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10455141? ago

April 2017: "Little Downham paedophile, a leading figure in the Freemasons, escapes jail"

[Alan] Wright, of Rye Gardens, Little Downham, Ely, admitted attempting to incite a child to engage in sexual activity and was given a 16 month prison sentence suspended for two years.

He was also ordered to take part in the Thames Valley Sex Offenders’ Treatment Programme and a 40-day rehabilitation activity requirement.

He was further ordered to do 80 hours unpaid work in the community and was made the subject of a sexual harm prevention order and ordered to sign the sex offenders’ register for ten years.

Wright was ordered to pay £1,200 costs and a £140 victim surcharge. Source

sunajAeon ago

Well England is definitely owned by the PEDOPHILE MONARCHY, that's for damn sure-if you let a perv off here like that the neighborhood would off the sob