darkknight111 ago

It is likely the trade routes by which Islam got infiltrated if what you're saying is true.

Probably starting around 900 AD knowing Khazarian history.

This post and its links can be used to silence our hateful false flag baiters. Their arguments are officially invalid.

Jem777 ago

That was the best response yet. If everyone can think for a moment that Luceferianism/Satanism Promised from the Garden of Eve to to replicate and co-opt all truth as their own. Luciferianism would not opposite and stand out seperate from Christianity but would instead morph and infiltrate every other religion until it was a mere copy of the truth twisted and turned upside down.

They first took on the Jews even in the age of Cannanites and attempted to slither into their believes and create fals religions such as Talmudic Practices. This of course was completely by far he Khazars when they created their own isolated society intermarrying repeatedly to the point they have genetic abnormalities in their bloodlines.

Then they moved on throughout Europe & Germany taking over the entire financial systems of both countries. Brought in some American backing and then placed Hitler in power to find and kill any genetic Jews because the bankers were s fraud themselves.

The Luceferian had already entered the Catholic Chilurch quite some time ago and is now reallly office with Pope Francis....the first Jesuit Pope while actually making the first Luceferian POPE.

Everything else is a knock off for Lucifer. He has his people in every religion. He has them preaching from about ISLAM and Zionism and speaking directly out of the mouth of the Pope.


paulf ago

I've read the Shriner's initiation ceremony. The initiate pledges allegiance to Mohammed and Allah which surprised me I must say. I thought Jah-Bul-On was their thing but clearly as you go higher up, the rules get more fluid.

Natiahs ago

not sure the truth of all that but trust me, the devil takes anything that has a whole in and fucks it (perverts it).

equineluvr ago

There is no devil.

But, we're not surprised you're ignorant enough to believe in one since you can't even spell monosyllabic words like "hole."

HighLevelInsider ago

Not helpful.

srayzie ago

Yeah and the 72 virgins you think you're going to have aren't humans. πŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺ

Natiahs ago

yes i made a quick typing error. You crucified me... how will i recover? I won't edited either. I'll leave it there for the whole world to see how ignorant i am. Trust me, when my ancestors were in Africa living a natural way of life, it wasn't an invisible spook devil that tricked him in to coming on the boats... it was a devil in the flesh. A devil is an evil spirit, demon. The only place you will find a spirit or a demon, is within a man or a woman. So i'm quite confident the world is full of wicked devils. what you think of as a devil is different than what I believe. You're dig at me is minuscule.

Jem777 ago

I agree thee devil fucks everything and perverts it. That is the truth. Remove all these layers and you will get to the cannanites.

darkknight111 ago

Someone is shilling the hell out of this thread, mainly through downvoating any comments here. We all know who (and the baseline account being used to enact the downvoats).

DonKeyhote ago

LMAO. WTF sense did any of that make. "Enact the downvoats." News flash: your little point system is fucking gay and stupid, and so are you!

darkknight111 ago

I'd be silent if I were you. One more ass hole comment or bit of false flag baiting and that screenshot of your little quip about "slitting my throat from ear to ear" last Thursday gets posted. It won't take long for the entire community to get a nice view of it either.

@srayzie since you hate this misogynistic sociopath more than anyone else, feel free to fire the opening salvo.

srayzie ago

Oh I have a screenshot. Don't worry about that. I screenshot a lot of things this piece of shit posts. Especially threats. I tag them and keep them in the cloud for easy finding LOL.

darkknight111 ago

Good. I think its time the other shots of what he's done needs to start being outed. With some good pings for good measure.

DonKeyhote ago

You threatened me first, and you still are LOL! And your ally is literally the most retarded person here? I like my chances xD

srayzie ago

Here you go camel jockey πŸͺ


DonKeyhote ago


srayzie ago

It means even if you delete it, we have proof that you threatened darkknight

DonKeyhote ago

You mistake me for some limpdick faggot of the type who would marry you. I certainly dont need any trickery to argue with you clowns. And its not a threat if you say "would", which presents a hypothetical. Plus it is established that i was threatened first thus anything i say is in self defense.

LOL your little evidence fails on so many levels, unlike your mothers pregnancies unfortunately

srayzie ago

Oh you are a limp dick faggot. But, I wouldn't even let you touch me so you must have bumped your head.

