independenceday ago

Has anyone made the connection to this arrest and the recently discovered coordinates that were released in NJ, allegedly holding kids...PERFECT PIZZA connected to this network...I have a feeling this dude was NOT acting alone! He's been composing music for 20 years and PP has been open for 20 years, with their sketchy ass website, in business together perhaps?

darkknight111 ago

Seems he was doing something for the Meghan Rose Bradley Foundation, a group dedicated to Pediatric Brain Cancer.

Found the pedo's twitter feed.

Is this bradley's twitter?

SecondAmendment ago

POSSIBLE CLINTON CAMPAIGN CONNECTION - I'm a little late to the party but I'll add some info, for what it's worth. whenever one of these sick fucks gets busted I pop the name into The Podesta Emails database at Wikileaks. The name "KOMAR" reveals the following results:

Of those "Komar" results it's clear that one of the employees of the Sick Hillary for President campaign was a guy named Bradley Komar. Bradley Komar worked on Sick Hillary's Colorado campaign but it's clear, from his bio on LinkedIn, that he lived out in New Jersey years ago. https://www.linkedin .com/in/bradley-komar-796ab012/ [PUT A BACKSPACE IN BEFORE THE ".COM" SO THE LINK WORKS]

Funny enough, New Jersey is also where this sick pedo musician, Eric Komar is from.

Bradley Komar's FACEBOOK page says he's from Clinton, New Jersey: https://www.facebook .com/profile.php?id=5320366 [PUT A BACKSPACE IN BEFORE THE ".COM" SO THE LINK WORKS]

I'm no good at saving things or archiving or anything. Just digging. But if anyone has time and has the ability to archive and dig, perhaps we'll find a definitive connection between Bradley Komar (of the Sick Hillary campaign) and this sick, psychotic, pedophile from New Jersey named Eric Komar.

Tagging some people who might be interested: @carmencita @Vindicator @DarkKnight111 @Blacksmith21 ... um, um, wracking my brain here . . . @syrazie, @Commoner, @Jem777, @LA_Trump others?

Aynswer2 ago


srayzie ago

Yeah, maybe you should have suffered along with them.

carmencita ago

I once read something a CP hoarder said. He said the reason he collects these pictures is that the pictures keep him from "acting out" without them he may commit what the pictures show. What a kind and caring person. NOT. He is brain washing himself into believing he will never commit child rape or other horrific acts. He is just putting it off. We know what the next step is.

srayzie ago

What a lie. That would keep him lusting and craving it constantly.

carmencita ago

Yes, and by the time they act out they have whipped themselves into a possible frenzy. The poor victim.

3141592653 ago

Yup, and we all know that looking at CP makes them more likely to do it in real life, not less likely

carmencita ago

The CP is only a constant reminder to them of what they are missing. It is what we call in our world, foreplay. Only the beginning of what lies ahead if they graduate. Which of course they keep saying they never will.

3141592653 ago

yup. research proves looking at it makes them far more likely to offend in real life. although of course looking at it already is a huge offense and causes more and more kids to get raped and traumatized for life.

carmencita ago

The constant recidivism in and out of jail and the wrist slapping is what causes all the rape and abuse. A second abuse of CP should be Life Sentence. Anything extremely heinous, the same and the rape of a child should be the death penalty.

3141592653 ago

yes, these sentences are too light. it's infuriating. I just read a horrible, horrible article today about a man charged with CP... it was so horrible I didn't even post it to PG Whatever. and it infuriated me that he only got 15 years.

carmencita ago

We must push our Legislators to Fight for Stronger Sentencing for Child Abuse Arrests. No Bail Whatsoever if they are Charged. They need to be based on how heinous the crime is as well. We need to have a conversation about the Death Penalty as well for Child Rape.

Jem777 ago

Is this what you mean by the Holocaust should have happened?

Collection of starved dead bodies of mostly young children at Concentration camp when allied command arrived

Photographs of three seperate concentration camps during and after allied forces arrived.

srayzie ago

Add him to the list of sick fucks around here.

equineluvr ago

Supply lines were OUT so no food could get into those LABOR camps. You can thank the Allies for that!

I thought you were some kind of "historian!?" LMFAO!! More like JEWISH PROPAGANDA REGURGIGATOR.. Yeah -- VOMIT describes your bullshit PERFECTLY, Jew777!

srayzie ago

You're so smart that you are almost always downvoted 🤣 🐐

srayzie ago

Why does donkeyhote keep coming to rescue you? If he's not you, then you need to grow up and be a man. You keep having HIM write to me. You act afraid of me because I expose you. Put your big boy pants on and stop sending that goat fucker my way.

