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ESOTERICshade ago

Hollywood script. We have already seen Bill Clinton take one for the team all the way to putting a cigar in Monica Lewinsky's vagina. Please remember that ALL the evidence ever needed to bust Bill Clinton today is sitting in the NSA database. This is a nothing burger. Hillary has no plans to run for President and even the Democrats are through with her. Congratulations Q, pizzagate is even running your mainstream news script now.

Our succes was telling their narrative to fuck off and we did our own thing. We created OUR own narrative. Have we forgotten?

"'Hillary wants to remain in the public eye as a leader of the resistance to Donald Trump and play a major role in politics for years to come, including maybe even running for president again in 2020,' the source continued. 'She's afraid this latest scandal could destroy the Clinton legacy and torpedo her plans."

millennial_vulcan ago

most folk are not as "red pilled" as you, remember?

ESOTERICshade ago

most folk are not as "red pilled" as you, remember?

Sorry i'm not trying to be condescending I have just seen all this before, and before, and before, and before...I'm trying to add some balance to this runaway train.

Vindicator ago

Just looking at what's happening from a zoomed out perspective, I can say that distraction or not, Q has breathed new life into the pizzagate investigation, both here and on Twitter. I don't really frequent any place else, but it has changed people's perspective. I get the sense that people are now looking to see what's getting done, rather than seeing everyone as an enemy trying to subvert the process. Both are necessary, but the pendulum had swung so far toward the black-pill zone that we weren't making any progress either investigating or organizing meme warfare. That has completely turned around since Weinstein and the Q leaks.

ESOTERICshade ago

I hope so. I have mixed feelings about it. Such as some in the pizzagate sub now believe every breath of Saudia Arabia, which will never end, is a sure sign that Trump is knocking out the NWO. Trump and Kushner just went to Saudia Arabia, did a huge weapons deal with the Saudis (NWO business) and shortly after the heir to the throne of Saud got shoved out in a power grab. The Trump/Kushner weapons deal is all related to this.

Those weapons are going to finish off the middle east. We paid for that with our tax dollars. They will kill and starve millions more children and helpless people with our efforts.

Your instincts were right the other day Vindicator. They have co-opted our efforts to fight their enemies.

The new future King is now several hundered billion dollars richer. Our government set up Saudia Arabia to finish off the middle east kilings. That is what we are now fighting for. Instead of spearing pedophilia in the eye specifically our message is lost in a blizzard of global politics and "Al Franken pretended to touch a woman's boobs in a skit he filmed and the ethics committee thinks its terrible."

When we were specific to the pedophilia subject we were deadly because our message cut to the bone, it was unique, and very specific. It got washed in the sea of global politics. I realize the newer people are having a blast chasing down clues and learning about the Ancient Mysteries, its fun. It washed our message though.

It has become party politics. Trump against the Democrats. Neither side is doing anything they do for us little bastards. They are making bug bucks on weapons, cutting business deals with China, Japan, Phillipines, Russia, etc...its about that oil baby.

People are having fun. I get it. Maybe I go back to being a one man show like the old day. Looks like it may have to be that way.

3141592653 ago

It IS all about the oil. Regardless of the devastation it's causing

Vindicator ago

I don't think it has to be that way, Esoteric. I actually think there is room for many angles to be worked. I think each person is called to a particular piece of this fight. Some people are scouts, some are snipers, some are cartographers, some are chaplains, some are cooks. It takes all of them working together to win a war. Keep doing your thing and sharing it -- the Q leaks are bringing many fresh eyes to pizzagate, right to you. It's an opportunity!

ESOTERICshade ago

If we chase lost submarines and cheer on the redesign of the Saudi Regime to finish off the middle east we are fighting for the NWO and not against pedophilia.

We have been lured into fighting against the Democratic Party in a ONE party system. This is one part pretending to be two. The might not like each other as much as they did when Talcum-X was the Pres but their interests are still financially tied together and they are inextricably woven into secrecy with one another through pedo blackmail and financial fraud blackmail. They will protect each other except for some skirmes at the poker table.

Our message has become the NWO message when we spend our days helping them build a better NWO by fighting their enemies. Its just my take.

There is a consiracy forum for trying to figure out the answers to Q's questions.

millennial_vulcan ago

yeah but many haven't so try not to go flying off the handle and remember it is "BEGINNING"

ElementalPee ago

You're probably right, but a more hopeful interpretation might be that for this particular case, they see the writing on the wall for these individuals and they know their own credibility will be destroyed if they don't cover it. So they try to get a little bit ahead of it and do whatever they can to steer the narrative of it to be in favor of the larger establishment to whatever degree they are able.