generationnoah ago

If you believe in flat earth, as I do, you know that he invented Hubbles fake propulsion system, made of 6 gyroscopes and he also invented satellites. Neither of them do exist in the sense the public think of them.

tech-adm ago

This has been widely known for at least 20 years. You have to wonder about Clark's relationship with Stanley Kubrick and whether Kubrick was aware of (or even shared) Clark's sick tendencies. His film Eyes Wide Shut (EWS) is full of references to pedophilia among the elite. At this point it remains unknown whether EWS was an attempt by Kubrick to expose this evil or whether it was a wink and a nod to those in the know. The inclusion of Nicole Kidman in EWS was an interesting casting choice considering her father was a raging pedophile. It's amazing how they all seem to be interconnected.

sunajAeon ago

That SOB better be living in another country-he needs a hollow point

independenceday ago

yup, but he is already dead, thank God!

sunajAeon ago

I don't happen to believe a fker will get his due when he is dead-I would like to make sure they get their due while they are here, just to be sure

independenceday ago

It's a SPIRIT thing, NO escaping, they are fucked! IMHO

sunajAeon ago

I am so sick of hearing about these fuckers who die before their crimes are known and getting away with it-GODDAMMIT

JewishAlienSupport ago

God knows the score.

Factfinder2 ago

Nice find.

No charges for the child abuse and tax-free status too! Just what was it that made him so "special?" I'll wager it was less about him and more about his connections.

party1981 ago

Arthur C. Clarke was probably a critical vector for Stanley Kubrick discovering everything. That's why he made Lolita (with ping pong scene) and Eyes Wide Shut, which has multiple references to child trafficking. He knew.

billybigrigger ago

Never liked A. C. Clarke. His writing style is a bit creepy. Read 2001 and 2010 among others... Unfortunate to learn.

kestrel9 ago

Thanks for the post! Will add that to my to do list, looking for ties within the broader culture. I'm starting to believe that most everything we take for granted, assuming to be an authentic (and I mean non clandestine, non pedo connected), part of our popular culture in the past 70 and especially the last 50 years is a ruse, in the sense that the country has been being groomed to be a pedo nation. IMHO

Science Fiction authors related

David Asimov, of Living Oak Court, Bennett Ridge, Santa Rosa, the son of the late science fiction writer Isaac Asimov, was sentenced on March 28, 2001 to six months' home detention with electronic monitoring and three years federal probation for possessing child pornography. Asimov's child porn stash was so big many child victims and perpetrators would have taken a fall, had Asimov been zealously prosecuted at trial.

"There were thousands of disks, thousands of videos," said Sonoma County Deputy District Attorney Gary Medvigy, who personally referred to Asimov's home as a "processing center" for child pornography. "Anything imaginable regarding sex between human beings and human beings, or human beings and animals, was there. Whatever your imagination can conjure up, he had it. It was like walking into a TV studio" Santa Rosa police seized scores of computer disks and approximately 4,000 videocassettes from Asimov's home, and approximately 1,000 of those videos contained child pornography.

BTW, it was Robert Mueller who got Asimov such a sweetheart sentence, no jail time.

bdmthrfkr ago

He sounds like @greycloud.

greycloud ago

just like you sound like a faggot. i don't like boys.

edit: also i am celibate. every few years i go out and get a hooker that is over 21 years old.

bdmthrfkr ago

But you always say the same thing as Clarke. It's ok if XXX or XXX because I'm really not causing any harm.

Your mere existence is harmful to children, even if you are not acting out on your fantasies. Every single young girl who is ever in your presence picks up on your vibe and her childhood view of the world is diminished. Instead of living in a secure world that she can learn and grow and thrive in she is now living in a world that monsters exist in.

Tell me that this is not true, even though you claim to never diddle can you also say, with a clear conscience, that you have never scared a child... with your mere presence.

Be honest.

Edit: Celibate means never having sex, now I question all of your other claims.

greycloud ago

you know, most young girls really like me. did you know there is more to love than sex? i tip pretty waitresses extra, and i don't try to get down there pants. i am nice to young pretty girls, and i don't try to get down there pants. did you ever consider the possibility that the way that you love pretty women is similar to how i love pretty girls? imagine a pretty woman that was a person who interested in you but that you also knew that she had some type of vagina problem where she could not enjoy sex, or maybe that she was both pretty and asexual. would you be mean to her? i wouldn't, i would still be nice to her. would you only consider her for what she could do for you instead of caring about how comfortable and happy she was for herself? i wouldn't. maybe i am just a better person than you are. but i highly suspect that you have made some monstrous figment in your mind of me, that is some type of heartless monster.

i care about the happiness of those young pretty girls. i care about their happiness more than i care about my sexual lust (which can be satisfied with a 20 dollar piece of latex and some cartoon porn). maybe you are some psychopath that is projecting on me, but i doubt that. i believe that you think me to be a psychopath simply because i am attracted to people who you are not. you are being short sighted, or at least dishonest with yourself in order to maintain your biases. i am no podesta. there has not been a single time in my life that i was ever tempted to kidnap someone. there has never been a time in my life where i thought it would be ok to rape some kid and kill them or was even in the slightest tempted to do so.

