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Jem777 ago

Is this what you mean by the Holocaust should have happened?

Collection of starved dead bodies of mostly young children at Concentration camp when allied command arrived

Photographs of three seperate concentration camps during and after allied forces arrived.

equineluvr ago

Supply lines were OUT so no food could get into those LABOR camps. You can thank the Allies for that!

I thought you were some kind of "historian!?" LMFAO!! More like JEWISH PROPAGANDA REGURGIGATOR.. Yeah -- VOMIT describes your bullshit PERFECTLY, Jew777!

srayzie ago

Why does donkeyhote keep coming to rescue you? If he's not you, then you need to grow up and be a man. You keep having HIM write to me. You act afraid of me because I expose you. Put your big boy pants on and stop sending that goat fucker my way.

DonKeyhote ago

LMAO you still haven't looked up "confirmation bias"? You are literally a hopeless case, SAD!

srayzie ago

I'd love to throw sand in your eyes, sand nigger.