DonKeyhote ago

LOL you are so fucking dense.

"Its membership in all countries includes Christians and Mohammedans,"

Yet the various ostensibly gentile Masons or Bonesmen to be found are used here as A PRIORI PROOF that Jews dont control things.

So why cant the Bushes be in a Jewish cult if Shriners worship Islam -- which is A VARIANT OF THE JEWISH CULT LOL and Arabs naturally display many of the same characteristics as their Jewish cousins and I have little doubt they would behave similarly if they had the power and influence Jews do.

But they have no power, and all you have done with this post is further highlight the utter lack of Muslims in PG vs. Jews, whose population is 0.7% of the muslims'. Less than one percent.

Jem777 ago

Again you are a fucking idiot. Do some Damn reading you moron. This was not a post about a Muslims and pizzagate you fucking moron. It is about the deeper control system. Peeling back the layers @HighLevelInsider told us to go down this road if we want change. These guys control the Royal Order of Jesters who are under federal investigation for child sex crimes.

Read @ArtificalDuality response.....of course Islam was created out of people faking Jewish roots. Khazar practicing Talmudic mysticism which takes you right into the Catholic Church as he explained...,the ultimate deception.

@ESOTERICshade @TheHolyGrail, @jangles

@Dressage2 @carnecita

carmencita ago

I have researched quite a few Societies while researching St. Louis. The Shriner's Hospital for Children is under the Masons Umbrella and very little money goes to the curing and helping of children. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/19/us/19shrine.html β€œMoney raised for the hospitals is being used to pay for parties and liquor and trips, and they know it,” said Johnny L. Edwards, who was a leader of Oasis Shrine in Charlotte, N.C., until he began campaigning for better control over money. β€œThe way I see it, they’re stealing from crippled children.” That means that of the $32 million the Shriners raised in 2005 through fund-raisers like circuses and raffles, more than 57 percent went to Shriners’ activities and temple expenses. Mr. Phillips, the director of temple accounting, said any financial control problems were small, given the size and complexity of the organization. AND there are 191 Temples from Montreal to Mexico City. WHAT? These are all Masonic Temples. Scary Thought, imo, Upvoat

darkknight111 ago

Khazarian influence behind what's going on in Islam you say? Interesting. That would explain why Middle Eastern culture went to shit around the Middle Ages.

If you can proof it, I'd certainly be willing to bite.

Are you by chance a history major? Just asking because your theory is interesting,

HighLevelInsider ago

The House of Saud is Jewish.

darkknight111 ago

Remember when I said something about the Khazarian Mafia? Found something you should look at.


The comment by LightbringerFlex is probably the most important part of that thread, for it summarizes a lot of their historical origins.

Biologically, they aren't actually Hebrew. They're Indo Turk (modern day Ukraine.

Religiously they're satanists disguised as other religions, with Jewish being one of their favorite victims.

Wahhabi sect Islam sounds EXACTLY like the sort of subversive infiltration crap that's the Khazarian MO. ISIL aka Daesh IIRC is also Wahabi.

Don't get me wrong. I am NOT shitting on your comment. I'm showing relevant information that supports it.

HighLevelInsider ago

More fruitful studies if you want to understand the history of that region would be the Hashashin and the Roshaniyya. Bill Cooper's Mystery Babylon does a great job with it, although that series makes a few mistakes.

LongDongKeyhote ago

Lmao. Theres no "indo-turk" you imbecile. There are Turks and there are Indo-Europeans. AND THERES NO "DISGUISING" THE TALMUD DUMBASS LMAO

Jem777 ago

Yes history and biblical scholar....

Think I can prove it. Stand by.

@ESOTERICshade can prove it as well.

equineluvr ago

"History and biblical scholar"


Jem777 ago

I don't even know a Jew you fucking moron.....I know history and as always prove you have been nothing but a paid shill the entire time. Someday soon you will face your worst fears....you have time to repent but you better do it now.

DonKeyhote ago

Do you have any independence of thought whatsoever. First Webb now "HighLevelInsider" (subtle nom de plume LMAO) leading you down wild goose chases to keep you "peeling back layers" until 2040, the year their control is permanent.