Factfinder2 ago

What would you do if you interpreted an underage girl's actions as a request and permission to get physical with her? That's the true test. Children are not capable of giving permission, not matter what they say or do.

So what would you do if tempted in such a way, @greycloud?

greycloud ago

that has happened, i turn them down. within the context of western culture there is long term harm that they are not aware of. since they are not aware of nor can be aware of the harm (which i would say is primarily caused by a false narrative and the useful idiot's reaction to that narrative) than there is no informed consent. i am not sure what i would do in islamic culture however with the same consent as well as parental permission. i think in the latter case it would meet my criteria of not being harmful.

Factfinder2 ago

You believe it's western culture that creates the concept of harm and you think Islam is free from such puritan thinking.

According to the laws of Islam, you'd have to marry her before having sex if you were truly acting in her best interest. says sex before marriage is an "immoral way" and that "Premarital sex is absolutely forbidden in Islam, no matter whether it is with a girl-friend or a prostitute. Premarital sex is fornication (zina)."

Here's a discussion about it at Note this part: "A relationship between a man and a woman outside of marriage, which is what is called an unlawful relationship, is haraam, regardless of the level of this relationship and whether it goes as far as an intimate relationship or zina (sexual relationship), which is the most reprehensible and abhorrent type of sins and one of the gravest of major sins that poses the greatest danger to the individual’s religious commitment and faith, or it is less than that, such as looking, touching or kissing. All of that is haraam and these are types of zina in the general sense, and are things that lead to the greater immoral action."

Given your avowed care for the welfare of the child, I imagine you wouldn't want her to be shunned and held in contempt by her community, so you'd choose marriage--provided she gave full consent, of course, not like the girl in this and many other videos of child brides in Islamic countries:

greycloud ago

yes you are right. i would not have sex before marriage with an islamic girl. you forgot some other hold ups. i would have to convert to islam myself, it is forbidden for their women and girls to marry non-muslims. i would have to have her parents' permission to marry her. she would have to want to marry me. other conditions would have to be in such a fashion where marrying her was what i legitimately thought was best for her long term interests (and that would include the fact that i would die much earlier than she would).

yes i do think it is the narrative of harm in the first place that causes the majority of the harm within western culture. susan clancy wrote a book called "the trauma myth" which you may or may not wish to read that details the harm caused by people misunderstanding people who have been sexually abused. the myth itself causes harm because it changes how people act and react to people who have been sexually abused.

if you understand methodology than you should seriously consider the flawed methodology in most western studies of childhood sexual experiences. they lump together those who desired the sexual contact and those who did not. it would be like saying that consensual sex is the same as violent rape in adults. this is the very first thing i look for in any study on child sex abuse. it is very common for this drastic methodology flaw to be included in the study. such studies are obviously attempts to maintain the narrative and the lies.

Factfinder2 ago

If you wish to answer, I'd like to know whether you as a child had sexual experiences with an adult and, if so, who initiated the contact.

greycloud ago

as a teen i was molested by an adult. as a young child i had sexual contact with other young children. i did not consent to the molestation but i did consent to sexual contact with close in age peers. the adult initiated the contact when i was in my mid teens (the age i was then is the age of the girls i am most attracted too), the sexual things i did most often as a child willingly are still my favorite fetish (giving oral sex to girls). in all fairness i am not attracted to men, and it was a guy who sexually abused me.

Factfinder2 ago

Thank you for sharing. I'm sorry but not surprised to hear that you were molested.

Many children experiment with each other sexually, and the vast majority do not grow up to be pedophiles. Especially given the age of molestation correlating with the age you're attracted to, it's fair to wonder whether the molestation flipped some kind of switch for you. Before you were attracted to peers--now your mind is stuck in your mid-teens while your body matures naturally.

