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millennial_vulcan ago

HANNITY said it would begin today!

NEW YORK POST, Page Six (gossip section) Journalists Richard Johnson and Jared Paul Stern were paid over $100,000 by Burkle as protection against stories.

"A New York Post Page Six writer solicited $220,000 from a high-profile billionaire in return for a year's "protection" against inaccurate and unflattering items about him in the gossip page, the Daily News has learned. In two 90-minute meetings, characterized by a shocking breach of ethics, Jared Paul Stern, a fixture on the city's gossip scene who also edited Page Six The Magazine, asked for a series of payments from Ron Burkle, the managing partner of Yucaipa Cos., a conglomerate with interests in supermarkets, celebrity clothing lines, and media. It was all a setup, a sting monitored by law enforcement.."

Cincosiber ago

CNN today "How traffickers exploit children in Haiti's orphanages" building cover for them!

TrishaUK ago

Preparing to link the Clintons? Laura Silsby? - People should be connecting the dots, how is it possible for this rate of poverty years after over $10billion was raised for Haiti ?? Some reporter should go to Haiti and film everything the Clinton Foundation built/provided. THAT WOULD PROVE NOTHING WAS DONE.

millennial_vulcan ago

Do folk in the UK know all this? Haiti, Clint Foundation, etc?

TrishaUK ago

I don't know really, I won't watch the news it is just the same as CNN. I think there are quite a few that get their news from the internet, but theyounger ones like 20s 30s (my sons age) still seem to trust Snopes etc.

DeathTwoMasons ago

Is that what Hannity said MF? Tell the forum what you think about 9/11. Tell the forum what you think about PG. Go ahead Falcon, tell them. Then drink poison.

AngryMimi ago

Don't really want to argue with you but could you please explain why you brought up MF, 9/11 & PG?

millennial_vulcan ago

I'm a bit confused about that myself :(

ESOTERICshade ago

When Fox News reports a pedophile bust then maybe I will start trusting them. They are run by the C.I.A. too just like CNN.

Lets not pour our brains out in the street. Thanx Q.

DeathTwoMasons ago

When Fox nes reports a pedo[hile bust they arestill directed by the CIA. Shame on you.

ESOTERICshade ago

When Fox news reports a pedohile bust they are still directed by the CIA. Shame on you.

Not what I mean. If they starting reporting pedophile information I would suspect that C.I.A. influence has been lessened in the media. But i'm so damn cynical I still would not believe I understood until some time had passed because it could always be just another turf war among gangsters.

carmencita ago

Yes, All the Tick Tock is the Alarm Clock telling People, Wake Up! Yes, All Stations are run by the CIA. Get over it and Face It. I will Bow Down in front of any of them. Swallow All the Red Pills. @millennial_vulcan

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Swallow that the CIA is Jesuit...which is crypto portugese jew.....

ESOTERICshade ago

Swallow that the CIA is Jesuit...which is crypto portugese jew.....

That is a tidbit I did not realize. Portugese huh. Makes sense. It is in the same geographic region as the Basque Country. And that whole region is slap full of pedophiles. The Isle Of Man and Jersey are off the coast of the Basque Country.

carmencita ago

There is always a way with you guys isn't there. I know quite well the Jesuits are infiltrated with the CIA and visa versa. They are all one now. There are cryptos in every religion. Def. of Crypto: a person having a secret allegiance to a political creed, especially communism. It says a Person not a Jewish Person.

millennial_vulcan ago

haha Carm. Its going to take a bit more time, but folk are finally swallowing those pills!

carmencita ago

Gulp Gulp Wash Them Down! I hope so. It will be my fondest wish to ask for this Christmas. Last Christmas it was for the Children, and this year I will add the Red Pilling of the World.

millennial_vulcan ago

Most folk are not as red pilled as you and this is a good start, remember that.

TrueAmerican ago

Thats what the establishment wants you to believe.

millennial_vulcan ago

go ahead then, brainiac. What are we supposed to be believing?