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Jem777 ago

Historical account....

Read through the book. Their own writing and book explains all Secret societies under them are dedicated to Islam and must be converts.

This explains a lot about the past 30-40 years since Bush Sr. Jr., Clinton, Obama are all secret members.

The Jesters who sit under them have already been investigated for child trafficking and a judge sentenced.

darkknight111 ago

Given how Islam is infested with pedophilia and generally treats women as sub human, Islamic involvement in Pizzagate would not surprise me in the slightest.

Mohamad himself was a pedophile who married a 6 year old girl when he was at least in his forties.

Child marriage is morally acceptable in Islam, and these marriages are often forced in nature.

Honor killings and horrible atrocities such as throwing acid at their faces is acceptable should a woman or child refuse to go through a forced marriage.

In Islam, isn't considered rape unless it is witnessed by four males. Note that women don't count as witnesses because Islam views females as subhumans only useful for breeding. Hell, its standard for the VICTIM to be punished (typically death by stoning) for being raped, for being raped counts as adultery.

srayzie ago

Saudi Arabia is really involved.

DonKeyhote ago

Swallow jew propaganda much? Some conspiracy theorist you are, LMAO

srayzie ago

What's wrong donkey? You don't like how he's talking about your people? LOL 🐪🐪🐪🐪🐪