This is part of the reason we are fighting so hard to prevent what happened to you and is happening to countless others. If you were not a pedophile, your romantic life would likely be much more fulfilling and your life in general much easier.

greycloud ago

i agree that my life would be MUCH easier if my attraction were not so exclusive ("the wall" in women comes for me in their mid 20's). but as for the desired sexual contact i had as a child, i don't think that was harmful. the public narrative is that it is, but it was not. i had an older babysitter that i WANTED to do those things with, but she wasn't so keen on the idea. my first crush i can remember was a rock singer, and i would have loved to do those things with her as well (obviously never got the chance). the experience that you are talking about was the unwanted contact, and that to me was a very different experience than the wanted contact.

i am still opposed to people pushing themselves on others who do not want them (of any age, i don't limit this to age groups). i believe that young people are more susceptible to being coerced against their will. but i defend the idea that those who desire the contact are not harmed by the contact. rather later on in life they are harmed post-hoc by the narratives that are based on lies. the lies are perpetuated by elites who control the science and hijack the emotions of the public in order to weaponize caring people like you against the children who would have otherwise had a good experience.

imagine there was a public narrative that told you that your mother abused you when you were little when she gave you ice cream. that she is the reason you are fat. you would start blaming problems that you already have on that ice cream abuse. you would start seeing her as being an uncaring monster, and little things she did that hurt you would suddenly be attributed to her abusiveness. you would start seeing her as a monster, and that would effect your relationship with her in a way that harmed both you and her.

that is what i meant earlier about the narrative causing harm. i believe that the narrative is more harmful than the abuse. the narrative leaves no room for good encounters, it paints everything as bad. i have had good encounters. the narrative never mentions them or me. the forces that be shut people up and censor them when they talk about the things they enjoyed or liked. the public is not allowed to be informed about positive sexual experiences. such things would defy the narrative.

bdmthrfkr ago

So you admit that Podesta fits the child raping, kidnapping profile of a hard-core pedo? I'm not a pizzagate goat but I do believe in "it takes one to know one". Not that you are a kidnapper, but that you are a self admitted pedo.

Interesting insight.

greycloud ago

the original term pedophile directly translates to child lover, or one who loves children. i don't think the term correctly describes psychopaths who would horrifyingly harm children, violently rape children, or use then kill children for sexual fetishes. none of that shit describes love.

greycloud ago

i have seen very few things on it, and all from the side of v/pizzagate. i don't know the guy, have never met the guy. i am far from an authority on this.

greycloud ago

Every single young girl who is ever in your presence picks up on your vibe and her childhood view of the world is diminished. Instead of living in a secure world that she can learn and grow and thrive in she is now living in a world that monsters exist in.

good, they need to grow up in the real world and not a fucking fairy tale. maybe you think it is better to lie to children up until they are 18 and then release them into a world that is nothing like the one you taught them about. but i think that is a shitty thing to do to them.

have i ever scared a child? sure i have, some kids are freaked out by their own shadows. you have almost certainly scared kids too, does that mean you are a monster?

if X doesn't cause any harm, than it is ok. now maybe you think X is disgusting, so maybe it hurts your fee fees. if X is forced on you and you find it disgusting, than it causes harm. if X is done by two other people, and you as an outsider that is not directly involved find it disgusting, well that isn't your business. everything is that way, you can't do any action without some person somewhere in the world thinking you are shit because you did it, if they are aware you did it at all. there are people who are opposed to the idea that you exist at all, same with me, same with everyone.

me and clarke might agree on a lot of things. i don't know the guy, i don't know what he espouses. but if he is saying that something is ok when it doesn't cause harm, well i tend to agree with that sentiment. as for dr. nalin's opinions, i don't respect them. here let me twist her words a little and still be just as valid.

''This is child abuse. It is a shame to have people who go to christian churches. Now it seems religious fanatics not only pioneered the concept of guilt over being alive, but also abuse of children. They have not brought recognition to any country they occupy; they only project those countries to the foreigners as a paradise for christianity,'' greycloud said twisting words to show how easily they can be shown to simply express useless opinions of speakers.

i am honest, even pathologically honest. you might not like the way i see the world, but you can trust that i am giving you an honest opinion.

bdmthrfkr ago

Our world views part in significant ways when it comes to children. You see, I am a Dad and it is my one and only job to make sure that my kids live in a safe enough enviornment so that they (as children) can learn all of the stuff that will make them both socially adjusted and economically independant when they become adults.

If one of my kids pointed out some freak nearby I will confront the freak. It is my job and the freak will not be happy that he was fingered, Not to worry though, I don't live where you do so please feel free to skeez at all of the children in your neighborhood, I am sure that there are no other Fathers like me out there.

greycloud ago

i come from a position of experience that you do not have as well. i am not a father so i cannot see from your view. you obviously have not had both wanted and unwanted sexual contact as a child, i have.

i agree that as a parent that a major part of the purpose of your life is to protect your children. thank you for being a good father. not all children are so lucky. many of them would be better served if they were with me rather than their shit tier parents.

fartyshorts ago

Absolutely. I have seen people justifying his weird-ass behavior, but he was definitely a pedo. He also did amanita muscaria mushrooms (ask me more ;) )

sunajAeon ago

Nothing wrong with shrooms

JewishAlienSupport ago

Yes so did the vikings. The Bezerkers. They are most commonly associated with fairytale depictions of toadstools.

