angelafogo ago

I was the original creator of that post. Glad to see someone reposted it, they deleted several times. As stated several times, this has been going on since Ancient Egypt times and i can elaborate a lot over that.

ESOTERICshade ago

Its been going on a lot longer than Egypt. Also, as recently as the 16 and 1700's when people went to public hangings (((some people))) would go to the hanging with cups or bowls. As soon as the hangman cut the body down they would pay the hangman to cut the body and drain the blood so they could drink it. This is not fantasy. Look it up. The info is out there.

angelafogo ago

I know. Read the story.

okeveryoneisevil ago

Direct tooth transplants from the recently hung were also a thing.

BlueEyedDevil64 ago

The battle between good and evil has been raging forever. People have been writing about it for centuries but it seems every generation discovers the open secret too late to do something about it. Never ending circle of events.

angelafogo ago

i believe that every generation discovers the secret just in time and does something about it. That is why we are still here discussing it. This happened in Ancient Egypt first.

Lafall ago

amazing people the Chinese, they knew of shapeshifters and vampires for a long time

oftotc ago

marxists-dot-org? Really? Archive that shit!

angelafogo ago

Its the most important short story in modern chinese literature. It is impossible to deleted it from the web. They are saying it is a social critic but i insist that even the title of the short story speaks about what has been hidden from us while (((they))) label those who want to speak out as "madmen"

oftotc ago

No problem. I reported the post as SPAM. Should get whacked in a bit. The reason we archive links is to avoid sending commercial-value traffic to sites like marxists-dot-org that they can generate revenue from. You want to support marxists-dot-org???

angelafogo ago

yeah i think you are either missing the importance or deliberately pointing towards somewhere else. I doubt 10$ in their pockets will change anything at all. You should provide a better link to read the texts if you are really proactive instead of destructive.