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ESOTERICshade ago

Hollywood script. We have already seen Bill Clinton take one for the team all the way to putting a cigar in Monica Lewinsky's vagina. Please remember that ALL the evidence ever needed to bust Bill Clinton today is sitting in the NSA database. This is a nothing burger. Hillary has no plans to run for President and even the Democrats are through with her. Congratulations Q, pizzagate is even running your mainstream news script now.

Our succes was telling their narrative to fuck off and we did our own thing. We created OUR own narrative. Have we forgotten?

"'Hillary wants to remain in the public eye as a leader of the resistance to Donald Trump and play a major role in politics for years to come, including maybe even running for president again in 2020,' the source continued. 'She's afraid this latest scandal could destroy the Clinton legacy and torpedo her plans."

millennial_vulcan ago

most folk are not as "red pilled" as you, remember?

ESOTERICshade ago

most folk are not as "red pilled" as you, remember?

Sorry i'm not trying to be condescending I have just seen all this before, and before, and before, and before...I'm trying to add some balance to this runaway train.

ElementalPee ago

You're probably right, but a more hopeful interpretation might be that for this particular case, they see the writing on the wall for these individuals and they know their own credibility will be destroyed if they don't cover it. So they try to get a little bit ahead of it and do whatever they can to steer the narrative of it to be in favor of the larger establishment to whatever degree they are able.