DonKeyhote ago

LMAO you still haven't looked up "confirmation bias"? You are literally a hopeless case, SAD!

srayzie ago

I'd love to throw sand in your eyes, sand nigger.

srayzie ago

You think you are the expert of everything don't you? You're mentally ill.

Jem777 ago

@equineluvr & your alter ego @DonKeyhote

You fucking brilliant scholars.....Were you there? No

I have eyewitness who was not Jewish but was German royalty who stood on the stage with Hitler in his 1938 German Youth speech in Berlin...Her father was a top commandant of Hitler and SS used their theaters to indoctrinate children and soldiers. She helped and watched her former Jewish classmates get taken away and would drive with her father to the outside of the fence line where she personally witnessed intentional starvation and killings for sport. She sat and ate lunch as a child with prisoners pushing their hands through the fence begging for bread.

Her father and the other NaZI generals laughed and mocked them by eating expensive food in eyesight of the starving citizens including children.

She watched several get shot in cold blood for asking for food. She was alive and well fed until the Americans bombed the shit out of her fathers businesses....

She was a teenager when the US troops marched into Munich. They saved her life because she was a child. They did not rape her like the German soldiers and the NAZI generals had. They did not perform Luceferian rituals like Hitler, the SS and her father had inside the theater since it was being used as a home base....

They saved her and took her with them to the camps to free the people because she needed protection. She witnessed the horror of what her family (Nazi's)had done.

She escaped through Switzerland eventually and was one of Carl Jung's associates.

She never spoke of the horrors until 2010 when at age 80 as a US citizen she cried as she told me the blood on her hands from what happened in Germany to the Jewish people and other prisoners was unbearable.

She gave me pictures and a manuscript of the truth. She asked if she could ever be forgiven. I said she was and she cried for the first time in over 60 years....

She died on my birthday in 2010 and asked that if I ever tell her story I would explain what really happened.

I am now.....

@jangles @Dressage2 @carmecita @TheHolyGrail @Scrayzie

carmencita ago

What a moving story. I am of German ancestry and have heard many horror stories from my parents and relatives. They had to escape with their lives into Austria. Horrid horrid tales. Many are 90 years old and have to relive this every time they tell it. So sad. Thank you for sharing.

DanKeyhote ago

Sounds likke the book/film about the lil girl who threw an apple over the fence to a jewish boy, then thwy reunite and wed decades later

Then they had to admit it was total bullshit. Except the guy didnt admit it, he said "it was real in my head" ZERO SHAME

Jem777 ago

It is not a fairytale book she is dead andcwas older than my grandmother...figuratively spitting on her grave makes you the low life scum of the world that you are.

DanKeyhote ago



srayzie ago

It's srayzie. Not scrayzie lol

srayzie ago

🙁 That's horrible. You must have been close to her. I'm so glad she was saved. "They" are going to be mean and disrespect her. They are sick.

Donkey just told me that he wants to break me. He wants to make me cry. I think in his warped mind, he thinks he has that kind of control. He's used to women being broken because of where he's from.

darkknight111 ago

He is a narcacist. Everything they do is about stroking their immense ego and fragile sense of self worth. Abuse hurled at others is their favorite form of stroking their ego and gaining attention. Attention is like a drug to them.

Any time a narcacist insults you its because they're projecting the truth about themselves. Claims about themselves and their greatness mean that the truth is the exact opposite.

Him just now calling me sub human means that HE is the sub human trash in reality.

Claims that he's a genius means he's actually an idiot. Saying you suck at PG, critical thinking, and being a man means that it is HIM that sucks at PG, critical thinking, and being a man.

The best way to deal with people like him is to IGNORE them. Deprive them of the attention they seek and just hit that down arrow.

Pinging to spread awareness on how to deal with pukes like him. @carmencita @Jem777 @SecondAmendment @jangles @ESOTERICshade

carmencita ago

I never usually answer them. They are usually wrong and full of themselves.

DonKeyhote ago

Do you not see the incoherence in scolding someone for anti-Semitism then posting pic that mocks jews? No? Because you're one of the stupidest cunts I have ever had the misfortune to speak to?

srayzie ago

How come you always run to the rescue?! If he's not you, then you must be his little bitch.