DasNincompoop ago

asking more...

fartyshorts ago

If you dry them, the ibotenic acid turns into muscimol, which is a deliriant. Smoking the dried, red skin is VERY similar to weed, except it makes you salivate and stimulates instead of the dry mouth + sedation. In combination they cancel each others negative side effects out and potentiate each other.

If you dry or cook them (properly) and eat them, you will trip balls (although it takes quite a lot). Common effects include the sensation of flying, increasing or decreasing in size (like there's kilometers down to the ground, kind of like looking through binoculars the wrong way) and very weird hallucinations that seem real.

They are the inspiration for Alice in Wonderland, Super Mario, Santa Claus and large parts of catholicism. It's a deep, deep rabbit hole.

independenceday ago

really, the red ones with white spots? Found tons of those hiking the Rockies this summer...only took pics ;)

fartyshorts ago

Yup, the very same. Use with caution, you need to cook or dry them properly to avoid negative side-effects and they kind of make you go temporarily insane. At one point i was walking sideways, for example.

Commoner ago

''Once they have reached the age of puberty, it is OK... It doesn't do any harm,'' said Clarke, who has lived in Sri Lanka for 40 years. "I am trying to think of the youngest boy I have ever had because, of course, you can't tell it here. I think most of the damage comes from the fuss made by hysterical parents afterwards. If the kids don't mind, fair enough,'' he was reported to have said in the interview which was conducted at his house

carmencita ago

"If the kids don't mind". Does he ask them? NO, that would negate his statement. "I think most of the damage comes from the fuss made by the hysterical parents afterwards". NO. Wrong Again. The most damage comes from his having sex with THEIR child. THEIR child does not belong to him. He/She is not there for HIS pleasure. Disgusting Piece of Vermin.

10505241? ago

These bible scriptures just became perfectly clear to me ... When responding to the apostles’ question about the conclusion of the system of things, Jesus spoke about fleeing from Judea and said ...“Woe to the pregnant women and those suckling a baby in those days!” (Mt 24:19; Mr 13:17; Lu 21:23) ...Extreme adversity befell pregnant women and those suckling babies when Roman forces laid siege to Jerusalem.
 In our day as well extreme injustice is happening to families or ( pregnant woman or those nursing babies) just like the Bible says it will be like in the last days . Because everything is being revealed about this disgusting behavior that has dwelt in the pit of the world for so many centuries! We are in for a rollercoaster like never before! This is actually a great time to be alive , as we may be able to witness Gods judgment on this corruption!

sunajAeon ago

All religion is MAN-MADE, if things are goin g to change it will be because brave people stand up and change it-this religion of "sit back & pray for God to do the work" was invented by the elite sub-humans to keep their sheep docile and manageable

10513995? ago

Did I say sit back and pray? We have to act in accordance with our prayers! And yes all religions are manmade I agree . That's why I like to refer to myself as a spiritual person and not religious . If we were just "sitting back" we wouldn't be on voat in the first place .

sunajAeon ago

Its a very pervasive idea among Christians/religious folk in general

10518085? ago

Well my faith is from studying the Bible and other history books , not from standing in a church listening to man made traditions. I share my hope on voat every now and then , but it's completely out of love . You don't have to believe it but that's how I feel . I mean no disrespect. Thanks

sunajAeon ago

I'm not addressing anyone's personal beliefs, just expressing what I have learned in my spiritual journey-thanx

10518165? ago

How's that journey ?

sunajAeon ago

Well, all religion is man-made, your christian faith is a product of the Jews, who borrowed these stories from other earlier cultures and redefined them; the spiritual backdrop which pervades most religions is based on a very early unified spirituality that is real; God is not the Santa Clause that you can pray to and get your wishes, nor an old man pronouncing judgement on the world-this is a very difficult truth to accept for most of us,; we all possess a spiritual power and connection to other living things, we journey through this barbaric existence-humans are an emerging barbaric species, some people are much more advanced than others; all humans are intelligent forces that act independently, and according to their own needs and desires, ; also the world around us is on automatic, with laws and forces in motion, sometimes we get caught up in these forces, people suffer and die, unless they can find a way to survive their crisis; its in your hands how you navigate through life, to act in a predatory manner toward others or to evolve and rise above our condition-to answer your question its an exciting and complicated journey, with excitement, danger, pain and learning

10518361? ago

I appreciate your honesty and sharing A bit . So what did you conclude in your journey as to death , and what happens when you die?

sunajAeon ago

Many things are not available to us, as to what happens when we die? Its not known, as far as I can tell, Tesla thought we simply dissipated, as energy does, the Budhha seemed to think we went to higher levels of consciousness-I have never seen any information that clearly tells us what lies beyond death-I'm not sure we are as special as we like to think we are, or that our passing is terribly important-I do have hope however:)

carmencita ago

Well I hope he banishes them all to Hell for Eternity.

10505873? ago

They will be erased from our memory that's how far gone they will be!

carmencita ago
