard Johnson and Jared Paul Stern were paid over $100,000 by Burkle as protection against stories.

"A New York Post Page Six writer solicited $220,000 from a high-profile billionaire in return for a year's "protection" against inaccurate and unflattering items about him in the gossip page, the Daily News has learned. In two 90-minute meetings, characterized by a shocking breach of ethics, Jared Paul Stern, a fixture on the city's gossip scene who also edited Page Six The Magazine, asked for a series of payments from Ron Burkle, the managing partner of Yucaipa Cos., a conglomerate with interests in supermarkets, celebrity clothing lines, and media. It was all a setup, a sting monitored by law enforcement.."

Cincosiber ago

CNN today "How traffickers exploit children in Haiti's orphanages" building cover for them!

TrishaUK ago

Preparing to link the Clintons? Laura Silsby? - People should be connecting the dots, how is it possible for this rate of poverty years after over $10billion was raised for Haiti ?? Some reporter should go to Haiti and film everything the Clinton Foundation built/provided. THAT WOULD PROVE NOTHING WAS DONE.

millennial_vulcan ago

Do folk in the UK know all this? Haiti, Clint Foundation, etc?

TrishaUK ago

I don't know really, I won't watch the news it is just the same as CNN. I think there are quite a few that get their news from the internet, but theyounger ones like 20s 30s (my sons age) still seem to trust Snopes etc.