They didnt FAKE SHIT -- YOU STILL DONT UNDERSTAND THAT ETHNOCENTRISM IS THE MOTIVATION and thats why Jews always benefit, every time and why the entire popular culture they spread is based on antipathy to whites. Go explore under the Louvre you brainwashed larper faggot.

I could MAYBE be brainwashed into supporting a different sports team. Meanwhile you race-traitors dont even realize theres a competition going on, so kys.

HighLevelInsider ago

Yeah, it sucks when people like me come in and shut down your FBI COINTELPRO operation. Don't worry, you'll be jailed for treason soon enough.

darkknight111 ago

When that happens, can it be "arranged" for voaters to be on the jury? Depending on jurisdiction, the jury can recomend a sentence to the judge. XD

Maybe round up RWeSure and make a similar example out of him as well.

ArtificalDuality ago

Islam is not exempt from artificial dualities either. It has been the Roman empire, the catholic church that has been primarily responsible for the creation of Islam. Mohammed has been taught by catholic scholars and helped writing the Quran.

You have got to go back further in time for the source of prime-Evil. It's a shame I can't find the article anymore, but from memory, I came across an article written by a Muslim that wrote a highly detailed historical piece from a pretty wide perspective on how the catholic church has been responsible for the inception of Islam and Christianity. In that same time, the Catholic church let the Jews have Israel / Palestine in the 500BC and beyond era. When the Roman empire wanted to claim back the Israelite region, the Jews basically told them off.

I'll see if I can find the article.

The dark-side of the Catholic Church is the head of the Snake.

ArtificalDuality ago

Here is one article, outlining history. It's not the article I was referring to, but it tells the similar history, from a whistleblower Jesuit Vatican priest: http://www.redicecreations.com/specialreports/2006/04apr/catholicislam.html

Another interesting link describing history of racial/religious development in the biblical era: https://ghayb.com/2016/08/the-table-of-nations-and-the-origin-of-races/

And this is the site that holds the article I mentioned. It was written as a user-comment but I still can't find the article the comment was attached to. Regardless, this particular page also shows some disturbing stuff about Donald Trump:


Scroll down to the 66th floor Trump Penthouse article bit.

Jem777 ago


Since you mentioned the dark side of the Catholic Church is the "Head of the Snake"

I thought I would post current pictures and historical truths by someone who studies the dark occult.

Here is literally the Head of the Snake in current form.

@ASolo @ESOTERICshade @TheHolyGrail @Jangles


Jem777 ago

Yes I agree hopefully you find that article. The Catholic Church is responsible for creating Islam.. It was planned long ago for the reason we are now at war....turning groups against each other.

pby1000 ago

There is someone named David Livingstone that has a lot of great information on the history and bloodlines.

pby1000 ago

That expains why Israel and Saudi Arabia are allies, and why both are so hostile towards Iran.

EDIT: And it explains why Israel and Sauidi Arabia would work together on 9/11.

HighLevelInsider ago

The British have been using the Saudis as their terrorist arm for many years now.

Jem777 ago

Historical account.... http://www.genealogytoday.com/guide/mystic-shrine/ancient-arabic-order.html

Read through the book. Their own writing and book explains all Secret societies under them are dedicated to Islam and must be converts.

This explains a lot about the past 30-40 years since Bush Sr. Jr., Clinton, Obama are all secret members.

The Jesters who sit under them have already been investigated for child trafficking and a judge sentenced.

darkknight111 ago

Given how Islam is infested with pedophilia and generally treats women as sub human, Islamic involvement in Pizzagate would not surprise me in the slightest.

Mohamad himself was a pedophile who married a 6 year old girl when he was at least in his forties.

Child marriage is morally acceptable in Islam, and these marriages are often forced in nature.

Honor killings and horrible atrocities such as throwing acid at their faces is acceptable should a woman or child refuse to go through a forced marriage.

In Islam, isn't considered rape unless it is witnessed by four males. Note that women don't count as witnesses because Islam views females as subhumans only useful for breeding. Hell, its standard for the VICTIM to be punished (typically death by stoning) for being raped, for being raped counts as adultery.

srayzie ago

Saudi Arabia is really involved.

DonKeyhote ago

Swallow jew propaganda much? Some conspiracy theorist you are, LMAO

srayzie ago

What's wrong donkey? You don't like how he's talking about your people? LOL πŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