DonKeyhote ago

He doesn't give of a shit if you realize howo incoherent you are with the anti Muslim/Jew mens.

I do. I want to break you. I want you to cry from the realization that you are functionally retarded and a hindrance to any progress anywhere.

I will have you campaigning to end womens suffrage.

Even after you realize it's not a campaign to end womens "suffering"

srayzie ago

You are not my Muslim handler. This chick doesn't cover her head with a burqa. Man doesn't rule over me. A man will not break me. You must be used to that because that's what your people do. They are sick and abusive and like to break women. You would NEVER have control over me bitch.

DonKeyhote ago

No, Muslim women are intelligent because it's their duty to be cultivated, a sophisticated host with a nice house, and with respectful children.

Meanwhile your rights have given you worthless part time jobs, a messy apartment, and as for kids, you slaughter them in the womb on a massive scale. There's an ACTUAL HOLOCAUST, but not in Muslim countries.

You have nothing to fear: a Muslim man wouldn't touch you. They marry VIRGINS because their women know their pussy has value. I mean sure they'd fuck you but that's because youre the only ones who give it up for free.

Jewish organizations lead the Muslim invasion of Europe, but you defend just to somehow spite me -- more incoherence. LOL

srayzie ago

You are not even describing me when you describe "American women." I don't have a worthless part time job, don't even live in an apartment, would NEVER have an abortion, and I am respectful to my husband. I lost my virginity to the man I married!

You keep trying to make me sound trashy but it never works. I do not defend Jews. I'm informed. But they are not my 100% focus. As for you, I despise you and hate terrorists. You need to go fuck that blow up doll I sent you that blows itself up. Let it blow your teeny little dick off.

DonKeyhote ago


srayzie ago

Only in your dreams since your so obsessed with me.

srayzie ago

Oh HE told you that? 🙄 What a pussy.

YOU want to break me? 😂 Do you honestly, in your warped little brain, think that you affect me? The only way you affect me emotionally is making me laugh because you are a total nut job. YOU could never make me cry stupid ass LMAO. Now that was funny. I'm not here to end women's sufferage. Don't you think that if you affected me in a negative way, that I would avoid you? Damn your stupid.

Jem777 ago

:) Little man's syndrome..Classic. He wants to break you and make you cry. He is understandably sucking his thumb right now...

When tiny men attack women it means "Mommy Issues"

What is wrong @DonKeyhote did your mommy not love you enough so you project it elsewhere?

srayzie ago

When he got jealous over my comment about George Webb being an alpha male, I KNEW he had to be a scrawny little man with a little dick. He went on a rant all night long trying to challenge me. That was the night we met lol. No wonder he hates me. He always says how big it is just out of the blue here. That also shows he's got a little one because he has to always try to convince us. He's got major self esteem issues. There's more than one reason he's so bitter towards women. Could it be REJECTION? 😂

DanKeyhote ago

I just told you why white women are awful. Gave you a ton of reasons and all you said is "not me!" Dumb bitch.

Once webb admitted to being a KIKESHILL actor, you WITH NO SELF-AWARENESS admitted "his good looks fooled the women."

Youre not supposed to admit to being naive and gullible, cunt!

Talk all you want about my dick or musculature: it wont make you less of a cartoon character, LMAO

srayzie ago

By me saying not me means, not everyone! There are trashy people of all races! You are trash.

DanKeyhote ago


Women swallow every Jewish lie in the book, and we know from POLLS and VOTING DATA.

You are therefore disqualified from serious discussion. This comment itself disquAlifies you frankly.

srayzie ago

Go fuck yourself Donkey

DanKeyhote ago




srayzie ago

I didn't break down retard. I was distracted and didn't feel like dealing with your ass at the moment

srayzie ago

Why would you use military time freak?

DonKeyhote ago

Every culture can avoid premarital sex however they want, long as they do it over there. Check the Vice documentary where the Colombian youth fuck donkeys to "practice" -- Hispanics also have comparatively lax views of pedophilia and usually cover it up from the authorities. Not that you would know anything about the subject, since you're fucking ignorant and see no value in comparing ethnic groups.

srayzie ago

No, I've never seen that documentary

srayzie ago

Did you forget what state I'm in? I live where there are a lot of hispanics. You have the trashy kind that will look at you like a piece of meat when you walk by, and you have the really decent ones. What you said is not true.

Muslims have always been the biggest perverts. If I walk into a store here and a Muslim works there, then I better be ready for them to be perverts. That's how it's always been. To be fair, I'm sure there are good Muslims too.

Jem777 ago

Dan, Don,why do you change your name so literally every other post?

Why is your need to PM others and tell them how big your dick is? Privately you try and convince others who they should and should not listen to...who is a shill and who is not. On the board you talk about white genocide and how you fucked my mother, everyone is a slut, whore, bitch, etc. Your claim to fame is "a book I was about to write" you are a white girl hater, Jew hater, and a Muslim lover...

You deny the Holocaust and you don't have a fucking clue. You have private conversations with your boyfriend that you don't think anyone knows about...yes you have been found in chat rooms and that shit is saved...

No grief bro love & fuck who you want, guys, goats whoever but pretending on an open forum to be something else than the little man who PM others about what's in your pants does not fool anyone....we saved your messages

Just sayin....

P.S. Capitalizing words does not make the computer screaming just makes you look like a fourth grader...

srayzie ago

👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Well said!

DanKeyhote ago

Lol wait you've been going to gay chatrooms searching my scree name? LMAO guess what, I HAVENT wasted such time trying to ",out shills" like you larpers. I do actual research with my time, but if it entertains you have at it. Please post any and all dirt on and me not pseudonym equine, at least disinfo about me is less damaging than all your kikeshill revisionist b.s.

Jem777 ago

No one searched gay chat rooms you one cares literally no one. I asked you yesterday to focus on exposing Jewish pedophiles and I would focus on exposing any refused because that is not why you are want to hate for hates sake...

Just thought I would bait you....flyfishing


DanKeyhote ago

Its not just about pedophilia you fucking kikeshill.


"You want to hate for hates sake"

Yeah we all know people like that. Fucking Nazis just pissed they lost the war and made fucking lampshades and soap THERE WERE SIX MILLION OF THEM NEVER EVER FORGET

srayzie ago

You research? The only conclusion you ever come up with is that it's because of the Jews. Wow wonderful work donkey!

DanKeyhote ago

Do you even extrapolate bro?

It is 100% your (womens) fault PG even still exists, as we would have kicked them out long ago like even founders like Master Mason Ben Franklin advised.

Wondeful work, cunts!

srayzie ago

Thanks for your valuable input BRO

ArtificalDuality ago

Good, more tangibles of the two-faced zio-satanic cabal pedophile-death-cult philosophy. The more the better, as this is excellent red-pill material on what drive is behind all these crimes.

Caring405 ago

It must be from inbreeding... what else could explain the behavior? Lying, pedophilia, violence..

JesusRules ago

Looks like Jared, inbred's..

Cheesebooger ago

Pedophilia is normal in the jewish communities. The Talmud says so.

srayzie ago

I'm not the sort of person you should put on speaker phone either lol

Jem777 ago

The Talmud is not Jewish it is was written by the khazars hiding as Jews after being forced by the leaders of the world to conver to something because they wee committing child sacrifice and performing black magic rituals. They chose Judaism then wrote their own book to combine the Torah with their majick and pedo-Satanic rituals.

Here are real pictures of Jewish people & prisoners who did not practice talmudaism.

Collection of bodies mostly children at Auschwitz when the Allied forces go there.

Man carrying dead infant in Warsaw


srayzie ago

That's interesting

ArtificalDuality ago

Little correction:

The Jews that turned their backs to God after they left Egypt and went on to build the city of Babylon are those that created the Talmud, albeit in oral form. Babylon represents all that God forbid, as its sins were described as the Harlot of Babylon, the Mother of all Abominations. (Lucifer). Babylon existed well before the Khazar were forced to assume a religion in which they indeed sprinkled their own occult evil doings. But the Talmud in oral form already existed and was as heretic as it was already.

Jem777 ago

Thanks for that feedback.... I agree whole heartily..I have explained the fact the Talmud was in oral form. It was simply Luceferian rituals practiced as a religion through Oral teachings. They went on to create Babylon as you say. Babylon practices were all that God forbid. The written Talmud was codified later once the khazars were forced to choose a religion.

The khazars were not Jewish at all but converted under pressure.

Do you know the story of the Mystic who allegedly went into a cave and said he was given the teachings of the Talmud? Just wondering you know history well and I am trying to find a good resource for that story?

ArtificalDuality ago

No I don't know of that particular story.